• The rotational spectra of the two stable conformers syn- and gauche-propanal (CH$_3$CH$_2$CHO) were studied in the millimeter and submillimeter wave regions from 75 to 500 GHz with the Cologne (Sub-)Millimeter wave Spectrometer. Furthermore, the first excited states associated with the aldehyde torsion and with the methyl torsion, respectively, of the $syn$-conformer were analyzed. The newly obtained spectroscopic parameters yield better predictions, thus fulfill sensitivity and resolution requirements in new astronomical observations in order to unambiguously assign pure rotational transitions of propanal. This is demonstrated on a radio astronomical spectrum from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey (ALMA-PILS). In particular, an accurate description of observed splittings, caused by internal rotation of the methyl group in the $syn$-conformer and by tunneling rotation interaction from two stable degenerate $gauche$-conformers, is reported. The rotational spectrum of propanal is of additional interest because of its two large amplitude motions pertaining to the methyl and the aldehyde group, respectively.
  • The rotational spectrum of the formaldehyde isotopologue H$_2$C$^{17}$O was investigated between 0.56 and 1.50 THz using a sample of natural isotopic composition. In addition, transition frequencies were determined for H$_2$C$^{18}$O and H$_2$C$^{16}$O between 1.37 and 1.50 THz. The data were combined with critically evaluated literature data to derive improved sets of spectroscopic parameters which include $^{17}$O or H nuclear hyperfine structure parameters.
  • Chemistry plays an important role in the interstellar medium (ISM), regulating heating and cooling of the gas, and determining abundances of molecular species that trace gas properties in observations. Although solving the time-dependent equations is necessary for accurate abundances and temperature in the dynamic ISM, a full chemical network is too computationally expensive to incorporate in numerical simulations. In this paper, we propose a new simplified chemical network for hydrogen and carbon chemistry in the atomic and molecular ISM. We compare results from our chemical network in detail with results from a full photo-dissociation region (PDR) code, and also with the Nelson & Langer (1999) (NL99) network previously adopted in the simulation literature. We show that our chemical network gives similar results to the PDR code in the equilibrium abundances of all species over a wide range of densities, temperature, and metallicities, whereas the NL99 network shows significant disagreement. Applying our network in 1D models, we find that the $\mathrm{CO}$-dominated regime delimits the coldest gas and that the corresponding temperature tracks the cosmic ray ionization rate in molecular clouds. We provide a simple fit for the locus of $\mathrm{CO}$ dominated regions as a function of gas density and column. We also compare with observations of diffuse and translucent clouds. We find that the $\mathrm{CO}$, $\mathrm{CHx}$ and $\mathrm{OHx}$ abundances are consistent with equilibrium predictions for densities $n=100-1000~\mathrm{cm^{-3}}$, but the predicted equilibrium $\mathrm{C}$ abundance is higher than observations, signaling the potential importance of non-equilibrium/dynamical effects.
  • The first 100 brightest eclipsing systems from the Small Magellanic Cloud were studied for their period changes. The photometric data from the surveys OGLE-II, OGLE-III, OGLE-IV and MACHO were combined with our new CCD observations obtained using the Danish 1.54-m telescope (La Silla, Chile). Besides the period changes the light curves were also analysed using the program PHOEBE, which provided the physical parameters of both eclipsing components. For 14 of these systems the additional bodies were found, having the orbital periods from 2 to 20 yr and the eccentricities were found to be up to 0.9. Amongst the sample of studied 100 brightest systems, we discussed the number of systems with particular period changes. About 10 per cent of these stars show eccentric orbit, about the same numbers have third bodies and about the same show the asymmetric light curves.
  • Despite low elemental abundance of atomic deuterium in interstellar medium (ISM), observational evidences suggest that several species in gas-phase and in ices could be heavily fractionated. We explore various aspects of deuterium enrichment by constructing a chemical evolution model in gas and grain phases. Depending on various physical parameters, gas and grains are allowed to interact with each other through exchange of their chemical species. It is known that HCO+ and N2H+ are two abundant gas phase ions in ISM and their deuterium fractionation are generally used to predict degree of ionization in various regions of a molecular cloud. To have a more realistic estimation, we consider a density profile of a collapsing cloud. We present radial distributions of important interstellar molecules along with their deuterated isotopomers. We carry out quantum chemical simulation to study effects of isotopic substitution on spectral properties of these important interstellar species. We calculate vibrational (harmonic) frequency of the most important deuterated species (neutral & ions). Rotational and distortional constants of these molecules are also computed to predict rotational transitions of these species. We compare vibrational (harmonic) and rotational transitions as computed by us with existing observational, experimental and theoretical results. We hope that our results would assist observers in their quest of several hitherto unobserved deuterated species.
