• Mean field electrodynamics (MFE) facilitates practical modeling of secular, large scale properties of astrophysical or laboratory systems with fluctuations.Practitioners commonly assume wide scale separation between mean and fluctuating quantities, to justify equality of ensemble and spatial or temporal averages.Often however, real systems do not exhibit such scale separation. This raises two questions: (I) what are the appropriate generalized equations of MFE in the presence of mesoscale fluctuations? (II) how precise are theoretical predictions from MFE? We address both by first deriving the equations of MFE for different types of averaging, along with mesoscale correction terms that depend on the ratio of averaging scale to variation scale of the mean. We then show that even if these terms are small, predictions of MFE can still have a significant precision error. This error has an intrinsic contribution from the dynamo input parameters and a filtering contribution from differences in the way observations and theory are projected through the measurement kernel.Minimizing the sum of these contributions can produce an optimal scale of averaging that makes the theory maximally precise.The precision error is important to quantify when comparing to observations because it quantifies the resolution of predictive power. We exemplify these principles for galactic dynamos, comment on broader implications, and identify possibilities for further work.
  • We present a new magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation code with the aim of providing accurate numerical solutions to astrophysical phenomena where discontinuities, shock waves, and turbulence are inherently important. The code implements the HLLD approximate Riemann solver, the fifth-order-monotonicity-preserving interpolation (MP5) scheme, and the hyperbolic divergence cleaning method for a magnetic field. This choice of schemes significantly improved numerical accuracy and stability, and saved computational costs in multidimensional problems. Numerical tests of one- and two-dimensional problems showed the advantages of using the high-order scheme by comparing with results from a standard second-order TVD MUSCL scheme. The present code enabled us to explore long-term evolution of a three-dimensional accretion disk around a black hole, in which compressible MHD turbulence caused continuous mass accretion via nonlinear growth of the magneto-rotational instability (MRI). Numerical tests with various computational cell sizes exhibited a convergent picture of the early nonlinear growth of the MRI in a global model, and indicated that the MP5 scheme has more than twice the resolution of the MUSCL scheme in practical applications.
  • Along the development of free-electron laser operating at the wavelength of X-ray, the importance of investigation on the radiation has increased. A theoretical simulation is an essential tool for studying existing and proposed experiments. The available simulations preserve net energy conservation over the timestep, upholding causality between the electrons' power and the radiated energy flux. However, according to Wheeler-Feynman time-symmetric theory, the timestep is too short to ensure this. Therefore, the time evolution of electrons and radiation field predicted by the simulations should contradict the correct physics, regardless of whether the stimulated emission dominates over the spontaneous emission or not.
  • We study the slowing down of particle beams passing through the dusty plasma with power-law kappa-distributions. Three plasma components, electrons, ions and dust particles, can have different kappa-parameter. We derive the deceleration factor (the velocity moment equation) and the slowing down time of a test particle, and numerically study the slowing down properties of an electron beam, a proton beam and a dust particle beam, respectively, in the kappa-distributed dusty plasma. We show that the slowing down properties of particle beams depend strongly on the kappa-parameters of the plasma components, and the dust component plays a dominant role in the slowing down. And the slowing down also depends on mass and charge of the dust particles in the dusty plasma. More detailed results are shown in 17 numerical graphs.
  • Time-dependent nonlinear media, such as rapidly generated plasmas produced via laser ionization of gases, can increase the energy of individual laser photons and generate tunable high-order harmonic pulses. This phenomenon, known as photon acceleration, has traditionally required extreme-intensity laser pulses and macroscopic propagation lengths. Here, we report on a novel nonlinear material$-$an ultrathin semiconductor metasurface$-$that exhibits efficient photon acceleration at low intensities. We observe a signature nonlinear manifestation of photon acceleration: third-harmonic generation of near-infrared photons with tunable frequencies reaching up to $\approx3.1\omega$. A simple time-dependent coupled-mode theory, found to be in good agreement with experimental results, is utilized to predict a new path towards nonlinear radiation sources that combine resonant upconversion with broadband operation.
