selected publications
- A Tale of Two Surplus Countries: China and Germany
- Capital Flight to Germany: Two Alternative Measures
- China's capital flight: Pre- and post-crisis experiences
- Development aid and illicit capital flight: Evidence from Nepal
- Do Foreign Currency Accounts Help Relax Credit Constraints? Evidence from Nepal
- Evergreening in the Euro Area: Evidence from Survey Data and a Conceptual Framework
- Exit strategies, capital flight and speculative attacks: Europe's version of the trilemma
- Multilateral Loans and Interest Rates: Further Evidence on the Seniority Conundrum
- Nachfrageorientierte Klimapolitik — Evidenz aus der Corona-Krise
- Systemic crisis and growth revisited: Has the global financial crisis marked a new era ?
- Target2-balances: Where to find them and how to interpret their decline,Target2-Salden: Datenquellen und Informationsgehalt als Krisenindikator
- The Tragedy of the Commons and Inflation Bias in the Euro Area
- The role of creditor seniority in Europe's sovereign debt crisis