Recent high-precision measurements of nuclear deep inelastic scattering at
high x and moderate 6 < Q$^2$ < 9GeV$^2$ give a rare opportunity to reach the
quark distributions in the {\it superfast} region, in which the momentum
fraction of the nucleon carried by its constituent quark is larger than the
total fraction of the nucleon at rest, x>1. We derive the leading-order QCD
evolution equation for such quarks with the goal of relating the moderate-Q$^2$
data to the two earlier measurements of superfast quark distributions at large
60 < Q$^2$ < 200~GeV$^2$. Since the high-Q$^2$ measurements gave strongly
contradictory estimates of the nuclear effects that generate superfast quarks,
relating them to the high-precision, moderate-Q$^2$ data through QCD evolution
allows us to clarify this longstanding issue. Our calculations indicate that
the moderate-Q$^2$ data at $x\lesssim 1.05$ are in better agreement with the
high-Q$^2$ data measured in (anti)neutrino-nuclear reactions which require
substantial high-momentum nuclear effects in the generation of superfast
quarks. Our prediction for the high-Q$^2$ and x>1.1 region is somewhat in the
middle of the neutrino-nuclear and muon-nuclear scattering data.
The nuclear optical model potential (OMP) is generally assumed to be
independent of the orbital angular momentum, $l$, of the interacting nuclei.
Nucleon-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions are customarily $l$
independent in calculations of nuclear elastic scattering and in standard
reaction codes. The evidence for various forms of $l$ dependence of OMPs is
reviewed and the importance of implementing these forms is evaluated. Existing
arguments and evidence for $l$ dependence are reviewed and new arguments and
calculations are introduced. The relationship is examined between (i) $l$
dependence, and, (ii) the undularity (waviness) of $l$-independent potentials
that are $S$-matrix equivalent to $l$-dependent potentials. Such undularity is
a property of the dynamic polarisation potential (DPP) generated by the
coupling to reaction channels, or by coupling to excited states of the target
or projectile nuclei. Various examples, particularly involving weakly bound
projectile nuclei, are presented. Such undularity also occurs in
$l$-independent potentials that have been found in model independent fits to
precise wide angular range elastic scattering angular distributions. Cases of
such phenomenological undularity, for both light and heavy ions, are referenced
and shown to be related to undulatory properties of the dynamic polarisation
potentials (DPPs) arising from channel coupling. Other forms of $l$ dependence,
that could be standard options in direct reaction codes, are noted. Of
particular importance are $l$ dependencies arising from full
antisymmetrization. The case is made that reaction-induced $l$ dependence is a
general property of nucleon-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions and
represents a valid extension of the nuclear optical model.
Within a Boltzmann transport model, we demonstrate correlation between
stopping observables and shear viscosity in central nuclear collisions at
intermediate energies (on the order of 10 to 1000 MeV/nucleon). The correlation
allows us to assess the viscosity of nuclear matter, by tuning the in-medium
nucleon-nucleon cross section in our transport model to agree with nuclear
stopping data. We also calculate the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy
density to determine how close the system is to the universal quantum lower
limit proposed in the context of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions.
Topological gluon configurations in quantum chromodynamics induce quark
chirality imbalance in local domains, which can result in the chiral magnetic
effect (CME)--an electric charge separation along a strong magnetic field.
Experimental searches for the CME in relativistic heavy ion collisions via the
charge-dependent azimuthal correlator ($\Delta\gamma$) suffer from large
backgrounds arising from particle correlations (e.g. due to resonance decays)
coupled with the elliptic anisotropy. We propose differential measurements of
the $\Delta\gamma$ as a function of the pair invariant mass ($m_{\rm inv}$), by
restricting to high $m_{\rm inv}$ thus relatively background free, and by
studying the $m_{\rm inv}$ dependence to separate the possible CME signal from
backgrounds. We demonstrate by model studies the feasibility and effectiveness
of such measurements for the CME search.