  • Based on the particle-in-cell (PIC) plasma simulation method, the speed-limited PIC (SLPIC) method delivers faster kinetic plasma simulation in cases where the particle distributions evolve slowly compared with the maximum stable PIC timestep. SLPIC thus offers more feasible, fully kinetic simulation in regimes that historically have required fluid approaches, such as magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), two-fluid, or Boltzmann electron treatments. In particular, SLPIC allows an explicit time advance with steps much larger than the inverse plasma frequency, avoiding the instability explicit PIC faces with large timesteps. SLPIC avoids this instability by slowing down fast particles (e.g., electrons) in a way that is rigorously underpinned by an approximate Vlasov equation; unlike MHD, two-fluid, and Boltzmann electron approaches, SLPIC does not fundamentally neglect any first-principles plasma physics, although the choices of grid cell size, timestep, and number of macroparticles per cell naturally limit the physical phenomena that can be accurately represented. SLPIC can be implemented with minor modifications of a standard PIC code and does not require an implicit time advance. It enables large timesteps in first-principles kinetic plasma simulation of appropriately slow phenomena, and it can handle many of the same complications as PIC, such as boundary conditions and collisions. In an argon plasma sheath test problem, a SLPIC simulation achieved a speed-up of a factor of 160 over the corresponding PIC simulation, without loss of accuracy.
  • Although turbulence has been conjectured to be important for magnetic reconnection, still very little is known about its role in collisionless plasmas. Previous attempts to quantify the effect of turbulence on reconnection usually prescribed Alfv\'enic or other low-frequency fluctuations or investigated collisionless kinetic effects in just two-dimensional configurations and antiparallel magnetic fields. In view of this, we analyzed the kinetic turbulence self-generated by three-dimensional guide-field reconnection through force-free current sheets in frequency and wavenumber spaces, utilizing 3D particle-in-cell code numerical simulations. Our investigations reveal reconnection rates and kinetic turbulence with features similar to those obtained by current in-situ spacecraft observations of MMS as well as in the laboratory reconnection experiments MRX, VTF and \textsc{Vineta}-II. In particular we found that the kinetic turbulence developing in the course of 3D guide-field reconnection exhibits a broadband power-law spectrum extending beyond the lower-hybrid frequency and up to the electron frequencies. In the frequency space the spectral index of the turbulence appeared to be close to -2.8 at the reconnection X-line. In the wavenumber space it also becomes -2.8 as soon as the normalized reconnection rate reaches 0.1. The broadband kinetic turbulence is mainly due to current-streaming and electron-flow-shear instabilities excited in the sufficiently thin current sheets of kinetic reconnection. The growth of the kinetic turbulence corresponds to high reconnection rates which exceed those of fast laminar, non-turbulent reconnection.
  • The Lagrangian mechanical consideration of the dynamics of ideal incompressible hydrodynamic, magnetohydrodynamic, and Hall magnetohydrodynamic media, which are formulated as dynamical systems in appropriate Lie groups equipped with Riemannian metrics, leads to the notion of generalized vorticities, as well as generalized coordinates, velocities, and momenta. The action of each system is conserved against the integral path variation in the direction of the generalized vorticity, and this invariance is associated with the particle relabeling symmetry. The generalized vorticities are formulated by the operation of integro-differential operators on the generalized velocities. The eigenfunctions of the operators provide sets of orthogonal functions, and we obtain common mathematical expressions concerning these dynamical systems using the orthogonoal functions. In particular, we find that the product of the Riemannian metric, $g_{im}$, and the structure constants of the Lie group, $C^{m}_{jk}$, is given by the product of the eigenvalue of the operator, $\Lambda(i)$, and a certain totally antisymmetric tensor, $T_{ijk}$: $g_{i\alpha}C^{\alpha}_{jk}=\Lambda(i)T_{ijk}.$ Its physical implications, including the weak interaction conjecture of MHD turbulence, are also discussed.
  • Modifications of the equations of ideal fluid dynamics with advected quantities are introduced that allow selective decay of either the energy $h$ or the Casimir quantities $C$ in the Lie-Poisson formulation. The dissipated quantity (energy or Casimir, respectively) is shown to decrease in time until the modified system reaches an equilibrium state consistent with ideal energy-Casimir equilibria, namely $\delta(h+C)=0$. The result holds for Lie-Poisson equations in general, independently of the Lie algebra and the choice of Casimir. This selective decay process is illustrated with a number of examples in 2D and 3D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).
