Data on open-charm channels collected by the Belle Collaboration are analysed
simultaneously using a unitary approach based on a coupled-channel model in a
wide energy range $\sqrt{s}=3.7\div 4.7$ GeV. The resulting fit provides a
remarkably good overall description of the line shapes in all studied channels.
Parameters of 5 vector charmonium resonances are extracted from the fit.
Smoothing of field configurations is highly important for precision
calculations of physical quantities on the lattice. We present a cooling method
based on Stochastic Quantization with a built-in UV momentum cutoff. The latter
is implemented via a UV-regularized, hence colored, noise term. Our method is
tested in a two-dimensional scalar field theory. We show, that UV modes can be
removed systematically without altering the physics content of the theory. The
approach has an interpretation in terms of the non-perturbative (Wilsonian)
renormalization group that facilitates the physics interpretation of the cutoff
procedure. It also can be used to define the maximal colored cooling applicable
without changing the theory.
The energy-momentum tensor plays an important role in QCD thermodynamics. Its
expectation value contains information of the pressure and the energy density
as its diagonal part. Further properties like viscosity and specific heat can
be extracted from its correlation function. Recently a new method based on the
gradient flow was introduced to calculate the energy-momentum tensor on the
lattice, and has been successfully applied to quenched QCD.
In this paper, we apply the gradient flow method to calculate the
energy-momentum tensor in (2+1)-flavor QCD. As the first application of the
method with dynamical quarks, we study at a single but fine lattice spacing
a=0.07 fm with heavy u and d quarks ($m_\pi/m_\rho=0.63$) and approximately
physical s quark. Performing simulations on lattices with Nt=16 to 4, the
temperature range of T=174-697 MeV is covered. We find that the results of the
pressure and the energy density by the gradient flow method are consistent with
the previous results using the T-integration method at T<280 MeV, while the
results show disagreement at T>350 MeV (Nt<8), presumably due to the small-Nt
lattice artifact of $O((aT)^2)=O(1/N_t^2)$.
We also apply the gradient flow method to evaluate the chiral condensate
taking advantage of the gradient flow method that renormalized quantities can
be directly computed avoiding the difficulty of explicit chiral violation with
lattice quarks. We compute the renormalized chiral condensate in the MS-bar
scheme at renormalization scale $\mu=2$ GeV with a high precision to study the
temperature dependence of the chiral condensate and its disconnected
susceptibility. Even with the Wilson-type quark action, we obtain the chiral
condensate and its disconnected susceptibility showing a clear signal of
pseudocritical temperature at T~190 MeV related to the chiral restoration
Symmetry protected topological (SPT) states have boundary 't Hooft anomalies
that obstruct an effective boundary theory realized in its own dimension with
UV completion and an on-site $G$-symmetry. In this work, yet we show that a
certain anomalous non-on-site $G$ symmetry along the boundary becomes on-site
when viewed as an extended $H$ symmetry, via a suitable group extension $1\to
K\to H\to G\to1$. Namely, a non-perturbative global (gauge/gravitational)
anomaly in $G$ becomes anomaly-free in $H$. This guides us to construct exactly
soluble lattice path integral and Hamiltonian of symmetric gapped boundaries,
always existent for any SPT state in any spacetime dimension $d \geq 2$ of any
finite symmetry group, including on-site unitary and anti-unitary time-reversal
symmetries. The resulting symmetric gapped boundary can be described either by
an $H$-symmetry extended boundary of bulk $d \geq 2$, or more naturally by a
topological emergent $K$-gauge theory with a global symmetry $G$ on a 3+1D bulk
or above. The excitations on such a symmetric topologically ordered boundary
can carry fractional quantum numbers of the symmetry $G$, described by
representations of $H$. (Apply our approach to a 1+1D boundary of 2+1D bulk, we
find that a deconfined gauge boundary indeed has spontaneous symmetry breaking
with long-range order. The deconfined symmetry-breaking phase crosses over
smoothly to a confined phase without a phase transition.) In contrast to known
gapped interfaces obtained via symmetry breaking (either global symmetry
breaking or Anderson-Higgs mechanism for gauge theory), our approach is based
on symmetry extension. More generally, applying our approach to SPT,
topologically ordered gauge theories and symmetry enriched topologically
ordered (SET) states, leads to generic boundaries/interfaces constructed with a
mixture of symmetry breaking, symmetry extension, and dynamical gauging.
