• An exact particle-hole transformation is discovered in a local-moment model for a single layer of heavily electron-doped FeSe. The model harbors hidden magnetic order between the iron d_xz and d_yz orbitals at the wavenumber (pi,pi). It potentially is tied to the magnetic resonances about the very same Neel ordering vector that have been recently discovered in intercalated FeSe. Upon electron doping, the local-moment model successfully accounts for the electron-pocket Fermi surfaces observed experimentally at the corner of the two-iron Brillouin zone in electron-doped FeSe, as well as for isotropic Cooper pairs. Application of the particle-hole transformation predicts a surface-layer iron-based superconductor at strong hole doping that exhibits high T_c, and that shows hole-type Fermi-surface pockets at the center of the two-iron Brillouin zone.
  • We demonstrate that a weakly disordered metal with short-range interactions exhibits a transition in the quantum chaotic dynamics when changing the temperature or the interaction strength. For weak interactions, the system displays exponential growth of the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) of the current operator. The Lyapunov exponent of this growth is temperature-independent in the limit of vanishing interaction. With increasing the temperature or the interaction strength, the system undergoes a transition to a non-chaotic behaviour, for which the exponential growth of the OTOC is absent. We conjecture that the transition manifests itself in the quasiparticle energy-level statistics and also discuss ways of its explicit observation in cold-atom setups.
  • This article reviews odd-frequency (odd-w) pairing with focus on superconducting systems. Since Berezinskii introduced the concept of odd frequency order in 1974 it has been viewed as an exotic and rarely occurring in nature. Here, we present a view that the Berezinskii state is in fact a ubiquitous superconducting order that is both non-local and odd in time. It appears under quite general circumstances including in bulk materials, heterostructures and dynamically driven superconducting states. It is therefore important to understand the nature of odd-w pairing. We present the properties of odd-w pairing in bulk materials, including possible microscopic mechanisms, discuss definitions of the odd-w superconducting order parameter, and the unusual Meissner response of odd-frequency superconductors. Next, we present how odd-w pairing is generated in hybrid structures of nearly any sort and focus on its relation to Andreev bound states, spin polarized Cooper pairs, and Majorana states. We overview how odd-w pairing can be applied to non-superconducting systems such as ultracold Fermi gases, Bose-Einstein condensates, and chiral spin-nematics. Due to the growing importance of dynamic orders in quantum systems we also discuss the emergent view that the odd-w state is an example of phase coherent dynamic order. We summarize the recent progress made in understanding the emergence of odd-w states in driven superconducting systems. A more general view of odd-w superconductivity suggests an interesting approach to this state as a realization of the hidden order with inherently dynamic correlations. We overview progress made in this rapidly evolving field and illustrate the ubiquity of the odd-w states and potential for future discoveries of these states in variety of settings. We sum up the general rules/design principles to induce odd-w components using the SPOT rule.
  • The orbital distribution of the spin fluctuation in the iron-based superconductors(IBSs) is the key information needed to understand the magnetism, superconductivity and electronic nematicity in these multi-orbital systems. In this work, we propose that the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering(RIXS) technique can be used to probe selectively the spin fluctuation on different Fe $3d$ orbitals. In particular, the spin fluctuation on the three $t_{2g}$ orbitals, namely, the $3d_{xz}$, $3d_{yz}$ and the $3d_{xy}$ orbital, can be selectively probed in the $\sigma\rightarrow\pi'$ scattering geometry by aligning the direction of the outgoing photon in the $y$, $x$ and $z$ direction. Such orbital-resolved information on the spin fluctuation is invaluable for the study of the orbital-selective physics in the IBSs and can greatly advance our understanding on the relation between orbital ordering and spin nematicity in the IBSs and the orbital-selective pairing mechanism in these multi-orbital systems.
  • We investigate topological Cooper pairing, including gapless Weyl and fully gapped class DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. The latter describes effective spin-3/2 carriers near a quadratic band touching and captures the normal-state properties of the 227 pyrochlore iridates and half-Heusler alloys. Electron-electron interactions may favor non-$s$-wave pairing in such systems, including even-parity $d$-wave pairing. We argue that the lowest energy $d$-wave pairings are always of complex (e.g., $d + i d$) type, with nodal Weyl quasiparticles. This implies $\varrho(E) \sim |E|^2$ scaling of the density of states (DoS) at low energies in the clean limit, or $\varrho(E) \sim |E|$ over a wide critical region in the presence of disorder. The latter is consistent with the $T$-dependence of the penetration depth in the half-Heusler compound YPtBi. We enumerate routes for experimental verification, including specific heat, thermal conductivity, NMR relaxation time, and topological Fermi arcs. Nucleation of any $d$-wave pairing also causes a small lattice distortion and induces an $s$-wave component; this gives a route to strain-engineer exotic $s+d$ pairings. We also consider odd-parity, fully gapped $p$-wave superconductivity. For hole doping, a gapless Majorana fluid with cubic dispersion appears at the surface. We invent a generalized surface model with $\nu$-fold dispersion to simulate a bulk with winding number $\nu$. Using exact diagonalization, we show that disorder drives the surface into a critically delocalized phase, with universal DoS and multifractal scaling consistent with the conformal field theory (CFT) SO($n$)${}_\nu$, where $n \rightarrow 0$ counts replicas. This is contrary to the naive expectation of a surface thermal metal, and implies that the topology tunes the surface renormalization group to the CFT in the presence of disorder.