  • The gyrotron is the high power millimeter wave source in the electron cyclotron resonance heating system for the tokamak. The cathode power supply is one of the most important ancillary devices for gyrotron. Some interesting transient phenomena about the cathode voltage and the cathode current was found in the gyrotron operation in the electron cyclotron resonance heating system for the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak. The cathode voltage drops to about 10% of the original value by about 90 {\mu}s in the overcurrent case, which is much longer than the 25 {\mu}s in the normal case. In order to explain these phenomena, an equivalent circuit model of the magnetron injection gun was proposed. The equivalent circuit is composed of parallel resistors and capacitors, and it can explain the test results very well. Using the equivalent circuit model to analyze gyrotrons may become an effective means of developing and operating an electron cyclotron heating system.
  • Using spatio-temporal spectra we show direct evidence of excitation of magnetosonic and Alfv\'en waves in three-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence at small Mach numbers. For the plasma pressure dominated regime, or high $\beta$ regime (with $\beta$ the ratio between fluid and magnetic pressure), and for the magnetic pressure dominated regime, or low $\beta$ regime, we study magnetic field fluctuations parallel and perpendicular to a guide magnetic field $\textbf{B}_0$. In the low $\beta$ case we find excitation of compressible and incompressible fluctuations, with a transfer of energy towards Alfv\'enic modes and to a lesser extent towards magnetosonic modes. In particular, we find signatures of the presence of fast magnetosonic waves in a scenario compatible with that of weak turbulence. In the high $\beta$ case, fast and slow magnetosonic waves are present, with no clear trace of Alfv\'en waves, and a significant part of the energy is carried by two-dimensional turbulent eddies.
  • An example of the non-equilibrium phase transition is the formation of lanes when one kind of particles is driven against the other. According to experimental observation, lane formation in binary complex plasmas occurs when the smaller particles are driven through the stationary dust cloud of the larger particles. We calculate the driving force acting on a probe particle that finds itself in a quiescent cloud of particles in complex plasma of the low-pressure radio frequency discharge under microgravity conditions. It is shown that the nonzero driving force is a result of the dependence of the ion mean free path on the particle number density. If this effect is properly included in the model of similar complex plasmas then one arrives at the driving force that changes its sign at the point where the probe and the dust particles have equal radii. If the probe is smaller than the dust particle then the driving force is directed toward the discharge center and vice versa, in accordance with experiment. Obtained results can serve as the ansatz for future investigation of the lane formation in complex plasmas.
  • The effects of the stellar rotation and the consequent azimuthal stellar wind flow in Parker's [9] hydrodynamic stellar wind model are discussed. Of special interest is the emergence of a whole new hydrodynamic physics via a new critical point in the stellar wind flow, which supersedes the critical point in Parker's [9] hydrodynamic model. The effect of the stellar rotation is shown to cause the new critical point to occur lower in the corona, so the stellar wind experiences a stronger afterburner (as in an aircraft jet engine) action in the corona. For strong rotators, the new critical point is shown to occur at a fixed location for a given star, determined only by the basic stellar parameters like the mass M and the angular velocity, the variations in the stellar wind environment notwithstanding. The stellar rotation leads to stronger density fall-off and enhanced acceleration of the stellar wind at large distances from the star - this effect materializes even close to the star, for strong rotators. The stellar rotation causes the physical throat section of the effective de Laval nozzle associated with the stellar wind flow to become narrower, indicative of an enhanced flow acceleration. Thus, the stellar rotation leads to tenuous and faster stellar wind flows without change in the mass flux, and hence provides an efficient physical mechanism for protostars and strong rotators to lose their angular momentum quickly.
  • Ab initio simulations of the propagation in a plasma of a soon to be available relativistic electron-positron beam or fireball beam provide an effective mean for the study of microphysics relevant to astrophysical scenarios. We show that the current filamentation instability associated with some of these scenarios reaches saturation after only 10 cm of propagation in a typical laboratory plasma with a density 10^17/cc. The different regimes of the instability, from the purely transverse to the mixed mode filamentation, can be accessed by varying the background plasma density. The instability generates large local plasma gradients, intense transverse magnetic fields, and enhanced emission of radiation. We suggest that these effects may be observed experimentally for the first time.