A non-perturbative lattice regularization of chiral fermions and bosons with
anomaly-free symmetry $G$ in 1+1D spacetime is proposed. More precisely, we ask
"whether there is a local short-range quantum Hamiltonian with a finite Hilbert
space for a finite system realizing onsite symmetry $G$ defined on a 1D spatial
lattice with continuous time, such that its low energy physics produces a 1+1D
anomaly-free chiral matter theory of symmetry $G$?" In particular, we show that
the 3$_L$-5$_R$-4$_L$-0$_R$ U(1) chiral fermion theory, with two left-moving
fermions of charge-3 and 4, and two right-moving fermions of charge-5 and 0 at
low energy, can be put on a 1D spatial lattice where the U(1) symmetry is
realized as an onsite symmetry, if we include properly designed multi-fermion
interactions with intermediate strength. In general, we propose that any 1+1D
U(1)-anomaly-free chiral matter theory can be defined as a finite system on a
1D lattice with onsite symmetry by using a quantum Hamiltonian with continuous
time, but without suffered from Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem's fermion-doubling, if
we include properly-designed interactions between matter fields. We propose how
to design such interactions by looking for extra symmetries via
bosonization/fermionization. We comment on the new ingredients and the
differences of ours compared to Ginsparg-Wilson fermion, Eichten-Preskill, and
Chen-Giedt-Poppitz (CGP) models, and suggest modifying CGP model to have
successful mirror-decoupling. As an additional remark, we show a topological
non-perturbative proof on the equivalence relation between the 't Hooft anomaly
matching conditions and the boundary fully gapping rules (e.g. Haldane's
stability conditions for Luttinger liquid) of U(1) symmetry. Our proof holds
universally independent from Hamiltonian or Lagrangian/path integral
formulation of quantum theory.
The physical, observable spectrum in gauge theories is made up from
gauge-invariant states. The Fr\"ohlich-Morchio-Strocchi mechanism allows in the
standard model to map these states to the gauge-dependent elementary $W$, $Z$
and Higgs states. This is no longer necessarily the case in theories with a
more general gauge group and Higgs sector. We classify and predict the physical
spectrum for a wide range of such theories, with special emphasis on GUT-like
cases, and show that discrepancies between the spectrum of elementary fields
and physical particles frequently arise.
We study spatial isovector meson correlators in $N_f=2$ QCD with dynamical
domain-wall fermions on $32^3\times 8$ lattices at temperatures $T=220-380$
MeV. We measure the correlators of spin-one ($J=1$) operators including vector,
axial-vector, tensor and axial-tensor. Restoration of chiral $U(1)_A$ and
$SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R$ symmetries of QCD implies degeneracies in
vector--axial-vector ($SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R$) and tensor--axial-tensor
($U(1)_A$) pairs, which are indeed observed at temperatures above $T_c$.
Moreover, we observe an approximate degeneracy of all $J=1$ correlators with
increasing temperature. This approximate degeneracy suggests emergent
$SU(2)_{CS}$ and $SU(4)$ symmeries at high temperatures, that mix left- and
right-handed quarks.
We present a lattice calculation of the nucleon iso-vector axial and induced
pseudoscalar form factors on the CLS ensembles using $N_{\rm f}=2$ dynamical
flavours of non-perturbatively $\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions and an
$\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved axial current together with the pseudoscalar density.
Excited-state effects in the extraction of the form factors are treated using a
variety of methods, with a detailed discussion of their respective merits. The
chiral and continuum extrapolation of the results is performed both using
formulae inspired by Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory (HBChPT) and a
global approach to the form factors based on a chiral effective theory (EFT)
including axial vector mesons. Our results indicate that careful treatment of
excited-state effects is important in order to obtain reliable results for the
axial form factors of the nucleon, and that the main remaining error stems from
the systematic uncertainties of the chiral extrapolation. As final results, we
quote $g_{\rm A} = 1.278 \pm 0.068\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{+0.000}{-0.087}$,
$\langle r_{\rm A}^2\rangle = 0.360 \pm
0.036\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{+0.080}{-0.088}~\mathrm{fm}^2$, and $g_{\rm P} = 7.7
\pm 1.8 \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{1}{+0.8}{-2.0}$ for the axial charge, axial charge
radius and induced pseudoscalar charge, respectively, where the first error is
statistical and the second is systematic.
