• We show that dyon and magnetic monopole can be constructed in the gauge-independent way for the $SU(2)$ Yang--Mills theory even in the absence of the scalar field. This result is derived from the recent proposal for obtaining non-trivial topological configurations responsible for quark confinement in the Yang-Mills theory based on the Confinement-Higgs complementary relationship between the pure Yang-Mills theory and the gauge-scalar model with an adjoint scalar field of the fixed length. We discuss how such configurations have the implications for quark confinement.
  • We revisit the manifestly covariant large $c$ expansion of General Relativity, $c$ being the speed of light. Assuming the relativistic connection has no pole in $c^{-2}$, this expansion is known to reproduce Newton-Cartan gravity and a covariant version of Post-Newtonian corrections to it. We show that relaxing this assumption leads to the inclusion of twistless torsion in the effective non-relativistic theory. We argue that the resulting TTNC theory is an effective description of a non-relativistic regime of General Relativity that extends Newtonian physics by including strong gravitational time dilation.
  • We propose a way of defining Hamiltonians for quantum field theories without any renormalization procedure. The resulting Hamiltonians, called IBC Hamiltonians, are mathematically well-defined (and in particular, ultraviolet finite) without an ultraviolet cut-off such as smearing out the particles over a nonzero radius; rather, the particles are assigned radius zero. These Hamiltonians agree with those obtained through renormalization whenever both are known to exist. We describe explicit examples of IBC Hamiltonians. Their definition, which is best expressed in the particle-position representation of the wave function, involves a kind of boundary condition on the wave function, which we call an interior-boundary condition (IBC). The relevant configuration space is one of a variable number of particles, and the relevant boundary consists of the configurations with two or more particles at the same location. The IBC relates the value (or derivative) of the wave function at a boundary point to the value of the wave function at an interior point (here, in a sector of configuration space corresponding to a lesser number of particles).
  • Tensor hierarchies are algebraic objects that emerge in gauging procedures in supergravity models, and that present a very deep and intricate relationship with Leibniz (or Loday) algebras. In this paper, we show that one can canonically associate a tensor hierarchy to any Loday algebra. By formalizing the construction that is performed in supergravity, we build this tensor hierarchy explicitly. We show that this tensor hierarchy can be canonically equipped with a differential graded Lie algebra structure that coincides with the one that is found in supergravity theories.
  • Moduli spaces of stable parabolic bundles of parabolic degree $0$ over the Riemann sphere are stratified according to the Harder--Narasimhan filtration of underlying vector bundles. Over a Zariski open subset $\mathscr{N}_{0}$ of the open stratum depending explicitly on a choice of parabolic weights, a real-valued function $\mathscr{S}$ is defined as the regularized critical value of the non-compact Wess--Zumino--Novikov--Witten action functional. The definition of $\mathscr{S}$ depends on a suitable notion of parabolic bundle `uniformization map' following from the Mehta--Seshadri and Birkhoff--Grothendieck theorems. It is shown that $-\mathscr{S}$ is a primitive for a (1,0)-form $\vartheta$ on $\mathscr{N}_{0}$ associated with the uniformization data of each intrinsic irreducible unitary logarithmic connection. Moreover, it is proved that $-\mathscr{S}$ is a K\"ahler potential for $(\Omega-\Omega_{\mathrm{T}})|_{\mathscr{N}_{0}}$, where $\Omega$ is the Narasimhan--Atiyah--Bott K\"ahler form in $\mathscr{N}$ and $\Omega_{\mathrm{T}}$ is a certain linear combination of tautological $(1,1)$-forms associated with the marked points. These results provide an explicit relation between the cohomology class $[\Omega]$ and tautological classes, which holds globally over certain open chambers of parabolic weights where $\mathscr{N}_{0} = \mathscr{N}$.
