selected publications
- Anomalous out-of-equilibrium dynamics in the spin-ice material Dy2Ti2O7 under moderate magnetic fields
- Domain-wall roughness in GdFeCo thin films: Crossover length scales and roughness exponents
- Field-Tuned Order by Disorder in Frustrated Ising Magnets with Antiferromagnetic Interactions
- Field-dependent roughness of moving domain walls in a Pt/Co/Pt magnetic thin film
- Fragmented monopole crystal, dimer entropy, and Coulomb interactions in Dy2Ir2O7
- Monopole ordered phases in dipolar and nearest-neighbors Ising pyrochlore: From spin ice to the all-in–all-out antiferromagnet
- Monte Carlo study on the detection of classical order by disorder in real antiferromagnetic Ising pyrochlores
- Topological metamagnetism: Thermodynamics and dynamics of the transition in spin ice under uniaxial compression
- Tuning Ginzburg–Landau theory to quantitatively study thin ferromagnetic materials