  • The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is well-known in classical hydrodynamics, where it explains the sudden emergence of interfacial surface waves as a function of the velocity of flow parallel to the interface. It can be carried over to the inviscid two-fluid dynamics of superfluids, to study different types of interfaces and phase boundaries in quantum fluids. We report measurements on the stability of the phase boundary separating the two bulk phases of superfluid 3He in rotating flow, while the boundary is localized with the gradient of the magnetic field to a position perpendicular to the rotation axis. The results demonstrate that the classic stability condition, when modified for the superfluid environment, is obeyed down to 0.4 Tc, if a large fraction of the magnetic polarization of the B-phase is attributed to a parabolic reduction of the interfacial surface tension with increasing magnetic field.
  • The applied voltage along a wire leads to a constant current density and, in turn, the azimuthal magnetic field. The absence of the radial current in a sample bulk requires nonzero radial(Hall) electric field to be present. We show that the longitudinal current itself is exactly that provided by the carriers drift in crossed azimuthal magnetic and Hall electric field. Nonzero carrier viscosity leads to nonuniform current flow dependent on the boundary condition at the inner wire wall. We find the general boundary condition accounting diamagnetic currents. At low temperatures the enhanced carrier viscosity leads to both the current and azimuthal magnetic field are pushed out the wire bulk towards the inner boundary. Simultaneously, the sample resistance strongly vanishes exhibiting a temperature driven threshold transition. Within low-current limit we calculate the threshold temperature for arbitrary carrier scattering and the sample size. For bulky sample and finite applied current our theory provides the universal phase transition diagram in terms of magnetic field vs temperature.
  • HTS are feasible for hight power applications because of the smaller consumption demand of the cooling system in comparison to the whole power device. Real industral devices contain superconductors with 2D and 3D geometry (coated conductors tapes represent an example of 2D geometry, since the superconducting layer is very thin). In order to know the feasibility and the optimum design of a certain device, there is a need of software tools. These Numerical tools have hight requirements like fast computation, a physical model for any E(J) relation of the superconductor and any complex geometry such as coils, motors and generators, where E is the electric field and J is the current density. In this work we present a 3D variational model based on a functional that restricts the problem in the superconductor volume. We show the magnetization process of a thin film and a 3D bulk sample. We compare our model of the thin film geometry with the thin film formula, reaching a good agreement. We also compare a striated tape, where the filaments are connected by linear material, with a FEM model. We present several results for a thin film with constant critical current density, Jc, magnetic-field dependent Jc, and an anisotropic E(J) relation. For the latter, E is not parallel to J when the magnetic flux density is not perpendicular to J (force free situation). The last studied situation is the 3D cubic sample. We find the time dependence of the current density and AC loss for each situation. In the cubic bulk sample, we found a non-negligible component of the current density in the direction of the applied field. The presented numerical method is very promising for 3D modeling of superconducting samples and power applications.
  • Using a nonequilibrium implementation of the Lanczos-based exact diagonalisation technique we study the possibility of the light-induced superconducting phase coherence in a solid state system after an ultrafast optical excitation. In particular, we investigate the buildup of superconducting correlations by calculating an exact time-dependent wave function reflecting the properties of the system in non-equilibrium and the corresponding transient response functions. Within our picture we identify a possible transient Meissner effect after dynamical quenching of the non-superconducting wavefunction and extract a characteristic superfluid density that we compare to experimental data. Finally, we find that the stability of the induced superconducting state depends crucially on the nature of the excitation quench: namely, a pure interaction quench induces a long-lived superconducting state, whereas a phase quench leads to a short-lived transient superconductor.
