Erweiterung ungesättigter Siliciumcluster mit atomarer Genauigkeit
Academic Article
Erythrina velutina Willd. alkaloids: Piecing biosynthesis together from transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiling of seeds and leaves
Es tiempo de una nueva mentalidad empresarial
Academic Article
ESBL colonization and acquisition in a hospital population: The molecular epidemiology and transmission of resistance genes
Academic Article
Escaping humanitarian aid in camps? Rethinking the links between refugees’ encampment, urban self-settlement, coping and peace
Escherichia coli limits Salmonella Typhimurium infections after diet shifts and fat-mediated microbiota perturbation in mice
Escherichia coli peptide binding protein OppA has a preference for positively charged peptides.
Escherichia coli σ⁷⁰ senses sequence and conformation of the promoter spacer region.
ESCRT-III drives the final stages of CUPS maturation for unconventional protein secretion.
ESD Ideas: Photoelectrochemical carbon removal as negative emission technology
Academic Article
ESM for Occupancy winners in tropical protected forests: a pantropical analysis, Semper-Pascual et al. 2022
Academic Article
ESM for Occupancy winners in tropical protected forests: a pantropical analysis, Semper-Pascual et al. 2022
Academic Article
Espacios y límites. Encuentros y desencuentros sociales, económicos, políticos, ambientales y culturales
Academic Article
eSPC: an online data-analysis platform for molecular biophysics
ESPEN guideline clinical nutrition in neurology
Academic Article
Essence, Principles and Methods of Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in the Modern Market Economy
Academic Article
Essential oil of Pulicaria vulgaris (prostrata) and its biological activity
Academic Article
Essential role of accessory subunit LYRM6 in the mechanism of mitochondrial complex I.
EST analysis online: WWW tools for detection of SNPs and alternative splice forms
EST comparison indicates 38% of human mRNAs contain possible alternative splice forms
Establishing the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a system for expression of human proteins on a proteome-scale.
Establishment of a Heterologous RNA Editing Event in Chloroplasts
Academic Article
Establishment of recombineering genome editing system in Paraburkholderia megapolitana empowers activation of silent biosynthetic gene clusters
Academic Article
Estatística Cardiovascular – Brasil 2020
Academic Article
Estatuas antiguas en contextos islámicos: el discurso de DAESH - la respuesta a la Historia
Academic Article
Esterases from the Seeds of an Edible Legume, <i> Phaseolus vulgaris</i> L.; Variability and Stability during Germination
Estimated truths: water, science, and the politics of approximation
Academic Article
Estimates for distribution of suprema of solutions to higher-order partial differential equations with random initial conditions
Academic Article
Estimates for Functionals of Solutions to Higher-Order Heat-Type Equations with Random Initial Conditions
Academic Article
Estimates of the national trend of drugs use during 2000–2030 in China: A population-based mathematical model
Academic Article