In this work, we have extracted the initial tempearture from the transverse
momentum spectra of charged particles in $Au+Au$ collisions using STAR data at
RHIC energies from $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7 to 200 GeV. The initial energy density
($\varepsilon$), shear viscosity to entropy density ratio ($\eta/s$), trace
anomaly ($\Delta$), the squared speed of sound ($C_s^2$), entropy density, and
bulk viscosity to entropy density ratio ($\zeta/s$) are obtained and compared
with the lattice QCD calculations for (2+1) flavor. The initial temperatures
obtained are compared with various hadronization and chemical freeze-out
temperatures. The analysis of the data shows that the deconfinement to
confinement transition possibly takes place between $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 11.5 and
19.6 GeV.
We establish that a Bloch-state ansatz based on periodic uniform Matrix
Product States (puMPS), originally designed to capture single-quasiparticle
excitations in gapped systems, is in fact capable of accurately approximating
all low-energy eigenstates of critical quantum spin chains on the circle. When
combined with the methods of [Milsted, Vidal, Phys. Rev. B 96 245105] based on
the Koo-Saleur formula, puMPS Bloch states can then be used to identify each
low-energy eigenstate of a chain made of up to hundreds of spins with its
corresponding scaling operator in the emergent conformal field theory (CFT).
This enables the following two tasks, that we demonstrate using the quantum
Ising model and a recently proposed generalization thereof due to O'Brien and
Fendley [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 206403]. (i) From the spectrum of low energies
and momenta we extract conformal data (specifying the emergent CFT) with
unprecedented numerical accuracy. (ii) By changing the lattice size, we
investigate nonperturbatively the RG flow of the low-energy spectrum between
two CFTs. In our example, where the flow is from the Tri-Critical Ising CFT to
the Ising CFT, we obtain excellent agreement with an analytical result [Klassen
and Melzer, Nucl. Phys. B 370 511] conjectured to describe the flow of the
first spectral gap directly in the continuum.
The spin-independent and transversity generalised form factors (GFFs) of the
$\phi$ meson are studied using lattice QCD calculations with light quark masses
corresponding to a pion mass $m_\pi\sim450(5)$ MeV. One transversity and three
spin-independent GFFs related to the lowest moments of leading-twist
spin-independent and transversity gluon distributions are obtained at six
non-zero values of the momentum transfer up to 1.2 GeV$^2$. These quantities
are compared with the analogous spin-independent quark GFFs and the
electromagnetic form factors determined on the same lattice ensemble. The
results show quantitative distinction between the spatial distribution of
transversely polarised gluons, unpolarised gluons, and quarks, and point the
way towards further investigations of the gluon structure of nucleons and
Is the evaporation of a black hole described by a unitary theory? In order to
shed light on this question ---especially aspects of this question such as a
black hole's negative specific heat---we consider the real-time dynamics of a
solitonic object in matrix quantum mechanics, which can be interpreted as a
black hole (black zero-brane) via holography. We point out that the chaotic
nature of the system combined with the flat directions of its potential
naturally leads to the emission of D0-branes from the black brane, which is
suppressed in the large $N$ limit. Simple arguments show that the black
zero-brane, like the Schwarzschild black hole, has negative specific heat, in
the sense that the temperature goes up when it evaporates by emitting
D0-branes. While the largest Lyapunov exponent grows during the evaporation,
the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy decreases. These are consequences of the generic
properties of matrix models and gauge theory. Based on these results, we give a
possible geometric interpretation of the eigenvalue distribution of matrices in
terms of gravity.
Applying the same argument in the M-theory parameter region, we provide a
scenario to derive the Hawking radiation of massless particles from the
Schwarzschild black hole. Finally, we suggest that by adding a fraction of the
quantum effects to the classical theory, we can obtain a matrix model whose
classical time evolution mimics the entire life of the black brane, from its
formation to the evaporation.