  • We report a newly found two-stage mechanism of electron acceleration near X-lines of 3D collisionless guide-field magnetic reconnection in the non-relativistic regime typical, e.g., for stellar coronae. We found that after electrons are first pre-accelerated during the linear growth of reconnection, they become additionally accelerated in the course of the nonlinear stage of 3D guide-field magnetic reconnection. This additional acceleration is due to the filamentation of electric and magnetic fields caused by streaming instabilities. In addition to enhanced parallel electric fields, the filamentation leads to additional curvature-driven electron acceleration in the guide-field direction. As a result, part of the the accelerated electron spectra becomes a power law with a spectral index of $\sim-1.6$ near the X-line. This second stage of acceleration due to nonlinear reconnection is relevant for the production of energetic electrons in, e.g., thin current sheets of stellar coronae.
  • The dispersion relation of plasma and plasma-dielectric photonic multilayer structures is approached in terms of a one-dimensional Particle-in-Cell simulation. For several plasma-dielectric configurations, the system response is obtained using a pulsed excitation and a subsequent two-dimensional frequency analysis. It is first shown that the dispersion relation of a single, homogeneous plasma slab is well described by the cold-plasma model even at low pressures of 1 Pa. The study is extended to the simulation of plasma photonic crystals with a variety of configurations, based on the work of Hojo and Mase [J. Plasma Fusion Res. 80, 89 (2004)]. Considering a one-dimensional plasma photonic crystal made from alternating layers of dielectric and homogeneous plasma slabs, it is shown that the assumption of a cold-plasma description is well justified also in this case. Moreover, in this work the results are reformatted and analyzed in a band diagram representation, in particular based on the lattice constant $a$. Based on these considerations a scaling invariant representation is presented, utilizing a generalized set of parameters. The study is completed with an exemplary comparison of three plasma-dielectric photonic crystal configurations and their corresponding band diagrams.
  • Using a helium ion hitting various metal surfaces as a model system, we describe a general quantum-kinetic approach for calculating ion-induced secondary electron emission spectra at impact energies where the emission is driven by the internal potential energy of the ion. It is based on an effective model of the Anderson-Newns-type for the subset of electronic states of the ion-surface system most strongly affected by the collision. Central to our approach is a pseudo-particle representation for the electronic configurations of the projectile which enables us, by combining it with two additional auxiliary bosons, to describe in a single Hamiltonian emission channels involving electronic configurations with different internal potential energies. It is thus possible to treat Auger neutralization of the ion on an equal footing with Auger de-excitation of temporarily formed radicals and/or negative ions. From the Dyson equations for the projectile propagators and an approximate evaluation of the self-energies, rate equations are obtained for the probabilities with which the projectile configurations occur and an electron is emitted in the course of the collision. Encouraging numerical results, especially for the helium-tungsten system, indicate the potential of the approach.
  • We present an approach for carrying out non-adiabatic molecular dynamics simulations of systems in which non-adiabatic transitions arise from the coupling between the classical atomic motions and a quasi-continuum of electronic quantum states. Such conditions occur in many research areas, including chemistry at metal surfaces, radiation damage of materials, and warm dense matter physics. The classical atomic motions are governed by stochastic Langevin-like equations, while the quantum electron dynamics is described by a master equation for the populations of the electronic states. These working equations are obtained from a first-principle derivation. Remarkably, unlike the widely used Ehrenfest and surface-hopping methods, the approach naturally satisfies the principle of detailed balance at equilibrium and, therefore, can describe the evolution to thermal equilibrium from an arbitrary initial state. In addition, unlike other schemes, there is no need to explicitly propagate wave functions in time.
  • The Maxwell-Proca electrodynamics corresponding to a finite photon mass causes a substantial change of the Maxwell stress tensor and, under certain circumstances, may cause the electromagnetic stresses to act effectively as "negative pressure." The paper describes a model where this negative pressure imitates gravitational pull and may produce forces comparable to gravity and even become dominant. The effect is associated with the random magnetic fields in the galactic disk with a scale exceeding the photon Compton wavelength. The presence of a weaker regular field does not affect the forces under consideration. The stresses act predominantly on the interstellar gas and cause an additional force pulling the gas towards the center and towards the galactic plane. The stars do not experience any significant direct force but get involved in this process via a "recycling loop" where rapidly evolving massive stars are formed from the gas undergoing galactic rotation and then lose their masses back to the gas within a time shorter than roughly 1/6 of the rotation period. This makes their dynamics inseparable from that of the rotating gas. The lighter, slowly evolving stars, as soon as they are formed, lose connection to the gas and are confined within the galaxy only gravitationally. Numerical examples based on the parameters of our galaxy reveal both opportunities and challenges of this model and motivate further analysis. The critical issue is the plausibility of formation of the irregular magnetic field that would be force free. Another challenge is developing a predictive model of the evolution of the gaseous and stellar population of the galaxy under the aforementioned scenario. It may be interesting to also explore possible broader cosmological implications of the negative-pressure model.
