Angular momentum plays very important roles in the formation of PBHs in the
matter-dominated phase if it lasts sufficiently long. In fact, most collapsing
masses are bounced back due to centrifugal force, since angular momentum
significantly grows before collapse. As a consequence, most of the formed PBHs
are rapidly rotating near the extreme value $a_{*}=1$, where $a_{*}$ is the
nondimensional Kerr parameter at their formation. The smaller the density
fluctuation $\sigma_{H}$ at horizon entry is, the stronger the tendency towards
the extreme rotation. Combining the effect of angular momentum with that of
anisotropy, we estimate the black hole production rate. We find that the
production rate suffers from suppression dominantly due to angular momentum for
a smaller value of $\sigma_{H}$, while due to anisotrpopy for a larger value of
$\sigma_{H}$. We argue that matter domination significantly enhances the
production of PBHs despite the suppression. If the matter-dominated phase does
not last so long, the effect of the finite duration significantly suppresses
PBH formation and weakens the tendency towards large spins. (abridged)
We present a new magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation code with the aim of
providing accurate numerical solutions to astrophysical phenomena where
discontinuities, shock waves, and turbulence are inherently important. The code
implements the HLLD approximate Riemann solver, the
fifth-order-monotonicity-preserving interpolation (MP5) scheme, and the
hyperbolic divergence cleaning method for a magnetic field. This choice of
schemes significantly improved numerical accuracy and stability, and saved
computational costs in multidimensional problems. Numerical tests of one- and
two-dimensional problems showed the advantages of using the high-order scheme
by comparing with results from a standard second-order TVD MUSCL scheme. The
present code enabled us to explore long-term evolution of a three-dimensional
accretion disk around a black hole, in which compressible MHD turbulence caused
continuous mass accretion via nonlinear growth of the magneto-rotational
instability (MRI). Numerical tests with various computational cell sizes
exhibited a convergent picture of the early nonlinear growth of the MRI in a
global model, and indicated that the MP5 scheme has more than twice the
resolution of the MUSCL scheme in practical applications.
We study the long-term variability in the optical monitoring database of
Ark~120, a nearby radio-quiet active galactic nucleus (AGN) at a distance of
143 Mpc (z=0.03271). We compiled the historical archival photometric and
spectroscopic data since 1974 and conducted a new two-year monitoring campaign
in 2015-2017, resulting in a total temporal baseline over four decades. The
long-term variations in the optical continuum exhibit a wave-like pattern and
the Hbeta integrated flux series varies with a similar behavior. The broad
Hbeta profiles have asymmetric double peaks, which change strongly with time
and tend to merge into a single peak during some epochs. The period in the
optical continuum determined from various period-search methods is about 20 yr
and the estimated false alarm probability with null hypothesis simulations is
about 1*10^-3. The overall variations of the broad Hbeta profiles also follow
the same period. However, the present database only covers two cycles of the
suggested period, which strongly encourages continued monitoring to track more
cycles and confirm the periodicity. Nevertheless, in light of the possible
periodicity and the complicated Hbeta profile, Ark~120 is one candidate of the
nearest radio-quiet AGNs with possible periodic variability, and it is thereby
a potential candidate host for a sub-parsec supermassive black hole binary.