The $DD^{*}$ potentials are studied within the framework of heavy meson
chiral effective field theory. We have obtained the effective potentials of the
$DD^{*}$ system up to $O(\epsilon^2)$ at one loop level. In addition to the
one-pion exchange contribution, the contact and two-pion exchange interactions
are also investigated in detail. Furthermore, we have searched for the possible
molecular states by solving Schr\"odinger equation with the potentials. We
notice that the contact and two-pion exchange potentials are non-negligible
numerically and important for the existence of a bound state. In our results,
no bound state is founded in the $I=0$ channel within a wide range of cutoff
parameter, while there exists a bound state in the $I=1$ channel as cutoff is
near $m_\rho$ in our approach.
We study the Anderson-like localization transition in the spectrum of the
Dirac operator of quenched QCD. Above the deconfining transition we determine
the temperature dependence of the mobility edge separating localized and
delocalized eigenmodes in the spectrum. We show that the temperature where the
mobility edge vanishes and localized modes disappear from the spectrum,
coincides with the critical temperature of the deconfining transition. We also
identify topological charge related close to zero modes in the Dirac spectrum
and show that they account for only a small fraction of localized modes, a
fraction that is rapidly falling as the temperature increases.
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is an approach used by theoretical
physicists to model the strong nuclear force. This works at the sub-nuclear
scale to bind quarks together into hadrons including the proton and neutron.
One of the long term goals in lattice QCD is to produce a phase diagram of QCD
matter as thermodynamic control parameters temperature and baryon chemical
potential are varied. The ability to predict critical points in the phase
diagram, known as phase transitions, is one of the on-going challenges faced by
domain scientists. In this work we consider how multivariate topological
visualisation techniques can be applied to simulation data to help domain
scientists predict the location of phase transitions. In the process it is
intended that applying these techniques to lattice QCD will strengthen the
interpretation of output from multivariate topological algorithms, including
the joint contour net. Lattice QCD presents an interesting opportunity for
using these techniques as it offers a rich array of interacting scalar fields
for analysis; however, it also presents unique challenges due to its reliance
on quantum mechanics to interpret the data.
The energy shift of a nucleon in a static periodic magnetic field is
evaluated at second order in the external field strength in perturbation
theory. It is shown that the measurement of this energy shift on the lattice
allows one to determine the unknown subtraction function in the forward doubly
virtual Compton scattering amplitude. The limits of applicability of the
obtained formula for the energy shift are discussed.
We compute the running of the coupling in SU(2) gauge theory with six
fermions in fundamental representation of the gauge group. We establish an
infrared stable fixed point at strong coupling and measure also the anomalous
dimension of the fermion mass operator at the fixed point. This theory
therefore likely lies close to the boundary of the conformal window and will
display novel infrared dynamics if coupled with the electroweak sector of the
Standard Model.
We compute the topological susceptibility $\chi_t$ of lattice QCD with $2+1$
dynamical quark flavors described by the M\"obius domain wall fermion.
Violation of chiral symmetry as measured by the residual mass is kept at
$\sim$1 MeV or smaller. We measure the fluctuation of the topological charge
density in a `slab' sub-volume of the simulated lattice using the method
proposed by Bietenholz {\it et al.} The quark mass dependence of $\chi_t$ is
consistent with the prediction of chiral perturbation theory, from which the
chiral condensate is extracted as $\Sigma^{\overline{\rm MS}} (\mbox{2GeV}) =
[274(13)(29)\mbox{MeV}]^3$, where the first error is statistical and the second
one is systematic. Combining the results for the pion mass $M_\pi$ and decay
constant $F_\pi$, we obtain $\chi_t = 0.229(03)(13)M_\pi^2F_\pi^2$ at the
physical point.