  • K. C. Chambers, E. A. Magnier, N. Metcalfe, H. A. Flewelling, M. E. Huber, C. Z. Waters, L. Denneau, P. W. Draper, D. Farrow, D. P. Finkbeiner, C. Holmberg, J. Koppenhoefer, P. A. Price, A. Rest, R. P. Saglia, E. F. Schlafly, S. J. Smartt, W. Sweeney, R. J. Wainscoat, W. S. Burgett, S. Chastel, T. Grav, J. N. Heasley, K. W. Hodapp, R. Jedicke, N. Kaiser, R.-P. Kudritzki, G. A. Luppino, R. H. Lupton, D. G. Monet, J. S. Morgan, P. M. Onaka, B. Shiao, C. W. Stubbs, J. L. Tonry, R. White, E. Bañados, E. F. Bell, R. Bender, E. J. Bernard, M. Boegner, F. Boffi, M. T. Botticella, A. Calamida, S. Casertano, W.-P. Chen, X. Chen, S. Cole, N. Deacon, C. Frenk, A. Fitzsimmons, S. Gezari, V. Gibbs, C. Goessl, T. Goggia, R. Gourgue, B. Goldman, P. Grant, E. K. Grebel, N.C. Hambly, G. Hasinger, A. F. Heavens, T. M. Heckman, R. Henderson, T. Henning, M. Holman, U. Hopp, W.-H. Ip, S. Isani, M. Jackson, C. D. Keyes, A. M. Koekemoer, R. Kotak, D. Le, D. Liska, K. S. Long, J. R. Lucey, M. Liu, N. F. Martin, G. Masci, B. McLean, E. Mindel, P. Misra, E. Morganson, D. N. A. Murphy, A. Obaika, G. Narayan, M. A. Nieto-Santisteban, P. Norberg, J. A. Peacock, E. A. Pier, M. Postman, N. Primak, C. Rae, A. Rai, A. Riess, A. Riffeser, H. W. Rix, S. Röser, R. Russel, L. Rutz, E. Schilbach, A. S. B. Schultz, D. Scolnic, L. Strolger, A. Szalay, S. Seitz, E. Small, K. W. Smith, D. R. Soderblom, P. Taylor, R. Thomson, A. N. Taylor, A. R. Thakar, J. Thiel, D. Thilker, D. Unger, Y. Urata, J. Valenti, J. Wagner, T. Walder, F. Walter, S. P. Watters, S. Werner, W. M. Wood-Vasey, R. Wyse
    Pan-STARRS1 has carried out a set of distinct synoptic imaging sky surveys including the $3\pi$ Steradian Survey and the Medium Deep Survey in 5 bands ($grizy_{P1}$). The mean 5$\sigma$ point source limiting sensitivities in the stacked 3$\pi$ Steradian Survey in $grizy_{P1}$ are (23.3, 23.2, 23.1, 22.3, 21.4) respectively. The upper bound on the systematic uncertainty in the photometric calibration across the sky is 7-12 millimag depending on the bandpass. The systematic uncertainty of the astrometric calibration using the Gaia frame comes from a comparison of the results with Gaia: the standard deviation of the mean and median residuals ($ \Delta ra, \Delta dec $) are (2.3, 1.7) milliarcsec, and (3.1, 4.8) milliarcsec respectively. The Pan-STARRS system and the design of the PS1 surveys are described and an overview of the resulting image and catalog data products and their basic characteristics are described together with a summary of important results. The images, reduced data products, and derived data products from the Pan-STARRS1 surveys are available to the community from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at STScI.
  • A White Dwarf (WD) star and a main-sequence companion may interact through their different stellar evolution stages. This sort of binary population has historically helped us improve our understanding of binary formation and evolution scenarios. The data set used for the analysis consists of 115 well-measured WD masses obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). A substantial fraction of these systems could potentially evolve and reach the Chandrasekhar limit, and then undergo an Accretion-Induced Collapse (AIC) to produce millisecond pulsars (MSPs). I focus my attention mainly on the massive WDs (M_WD > 1M_sun), that are able to grow further by mass-transfer phase in stellar binary systems to reach the Chandrasekhar mass. A mean value of M ~ 1.15 +/- 0.2M_sun is being derived. In the framework of the AIC process, such systems are considered to be good candidates for the production of MSPs. The implications of the results presented here to our understanding of binary MSPs evolution are discussed. As a by-product of my work, I present an updated distribution of all known pulsars in Galactic coordinates pattern. Keywords: Stars; Neutron stars; White dwarfs; X-ray binaries; Fundamental parameters.