GRB 111209A, one of the longest Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) ever observed, is
linked to SN 2011kl, the most luminous GRB-Supernova (SN) detected so far,
which shows evidence for being powered by a magnetar central engine. We place
SN 2011kl into the context of large samples of SNe, addressing in more detail
the question of whether it could be radioactively powered, and whether it
represents an extreme version of a GRB-SN or an underluminous Superluminous SN
(SLSN). We model SN 2011kl using SN 1998bw as a template and derive a
bolometric light curve including near-infrared data. We compare the properties
of SN 2011kl to literature results on stripped-envelope and superluminous
supernovae. Comparison in the k,s context, i.e., comparing it to SN 1998bw
templates in terms of luminosity and light-curve stretch, clearly shows SN
2011kl is the most luminous GRB-SN to date, and it is spectrally very
dissimilar to other events, being significantly bluer/hotter. Although SN
2011kl does not reach the classical luminosity threshold of SLSNe and evolves
faster than any of them, it resembles SLSNe more than the classical
GRB-associated broad-lined Type Ic SNe in several aspects. GRB 111209A was a
very energetic event, both at early (prompt emission) and at very late (SN)
times. We have shown in a further publication that with the exception of the
extreme duration, the GRB and afterglow parameters are in agreement with the
known distributions for these parameters. SN 2011kl, on the other hand, is
exceptional both in luminosity and spectral characteristics, indicating that
GRB 111209A was likely not powered by a standard-model collapsar central
engine, further supporting our earlier conclusions. Instead, it reveals the
possibility of a direct link between GRBs and SLSNe.
We study an effective theory beyond the standard model (SM) where either of
two additional gauge singlets, a Majorana fermion and a real scalar,
constitutes all or some fraction of dark matter. In particular, we focus on the
masses of the two singlets in the range of O(10) MeV-O(10) GeV, with a neutrino
portal interaction which plays important roles not only in particle physics but
also in cosmology and astronomy. We point out that the dark matter abundance
can be thermally explained with (co)annihilation, where the dark matter with a
mass greater than 2 GeV can be tested in future lepton colliders, CEPC, ILC,
FCC-ee and CLIC, in the light of the Higgs boson invisible decay. When the
gauge singlets are lighter than O(100)MeV, the interaction can affect the
neutrino propagation in the universe due to its annihilation with the cosmic
background neutrino into the gauge singlets. Although can not be the dominant
dark matter in this case, the singlets are produced by the invisible decay of
the Higgs boson at a rate fully within the reach of the future lepton
colliders. In particular, a high energy cutoff of cosmic-ray neutrino, which
may account for the non-detection of Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) neutrinos or
non-observation of Glashow resonance, can be set. Interestingly, given the
cutoff and the mass (range) of the WIMP, a neutrino mass can be "measured"
We study the production of sterile neutrinos in supernovae, focusing in
particular on the keV--MeV mass range, which is the most interesting range if
sterile neutrinos are to account for the dark matter in the Universe. Focusing
on the simplest scenario in which sterile neutrinos mixes only with muon or tau
neutrino, we argue that the production of keV--MeV sterile neutrinos can be
strongly enhanced by a Mikheyev--Smirnov--Wolfenstein (MSW) resonance, so that
a substantial flux is expected to emerge from a supernova, even if vacuum
mixing angles between active and sterile neutrinos are tiny. Using energetics
arguments, this yields limits on the sterile neutrino parameter space that
reach down to mixing angles of the order of $\sin^2 2\theta \lesssim 10^{-14}$
and are up to an order of magnitude stronger than those from X-ray
observations. While supernova limits suffer from larger systematic
uncertainties than X-ray limits they apply also to scenarios in which sterile
neutrinos are not abundantly produced in the early Universe. We also compute
the flux of $\mathcal{O}(\text{MeV})$ photons expected from the decay of
sterile neutrinos produced in supernovae, but find that it is beyond current
observational reach even for a nearby supernova.
We study the evolution of newborn neutron stars in high-mass X-ray binaries
interacting with a wind-fed super-Eddington disk. The inner disk is regularized
to a radiation-dominated quasi-spherical configuration for which we calculate
the inner radius of the disk, the total luminosity of the system and the torque
acting on the neutron star accordingly, following the evolution of the system
through the ejector and early propeller stages. We find that the systems with
$B \gtrsim 10^{13}$ G pass through a short ($\sim 20\,{\rm yr}$) ejector stage
appearing as supernova impostors followed by a propeller stage lasting $\sim
10^3\,{\rm yr}$. In the super-critical propeller stage the system is still
bright ($L\sim 10^{40}\,{\rm erg\, s^{-1}}$) due to the spindown power and
therefore appears as an ultra-luminous X-ray source (ULX). The system evolves
into pulsating ULX (PULX) when the neutron star spins down to a period ($P\sim
1$ s) allowing for accretion onto its surface to commence. Systems with lower
magnetic fields, $B \sim 10^{11}$ G, pass through a long ($10^5\,{\rm yr}$)
super-critical propeller stage with luminosities similar to those of the
ultra-luminous super-soft sources (ULS), $L \lesssim 10^{40}\,{\rm erg\,
s^{-1}}$. The equilibrium periods of these systems in the accretion stage is
about $10\,{\rm ms}$, which is much smaller than the typical period range of
PULX observed to date. Such systems could have a larger population, but their
pulsations would be elusive due to the smaller size of the magnetosphere. Our
results suggest that the ULS and some nonpulsating ULX are rapidly spinning and
highly magnetized young neutron stars at the super-critical propeller stage.
