To allow for Division By Zero, we develop a new algebraic structure
containing addition and multiplication called an S-Extension of a Field. This
unique structure extends a Field so that the equation $0\cdot s=x$ has exactly
one solution for every non-zero Field element $x$. Furthermore, a different
solution is obtained for each choice of $x$, making this solution unique to
that particular equation. However, the equation $0\cdot s=0$ has two or more
solutions, with no preference towards any one particular solution. This allows
us to use the usual definition of division as the solution to the equation
$0\cdot s=x$ to evaluate $x$ divided by $0$. And if $x\not=0$, every ${x\over
0}$ is a unique element that is also unique to that particular $x$ while
${0\over 0}$ remains indeterminate. This creates a Division By Zero which
significantly differs from other attempts at Division By Zero.
A quantization procedure for the Yang-Mills equations for the Minkowski space
$\mathbf{R}^{1,3}$ is carried out in such a way that field maps satisfying
Wightman axioms of Constructive Quantum Field Theory can be obtained. Moreover,
by removing the ultra violet cut off, the spectrum of the corresponding QCD
Hamilton operator is proven to be positive and bounded away from zero, except
for the case of the vacuum state, which has vanishing energy level. The whole
construction is gauge invariant. The particles corresponding to all solution
fields are bosons. As expected from QED, if the coupling constant converges to
zero, then so does the mass gap. The results are proved first for the model
with the bare coupling constant, and then for a model with a running coupling
constant by means of renormalization.
In this article, we will prove Riemann Hypothesis by using the mean value
theorem of integrals. The function $ \xi(s) $ is introduced by Riemann, which
zeros are identical equal to non-trivial zeros of zeta function.The function $
\xi(s) $ is an entire function, and its real part and imaginary part can be
represented as infinite integral form. In the special condition, the mean value
theorem of integrals is established for infinite integral. Using the mean value
theorem of integrals and the isolation of zeros of analytic function, we
determined that all zeros of the function $ \xi(s) $ have real part equal
to$\frac{1}{2}$, namely, all non-trivial zeros of zeta function lies on the
critical line. Riemann Hypothesis is true.
We prove Riemann hypothesis, Generalized Riemann hypothesis, and Ramanujan
$\tau$-Dirichlet series hypothesis. Method is to show the convexity of function
which has zeros critical strip the same as zeta function.
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve of rank $\text{rk}(E) \geq 1$, and let
$E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ be the elliptic group of order $\#E(\mathbb{F}_p)=n$. The
number of primes $p\leq x$ such that $n$ is prime is expected to be
$\pi(x,E)=\delta(E)x/\log^2 x+o(x/\log^2 x)$, where $\delta(E)\geq 0$ is the
density constant. This note proves a lower bound $\pi(x,E) \gg x/\log^2 x$.
The purpose of this note is to improve the current theoretical results for
the correlation functions of the Mobius sequence $\{\mu(n): n\geq 1 \}$ and the
Liouville sequence $\{\lambda(n): n\geq 1 \}$.
This work contains two papers: the first entitled "Euler's double equations
equivalent to Fermat's Last Theorem" presents a marvellous "Eulerian" proof of
Fermat's Last Theorem, which could have entered in a not very narrow margin,
i.e. in only a few pages (less than 13). The second instead, entitled "The
origin of the Frey elliptic curve in a too narrow margin" provides a proof,
which is not elementary (25 pages): It is in various ways articulated and
sometimes the author use facts with are proven later, but it is still addressed
in an appropriate manner. This proof is however conditioned by presence of a
right triangle (very often used by Fermat in his elusive digressions on natural
numbers) or more precisely from a Pythagorean equation, which has a role
decisive in the reconstruction of the lost proof. Regarding the first paper,
following an analogous and almost identical approach to that of A. Wiles, I
tried to translate the aforementioned bond into a possible proof of Fermat's
Theorem. More precisely, through the aid of a Diophantine equation of second
degree, homogeneous and ternary, solved at first not directly, but as a
consequence of the resolution of the double Euler equations that originated it
and finally in a direct I was able to obtain the following result: the
intersection of the infinite solutions of Euler's double equations gives rise
to an empty set and this only by exploiting a well known Legendre Theorem,
which concerns the properties of all the Diophantine equations of the second
degree, homogeneous and ternary. I report that the "Journal of Analysis and
Number Theory" has made this paper in part (5 pages) available online at
Let n be a non-null positive integer and $d(n)$ is the number of positive
divisors of n, called the divisor function. Of course, $d(n) \leq n$. $d(n) =
1$ if and only if $n = 1$. For $n > 2$ we have $d(n) \geq 2$ and in this paper
we try to find the smallest $k$ such that $d(d(...d(n)...)) = 2$ where the
divisor function is applied $k$ times. At the end of the paper we make a
conjecture based on some observations.