  • Classical novae commonly show evidence of rapid dust formation within months of the outburst. However, it is unclear how molecules and grains are able to condense within the ejecta, given the potentially harsh environment created by ionizing radiation from the white dwarf. Motivated by the evidence for powerful radiative shocks within nova outflows, we propose that dust formation occurs within the cool, dense shell behind these shocks. We incorporate a simple molecular chemistry network and classical nucleation theory with a model for the thermodynamic evolution of the post-shock gas, in order to demonstrate the formation of both carbon and forsterite ($\rm Mg_2SiO_4$) grains. The high densities due to radiative shock compression ($n \sim 10^{14}$ cm$^{-3}$) result in CO saturation and rapid dust nucleation. Grains grow efficiently to large sizes $\gtrsim 0.1\mu$m, in agreement with IR observations of dust-producing novae, and with total dust masses sufficient to explain massive extinction events such as V705 Cas. As in dense stellar winds, dust formation is CO-regulated, with carbon-rich flows producing carbon-rich grains and oxygen-rich flows primarily forming silicates. CO is destroyed by non-thermal particles accelerated at the shock, allowing additional grain formation at late times, but the efficiency of this process appears to be low. Given observations showing that individual novae produce both carbonaceous and silicate grains, we concur with previous works attributing this bimodality to chemical heterogeneity of the ejecta. Nova outflows are diverse and inhomogeneous, and the observed variety of dust formation events can be reconciled by different abundances, the range of shock properties, and the observer viewing angle. The latter may govern the magnitude of extinction, with the deepest extinction events occurring for observers within the binary equatorial plane.
  • An important result in core-collapse supernova (CCSN) theory is that spherically-symmetric, one-dimensional simulations routinely fail to explode, yet multi-dimensional simulations often explode. Numerical investigations suggest that turbulence eases the condition for explosion, but how is not fully understood. We develop a turbulence model for neutrino-driven convection, and show that this turbulence model reduces the condition for explosions by about 30%, in concordance with multi-dimensional simulations. In addition, we identify which turbulent terms enable explosions. Contrary to prior suggestions, turbulent ram pressure is not the dominant factor in reducing the condition for explosion. Instead, there are many contributing factors, ram pressure being only one of them, but the dominant factor is turbulent dissipation (TD). Primarily, TD provides extra heating, adding significant thermal pressure, and reducing the condition for explosion. The source of this TD power is turbulent kinetic energy, which ultimately derives its energy from the higher potential of an unstable convective profile. Investigating a turbulence model in conjunction with an explosion condition enables insight that is difficult to glean from merely analyzing complex multi-dimensional simulations. An explosion condition presents a clear diagnostic to explain why stars explode, and the turbulence model allows us to explore how turbulence enables explosion. Though we find that turbulent dissipation is a significant contributor to successful supernova explosions, it is important to note that this work is to some extent qualitative. Therefore, we suggest ways to further verify and validate our predictions with multi-dimensional simulations.
  • We describe a new data product from the CGEM (Coronal Global Evolutionary Model) collaboration that estimates the Lorentz force in active regions (ARs) based on HMI vector magnetogram patches. Following Fisher et al. (2012), we compute three components of the integrated Lorentz force over the outer solar atmosphere every 12 minutes throughout an AR's disk passage. These estimates, differenced during solar eruptive events, can provide valuable diagnostics on dynamic processes. We describe the pipeline modules, provide data retrieval examples, and document some systematic uncertainties that users should be aware of. Finally we document the formal uncertainty propagation procedures.