In this article, we present the effect of a strong magnetic field in the
burning of a neutron star (NS). We have used relativistic magneto-hydrostatic
(MHS) conservation equations for studying the PT from nuclear matter (NM) to
quark matter (QM). We found that the shock-induced phase transition (PT) is
likely if the density of the star core is more than three times nuclear
saturation ($\rho_s$) density. The conversion process from NS to quark star
(QS) is found to be an exothermic process beyond such densities. The burning
process at the star center most likely starts as a deflagration process.
However, there can be a small window at lower densities where the process can
be a detonation one. At small enough infalling matter velocities the resultant
magnetic field of the QS is lower than that of the NS. However, for a higher
value of infalling matter velocities, the magnetic field of QM becomes larger.
Therefore, depending on the initial density fluctuation and on whether the PT
is a violent one or not the QS could be more magnetic or less magnetic. The PT
also have a considerable effect on the tilt of the magnetic axis of the star.
For smaller velocities and densities the magnetic angle are not affected much
but for higher infalling velocities tilt of the magnetic axis changes suddenly.
The magnetic field strength and the change in the tilt axis can have a
significant effect on the observational aspect of the magnetars.
We analyze particle acceleration in explosive reconnection events in
magnetically dominated proton-electron plasmas. Reconnection is driven by
large-scale magnetic stresses in interacting current-carrying flux tubes. Our
model relies on development of current-driven instabilities on macroscopic
scales. These tilt-kink instabilities develop in an initially force-free
equilibrium of repelling current channels. Using MHD methods we study a 3D
model of repelling and interacting flux tubes in which we simultaneously evolve
test particles, guided by electromagnetic fields obtained from MHD. We identify
two stages of particle acceleration; Initially particles accelerate in the
current channels, after which the flux ropes start tilting and kinking and
particles accelerate due to reconnection processes in the plasma. The explosive
stage of reconnection produces non-thermal energy distributions with slopes
that depend on plasma resistivity and the initial particle velocity. We also
discuss the influence of the length of the flux ropes on particle acceleration
and energy distributions. This study extends previous 2.5D results to 3D
setups, providing all ingredients needed to model realistic scenarios like
solar flares, black hole flares and particle acceleration in pulsar wind
nebulae: formation of strong resistive electric fields, explosive reconnection
and non-thermal particle distributions. By assuming initial energy
equipartition between electrons and protons, applying low resistivity in
accordance with solar corona conditions and limiting the flux rope length to a
fraction of a solar radius we obtain realistic energy distributions for solar
flares with non-thermal power law tails and maximum electron energies up to 11
MeV and maximum proton energies up to 1 GeV.
I extract the radio spectral index, $\alpha$, from 541,195 common sources
observed in the 150 MHz TIFR GMRT Sky Survey (TGSS) and the 1.4 GHz NRAO VLA
Sky Survey (NVSS). This large common source catalogue covers about $80\%$ of
the sky. The flux density limits in these surveys are such that the observed
galaxies are presumably hosts of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). I confirm the
steepening of $\alpha$ with increasing flux density for this large sample and
provide a parametric fit between $\alpha$ and flux density. Next, I divide the
data into a low flux (LF) and a high flux (HF) density sample of roughly equal
number of galaxies. The LF sample contains all galaxies below 100 mJy TGSS and
20 mJy NVSS flux density and the HF sample is all galaxies above 100 mJy TGSS
and 20 mJy NVSS. I observe an increase in $\alpha$ with source size (TGSS
measured), saturating for large sizes to $0.89\pm0.22$ and $0.76\pm 0.21$ for
the LF and HF sources, respectively. I discuss the observed results and
possible physical mechanisms to explain observed $\alpha$ dependence with
source size for LF and HF samples.