We compute the low lying eigenvalues of the Hermitian Dirac operator in
lattice QCD with $N_{\rm f} = 2+1+1$ twisted mass fermions. We discuss whether
these eigenvalues are in the $\epsilon$-regime or the $p$-regime of Wilson
chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT) for twisted mass fermions. Reaching the
deep $\epsilon$-regime is practically unfeasible with presently typical
simulation parameters, but still the few lowest eigenvalues of the employed
ensemble evince some characteristic $\epsilon$-regime features. With this
conclusion in mind, we develop a fitting strategy to extract two low energy
constants from analytical $\epsilon$-regime predictions at a fixed index. Thus,
we obtain results for the chiral condensate and the low energy constant $W_8$.
We also discuss how to improve both the theoretical calculation and the lattice
We introduce a snapshot density matrix and snapshot spectrum for world-line
(WL) quantum Monte Carlo simulations, by integrating out the
continuous-imaginary-time index of WL snapshots. For the transverse-field Ising
chain, we reveal fundamental properties of the snapshot spectrum as follows.
(i) In the ordered phase, the isolated peak corresponding to the maximum
eigenvalue appears, indicating the classical nature of WL configurations. (ii)
In the disordered phase, the spectrum converges to the dome-like distribution
characterized by an effective aspect ratio of the snapshots. (iii) At the
critical point, the power-law distribution is observed with an appropriate
scaling analysis of the fixed aspect ratio. For the XXZ chain, we also obtain
numerical results consistent with the above properties. In addition, the
representation-basis dependence of the snapshot spectrum is also discussed.
We study the second derivative of the free energy with respect to the
fundamental mass (the mass susceptibility) for the Berkooz-Douglas model as a
function of temperature and at zero mass. The model is believed to be
holographically dual to a D0/D4 intersection. We perform a lattice simulation
of the system at finite temperature and find excellent agreement with
predictions from the gravity dual.
A review of M-(atrix) theory (the BFFS matrix quantum mechanics), type IIB
matrix model (the IKKT matrix model) and Matrix String Theory (the DVV matrix
gauge theory) is presented.
We compare higher moments of baryon numbers measured at the RHIC heavy ion
collision experiments with those by the lattice QCD calculations. We employ the
canonical approach, in which we can access the real chemical potential regions
avoiding the sign problem. In the lattice QCD simulations, we study several
fits of the number density in the pure imaginary chemical potential, and
analyze how these fits affects behaviors at the real chemical potential. In the
energy regions between $\sqrt{s}_{NN}$=19.6 and 200 GeV, the susceptibility
calculated at $T/T_c=0.93$ is consistent with experimental data at $0 \le
\mu_B/T < 1.5$, while the kurtosis shows similar behavior with that of the
experimental data in the small $\mu_B/T$ regions $0 \le \mu_B/T < 0.3$. The
experimental data at $\sqrt{s}_{NN}=$ 11.5 shows quite different behavior. The
lattice result in the deconfinement region,$T/T_c=1.35$, is far from
experimental data.
For a smooth manifold $M$, possibly with boundary and corners, and a Lie
group $G$, we consider a suitable description of gauge fields in terms of
parallel transport, as groupoid homomorphisms from a certain path groupoid in
$M$ to $G$. Using a cotriangulation $\mathscr{C}$ of $M$, and collections of
finite-dimensional families of paths relative to $\mathscr{C}$, we define a
homotopical equivalence relation of parallel transport maps, leading to the
concept of an extended lattice gauge (ELG) field. A lattice gauge field, as
used in Lattice Gauge Theory, is part of the data contained in an ELG field,
but the latter contains further local topological information sufficient to
reconstruct a principal $G$-bundle on $M$ up to equivalence. The space of ELG
fields of a given pair $(M,\mathscr{C})$ is a covering for the space of fields
in Lattice Gauge Theory, whose connected components parametrize equivalence
classes of principal $G$-bundles on $M$. We give a criterion to determine when
ELG fields over different cotriangulations define equivalent bundles.
We obtain the equation that describe the conditions of quantization for
neutral massless bosons on an arbitrary curved space-time, obtained using a
particular theoretical formalism developed in a previous work\cite{MM}. In
particular, we study the emission of neutral massless $(1, 2)\hbar$-spin bosons
during pre-inflation using the recently introduced unified spinor field theory.
We conclude that during pre-inflation (which is governed by an vacuum equation
of state), is emitted gravitational radiation, which could be detected in the
future, as primordial gravitational radiation.