  • We present results of a global survey of single-pixel intensity power spectra from a 12-hour time period on 26 June 2013 in a 1600x1600 pixel region from four channels of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument. We extract single-pixel time series from a derotated image sequence, fit models to the power spectra of these time series, and study the spatial dependence of the model parameters. Two power spectra models are considered: i) a three-parameter power-law + tail model and ii) a power-law + tail model + three-parameter localized Lorentzian, the latter to model periodicity. Spectra are well-described by at least one of these models for all pixel locations, with the spatial distribution of best-fit model parameters shown to provide new and unique insights into turbulent, quiescent and periodic features in the EUV corona and upper photosphere. Findings include: individual model parameters correspond clearly and directly to visible solar features; detection of numerous quasi-periodic three- and five-minute oscillations; observational identification of concentrated magnetic flux as regions of largest power-law indices [n]; identification of unique spectral features of coronal holes and filaments; identification of sporadic and pervasive five-minute oscillations throughout the corona; detection of the known global ~4.0-minute chromospheric oscillation; "coronal bullseyes" appearing as radially decaying periodicities over sunspots and sporadic foot-point regions; and "penumbral periodic voids" appearing as broad rings around sunspots in 1600 and 1700 {\AA} in which spectra contain no statistically significant periodic component.
  • Compton scattering is the dominant opacity source in hot neutron stars, accretion disks around black holes and hot coronae. We collected here a set of numerical expressions of the Compton scattering redistribution functions for unpolarized radiation (RF), which are more exact than the widely used Kompaneets equation. The principal aim of this paper is presentation of the RF by Guilbert (1981) which is corrected for the computational errors in the original paper. This corrected RF was used in the series of papers on model atmosphere computations of hot neutron stars. We have also organized four existing algorithms for the RF computations into a unified form ready to use in radiative transfer and model atmosphere codes. The exact method by Nagirner and Poutanen (1993) was numerically compared to all other algorithms in a very wide spectral range from hard X-rays to radio waves. Sample computations of the Compton scattering redistribution functions in thermal plasma were done for temperatures corresponding to the atmospheres of bursting neutron stars and hot intergalactic medium. Our formulae are also useful to the study Compton scattering of unpolarised microwave background radiation in hot intra-cluster gas and the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. We conclude, that the formulae by Guilbert (1981) and the exact quantum mechanical formulae yield practically the same redistribution functions for gas temperatures relevant to the atmospheres of X-ray bursting neutron stars, $T \le 10^8$ K.
  • Quasi-Separatrix Layers (QSLs) are a useful proxy for the locations where current sheets can develop in the solar corona, and give valuable information about the connectivity in complicated magnetic field configurations. However, calculating QSL maps even for 2-dimensional slices through 3-dimensional models of coronal magnetic fields is a non-trivial task as it usually involves tracing out millions of magnetic field lines with immense precision. Thus, extending QSL calculations to three dimensions has rarely been done until now. In order to address this challenge, we present QSL Squasher -- a public, open-source code, which is optimized for calculating QSL maps in both two and three dimensions on GPUs. The code achieves large processing speeds for three reasons, each of which results in an order-of-magnitude speed-up. 1) The code is parallelized using OpenCL. 2) The precision requirements for the QSL calculation are drastically reduced by using perturbation theory. 3) A new boundary detection criterion between quasi-connectivity domains is used, which quickly identifies possible QSL locations which need to be finely sampled by the code. That boundary detection criterion relies on finding the locations of abrupt field-line length changes, which we do by introducing a new Field-line Length Edge (FLEDGE) map. We find FLEDGE maps useful on their own as a quick-and-dirty substitute for QSL maps. QSL Squasher allows constructing high-resolution 3D FLEDGE maps in a matter of minutes, which is two orders of magnitude faster than calculating the corresponding 3D QSL maps. We include a sample of calculations done using QSL Squasher to demonstrate its capabilities as a QSL calculator, as well as to compare QSL and FLEDGE maps.
  • In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of a coronal blowout jet eruption which was associated with an obvious extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave and one complicated coronal mass ejection (CME) event based on the multi-wavelength and multi-view-angle observations from {\sl Solar Dynamics Observatory} and {\sl Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory}. It is found that the triggering of the blowout jet was due to the emergence and cancellation of magnetic fluxes on the photosphere. During the rising stage of the jet, the EUV wave appeared just ahead of the jet top, lasting about 4 minutes and at a speed of 458 - \speed{762}. In addition, obvious dark material is observed along the EUV jet body, which confirms the observation of a mini-filament eruption at the jet base in the chromosphere. Interestingly, two distinct but overlapped CME structures can be observed in corona together with the eruption of the blowout jet. One is in narrow jet-shape, while the other one is in bubble-shape. The jet-shaped component was unambiguously related with the outwardly running jet itself, while the bubble-like one might either be produced due to the reconstruction of the high coronal fields or by the internal reconnection during the mini-filament ejection according to the double-CME blowout jet model firstly proposed by Shen et al. (2012b), suggesting more observational evidence should be supplied to clear the current ambiguity based on large samples of blowout jets in future studies.