We analyze the constraints from direct and indirect detection on fermionic
Majorana Dark Matter (DM). Because the interaction with the Standard Model (SM)
particles is spin-dependent, a priori the constraints that one gets from
neutrino telescopes, the LHC, direct and indirect detection experiments are
comparable. We study the complementarity of these searches in a particular
example, in which a heavy $Z'$ mediates the interactions between the SM and the
DM. We find that for heavy dark matter indirect detection provides the
strongest bounds on this scenario, while IceCube bounds are typically stronger
than those from direct detection. The LHC constraints are dominant for smaller
dark matter masses. These light masses are less motivated by thermal relic
abundance considerations. We show that the dominant annihilation channels of
the light DM in the Sun and the Galactic Center are either $b\bar b$ or $t\bar
t$, while the heavy DM annihilation is completely dominated by $Zh$ channel.
The latter produces a hard neutrino spectrum which has not been previously
analyzed. We study the neutrino spectrum yielded by DM and recast IceCube
constraints to allow proper comparison with constraints from direct and
indirect detection experiments and LHC exclusions. Note that the original
version of the paper contains an important error: the contribution of the
$Z$-mediated processes was overlooked. This changes some of the results of the
paper. For the details and the correct results please see the erratum attached
to this file as an appendix.
A White Dwarf (WD) star and a main-sequence companion may interact through
their different stellar evolution stages. This sort of binary population has
historically helped us improve our understanding of binary formation and
evolution scenarios. The data set used for the analysis consists of 115
well-measured WD masses obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). A
substantial fraction of these systems could potentially evolve and reach the
Chandrasekhar limit, and then undergo an Accretion-Induced Collapse (AIC) to
produce millisecond pulsars (MSPs). I focus my attention mainly on the massive
WDs (M_WD > 1M_sun), that are able to grow further by mass-transfer phase in
stellar binary systems to reach the Chandrasekhar mass. A mean value of M ~
1.15 +/- 0.2M_sun is being derived. In the framework of the AIC process, such
systems are considered to be good candidates for the production of MSPs. The
implications of the results presented here to our understanding of binary MSPs
evolution are discussed. As a by-product of my work, I present an updated
distribution of all known pulsars in Galactic coordinates pattern. Keywords:
Stars; Neutron stars; White dwarfs; X-ray binaries; Fundamental parameters.
Classical novae commonly show evidence of rapid dust formation within months
of the outburst. However, it is unclear how molecules and grains are able to
condense within the ejecta, given the potentially harsh environment created by
ionizing radiation from the white dwarf. Motivated by the evidence for powerful
radiative shocks within nova outflows, we propose that dust formation occurs
within the cool, dense shell behind these shocks. We incorporate a simple
molecular chemistry network and classical nucleation theory with a model for
the thermodynamic evolution of the post-shock gas, in order to demonstrate the
formation of both carbon and forsterite ($\rm Mg_2SiO_4$) grains. The high
densities due to radiative shock compression ($n \sim 10^{14}$ cm$^{-3}$)
result in CO saturation and rapid dust nucleation. Grains grow efficiently to
large sizes $\gtrsim 0.1\mu$m, in agreement with IR observations of
dust-producing novae, and with total dust masses sufficient to explain massive
extinction events such as V705 Cas. As in dense stellar winds, dust formation
is CO-regulated, with carbon-rich flows producing carbon-rich grains and
oxygen-rich flows primarily forming silicates. CO is destroyed by non-thermal
particles accelerated at the shock, allowing additional grain formation at late
times, but the efficiency of this process appears to be low. Given observations
showing that individual novae produce both carbonaceous and silicate grains, we
concur with previous works attributing this bimodality to chemical
heterogeneity of the ejecta. Nova outflows are diverse and inhomogeneous, and
the observed variety of dust formation events can be reconciled by different
abundances, the range of shock properties, and the observer viewing angle. The
latter may govern the magnitude of extinction, with the deepest extinction
events occurring for observers within the binary equatorial plane.