  • We review the recent progress in understanding the properties of spin-split superconductors under non-equilibrium conditions. Recent experiments and theories demonstrate a rich variety of transport phenomena occurring in devices based on such materials that suggest direct applications in thermoelectricity, low-dissipative spintronics, radiation detection and sensing. We discuss different experimental situations and present a theoretical framework based on quantum kinetic equations. Within this framework we provide an accurate description of the non-equilibrium distribution of charge, spin and energy, which are the relevant non-equilibrium modes, in different hybrid structures. We also review experiments on spin-split superconductors and show how transport measurements reveal the properties of the non-equilibrium modes and their mutual coupling. We discuss in detail spin injection and diffusion and very large thermoelectric effects in spin-split superconductors.
  • We investigate the topological properties of spin polarized fermionic polar molecules loaded in a multi-layer structure with the electric dipole moment polarized to the normal direction. When polar molecules are paired by attractive inter-layer interaction, unpaired Majorana fermions can be macroscopically generated in the top and bottom layers in dilute density regime. We show that the resulting topological state is effectively composed by a bundle of 1D Kitaev ladders labeled by in-plane momenta k and -k, and hence belongs to BDI class characterized by the winding number Z, protected by the time reversal symmetry. The Majorana surface modes exhibit a flatband at zero energy, fully gapped from Bogoliubov excitations in the bulk, and hence becomes an idea system to investigate the interaction effects on quantum degenerate Majorana fermions. We further show that additional interference fringes can be identified as a signature of such 2D Majorana surface modes in the time-of-flight experiment.
  • In the traditional view, the magnetic moment appearing in the superconducting region is induced by equal-spin triplet superconducting correlations in superconductor ($S$) ferromagnet ($F$) heterostructure with noncollinear magnetization. In this paper, we represent that in $NSF_1F_2$ ($N$--normal-metal) spin-valve structure the induced magnetic moment emerging in both the $S$ and $N$ regions can also be generated by Cooper pair splitting: one electron coherently tunnels from the $S$ layer into the $F_1$ layer, and the other one stays in the $S$ layer or tunnels into the $N$ layer. Two electrons are spatially separated from each other but their total spin ground state is entangled in this process. In contrast, the magnetic moment induced by the equal-spin triplet correlations hardly penetrates from the $S$ layer into the $N$ layer. In particular, by tuning the size of the exchange field and the thickness of the $F_1$ layer, one may control the direction of the induced magnetic moment in the $N$ layer. This interesting phenomenon can be attributed to the phase-shift obtained by the spin-entangled electrons. Our theoretical proposal will offer an effective way to control the entanglement of the nonlocal electrons, and also may provide possible explanations for previous and recent experimental observations [Stamopoulos et al 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 212514; Ovsyannikov et al 2016 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 122 738; Flokstra et al 2016 Nat. Phys. 12 57].
  • With the purpose of investigating coexistence between magnetic order and superconductivity, we consider a model in which conduction electrons interact with each other, via an attractive Hubbard on-site coupling $U$, and with local moments on every site, via a Kondo-like coupling, $J$. The model is solved on a simple cubic lattice through a Hartree-Fock approximation, within a `semi-classical' framework which allows spiral magnetic modes to be stabilized. For a fixed electronic density, $n_c$, the small $J$ region of the ground state ($T=0$) phase diagram displays spiral antiferromagnetic (SAFM) states for small $U$. Upon increasing $U$, a state with coexistence between superconductivity (SC) and SAFM sets in; further increase in $U$ turns the spiral mode into a N\'eel antiferromagnet. The large $J$ region is a (singlet) Kondo phase. At finite temperatures, and in the region of coexistence, thermal fluctuations suppress the different ordered phases in succession: the SAFM phase at lower temperatures and SC at higher temperatures; also, reentrant behaviour is found to be induced by temperature. Our results provide a qualitative description of the competition between local moment magnetism and superconductivity in the borocarbides family.
  • We report a detailed study of the microscopic effects of Cu intercalation on the charge density wave (CDW) in 1\textit{T}-Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$. Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS) reveal a unique, Cu driven spatial texturing of the charge ordered phase, with the appearance of energy dependent CDW patches and sharp $\pi$-phase shift domain walls ($\pi$DWs). The energy and doping dependencies of the patchwork are directly linked to the inhomogeneous potential landscape due to the Cu intercalants. They imply a CDW gap with unusual features, including a large amplitude, the opening below the Fermi level and a shift to higher binding energy with electron doping. Unlike the patchwork, the $\pi$DWs occur independently of the intercalated Cu distribution. They remain atomically sharp throughout the investigated phase diagram and occur both in superconducting and non-superconducting specimen. These results provide unique atomic-scale insight on the CDW ground state, questioning the existence of incommensurate CDW domain walls and contributing to understand its formation mechanism and interplay with superconductivity.