  • We study quiver gauge theories on the round and squashed seven-spheres, and orbifolds thereof. They arise by imposing $G$-equivariance on the homogeneous space $G/H=\mathrm{SU}(4)/\mathrm{SU}(3)$ endowed with its Sasaki-Einstein structure, and $G/H=\mathrm{Sp}(2)/\mathrm{Sp}(1)$ as a 3-Sasakian manifold. In both cases we describe the equivariance conditions and the resulting quivers. We further study the moduli spaces of instantons on the metric cones over these spaces by using the known description for Hermitian Yang-Mills instantons on Calabi-Yau cones. It is shown that the moduli space of instantons on the hyper-Kahler cone can be described as the intersection of three Hermitian Yang-Mills moduli spaces. We also study moduli spaces of translationally invariant instantons on the metric cone $\mathbb{R}^8/\mathbb{Z}_k$ over $S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$.
  • We consider Real bundle gerbes on manifolds equipped with an involution and prove that they are classified by their Real Dixmier-Douady class in Grothendieck's equivariant sheaf cohomology. We show that the Grothendieck group of Real bundle gerbe modules is isomorphic to twisted KR-theory for a torsion Real Dixmier-Douady class. Using these modules as building blocks, we introduce geometric cycles for twisted KR-homology and prove that they generate a real-oriented generalised homology theory dual to twisted KR-theory for Real closed manifolds, and more generally for Real finite CW-complexes, for any Real Dixmier-Douady class. This is achieved by defining an explicit natural transformation to analytic twisted KR-homology and proving that it is an isomorphism. Our model both refines and extends previous results by Wang and Baum-Carey-Wang to the Real setting. Our constructions further provide a new framework for the classification of orientifolds in string theory, providing precise conditions for orientifold lifts of H-fluxes and for orientifold projections of open string states.
  • The two-body problem in general relativity is reduced to the problem of an effective particle (with an energy-dependent relativistic reduced mass) in an external field. The effective potential is evaluated from the Born diagram of the linearized quantum theory of gravity. It reduces to a Schwarzschild-like potential with two different `Schwarzschild radii'. The results derived in a weak field approximation are expected to be relevant for relativistic velocities.
  • We describe the elements of a novel structural approach to classical field theory, inspired by recent developments in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory. This approach is local and focuses mainly on the observables over field configurations, given by certain spaces of functionals which are studied here in depth. The analysis of such functionals is characterized by a combination of geometric, analytic and algebraic elements which (1) make our approach closer to quantum field theory, (2) allow for a rigorous analytic refinement of many computational formulae from the functional formulation of classical field theory and (3) provide a new pathway towards understanding dynamics. Particular attention will be paid to aspects related to nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations and their linearizations.
  • Angular momentum plays very important roles in the formation of PBHs in the matter-dominated phase if it lasts sufficiently long. In fact, most collapsing masses are bounced back due to centrifugal force, since angular momentum significantly grows before collapse. As a consequence, most of the formed PBHs are rapidly rotating near the extreme value $a_{*}=1$, where $a_{*}$ is the nondimensional Kerr parameter at their formation. The smaller the density fluctuation $\sigma_{H}$ at horizon entry is, the stronger the tendency towards the extreme rotation. Combining the effect of angular momentum with that of anisotropy, we estimate the black hole production rate. We find that the production rate suffers from suppression dominantly due to angular momentum for a smaller value of $\sigma_{H}$, while due to anisotrpopy for a larger value of $\sigma_{H}$. We argue that matter domination significantly enhances the production of PBHs despite the suppression. If the matter-dominated phase does not last so long, the effect of the finite duration significantly suppresses PBH formation and weakens the tendency towards large spins. (abridged)
  • In contrast to lattice systems where powerful numerical techniques such as matrix product state based methods are available to study the non-equilibrium dynamics, the non-equilibrium behaviour of continuum systems is much harder to simulate. We demonstrate here that Hamiltonian truncation methods can be efficiently applied to this problem, by studying the quantum quench dynamics of the 1+1 dimensional Ising field theory using a truncated free fermionic space approach. After benchmarking the method with integrable quenches corresponding to changing the mass in a free Majorana fermion field theory, we study the effect of an integrability breaking perturbation by the longitudinal magnetic field. In both the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases of the model we find persistent oscillations with frequencies set by the low-lying particle excitations not only for small, but even for moderate size quenches. In the ferromagnetic phase these particles are the various non-perturbative confined bound states of the domain wall excitations, while in the paramagnetic phase the single magnon excitation governs the dynamics, allowing us to capture the time evolution of the magnetisation using a combination of known results from perturbation theory and form factor based methods. We point out that the dominance of low lying excitations allows for the numerical or experimental determination of the mass spectra through the study of the quench dynamics.