We present the results of an improved Monte Carlo Glauber (MCG) model of
relevance for collisions involving nuclei at center-of-mass energies of BNL
RHIC ($\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=0.2$ TeV), CERN LHC ($\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=2.76$-$8.8$
TeV), and proposed future hadron colliders ($\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}\approx 10$-$63$
TeV). The inelastic pp cross sections as a function of $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ are
obtained from a precise data-driven parametrization that exploits the many
available measurements at LHC collision energies. We describe the nuclear
transverse profile with two separated 2-parameter Fermi distributions for
protons and neutrons to account for their different densities close to the
nuclear periphery. Furthermore, we model the nucleon degrees of freedom inside
the nucleus through a lattice with a minimum nodal separation, combined with a
"recentering and reweighting" procedure, that overcomes some limitations of
previous MCG approaches. The nuclear overlap function, number of participant
nucleons and binary nucleon-nucleon collisions, participant eccentricity and
triangularity, overlap area and average path length are presented in intervals
of percentile centrality for lead-lead (PbPb) and proton-lead (pPb) collisions
at all collision energies. We demonstrate for collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm
NN}}=5.02$ TeV that the central values of the Glauber quantities change by up
to 7%, in a few bins of reaction centrality, due to the improvements
implemented, though typically remain within the previously assigned systematic
uncertainties, while their associated uncertainties are generally smaller
(mostly below 5%) at all centralities than for earlier calculations. Tables for
all quantities versus centrality at present and foreseen collision energies
involving Pb nuclei, as well as for collisions of XeXe at $\sqrt{s_{\rm
NN}}=5.44$, and AuAu and CuCu at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=0.2$ TeV, are provided.
The SeaQuest spectrometer at Fermilab was designed to detect
oppositely-charged pairs of muons (dimuons) produced by interactions between a
120 GeV proton beam and liquid hydrogen, liquid deuterium and solid nuclear
targets. The primary physics program uses the Drell-Yan process to probe
antiquark distributions in the target nucleon. The spectrometer consists of a
target system, two dipole magnets and four detector stations. The upstream
magnet is a closed-aperture solid iron magnet which also serves as the beam
dump, while the second magnet is an open aperture magnet. Each of the detector
stations consists of scintillator hodoscopes and a high-resolution tracking
device. The FPGA-based trigger compares the hodoscope signals to a set of
pre-programmed roads to determine if the event contains oppositely-signed,
high-mass muon pairs.
Results on the production of $^{4}{\textrm{He}}$ and
$^{4}\overline{\textrm{He}}$ nuclei in Pb-Pb collisions at $
\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 2.76 $ TeV in the rapidity range $ \mid y \mid < 1$,
using the ALICE detector, are presented in this paper. The rapidity densities
corresponding to 0-10% central events are found to be $\mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}y
_{^{4}\mathrm{He}} = (0.8 \pm 0.4 ~(\mathrm{stat}) \pm
0.3~(\mathrm{syst}))\times 10^{-6}$ and $\mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}y
_{^{4}\mathrm{\overline{He}}} = (1.1 \pm 0.4~(\mathrm{stat}) \pm
0.2~(\mathrm{syst}))\times 10^{-6}$, respectively. This is in agreement with
the statistical thermal model expectation assuming the same chemical freeze-out
temperature ($T_{\mathrm{chem}}$ = 156 MeV) as for light hadrons. The measured
ratio of $^{4}\overline{\mathrm{He}}$/$^{4}\mathrm{He}$ is $1.4 \pm
0.8~(\mathrm{stat}) \pm 0.5~(\mathrm{syst})$.
Invariant differential yields of deuterons and anti-deuterons in pp
collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV and the yields of tritons,
$^{3}$He nuclei and their anti-nuclei at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV have been measured
with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The measurements
cover a wide transverse momentum ($p_{\text{T}}$) range in the rapidity
interval $|y|<0.5$, extending both the energy and the $p_{\text{T}}$ reach of
previous measurements up to 3 GeV/$c$ for $A=2$ and 6 GeV/$c$ for $A=3$. The
coalescence parameters of (anti-)deuterons and $^{3}\overline{\text{He}}$
nuclei exhibit an increasing trend with $p_{\text{T}}$ and are found to be
compatible with measurements in pA collisions at low $p_{\text{T}}$ and lower
energies. The integrated yields decrease by a factor of about 1000 for each
increase of the mass number with one (anti-)nucleon. Furthermore, the
deuteron-to-proton ratio is reported as a function of the average charged
particle multiplicity at different center-of-mass energies.
In ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, the event-by-event variation of
the elliptic flow $v_2$ reflects fluctuations in the shape of the initial state
of the system. This allows to select events with the same centrality but
different initial geometry. This selection technique, Event Shape Engineering,
has been used in the analysis of charge-dependent two- and three-particle
correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} =2.76$ TeV. The
two-particle correlator $\langle \cos(\varphi_\alpha - \varphi_\beta) \rangle$,
calculated for different combinations of charges $\alpha$ and $\beta$, is
almost independent of $v_2$ (for a given centrality), while the three-particle
correlator $\langle \cos(\varphi_\alpha + \varphi_\beta - 2\Psi_2) \rangle$
scales almost linearly both with the event $v_2$ and charged-particle
pseudorapidity density. The charge dependence of the three-particle correlator
is often interpreted as evidence for the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME), a parity
violating effect of the strong interaction. However, its measured dependence on
$v_2$ points to a large non-CME contribution to the correlator. Comparing the
results with Monte Carlo calculations including a magnetic field due to the
spectators, the upper limit of the CME signal contribution to the
three-particle correlator in the 10-50% centrality interval is found to be
26-33% at 95% confidence level.
We present the results of three-dimensional femtoscopic analyses for charged
and neutral kaons recorded by ALICE in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$
= 2.76 TeV. Femtoscopy is used to measure the space-time characteristics of
particle production from the effects of quantum statistics and final-state
interactions in two-particle correlations. Kaon femtoscopy is an important
supplement to that of pions because it allows one to distinguish between
different model scenarios working equally well for pions. In particular, we
compare the measured 3D kaon radii with a purely hydrodynamical calculation and
a model where the hydrodynamic phase is followed by a hadronic rescattering
stage. The former predicts an approximate transverse mass ($m_{\mathrm{T}}$)
scaling of source radii obtained from pion and kaon correlations. This
$m_{\mathrm{T}}$ scaling appears to be broken in our data, which indicates the
importance of the hadronic rescattering phase at LHC energies. A
$k_{\mathrm{T}}$ scaling of pion and kaon source radii is observed instead. The
time of maximal emission of the system is estimated using the three-dimensional
femtoscopic analysis for kaons. The measured emission time is larger than that
of pions. Our observation is well supported by the hydrokinetic model
The correlations between event-by-event fluctuations of anisotropic flow
harmonic amplitudes have been measured in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm
NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The
results are reported in terms of multiparticle correlation observables dubbed
Symmetric Cumulants. These observables are robust against biases originating
from nonflow effects. The centrality dependence of correlations between the
higher order harmonics (the quadrangular $v_4$ and pentagonal $v_5$ flow) and
the lower order harmonics (the elliptic $v_2$ and triangular $v_3$ flow) is
presented. The transverse momentum dependences of correlations between $v_3$
and $v_2$ and between $v_4$ and $v_2$ are also reported. The results are
compared to calculations from viscous hydrodynamics and A Multi-Phase Transport
({AMPT}) model calculations. The comparisons to viscous hydrodynamic models
demonstrate that the different order harmonic correlations respond differently
to the initial conditions and the temperature dependence of the ratio of shear
viscosity to entropy density ($\eta/s$). A small average value of $\eta/s$ is
favored independent of the specific choice of initial conditions in the models.
The calculations with the AMPT initial conditions yield results closest to the
measurements. Correlations between the magnitudes of $v_2$, $v_3$ and $v_4$
show moderate $p_{\rm T}$ dependence in mid-central collisions. This might be
an indication of possible viscous corrections to the equilibrium distribution
at hadronic freeze-out, which might help to understand the possible
contribution of bulk viscosity in the hadronic phase of the system. Together
with existing measurements of individual flow harmonics, the presented results
provide further constraints on the initial conditions and the transport
properties of the system produced in heavy-ion collisions.
We show that the production of J/psi or Upsilon pairs in unpolarised pp
collisions is currently the best process to measure the momentum-distribution
of linearly-polarised gluons inside unpolarised protons through the study of
azimuthal asymmetries. Not only the short-distance coefficients for such
reactions induce the largest possible cos 4 phi modulations, but analysed data
are already available. Among the various final states previously studied in
unpolarised pp collisions within the TMD factorisation approach, di-J/psi
production exhibits by far the largest asymmetries, up to 50% in the region
studied by the ATLAS and CMS experiments. In addition, we use the very recent
LHCb data at 13 TeV to perform the first fit of the unpolarised
transverse-momentum-dependent gluon distribution.