  • Based on a combination of X-ray diffraction, electrical transports, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and pressure effect measurements, we report a series of BiS$_{2}$-based Sr$_{1-x}$Pr$_{x}$FBiS$_{2}$ superconductors with the maximum $T_c$ of 2.7 K for $x =$ 0.5 at ambient pressure. Superconductivity can be only observed at 0.4 $\leq$ x $\leq$ 0.7 while the normal state resistivity shows the semiconducting-like behaviors. $\chi(T)$ displays the low superconducting shielding volume fractions and $C(T)$ does not exhibit distinguishable anomaly around $T_c$, suggesting a filamentary superconductivity in the Pr-doped polycrystalline samples. By varying doping concentrations, an electrnoic phase diagram can thus be established. Upon applying pressure on the optimal doping Sr$_{0.5}$Pr$_{0.5}$FBiS$_{2}$ system, $T_c$ is abruptly enhanced, reaches 8.5 K at a critical pressure of $P_c =$ 1.5 GPa and remains a slight increase up to 9.7 K up to 2.5 GPa. Accompanied with the enhancement of superconductivity from the low-$T_c$ phase to the high-$T_c$ phase, the normal state undergoes a semiconductor-to-metal transition under pressure. The scenario can be linked to the enhancement of orbital overlap of Bi-6p and S-p, contributing to the bulk superconductivity above $P_c$. Phase diagram for Sr$_{0.5}$Pr$_{0.5}$FBiS$_{2}$ is also obtained.
  • We analyze the finite-temperature phase diagram of the boson-fermion-Hubbard model with Feshbach converting interaction, using the coherent-state path-integral method. We show that depending on the position of the bosonic band, this type of interaction, even if weak, can drive the system into the resonant superfluid phase in the strong bosonic interaction limit. It turns out that this phase can exist for an arbitrary number of fermions (i.e., fermionic concentration between 0 and 2) but with the bosonic particle number very close to an integer value. We point out that the standard time-of-flight method in optical lattice experiments can be an adequate technique to confirm the existence of this resonant phase. Moreover, in the non-resonant regime, the enhancement of the critical temperature of the superfluid phase due to Feshbach interaction is also observed. We account for this interesting phenomena for a hole- or particlelike pairing mechanism depending on the system density and mutual location of the fermionic and bosonic bands.
  • Point-contact spectroscopy of several non-superconducting topological materials reveals a low temperature phase transition that is characterized by a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-type of criticality. We find such a behavior of differential conductance for topological surfaces of non-magnetic and magnetic Pb$_{1-y-x}$Sn$_y$Mn$_x$Te. We examine a possible contribution from superconducting nanoparticles, and show to what extent our data are consistent with Brzezicki's et al. theory [arXiv:1812.02168], assigning the observations to a collective state adjacent to atomic steps at topological surfaces.
  • From heavy fermions to cuprates and iron pnictides, a spin resonance is a staple of nearly magnetic superconductors. Possible explanations include a two-particle bound state or loss of magnon damping in the superconductor. While both scenarios suggest a central role for magnetic fluctuations, distinguishing them is important to identify the right theoretical framework and to guide the search for higher temperature superconductors. Using inelastic neutron scattering technique, we show that the spin resonance in optimally doped Fe(Se,Te) splits into three peaks in a high magnetic field, a signature of a two-particle triplet bound state
  • We observe a broadband chaotic signal of Terahertz frequency emitted from a superconducting junction. The generated radiation has a wide spectrum reaching 0.7 THz and power sufficient to drive on-chip circuit elements. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental observation of a high-frequency chaotic signal emitted by a superconducting system which lies inside the Terahertz gap. Our experimental finding is fully confirmed by the numerical modeling based on the microscopic theory and reveals the unrealized potential of superconducting systems in chaos-based Terahertz communication, fast generation of true random numbers and non-invasive Terahertz spectroscopy applicable to physical, chemical and biological systems.
  • Using a proper cooling procedure, a controllable amount of non-magnetic structural disorder can be introduced at low temperature in (TMTSF)2ClO4. Here we performed simultaneous measurements of transport and magnetic properties of (TMTSF)2ClO4 in its normal and superconducting states, while finely covering three orders of magnitude of the cooling rate around the anion ordering temperature. Our result reveals, with increasing density of disorder, the existence of a crossover between homogeneous defect-controlled d-wave superconductivity and granular superconductivity. At slow cooling rates, with small amount of disorder, the evolution of superconducting properties is well described with the Abrikosov-Gorkov theory, providing further confirmation of non-s-wave pairing in this compound. In contrast, at fast cooling rates, zero resistance and diamagnetic shielding are achieved through a randomly distributed network of superconducting puddles embedded in an normal conducting background and interconnected by proximity effect coupling. The temperature dependence of the AC complex susceptibility reveals features typical for a network of granular superconductors. This makes (TMTSF)2ClO4 a model system for granular superconductivity where the grain size and their concentration are tunable within the same sample.