Relations between radio surface brightness ($\Sigma$) and diameter ($D$) of
supernova remnants (SNRs) are important in astronomy. In this paper, following
the work Duric \& Seaquist (1986) at adiabatic phase, we carefully investigate
shell-type supernova remnants at radiative phase, and obtain theoretical
$\Sigma$-$D$ relation at radiative phase of shell-type supernova remnants at 1
GHz. By using these theoretical $\Sigma$-$D$ relations at adiabatic phase and
radiative phase, we also roughly determine phases of some supernova remnant
from observation data.
An important result in core-collapse supernova (CCSN) theory is that
spherically-symmetric, one-dimensional simulations routinely fail to explode,
yet multi-dimensional simulations often explode. Numerical investigations
suggest that turbulence eases the condition for explosion, but how is not fully
understood. We develop a turbulence model for neutrino-driven convection, and
show that this turbulence model reduces the condition for explosions by about
30%, in concordance with multi-dimensional simulations. In addition, we
identify which turbulent terms enable explosions. Contrary to prior
suggestions, turbulent ram pressure is not the dominant factor in reducing the
condition for explosion. Instead, there are many contributing factors, ram
pressure being only one of them, but the dominant factor is turbulent
dissipation (TD). Primarily, TD provides extra heating, adding significant
thermal pressure, and reducing the condition for explosion. The source of this
TD power is turbulent kinetic energy, which ultimately derives its energy from
the higher potential of an unstable convective profile. Investigating a
turbulence model in conjunction with an explosion condition enables insight
that is difficult to glean from merely analyzing complex multi-dimensional
simulations. An explosion condition presents a clear diagnostic to explain why
stars explode, and the turbulence model allows us to explore how turbulence
enables explosion. Though we find that turbulent dissipation is a significant
contributor to successful supernova explosions, it is important to note that
this work is to some extent qualitative. Therefore, we suggest ways to further
verify and validate our predictions with multi-dimensional simulations.
We argue that near-future detections of gravitational waves from merging
black hole binaries can test a long-standing proposal, originally due
Bekenstein and Mukhanov, that the areas of black hole horizons are quantized in
integer multiples of the Planck area times an $\mathcal O(1)$ dimensionless
constant $\alpha$. This condition quantizes the frequency of radiation that can
be absorbed or emitted by a black hole. If this quantization applies to the
"ring down" gravitational radiation emitted immediately after a black hole
merger, a single measurement consistent with the predictions of classical
general relativity would rule out most or all (depending on the spin of the
hole) of the extant proposals in the literature for the value of $\alpha$. A
measurement of two such events for final black holes with substantially
different spins would rule out the proposal for any $\alpha$. If the
modification of general relativity is confined to the near-horizon region
within the hole's light ring and does not affect the initial ring down signal,
a detection of "echoes" with characteristic properties could still confirm the
We describe nuFATE Neutrino Fast Attenuation Through Earth, a very rapid
method of accurately computing the attenuation of high-energy neutrinos during
their passage through Earth to detectors such as IceCube, ANTARES or KM3Net,
including production of secondary neutrinos from $\tau^\pm$ lepton decay. We
then use this method to quantify the error on attenuation due to uncertainties
in the isotropic neutrino spectrum, the composition of the Earth, and the
parton distribution functions. We show that these can be as large as 20%, which
can significantly impact reconstructed astrophysical neutrino parameters, as
well as searches for new physics. An implementation of this algorithm is
provided as a public code.