  • In this work we study in details the influence of pure astronomical refraction on solar metrologic measurements made from ground-based full disk imagery and provide the tools for correcting the measurements and estimating the associated uncertainties.For a given standard atmospheric model, we first use both analytical and numerical methods in order to test the validity of the commonly or historically used approximations of the differential effect of refraction as a function of zenith distance. For a given refraction model, we provide the exact formulae for correcting solar radius measurements at any heliographic angle and for any zenith distance. Then, using solar images recorded in the near infrared between 2011 and 2016, we show that these corrections can be applied up to $70\deg$ using the usual approximate formulae and can be extended up to $80\deg$ of zenith distance provided that a standard atmospheric model and a full numerical integration of the refraction integral are used. We also provide estimates of the absolute uncertainties associated with the differential refraction corrections and show that approximate formulae can be used up to $80\deg$ of zenith distance for computing these uncertainties. For a given instrumental setup and the knowledge of the uncertainties associated with local weather records, this can be used to fix the maximum zenith distance one can observe depending on the required astrometric accuracy.
  • Local structures, beyond the well-known `frozen-in' to the barotropic flows of the generalized vorticities, of the two-fluid model of plasma flows are presented. More general non-barotropic situations are also considered. A modified Euler equation [T. Tao, Ann. PDE \textbf{2}, 9 (2016)] is also accordingly analyzed and remarked from the angle of view of two-fluid model, with emphasis on the local structures. And, the local constraints of high-order differential forms such as helicity, among others, find simple formulation for possible applications in modelling the dynamics. Thus, the Cauchy invariants equation [N. Besse and U. Frisch, J. Fluid Mech. \textbf{825}, 412 (2017)] may find practical application in non-ideal flows. Some formal examples are offered to outline the calculations, and particularly interestingly the two-dimensional-three-component (2D3C) or the 2D passive scalar problem presents that a locally invariant $\Theta = 2\theta \zeta$, with $\theta$ and $\zeta$ being respectively the scalar value of the `vertical velocity' (or the passive scalar) and the `vertical vorticity', may be used as if it were the spatial density of the globally invariant helicity, providing a Lagrangian prescription to control the latter in some situations of studying its physical effects in rapidly rotating flows (ubiquitous in atmosphere of astrophysical objects) with marked 2D3C vortical modes or in purely 2D passive scalars.
  • We model the size distribution of supernova remnants to infer the surrounding ISM density. Using simple, yet standard SNR evolution models, we find that the distribution of ambient densities is remarkably narrow; either the standard assumptions about SNR evolution are wrong, or observable SNRs are biased to a narrow range of ambient densities. We show that the size distributions are consistent with log-normal, which severely limits the number of model parameters in any SNR population synthesis model. Simple Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the size distribution is indistinguishable from log-normal when the SNR sample size is less than 600. This implies that these SNR distributions provide only information on the mean and variance, yielding additional information only when the sample size grows larger than $\sim{600}$ SNRs. To infer the parameters of the ambient density, we use Bayesian statistical inference under the assumption that SNR evolution is dominated by the Sedov phase. In particular, we use the SNR sizes and explosion energies to estimate the mean and variance of the ambient medium surrounding SNR progenitors. We find that the mean ISM particle density around our sample of SNRs is $\mu_{\log{n}} = -1.33$, in $\log_{10}$ of particles per cubic centimeter, with variance $\sigma^2_{\log{n}} = 0.49$. If interpreted at face value, this implies that most SNRs result from supernovae propagating in the warm, ionized medium. However, it is also likely that either SNR evolution is not dominated by the simple Sedov evolution or SNR samples are biased to the warm, ionized medium (WIM).