  • We focus on a broad class of tetragonal itinerant systems sharing a tendency towards the spontaneous formation of incommensurate magnetism with ordering wavevectors $\mathbf{Q}_{1,2}=(\pi-\delta,0)/(0,\pi-\delta)$ or $\mathbf{Q}_{1,2}=(\pi,\delta)/(-\delta,\pi)$. Employing a Landau approach, we obtain the generic magnetic phase diagram and identify the leading instabilities near the paramagnetic-magnetic transition. Nine distinct magnetic phases exist that either preserve or violate the assumed $C_4$-symmetry of the paramagnetic phase. These are single- and double-$\mathbf{Q}$ phases consisting of magnetic stripes, helices and whirls, either in an individual or coexisting manner. These nine phases can be experimentally distinguished by polarized neutron scattering, or, for example, by combining measurements of the induced charge order and magnetoelectric coupling. Within two representative five-orbital models, suitable for BaFe$_2$As$_2$ and LaFeAsO, we find that the incommensurate magnetic phases discussed here are accessible in iron-based superconductors. Our investigation unveils a set of potential candidates for the unidentified $C_2$-symmetric magnetic phase that was recently observed in Ba$_{1-x}$Na$_x$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$. Among the phases stabilized we find a spin-whirl crystal, which is a textured magnetic $C_4$-symmetric phase. The possible experimental observation of textured magnetic orders in iron-based superconductor, opens new directions for realizing intrinsic topological superconductors.
  • We study supercurrent and proximity vortices in a Josephson junction made of disordered surface states of a three-dimensional topological insulator with a proximity induced in-plane helical magnetization. In a regime where the rotation period of helical magnetization is larger than the junction width, we find supercurrent 0-{\pi} crossovers as a function of junction thickness, magnetization strength, and parameters inherent to the helical modulation and surface states. The supercurrent reversals are associated with proximity induced vortices, nucleated along the junction width, where the number of vortices and their locations can be manipulated by means of the superconducting phase difference and the parameters mentioned above.
  • Topological superfluids protected by mirror and time-reversal symmetries are exotic states of matter possessing Majorana Kramers pairs (MKPs), yet their realizations have long been hindered by the requirement of unconventional pairing. We propose to realize such a topological superfluid by utilizing $s$-wave pairing and emergent mirror and time-reversal symmetries in two coupled 1D ultracold atomic Fermi gases with spin-orbit coupling. By stacking such systems into 2D, we discover topological and Dirac-nodal superfluids hosting distinct MKP flat bands. We show that the emergent symmetries make the MKPs and their flat bands stable against pairing fluctuations that otherwise annihilate paired Majoranas. Exploiting new experimental developments, our scheme provides a unique platform for exploring MKPs and their applications in quantum computation.
  • We propose a fully operational framework to study the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of a quantum system $S$ that is coupled to a detector $D$ whose state is continuously monitored, allowing to single out individual quantum trajectories of $S$. We focus on detailed fluctuation theorems and characterize the entropy production of the system. We establish fundamental differences with respect to the thermodynamic of unmonitored, unitarily evolved systems. We consider the paradigmatic example of circuit-QED, where superconducting qubits can be coupled to a continuously monitored resonator and show numerical simulations using state of the art experimental parameters.
  • Recent AC susceptibility and polar Kerr effect measurements in the skutterudite superconductor PrOs4Sb12 (POS) uncovered the nature of the superconducting double transition from a high temperature, high field, time reversal symmetric phase (or the A phase) to a low temperature, low field, time reversal symmetry broken phase (or the B phase). Starting from a microscopic model, we derive a Ginzburg-Landau expansion relevant to POS that describes this entrance into the time reversal symmetry broken phase along the temperature axis. We also provide a study of the low energy inelastic (Raman) response in both the A and B phases of POS, and seek additional signatures which could help reveal the exact form of the gap functions previously proposed in these phases. By appropriately manipulating the incoming and scattered light geometries, along with additional subtraction procedures and suitable assumptions, we show that one can access the various irreducible representations contained in the point group describing POS. We demonstrate how to use this technique on example order parameters proposed in POS. Depending on whether there exist nodes along the c-axis, we find additional low energy spectral weight within the superconducting gap in the Eg geometry, a feature that could pin point the location of nodes on the Fermi surface.