selected publications
- AMASS: algorithm for MSI analysis by semi-supervised segmentation.
- Analysis and interpretation of imaging mass spectrometry data by clustering mass-to-charge images according to their spatial similarity.
- Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric imaging for photolithographic structuring.
- Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric imaging to monitor surface changes of UV-irradiated poly(styrene) films.
- Biomarker discovery in MALDI-TOF serum protein profiles using discrete wavelet transformation.
- Data-independent microbial metabolomics with ambient ionization mass spectrometry.
- Dependence of accuracy of ESPRIT estimates on signal eigenvalues: the case of a noisy sum of two real exponentials.
- Efficient spatial segmentation of large imaging mass spectrometry datasets with spatially aware clustering.
- Exploring three-dimensional matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry data: three-dimensional spatial segmentation of mouse kidney.
- Facilitating Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Microbial Specialized Metabolites with METASPACE
- Imaging mass spectrometry reveals modified forms of histone H4 as new biomarkers of microvascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinomas.
- Interspecies interactions stimulate diversification of the Streptomyces coelicolor secreted metabolome.
- Learning how to run a lab: interviews with principal investigators.
- MALDI imaging mass spectrometry: Discrimination of pathophysiological regions in traumatized skeletal muscle by characteristic peptide signatures.
- MALDI imaging mass spectrometry: statistical data analysis and current computational challenges.
- MALDI-imaging segmentation is a powerful tool for spatial functional proteomic analysis of human larynx carcinoma.
- MRI-compatible pipeline for three-dimensional MALDI imaging mass spectrometry using PAXgene fixation.
- Magnification of label maps with a topology-preserving level-set method.
- Mass spectral molecular networking of living microbial colonies.
- Metabolic profiling directly from the Petri dish using nanospray desorption electrospray ionization imaging mass spectrometry.
- Microbial metabolic exchange in 3D.
- Molecular analysis of model gut microbiotas by imaging mass spectrometry and nanodesorption electrospray ionization reveals dietary metabolite transformations.
- New analysis workflow for MALDI imaging mass spectrometry: application to the discovery and identification of potential markers of childhood absence epilepsy.
- On the importance of mathematical methods for analysis of MALDI-imaging mass spectrometry data.
- Phenalenone-type phytoalexins mediate resistance of banana plants (Musa spp.) to the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis.
- Progression from cirrhosis to cancer is associated with early ubiquitin post-translational modifications: identification of new biomarkers of cirrhosis at risk of malignancy.
- Proteomic pattern analysis discriminates among multiple sclerosis-related disorders.
- Segmentation of confocal Raman microspectroscopic imaging data using edge-preserving denoising and clustering.
- Singular Spectrum Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles of Early Drosophila embryo: Exponential-in-Distance Patterns.
- Spatial Metabolomics and Imaging Mass Spectrometry in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- Spatial segmentation of imaging mass spectrometry data with edge-preserving image denoising and clustering.
- Super-resolution segmentation of imaging mass spectrometry data: Solving the issue of low lateral resolution.
- Testing for presence of known and unknown molecules in imaging mass spectrometry.
- The evolving field of imaging mass spectrometry and its impact on future biological research.
- The feasibility of MS and advanced data processing for monitoring Schistosoma mansoni infection.
- The young PI buzz: learning from the organizers of the Junior Principal Investigator Meeting at ISMB-ECCB 2013.
- Tumoral heterogeneity of hepatic cholangiocarcinomas revealed by MALDI imaging mass spectrometry.