  • In the present work, we have studied the collective behaviour of a chiral plasma with first and second order dissipative corrections allowed by conformal symmetry. We have derived dispersion relations for ideal, first order and second order MHD for the chiral plasma. We have also used our results to explain the observed pulsar kicks.
  • Using the free-free continuum self-emission spectrum at photon energies above 15 keV is one of the most promising concepts for assessing the electron temperature in ICF experiments. However, these photons are due to suprathermal electrons whose mean-free-path is much larger than thermal, making their distribution deviate from Maxwellian in a finite-size hot-spot. The first study of the free-free X-ray emission from an ICF implosion is conducted with the kinetic modifications to the electron distribution accounted for. These modifications are found to result in qualitatively new features in the hard X-ray spectral continuum. Inference of the electron temperature as if the emitting electrons are Maxwellian is shown to give a lower value than the actual one.
  • Asymmetric Fano line profiles are frequently encountered, e.g., in the photoionization spectra of atoms and ions. For the fitting of spectral line profiles to experimental spectra the line profiles have to be convolved with the experimental window function. The latter is often taken to be a Gaussian. It is shown that the convolution can be represented by a rather simple analytic expression involving the Faddeeva function for the evaluation of which efficient and accurate numerical algorithms are available.
  • In contrast to hydrodynamic vortices, vortices in plasma contain an electric current circulating around the center of the vortex, which generates a magnetic field localized inside. Using computer simulations, we demonstrate that the magnetic field associated with the vortex gives rise to a mechanism of dissipation of the vortex pair in a collisionless plasma, leading to fast annihilation of the magnetic field with its energy transforming into the energy of fast electrons, secondary vortices, and plasma waves. Two major contributors to the energy damping of double vortex system, namely, magnetic field annihilation and secondary vortex formation, are regulated by the size of the vortex with respect to the electron skin depth, which scales with the electron gamma-factor, $\gamma_e$, as $R/d_e \propto \gamma_e^{1/2}$. Magnetic field annihilation appears to be dominant in mildly relativistic vortices, while for the ultrarelativistic case, secondary vortex formation is the main channel for damping of the initial double vortex system.
  • The description of the dynamics of an electron in an external electromagnetic field of arbitrary intensity is one of the most fundamental outstanding problems in electrodynamics. Remarkably, to date there is no unanimously accepted theoretical solution for ultra-high intensities and little or no experimental data. The basic challenge is the inclusion of the self-interaction of the electron with the field emitted by the electron itself - the so-called radiation reaction force. We report here on the experimental evidence of strong radiation reaction, in an all-optical experiment, during the propagation of highly relativistic electrons (maximum energy exceeding 2 GeV) through the field of an ultra-intense laser (peak intensity of $4\times10^{20}$ W/cm$^2$). In their own rest frame, the highest energy electrons experience an electric field as high as one quarter of the critical field of quantum electrodynamics and are seen to lose up to 30% of their kinetic energy during the propagation through the laser field. The experimental data show signatures of quantum effects in the electron dynamics in the external laser field, potentially showing departures from the constant cross field approximation.
  • Pulses of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light, with wavelengths between 10 and 100$\,$nm, can be used to image and excite ultra-fast phenomena such as the motion of atomic electrons. Here we show that the illumination of plasma with near-critical electron density may be used as a source of relativistically intense XUV radiation, providing the means for novel XUV-pump--XUV-probe experiments in the non-linear regime. We describe how the optimal regime may be reached by tailoring the laser-target interaction parameters and by the presence of preplasma. Our results indicate that currently available laser facilities are capable of producing XUV pulses with duration $\sim 10~\text{fs}$, brilliance in excess of $10^{23}$ photons/s/mm$^2$/mrad$^2$ (0.1% bandwidth) and intensity $I\lambda^2 \gtrsim 10^{19}~\text{W}\text{cm}^{-2}\mu\text{m}^2$.