In this work, we have extracted the initial tempearture from the transverse
momentum spectra of charged particles in $Au+Au$ collisions using STAR data at
RHIC energies from $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7 to 200 GeV. The initial energy density
($\varepsilon$), shear viscosity to entropy density ratio ($\eta/s$), trace
anomaly ($\Delta$), the squared speed of sound ($C_s^2$), entropy density, and
bulk viscosity to entropy density ratio ($\zeta/s$) are obtained and compared
with the lattice QCD calculations for (2+1) flavor. The initial temperatures
obtained are compared with various hadronization and chemical freeze-out
temperatures. The analysis of the data shows that the deconfinement to
confinement transition possibly takes place between $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 11.5 and
19.6 GeV.
This short paper is an addendum to a recent publication on charged current
neutrino-induced pion production (Phys.\ Rev.\ C96 (2017) no.1, 015503). It
presents comparisons of pion production cross sections measured at the T2K near
detector for a CH target.
We present an analysis of data on light flavour hadron production as function
of event multiplicity at LHC energies measured by the ALICE collaboration. The
strangeness-canonical approach within the framework of the THERMUS statistical
hadronisation model is used for a simultaneous description of pp, p-Pb, and
Pb-Pb collisions. The rapidity window dependence of the strangeness correlation
volume is addressed and a value of $\Delta y = 1.33 \pm 0.28$ is found. With
the exception of the $\phi$-meson, an excellent description of the experimental
data is found.
Glauber models are used to calculate geometric quantities in the initial
state of heavy ion collisions, such as impact parameter, number of
participating nucleons and initial eccentricity. Experimental heavy-ion
collaboration, in particular at RHIC and LHC, use Glauber Model calculations
for various geometric observables. In this document, we describe the
assumptions inherent to the approach, and provide an updated implementation
(v2) of the Monte Carlo based Glauber Model calculation, which originally was
used by the PHOBOS collaboration. The main improvement w.r.t. the earlier
version (arXiv:0805.4411) are the inclusion of Tritium, Helium-3, and Uranium,
as well as the treatment of deformed nuclei and Glauber-Gribov fluctuations of
the proton in p+A collisions. A users' guide (updated to reflect changes in v2)
is provided for running various calculations.
Within the framework of xenon-based double beta decay experiments, we propose
the possibility to improve the background rejection of an electroluminescent
Time Projection Chamber (EL TPC) by reducing the diffusion of the drifting
electrons while keeping nearly intact the energy resolution of a pure xenon EL
TPC. Based on state-of-the-art microscopic simulations, a substantial addition
of helium, around 10 or 15~\%, may reduce drastically the transverse diffusion
down to 2.5~mm/$\sqrt{\mathrm{m}}$ from the 10.5~mm/$\sqrt{\mathrm{m}}$ of pure
xenon. The longitudinal diffusion remains around 4~mm/$\sqrt{\mathrm{m}}$.
Light production studies have been performed as well. They show that the
relative variation in energy resolution introduced by such a change does not
exceed a few percent, which leaves the energy resolution practically unchanged.
The technical caveats of using photomultipliers close to an helium atmosphere
are also discussed in detail.
The super Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment (sPHENIX) at
the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) will perform high precision
measurements of jets and heavy flavor observables for a wide selection of
nuclear collision systems, elucidating the microscopic nature of strongly
interacting matter ranging from nucleons to the strongly coupled quark-gluon
plasma. A prototype of the sPHENIX calorimeter system was tested at the
Fermilab Test Beam Facility as experiment T-1044 in the spring of 2016. The
electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal) prototype is composed of scintillating
fibers embedded in a mixture of tungsten powder and epoxy. The hadronic
calorimeter (HCal) prototype is composed of tilted steel plates alternating
with plastic scintillator. Results of the test beam reveal the energy
resolution for electrons in the EMCal is $2.8\%\oplus~15.5\%/\sqrt{E}$ and the
energy resolution for hadrons in the combined EMCal plus HCal system is
$13.5\%\oplus 64.9\%/\sqrt{E}$. These results demonstrate that the performance
of the proposed calorimeter system satisfies the sPHENIX specifications.