  • We use observations of quiet Sun (QS) regions in the H$\alpha$ 6563 \AA, Ca~{\sc ii} 8542 \AA\, and Fe~{\sc i} 6302 \AA\ lines. We observe brightenings in the wings of the H$\alpha$ and Ca~{\sc ii} combined with observations of the interacting magnetic concentrations observed in the Stokes signals of Fe~{\sc i}. These brightenings are similar to Ellerman bombs (EBs), i.e. impulsive bursts in the wings of the Balmer lines which leave the line cores unaffected. Such enhancements suggest that these events have similar formation mechanisms to the classical EBs found in active regions, with the reduced intensity enhancements found in the QS regions due to a weaker feeding magnetic flux. The observations also show that the quiet Sun Ellerman bombs (QSEBs) are formed at a higher height in the upper photosphere than the photospheric continuum level. Using simulations, we investigate the formation mechanism associated with the events and suggest that these events are driven by the interaction of magnetic field-lines in the upper photospheric regions. The results of the simulation are in agreement with observations when comparing the light-curves, and in most cases we found that the peak in the Ca~{\sc ii} 8542 \AA\ wing occurred before the peak in H$\alpha$ wing. Moreover, in some cases, the line profiles observed in Ca~{\sc ii} are asymmetrical with a raised core profile. The source of heating in these events is shown by the MURaM simulations and is suggested to occur 430 km above the photosphere.
  • In this work, we propose a novel scenario to probe the interactions between dark matter (DM) particles and electrons, via hydrogen-atmosphere pulsating white dwarfs (DAVs) in globular clusters. In this special configuration, the DM particles, which are predominantly captured by multiple scattering with the electrons in a DAV, would annihilate by pairs and provide extra energy source to the DAV. This mechanism slows down the natural cooling evolution which can be presented by the period variation rates of pulsation modes. The differences between the secular rates predicted by the precise asteroseismology and the secular rates obtained from observation can reveal the DM-electron interactions. An important observable has been proposed and corresponding estimations have been made. According to the estimation, if this scenario could be implemented in the near future, the potential sensitivity on $m_{\chi}$ (DM particle's mass) and $\sigma_{\chi,e}$ (elastic scattering cross section between DM and electron) could be hopefully extended to a region $5 \mathrm{GeV} \lesssim m_{\chi} \lesssim 10^{4} \mathrm{GeV}$ and $\sigma_{\chi,e} \gtrsim 10^{-40} \mathrm{cm}^{2}$. Combining with indirect DM detection results, this could give us a cross check on the existence of such leptonphilic DM particles to some extent.
  • We report extensive theoretical calculations on the rotation-inversion excitation of interstellar ammonia (NH3) due to collisions with atomic and molecular hydrogen (both para- and ortho-H2). Close-coupling calculations are performed for total energies in the range 1-2000 cm-1 and rotational cross sections are obtained for all transitions among the lowest 17 and 34 rotation-inversion levels of ortho- and para-NH3, respectively. Rate coefficients are deduced for kinetic temperatures up to 200 K. Propensity rules for the three colliding partners are discussed and we also compare the new results to previous calculations for the spherically symmetrical He and para-H2 projectiles. Significant differences are found between the different sets of calculations. Finally, we test the impact of the new rate coefficients on the calibration of the ammonia thermometer. We find that the calibration curve is only weakly sensitive to the colliding partner and we confirm that the ammonia thermometer is robust.
  • We present in this paper the general formalism and data processing steps used in the MATISSE data reduction software, as it has been developed by the MATISSE consortium. The MATISSE instrument is the mid-infrared new generation interferometric instrument of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). It is a 2-in-1 instrument with 2 cryostats and 2 detectors: one 2k x 2k Rockwell Hawaii 2RG detector for L\&M-bands, and one 1k x 1k Raytheon Aquarius detector for N-band, both read at high framerates, up to 30 frames per second. MATISSE is undergoing its first tests in laboratory today.
  • We study the implementation of mechanical feedback from supernovae (SNe) and stellar mass loss in galaxy simulations, within the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) project. We present the FIRE-2 algorithm for coupling mechanical feedback, which can be applied to any hydrodynamics method (e.g. fixed-grid, moving-mesh, and mesh-less methods), and black hole as well as stellar feedback. This algorithm ensures manifest conservation of mass, energy, and momentum, and avoids imprinting 'preferred directions' on the ejecta. We show that it is critical to incorporate both momentum and thermal energy of mechanical ejecta in a self-consistent manner, accounting for SNe cooling radii when they are not resolved. Using idealized simulations of single SN explosions, we show that the FIRE-2 algorithm, independent of resolution, reproduces converged solutions in both energy and momentum. In contrast, common 'fully-thermal' (energy-dump) or 'fully-kinetic' (particle-kicking) schemes in the literature depend strongly on resolution: when applied at mass resolution >100 solar masses, they diverge by orders-of-magnitude from the converged solution. In galaxy-formation simulations, this divergence leads to orders-of-magnitude differences in galaxy properties, unless those models are adjusted in a resolution-dependent way. We show that all models that individually time-resolve SNe converge to the FIRE-2 solution at sufficiently high resolution. However, in both idealized single-SN simulations and cosmological galaxy-formation simulations, the FIRE-2 algorithm converges much faster than other sub-grid models without re-tuning parameters.