Using the example of a complicated problem such as the Cauchy problem for the
Navier--Stokes equation, we show how the Poincar\'e--Riemann--Hilbert
boundary-value problem enables us to construct effective estimates of solutions
for this case. The apparatus of the three-dimensional inverse problem of
quantum scattering theory is developed for this. It is shown that the unitary
scattering operator can be studied as a solution of the
Poincar\'e--Riemann--Hilbert boundary-value problem. The same scheme of
reduction of Riemann integral equations for the zeta function to the
Poincar\'e--Riemann--Hilbert boundary-value problem allows us to construct
effective estimates that describe the behaviour of the zeros of the zeta
function very well.
Part One: The main work in this paper is on properties of the logarithmic
integral $Li(x)$ and the prime counting function $\pi(x)$. Let define the
truncation of the logarithmic integral $Li(x)$ as \[\pi^{*}(x,N):=\frac{x}{\log
x}\sum_{n=0}^{N}\frac{n!}{\log^{n}x}.\] Firstly, we prove
$Li(x)-\pi^{*}(x,M)<x^{1/64}$ for $x\geq24$. Secondly, we prove \[
\pi(x)-\pi^{*}(x,N)<\sqrt{x}\texttt{ for }x\geq599.\] Finally, we prove
$|Li(x)-\pi(x)|\leq c\sqrt{x}\log x$ where $c$ is a positive constant greater
than 1. Hence we prove the Riemann Hypothesis based on the theorem as shown by
H. Koch in 1901.
Part Two: Different from former researches on the distribution of primes in
short intervals, we prove a theorem: Let $\Phi(x)=\beta x^{1/2}$, $\beta>0$,
and $x\geq x_{\beta}$ which satisfies $(\log
x_{\beta})^{2}/x_{\beta}^{0.0327283}\leq\beta$. Then there are \[
\frac{\pi(x+\Phi(x))-\pi(x)}{\Phi(x)/\log x}=1+O(\frac{1}{\log x}) \] and \[
\lim_{x \to \infty}\frac{\pi(x+\Phi(x))-\pi(x)}{\Phi(x)/\log x}=1. \]
As well known, the important hypothesis formulated by B.G. RIEMANN in 1859
states that all non-trivial zeroes of the Zeta function
$Z(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty } n^{-s}$ should fall on the Critical Line (C.L.)
$Re(s)=\frac{1}{2}$.\\ Although direct numerical search of the zeroes failed to
identify any outlier, i.e. any zeroes with $Re(s)\neq\frac{1}{2}$, a general
proof of the Hypothesis has not yet been found.\\ The present Note aims to
approach the problem from a 'reductio ad absurdum' way, i.e. it assumes that an
outlier pair of c.c. zero-points, $s=\frac{1}{2}+\xi \pm i.Y_H$ with
$\xi\neq0$, has been found, and then proceeds to analyze what are the
implications of this assumption. Starting from the well-known GRAM-BACKLUND
formula for an explicit expression of the Zeta function, the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra (FTA) allows to evidence, through legitimate algebraic
manipulations, the necessity that the assumed outlying pair of c.c. zero-points
fulfils an implicit additional constraint. The zero-condition according to the
GRAM- BACKLUND formulation and this additional constraint are seen to be
mutually incompatible unless the pair of c.c. zero-points belong to the C.L..
This conclusion is equivalent to a verification of the RIEMANN Hypothesis.
The purpose of this article is to present some result concerning the poles of
the series $\sum_{n \geq 1} \Lambda(n) e^{- \pi i q n } n^{-s}$, where $q$ is
rational and $\Lambda$ is the arithmetical Mangoldt $\Lambda$-function. A
certain continuity property of the residues of the poles of $M(s, q)$ with
respect to $q \in \mathbb{Q} \cap (0, 2)$ is discussed.
In Riemann's paper and Nachlass on the zeta function,
$\pi^{-\frac{s}{2}}\Gamma(\frac{s}{2})\zeta(s)$ has three different functional
expressions, of which
still has no literature to study it so far. Based on its geometric meaning, we
obtain the number of zeros of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line is
Research shows that Riemann's assertion about ~"One now finds indeed
approximate this number of real roots within these limits" comes from this
functional expression of $\pi^{-\frac{s}{2}}\Gamma(\frac{s}{2})\zeta(s)$ which
associated with the Jacobi function. Finally, this paper analyzes the reason
why these conclusions are neglected.
We take the pre-sieved set to be all natural numbers $N=\{1,2,3,\dots\}$ with
a sieve system:single sieve,double sieve,.... With single sieve, i.e. , remove
out the multiple of a prime, we derive all the primes. With double sieve, i.e.
, remove out the multiple and the multiple of a prime and $-2$ simultaneously,
we get all the prime twins and prove that infinitely many prime twins exist
under suitable conditions. Finally, with special 4 sieve, we prove that
infinitely many prime twins exist without any restriction.
