Academic Article
Metadatenmapping : Die Gegenüberstellung verschiedener Metadatenschemata am Beispiel UWMETADATA>>MODS 3.6
Metadynamics with Discriminants: A Tool for Understanding Chemistry
metaFALCON: A Program Package for Automatic Sampling of Conical Intersection Seams Using Multistate Metadynamics
Metafory faszyzmu: o polskich konceptualizacjach włoskiej doktryny. Przegląd Humanistyczny 1/2011, 17–31.
Metagenomes from Experimental Hydrologic Manipulation of Restored Coastal Plain Wetland Soils (Tyrell County, North Carolina)
Metagenomic analysis of colorectal cancer datasets identifies cross-cohort microbial diagnostic signatures and a link with choline degradation
Metagenomic sequencing at the epicenter of the Nigeria 2018 Lassa fever outbreak
Metagenomics workflow for hybrid assembly, differential coverage binning, transcriptomics and pathway analysis (MUFFIN)
Metaketa V: Women's Action Committees and Local Services
Metal assisted chemical etching of silicon in the gas phase: a nanofabrication platform for X-ray optics
Metal particle-free inks for printed flexible electronics
Metal Supported SOFCs: Electrochemical Performance under Various Testing Conditions
Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Exceptionally High Power Density for Range Extender Systems
Metalla‐Assembled Electron‐Rich Tweezers: Redox‐Controlled Guest Release Through Supramolecular Dimerization
Metallaaromatic biaryl atropisomers
Metallic Nanoantioxidants as Potential Therapeutics for Type 2 Diabetes: A Hypothetical Background and Translational Perspectives
Metallurgical Strategies for the Joining of Titanium Alloys with Steels
MetaMap³: Metadata generation, enrichment and linkage across the three domains health, environment and earth observation
Metamict Minerals From the Alkaline Feldspar Syenites, the Ukrainian Shield
Metaphoric Associative Cards in the Work of a Psychologist
Metaphors of Interpersonal Relationships in Conceptualizing the Image of China in the Vietnamese Media Discourse
Metaphysical explanations and the counterfactual theory of explanation
Metaphysics of laughter in Nineteenth-century philosophical discourse. Moland, L. (Ed.). (2018). All Too Human. Laughter, Humor, and Comedy in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. Boston: Springer.
Metastable Atomic Layer Deposition: 3D Self-Assembly toward Ultradark Materials
Metazoan parasites of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus): A new data and review
Metformin as a geroprotector: experimental and clinical evidence
Methane as a novel doping precursor for deposition of highly conductive ZnO thin films by magnetron sputtering
Methanol consumption drives the bacterial chloromethane sink in a forest soil
Methanol loading dependent methoxylation in zeolite H-ZSM-5
Method for Automated Selection of the Trabecular Area in Digital Periapical Radiographic Images Using Morphological Operations