The measured characteristics of binary pulsars provide valuable insights into
the evolution of these systems. We study the aspects of binary evolution
particularly relevant to binary Millisecond Pulsars (MSPs), and the formation
of close binaries involving degenerate stars through a spin-evolution diagram
(spin-up line). For this task, we use a wide variety of binaries, including
those with compact components that observed in different energy bands, which we
analyze them according to the spin-up line. Their formation and evolution over
timescales of binary evolution models are investigated in order to grab any
constraint on their evolution, and to estimate the masses of neutron stars with
different mass-transfer histories.
Retrieving the mass of a gravitational-wave (GW) source is a fundamental but
difficult problem because the mass is degenerate with redshift. In astronomy,
three types of redshift exist, namely cosmological, Doppler, and gravitational
redshift, but the latter two are normally too weak to affect the observation.
In this Letter, we show that the current astrophysical models allow binary
black holes (BBHs) to merge within $10$ Schwarzschild radii of a supermassive
black hole (SMBH). We find that in this case both the Doppler and gravitational
redshift are significant, and in the most extreme condition they could increase
the "apparent" black-hole mass and distance by a factor of $1.9-3.4$. We show
that such a factor is consistent with the distribution in the distance-mass
diagram of the ten BBHs detected so far by LIGO/Virgo. We also discuss the
difficulties of this redshift scenario caused by the low event rate predicted
by the current models, as well the potential solutions.
This work presents a scenario of ultra-high energy cosmic ray source
distribution where a nearby source is solely responsible for the anisotropies
in arrival directions of cosmic rays while the rest of the sources contribute
only isotropically. An analytical approach focused on large-scale anisotropies,
which are influenced by deflections in a Kolmogorov-type turbulent magnetic
field, is employed to provide more general results. When the recent Pierre
Auger Observatory angular power spectrum above 8 EeV is used the restricted
model gives, under the assumption of the small angle approximation, a solution
where the RMS deflection with respect to the line of sight is $\alpha_{\rm rms}
= \left(50^{+11}_{-10}\right)^\circ$, while the relative flux from the single
source $\eta=0.03\pm 0.01$. Furthermore, the solution can be translated into
constraints on the source distance, luminosity, and extra-galactic magnetic
field strength. For Centaurus A and the Virgo cluster the required relation
between the coherence length and the RMS magnetic field strength is obtained: a
coherence length of $~\sim 100\,\mathrm{kpc}$ would imply the RMS field
strength around $1\,\mathrm{nG}$ for iron dominated and above $10\,\mathrm{nG}$
for proton dominated composition. We also performed trajectory simulations with
our publicly available code CRPropa to show that our analytical model can serve
as a good approximation as long as the deflections in cosmic magnetic fields
can be described as a random walk. The simulations showed that generally
structured fields tend to suppress large-scale anisotropies, especially the
dipole, compared to anisotropies at smaller scales described by higher
We study the properties of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) using a large scale
hydrodynamical cosmological simulation, the Illustris simulation. We determine
the LGRB host populations under different thresholds for the LGRB progenitor
metallicities, according to the collapsar model. We compare the simulated
sample of LGRBs hosts with recent, largely unbiased, host samples: BAT6 and
SHOALS. We find that at $z<1$ simulated hosts follow the mass-metallicity
relation and the fundamental metallicity relation simultaneously, but with a
paucity of high-metallicity hosts, in accordance with observations. We also
find a clear increment in the mean stellar mass of LGRB hosts and their SFR
with redshift up to $z<3$ on account of the metallicity dependence of
progenitors. We explore the possible origin of LGRBs in metal rich galaxies,
and find that the intrinsic metallicity dispersion in galaxies could explain
their presence. LGRB hosts present a tighter correlation between galaxy
metallicity and internal metallicity dispersion compared to normal star forming
galaxies. We find that the Illustris simulations favours the existence of a
metallicity threshold for LGRB progenitors in the range 0.3 - 0.6 Z$_\odot$
Compton scattering is the dominant opacity source in hot neutron stars,
accretion disks around black holes and hot coronae. We collected here a set of
numerical expressions of the Compton scattering redistribution functions for
unpolarized radiation (RF), which are more exact than the widely used
Kompaneets equation. The principal aim of this paper is presentation of the RF
by Guilbert (1981) which is corrected for the computational errors in the
original paper. This corrected RF was used in the series of papers on model
atmosphere computations of hot neutron stars. We have also organized four
existing algorithms for the RF computations into a unified form ready to use in
radiative transfer and model atmosphere codes. The exact method by Nagirner and
Poutanen (1993) was numerically compared to all other algorithms in a very wide
spectral range from hard X-rays to radio waves. Sample computations of the
Compton scattering redistribution functions in thermal plasma were done for
temperatures corresponding to the atmospheres of bursting neutron stars and hot
intergalactic medium. Our formulae are also useful to the study Compton
scattering of unpolarised microwave background radiation in hot intra-cluster
gas and the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. We conclude, that the formulae by
Guilbert (1981) and the exact quantum mechanical formulae yield practically the
same redistribution functions for gas temperatures relevant to the atmospheres
of X-ray bursting neutron stars, $T \le 10^8$ K.
