Academic Article RDF
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- Using Crowd-curation to Improve Taxon Annotations on the Wikimedia Infrastructure
- Using English as a foreign language when teaching subjects of the criminal law cycle
- Using English as a foreign language when teaching subjects of the criminal law cycle
- Using fluorescence detected two-dimensional spectroscopy to investigate initial exciton delocalization between coupled chromophores
- Using focus groups to study energy transitions: Researching or producing new social realities?
- Using genetics for social science
- Using GIN-Tonic to structure and write research Data: presentations 2020-2021
- Using Gis In (Legal) History
- Using heat pumps for conservation heating
- Using Heider’s Epistemology of Thing and Medium for Unpacking the Conception of Documents: Gantt Charts and Boundary Objects
- Using high-content screening technology as a tool to generate single-cell patient-derived gene-corrected isogenic iPS clones for Parkinson’s disease research
- Using hot water as a pretreatment to extend the shelf life of cucumbers ( Cucumis sativus L .) under cold storage conditions
- Using isotopes to incorporate tree water storage and mixing dynamics into a distributed ecohydrologic modelling framework
- Using isotopes to understand evaporation, moisture stress and re-wetting in catchment forest and grassland soils of the summer drought of 2018
- Using Large-Eddy Simulations and experiments to quantify long-range tree seed dispersal
- Using Large-Eddy Simulations and experiments to quantify long-range tree seed dispersal
- Using liquid crystals to control surface plasmons
- Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata
- Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata
- Using multi-tracer inference to move beyond single-catchment ecohydrology
- Using Muon Rings for the Calibration of the Cherenkov Telescope Array: A Systematic Review of the Method and Its Potential Accuracy
- Using NLP to Create Corpus-based Vocabulary Exercises in Latin Classes
- Using occupancy models to assess the direct and indirect impacts of agricultural expansion on species’ populations
- Using of Optimization Models in Financial Decision Support Systems
- Using open science principles for open science advocacy
- Using Open Science Principles In Open Science Advocacy, The Rdm Case
- Using Open Science Principles In Open Science Advocacy, The Rdm Case
- Using panel survey and remote sensing data to explain yield gaps for maize in sub-Saharan Africa
- Using Peer Support in Developing Empowering Mental Health Services (UPSIDES): Background, Rationale and Methodology