  • On September 25, 2014 Murray Gell-Mann was presented with the Helmholz Medal of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in a ceremony at the Santa Fe Institute. The author, among others, was asked to speak for fifteen minutes on Murray and his accomplishments. The following is an edited transcription of the author's speaking text.
  • Fixed points for scalar theories in $4-\varepsilon$, $6-\varepsilon$ and $3-\varepsilon$ dimensions are discussed. It is shown how a large range of known fixed points for the four dimensional case can be obtained by using a general framework with two couplings. The original maximal symmetry, $O(N)$, is broken to various subgroups, both discrete and continuous. A similar discussion is applied to the six dimensional case. Perturbative applications of the $a$-theorem are used to help classify potential fixed points. At lowest order in the $\varepsilon$-expansion it is shown that at fixed points there is a lower bound for $a$ which is saturated at bifurcation points.
  • We consider Brans Dicke scalar vector tensor gravity to study an inflationary scenario of the accelerating expansion of the universe for which the anisotropy property occurs. To do so we use Bianchi I line element where spatial part has cylindrical symmetry along $x$ direction in the local Cartesian coordinates. To seek stabilization of our obtained metric solution we apply dynamical system approach to obtain critical points in phase space and determine which of them satisfy $\Lambda CDM$ epoch of the metric solutions in presence of the anisotropy property of spacetime. We solve dynamical field equations for different directions of the dynamical vector field and obtain several critical points which describe stable (sink) and quasi stable (saddle) nature for the $\Lambda CDM$ epoch. For case where spatial components of the four vector field vanish there is not occur the anisotropy property and the obtained solution is spatial isotropic FLRW model while if at least one of spatial components of the vector field become nonzero then the anisotropy occurs. Among the critical points obtained there is just 1 (2) full stable critical point if spatial direction of the used vector field is parallel (perpendicular) to $x$ direction of the spacetime.
  • We consider a modified gravity model of the form $ f(R,\phi)=R e^{h(\phi)R} $, where the strong gravity corrections are taken to all orders and $\phi$ is a self-interacting massless scalar field. We show that the conformal transformation of this model to Einstein frame leads to non-canonical kinetic term and negates the advantage of the Einstein frame. We obtain exact solutions for the background in the Jordan frame without performing conformal transformations and show that the model leads to inflation with exit. We obtain scalar and tensor power-spectrum in Jordan frame and show that the model leads to red-tilt. We discuss the implications of the same in the light of cosmological observations.
  • We present in detail the convolutional neural network used in our previous work to detect cosmic strings in cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropy maps. By training this neural network on numerically generated CMB temperature maps, with and without cosmic strings, the network can produce prediction maps that locate the position of the cosmic strings and provide a probabilistic estimate of the value of the string tension $G\mu$. Supplying noiseless simulations of CMB maps with arcmin resolution to the network resulted in the accurate determination both of string locations and string tension for sky maps having strings with string tension as low as $G\mu=5\times10^{-9}$. The code is publicly available online. Though we trained the network with a long straight string toy model, we show the network performs well with realistic Nambu-Goto simulations.