The strongly isospin-dependent tensor force leads to short-range correlations
(SRC) between neutron-proton (deuteron-like) pairs much stronger than those
between proton-proton and neutron-neutron pairs. As a result of the short-range
correlations, the single-nucleon momentum distribution develops a high-momentum
tail above the Fermi surface. Because of the strongly isospin-dependent
short-range correlations, in neutron-rich matter a higher fraction of protons
will be depleted from its Fermi sea and populate above the Fermi surface
compared to neutrons. This isospin-dependent nucleon momentum distribution may
have effects on: (1) nucleon spectroscopic factors of rare isotopes, (2) the
equation of state especially the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy,
(3) the coexistence of a proton-skin in momentum space and a neutron-skin in
coordinate space (i.e., protons move much faster than neutrons near the surface
of heavy nuclei). In this talk, we discuss these features and their possible
experimental manifestations. As an example, SRC effects on the nuclear symmetry
energy are discussed in detail using a modified Gogny-Hartree-Fock (GHF) energy
density functional (EDF) encapsulating the SRC-induced high momentum tail (HMT)
in the single-nucleon momentum distribution.
We give a precision analysis of the correlation coefficients of the
electron-energy spectrum and angular distribution of the beta decay and
radiative beta decay of the neutron with polarized neutron and electron to
order 10^(-3). The calculation of correlation coefficients is carried out
within the Standard model with contributions of order 10^(-3), caused by the
weak magnetism and proton recoil, taken to next-to-leading order in the large
proton mass expansion, and with radiative corrections of order "alpha/pi ~
10^(-3", calculated to leading order in the large proton mass expansion. The
obtained results can be used for the planning of experiments on the search for
contributions of order 10^(-4) of interactions beyond the Standard model.
The studies, from several independent methods, consistently show that
$\pi^-/\pi^+$ ratio in the $^{132}$Sn+$^{124}$Sn reaction at 300 MeV/nucleon,
which is being carried out at Radioactive Isotope Beam Facility (RIBF) in
Japan, just probes the symmetry energy around saturation density.
We analyse the sensitivity of all experimentally observable asymmetries and
energy distributions for the neutron beta-decay with a polarised neutron and
unpolarised decay proton and electron and the lifetime of the neutron to
contributions of order 10^(-4) of interactions beyond the Standard model (SM).
Proton-proton (pp) data show collective effects, such as long-range azimuthal
correlations and strangeness enhancement, which are similar to phenomenology
observed in heavy ion collisions. Using simulations with and without explicit
existing models of collective effects, we explore new ways to probe pp
collisions at high multiplicity, in order to suggest measurements that could
help identify the similarities and differences between large- and small-scale
collective effects. In particular, we focus on the properties of jets produced
in ultra-central pp collisions in association with a Z boson. We consider
observables such as jet energy loss and jet shapes, which could point to the
possible existence of an underlying quark-gluon plasma, or other new dynamical
effects related to the presence of large hadronic densities.
The next-generation Enriched Xenon Observatory (nEXO) is a proposed
experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay in
$^{136}$Xe with a target half-life sensitivity of approximately $10^{28}$ years
using $5\times10^3$ kg of isotopically enriched liquid-xenon in a time
projection chamber. This improvement of two orders of magnitude in sensitivity
over current limits is obtained by a significant increase of the $^{136}$Xe
mass, the monolithic and homogeneous configuration of the active medium, and
the multi-parameter measurements of the interactions enabled by the time
projection chamber. The detector concept and anticipated performance are
presented based upon demonstrated realizable background rates.
Based on the chiral kinetic equations of motion, spin polarizations of
various quarks, due to the magnetic field induced by spectator protons as well
as the quark-antiquark vector interaction, are studied within a partonic
transport approach. Although the magnetic field in QGP enhances the splitting
of the spin polarizations of partons compared to the results under the magnetic
field in vacuum, the spin polarizations of $s$ and $\bar s$ quarks are also
sensitive to the quark-antiquark vector interaction, challenging that the
different $\Lambda$ and $\bar \Lambda$ spin polarization is a good measure of
the magnetic field in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. It is also found that
there is no way to obtain the large splitting of the spin polarization between
$\Lambda$ and $\bar \Lambda$ at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=7.7$ GeV with partonic dynamics.