  • Recently, Squire & Hopkins (2017) showed any coupled dust-gas mixture is subject to a class of linear 'resonant drag instabilities' (RDI). These can drive large dust-to-gas ratio fluctuations even at arbitrarily small dust-to-gas mass ratios. Here, we identify and study both resonant and new non-resonant instabilities, in the simple case where the gas satisfies neutral hydrodynamics and supports acoustic waves ($\omega^{2}=c_{s}^{2}\,k^{2}$). The gas and dust are coupled via an arbitrary drag law and subject to external accelerations (e.g. gravity, radiation pressure). If there is any dust drift velocity, the system is unstable. The instabilities exist for {\em all} dust-to-gas ratios $\mu$ and their growth rates depend only weakly on $\mu$ around resonance, as $\sim\mu^{1/3}$ or $\sim \mu^{1/2}$ (depending on wavenumber). The behavior changes depending on whether the drift velocity is larger or smaller than the sound speed $c_{s}$. In the supersonic regime a 'resonant' instability appears with growth rate increasing without limit with wavenumber, even for vanishingly small $\mu$ and values of the coupling strength ('stopping time'). In the subsonic regime non-resonant instabilities always exist, but their growth rates no longer increase indefinitely towards small wavelengths. The dimensional scalings and qualitative behavior of the instability do not depend sensitively on the drag law or equation-of-state of the gas. The instabilities directly drive exponentially growing dust-to-gas-ratio fluctuations, which can be large even when the modes are otherwise weak. We discuss physical implications for cool-star winds, AGN-driven winds and torii, and starburst winds: the instabilities alter the character of these outflows and could drive clumping and/or turbulence in the dust and gas.
  • We aim at describing and understanding binary interaction processes in systems with very evolved companions. Here, we focus on understanding the origin and determining the properties of the high-velocity outflow observed in one such system. We present a quantitative analysis of BD+46$^{\circ}$442, a post-AGB binary which shows active mass transfer that leads to the creation of a disk-driven outflow or jet. We obtained high-resolution optical spectra from the HERMES spectrograph, mounted on the 1.2m Flemish Mercator Telescope. By performing a time-series analysis of the Halpha profile, we dissected the different components of the system. We deduced the jet geometry by comparing the orbital phased data with our jet model. In order to image the accretion disk around the companion of BD+46$^{\circ}$442, we applied the technique of Doppler tomography. The orbital phase-dependent variations in the Halpha profile can be related to an accretion disk around the companion, from which a high-velocity outflow or jet is launched. Our model shows that there is a clear correlation between the inclination angle and the jet opening angle. The latitudinally dependent velocity structure of our jet model shows a good correspondence to the data, with outflow velocities at least higher than 400km/s. We show that BD+46$^{\circ}$442, is a result of a binary interaction channel. The origin of the fast outflow in this system can be attributed to a gaseous disk around the secondary component, which is most likely a main sequence star. Our analysis suggests the outflow to have a rather wide opening angle instead of being strongly collimated. Similar orbital phase-dependent Halpha profiles are commonly observed in post-AGB binaries. Post-AGB binaries provide ideal test bets to study jet formation and launching mechanisms over a wide range of orbital conditions.
  • We calculate neutrino emissivities from self-annihilating dark matter ($\chi$) in the dense and hot stellar interior of a (proto)neutron star. Using a model where dark matter interacts with nucleons in the stellar core through a pseudoscalar boson ($a$) we find that the neutrino production rates from the dominant reaction channels $\chi \chi \rightarrow \nu \bar{\nu}$ or $\chi \chi \rightarrow a a$, with subsequent decay of the mediator $ a \rightarrow \nu \bar{\nu}$, could locally match and even surpass those of the standard neutrinos from the modified nuclear URCA processes at early ages. We find that the emitting region can be localized in a tiny fraction of the star (less than a few percent of the core volume) and the process can last its entire lifetime for some cases under study. We discuss the possible consequences of our results for stellar cooling in light of existing dark matter constraints.