During its first observing run, in late 2015, the advanced LIGO facility
announced 3 gravitational wave (GW) triggers to electromagnetic follow-up
partners. Two of these have since been confirmed as being of astrophysical
origin: both are binary black hole mergers at ~500 Mpc; the other trigger was
later found not to be astrophysical. In this paper we report on the Swift
follow up observations of the second and third triggers, including details of
21 X-ray sources detected; none of which can be associated with the GW event.
We also consider the challenges that the next GW observing run will bring as
the sensitivity and hence typical distance of GW events will increase. We
discuss how to effectively use galaxy catalogues to prioritise areas for follow
up, especially in the presence of distance estimates from the GW data. We also
consider two galaxy catalogues and suggest that the high completeness at larger
distances of the 2MASS Photometric Redshift Catalogue (2MPZ) makes it very well
suited to optimise Swift follow-up observations.
We consider the status of black hole solutions with non-trivial scalar fields
but no gauge fields, in four dimensional asymptotically flat space-times,
reviewing both classical results and recent developments. We start by providing
a simple illustration on the physical difference between black holes in
electro-vacuum and scalar-vacuum. Next, we review no-scalar-hair theorems. In
particular, we detail an influential theorem by Bekenstein and stress three key
assumptions: 1) the type of scalar field equation; 2) the spacetime symmetry
inheritance by the scalar field; 3) an energy condition. Then, we list regular
(on and outside the horizon), asymptotically flat BH solutions with scalar
hair, organizing them by the assumption which is violated in each case and
distinguishing primary from secondary hair. We provide a table summary of the
state of the art.
We investigate the feasibility of the indirect detection of dark matter in a
simple model using the neutrino portal. The model is very economical, with
right-handed neutrinos generating neutrino masses through the Type-I seesaw
mechanism and simultaneously mediating interactions with dark matter. Given the
small neutrino Yukawa couplings expected in a Type-I seesaw, direct detection
and accelerator probes of dark matter in this scenario are challenging.
However, dark matter can efficiently annihilate to right-handed neutrinos,
which then decay via active-sterile mixing through the weak interactions,
leading to a variety of indirect astronomical signatures. We derive the
existing constraints on this scenario from Planck cosmic microwave background
measurements, Fermi dwarf spheroidal galaxies and Galactic Center gamma-rays
observations, and Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - 02 antiprotons observations,
and also discuss the future prospects of Fermi and the Cherenkov Telescope
Array. Thermal annihilation rates are already being probed for dark matter
lighter than about 50 GeV, and this can be extended to dark matter masses of
100 GeV and beyond in the future. This scenario can also provide a dark matter
interpretation of the Fermi Galactic Center gamma ray excess, and we confront
this interpretation with other indirect constraints. Finally we discuss some of
the exciting implications of extensions of the minimal model with large
neutrino Yukawa couplings and Higgs portal couplings.