  • Tensor models generalize the matrix-model approach to 2-dimensional quantum gravity to higher dimensions. Some models allowing a $1/N$ expansion have been explored, most of them generating branched-polymer geometries. Recently, enhancements yielding an additional 2d quantum-gravity (planar) phase and an intermediate regime of proliferating baby-universes have been found. It remains an open issue to find models escaping these lower dimensionality universality classes. Here we analyse the dominant regime and critical behaviour of a range of new models which are candidates for such effective geometries, in particular interactions based on the utility graph $K_{3,3}$. We find that, upon proper enhancement, the two-phase structure of a branched-polymer and a 2d gravity regime is the common case in $U(N)$-invariant rank $D=4$ tensor models of small orders. Not only the well known so-called necklace interactions but also $K_{3,3}$-type interactions turn out as the source for the planar regime. We give a systematic account of the enhancement scaling, the counting of leading-order diagrams and the multi-critical behaviour of a wide range of interactions, in particular for all order-6 interactions of rank 3 and 4. These findings support the claim of universality of such mixtures of branched-polymer and planar diagrams at criticality. In particular, this hints at the necessity to consider new ingredients, or interactions of higher order and rank, in order to obtain higher dimensional continuum geometry from tensor models.
  • In quantum gravity perturbation theory in Newton's constant G is known to be badly divergent, and as a result not very useful. Nevertheless some of the most interesting phenomena in physics are often associated with non-analytic behavior in the coupling constant and the existence of nontrivial quantum condensates. It is therefore possible that pathologies encountered in the case of gravity are more likely the result of inadequate analytical treatment, and not necessarily a reflection of some intrinsic insurmountable problem. The nonperturbative treatment of quantum gravity via the Regge-Wheeler lattice path integral formulation reveals the existence of a new phase involving a nontrivial gravitational vacuum condensate, and a new set of scaling exponents characterizing both the running of G and the long-distance behavior of invariant correlation functions. The appearance of such a gravitational condensate is viewed as analogous to the (equally nonperturbative) gluon and chiral condensates known to describe the physical vacuum of QCD. The resulting quantum theory of gravity is highly constrained, and its physical predictions are found to depend only on one adjustable parameter, a genuinely nonperturbative scale xi in many ways analogous to the scaling violation parameter Lambda MSbar of QCD. Recent results point to significant deviations from classical gravity on distance scales approaching the effective infrared cutoff set by the observed cosmological constant. Such subtle quantum effects are expected to be initially small on current cosmological scales, but could become detectable in future high precision satellite experiments.
  • We study the Bell inequality in a holographic model of the casually disconnected Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pair. The Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt(CHSH) form of Bell inequality is constructed using holographic Schwinger-Keldysh (SK) correlators. We show that the manifestation of quantum correlation in Bell inequality can be holographically reproduced from the classical fluctuations of dual accelerating string in the bulk gravity. The violation of this holographic Bell inequality supports the essential quantum property of this holographic model of an EPR pair.
  • Kitaev's lattice models are usually defined as representations of the Drinfeld quantum double. We propose a new version based on Majid's bicrossproduct quantum group. Given a Hopf algebra $H$, we show that a triangulated oriented surface defines a representation of the bicrossproduct quantum group $H^{\text{cop}}\blacktriangleright\!\!\!\triangleleft H$. Even though the bicrossproduct has a more complicated and entangled coproduct, the construction of this new model is relatively natural as it relies on the use of the covariant Hopf algebra actions. We obtain an exactly solvable Hamiltonian for the model and provide a definition of the ground state in terms of a tensor network representation.
  • Smoothing of field configurations is highly important for precision calculations of physical quantities on the lattice. We present a cooling method based on Stochastic Quantization with a built-in UV momentum cutoff. The latter is implemented via a UV-regularized, hence colored, noise term. Our method is tested in a two-dimensional scalar field theory. We show, that UV modes can be removed systematically without altering the physics content of the theory. The approach has an interpretation in terms of the non-perturbative (Wilsonian) renormalization group that facilitates the physics interpretation of the cutoff procedure. It also can be used to define the maximal colored cooling applicable without changing the theory.