In this paper we will prove that the vorticity belongs to $L^{\infty}(0, T;
L^2(R^3))$ by means of vorticity-velocity formulation, then the existence of a
global smooth solution is obtained for the Cauchy problem of 3D incompressible
Navier-Stokes equation.
We investigate finite and infinite nested square root formulas convergent to
This theorem is based on holomorphy of studied functions and the fact that
near a singularity point the real part of some rational function can take an
arbitrary preassigned value.
This note generalizes the Fibonacci primitive roots to the set of integers.
An asymptotic formula for counting the number of integers with such primitive
root is introduced here.
In Part I, crotons are introduced, multifaceted pre-geometric objects that
occur both as labels encoded on the boundary of a "volume" and as complementary
aspects of geometric fluctuations within that volume. If you think of crotons
as linear combinations, then the scalars used are croton base numbers. Croton
base numbers can be combined to form the amplitudes and phases of Mersenne
fluctuations which, in turn, form qphyla. Volume normally requires space or
space-time as a prerequisite; in a pregeometric setting, however, "volume" is
represented by a qphyletic assembly. Various stages of pre-geometric
refinement, expressed through the aspects crotonic amplitude or phase, combine
to eventually form and/or dissolve sphere-packed chunks of Euclidean space. A
time-like crotonic refinement is a rough analog of temporal resolution in
tenacious time, whereas space-like crotonic refinement is analogous to spatial
resolution in sustained space. The analogy suggests a conceptual link between
the ever-expanding scope of Mersenne fluctuations and the creation and lifetime
patterns of massive elementary particles. A three-stage process of ideation,
organization and intraworldly action is introduced to back this up. In Part II,
the intrawordly aspect is analyzed first, including our preon model of
subnuclear structure, and the organizer aspect thereafter, based on three types
of Mersenne numbers, $M_{\textrm{reg}}$, $M_{5/8}$, $M_{9/8}$, and two formal
principles: juxtaposition $x$ vs. $\! x\!\pm\!1(2)$ and the interordinal
application of functional
$1\!\divideontimes(f^{(a)}\!\circ(f^{(b)}\!\divideontimes f^{(c)}))$.
What is a general expression for the sum of the first n integers, each raised
to the mth power, where m is a positive integer? Answering this question will
be the aim of the paper....We will take the unorthodox approach of presenting
the material from the point of view of someone who is trying to solve the
problem himself. Keywords: analogy, Johann Faulhaber, finite sums, heuristics,
inductive reasoning, number theory, George Polya, problem solving, teaching of
This paper deals with the influence of boundary values on the regularity of
3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, which is separated into two parts:
First part, we consider the potential theory of unsteady 3D Stokes flow. In
order to consider Dirichlet and Neumann boundary values, we establish the
Green's formula, and then give the double layer and single layer potentials.
Second part, based on problems separated and the potential theory we reach the
integral representations of the solutions with respect to Dirichlet and Neumann
boundary conditions. Consequently we change the integral representations of
solutions from velocity form into vorticity form so that we can construct
schemes in favor of numerical computation in this way. Finally we analyze the
regularity of the initial-boundary value problems for Navier-Stokes equation,
and obtain regular solutions by assuming the regularity on the boundary and
We introduce Hausdorff-Colombeau measure in respect with negative fractal
dimensions. Axiomatic quantum field theory in spacetime with negative fractal
dimensions is proposed.Spacetime is modelled as a multifractal subset of
$R^{4}$ with positive and negative fractal dimensions.The cosmological constant
problem arises because the magnitude of vacuum energy density predicted by
quantum field theory is about 120 orders of magnitude larger than the value
implied by cosmological observations of accelerating cosmic expansion. We
pointed out that the fractal nature of the quantum space-time with negative
Hausdorff-Colombeau dimensions can resolve this tension. The canonical Quantum
Field Theory is widely believed to break down at some fundamental high-energy
cutoff $E$ and therefore the quantum fluctuations in the vacuum can be treated
classically seriously only up to this high-energy cutoff. In this paper we
argue that Quantum Field Theory in fractal space-time with negative
Hausdorff-Colombeau dimensions gives high-energy cutoff on natural way. In
order to obtain disered physical result we apply the canonical Pauli-Villars
regularization up to $E$. It means that there exist the ghost-driven
acceleration of the univers hidden in cosmological constant.
The finite covering theorem and symmetry properties of several functions are
utilized to show that if $0<a<1$, all zeros of the zeta function are on the
line $Re(z)=\frac{1}{2}$.
We show how to reduce the problem of solving members of a certain family of
nonlinear differential equations to that of solving some corresponding linear
differential equations.
If A is infinite and well-ordered, then |2^A|<=|Part(A)|<=|A^A|.