  • We provide a brief but self-contained review of two-dimensional conformal field theory, from the basic principles to some of the simplest models. From the representations of the Virasoro algebra on the one hand, and the state-field correspondence on the other hand, we deduce Ward identities and Belavin--Polyakov--Zamolodchikov equations for correlation functions. We then explain the principles of the conformal bootstrap method, and introduce conformal blocks. This allows us to define and solve minimal models and Liouville theory. In particular, we study their three- and four-point functions, and discuss their existence and uniqueness. In appendices, we introduce the free boson theory (with an arbitrary central charge), and the modular bootstrap in minimal models.
  • It is well-known that additional constraints emerge in light cone coordinates. We enumerate the number of physical modes in light cone coordinates and compare it with conventional coordinates. We show that the number of Schrodinger modes is divided by two in light cone coordinates. We study the effect of this reduction in the number ladder operators acting on physical states of a system. We analyse the scaler, spinor and vector field theories carefully to see the effect of changes in the dynamical structure of these theories from the view point of the reduction of Schrodinger modes in light-cone coordinates.
  • General quantum gravity arguments predict that Lorentz symmetry might not hold exactly in nature. This has motivated much interest in Lorentz breaking gravity theories recently. Among such models are vector-tensor theories with preferred direction established at every point of spacetime by a fixed-norm vector field. The dynamical vector field defined in this way is referred to as the \textquotedblleft aether." In this paper, we put forward the idea of a \textit{null} aether field and introduce, for the first time, the Null Aether Theory (NAT)--a vector-tensor theory. We first study the Newtonian limit of this theory and then construct exact spherically symmetric black hole solutions in the theory in four dimensions, which contain Vaidya-type non-static solutions and static Schwarzschild-(A)dS type solutions, Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m-(A)dS type solutions and solutions of conformal gravity as special cases. Afterwards, we study the cosmological solutions in NAT: We find some exact solutions with perfect fluid distribution for spatially flat FLRW metric and null aether propagating along the $x$ direction. We observe that there are solutions in which the universe has big-bang singularity and null field diminishes asymptotically. We also study exact gravitational wave solutions--AdS-plane waves and $pp$-waves--in this theory in any dimension $D\geq3$. Assuming the Kerr-Schild-Kundt class of metrics for such solutions, we show that the full field equations of the theory are reduced to two, in general coupled, differential equations when the background metric assumes the maximally symmetric form. The main conclusion of these computations is that the spin-0 aether field acquires a \textquotedblleft mass" determined by the cosmological constant of the background spacetime and the Lagrange multiplier given in the theory.
  • Although it is well known that the Ward identities prohibit anomalous dimensions for conserved currents in local field theories, a claim from certain holographic models involving bulk dilaton couplings is that the gauge field associated with the boundary current can acquire an anomalous dimension. We resolve this conundrum by showing that all the bulk actions that produce anomalous dimensions for the conserved current generate non-local actions at the boundary. In particular, the Maxwell equations are fractional. To prove this, we generalize to p-forms the Caffarelli/Silvestre (CS) extension theorem. In the context of scalar fields, this theorem demonstrates that second-order elliptic differential equations in the upper half-plane in ${\mathbb R}_+^{n+1}$ reduce to one with the fractional Laplacian, $\Delta^\gamma$, when one of the dimensions is eliminated. From the p-form generalization of the CS extension theorem, we show that at the boundary of the relevant holographic models, a fractional gauge theory emerges with equations of motion of the form, $\Delta ^\gamma A^t= 0$ with $\gamma$ $\in R$ and $A^t$ the boundary components of the gauge field. The corresponding field strength $F = d_\gamma A^t= d\Delta ^\frac{\gamma-1}{2} A^t$ is invariant under $A^t \rightarrow A^t+ d_\gamma \Lambda$ with the fractional differential given by $d_\gamma \equiv (\Delta)^\frac{\gamma-1}{2}d$, implying that $[A^t]=\gamma$ which is in general not unity.