An exact particle-hole transformation is discovered in a local-moment model
for a single layer of heavily electron-doped FeSe. The model harbors hidden
magnetic order between the iron d_xz and d_yz orbitals at the wavenumber
(pi,pi). It potentially is tied to the magnetic resonances about the very same
Neel ordering vector that have been recently discovered in intercalated FeSe.
Upon electron doping, the local-moment model successfully accounts for the
electron-pocket Fermi surfaces observed experimentally at the corner of the
two-iron Brillouin zone in electron-doped FeSe, as well as for isotropic Cooper
pairs. Application of the particle-hole transformation predicts a surface-layer
iron-based superconductor at strong hole doping that exhibits high T_c, and
that shows hole-type Fermi-surface pockets at the center of the two-iron
Brillouin zone.
Here we consider some well-known facts in syntax from a physics perspective,
allowing us to establish equivalences between both fields with many
consequences. Mainly, we observe that the operation MERGE, put forward by N.
Chomsky in 1995, can be interpreted as a physical information coarse-graining.
Thus, MERGE in linguistics entails information renormalization in physics,
according to different time scales. We make this point mathematically formal in
terms of language models. In this setting, MERGE amounts to a probability
tensor implementing a coarse-graining, akin to a probabilistic context-free
grammar. The probability vectors of meaningful sentences are given by
stochastic tensor networks (TN) built from diagonal tensors and which are
mostly loop-free, such as Tree Tensor Networks and Matrix Product States, thus
being computationally very efficient to manipulate. We show that this implies
the polynomially-decaying (long-range) correlations experimentally observed in
language, and also provides arguments in favour of certain types of neural
networks for language processing. Moreover, we show how to obtain such language
models from quantum states that can be efficiently prepared on a quantum
computer, and use this to find bounds on the perplexity of the probability
distribution of words in a sentence. Implications of our results are discussed
across several ambits.
Using the density matrix renormalization group method, we studied the ground
state of the one-dimensional $S=1$ Bose-Hubbard model with local three-body
interactions, which can be a superfluid or a Mott insulator state. We drew the
phase diagram of this model for both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic
interaction. Regardless of the sign of the spin-dependent coupling, we obtained
that the Mott lobes area decreases as the spin-dependent strength increases,
which means that the even-odd asymmetry of the two-body antiferromagnetic chain
is absent for local three-body interactions. For antiferromagnetic coupling, we
found that the density drives first-order superfluid-Mott insulator transitions
for even and odd lobes. Ferromagnetic Mott insulator and superfluid states were
obtained with a ferromagnetic coupling, and a tendency to a "long-range" order
was observed.
Rigorous nonequilibrium actions for the many-body problem are usually derived
by means of path integrals combined with a discrete temporal mesh on the
Schwinger-Keldysh time contour. The latter suffers from a fundamental
limitation: the initial state on this contour cannot be arbitrary, but
necessarily needs to be described by a non-interacting density matrix, while
interactions are switched on adiabatically. The Kostantinov-Perel' contour
overcomes these and other limitations, allowing generic initial-state
preparations. In this Article, we apply the technique of the discrete temporal
mesh to rigorously build the nonequilibrium path integral on the
Kostantinov-Perel' time contour.
Metal to insulator transitions (MITs) driven by strong electronic
correlations are common in condensed matter systems, and are associated with
some of the most remarkable collective phenomena in solids, including
superconductivity and magnetism. Tuning and control of the transition holds the
promise of novel, low power, ultrafast electronics, but the relative roles of
doping, chemistry, elastic strain and other applied fields has made systematic
understanding difficult to obtain. Here we point out that existing data on
tuning of the MIT in perovskite transition metal oxides through ionic size
effects provides evidence of systematic and large effects on the phase
transition due to dynamical fluctuations of the elastic strain, which have been
usually neglected. This is illustrated by a simple yet quantitative statistical
mechanical calculation in a model that incorporates cooperative lattice
distortions coupled to the electronic degrees of freedom. We reproduce the
observed dependence of the transition temperature on cation radius in the
well-studied manganite and nickelate materials. Since the elastic couplings are
generically quite strong, these conclusions will broadly generalize to all MITs
that couple to a change in lattice symmetry.
A Luttinger Liquid coupled to a quantum impurity describes a large number of
physical systems. The Hamiltonian consists of left- and right-moving fermions
interacting among themselves via a density-density coupling and scattering off
a localised transmitting and reflecting impurity. We solve exactly the
Hamiltonian by means of an incoming-outgoing scattering Bethe basis which
properly incorporates all scattering processes. A related model, the
Weak-Tunnelling model, wherein the impurity is replaced by a tunnel junction,
is solved by the same method. The consistency of the construction is
established through a generalised Yang-Baxter relation. Periodic boundary
conditions are imposed and the resulting Bethe Ansatz equations are derived by
means of the Off Diagonal Bethe Ansatz approach. We derive the spectrum of the
model for all coupling constant regimes and calculate the impurity free energy.
We discuss the low energy behaviour of the systems for both repulsive and
attractive interactions.
The resemblance between the methods used in quantum-many body physics and in
machine learning has drawn considerable attention. In particular, tensor
networks (TNs) and deep learning architectures bear striking similarities to
the extent that TNs can be used for machine learning. Previous results used
one-dimensional TNs in image recognition, showing limited scalability and
flexibilities. In this work, we train two-dimensional hierarchical TNs to solve
image recognition problems, using a training algorithm derived from the
multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz. This approach introduces
mathematical connections among quantum many-body physics, quantum information
theory, and machine learning. While keeping the TN unitary in the training
phase, TN states are defined, which encode classes of images into quantum
many-body states. We study the quantum features of the TN states, including
quantum entanglement and fidelity. We find these quantities could be properties
that characterize the image classes, as well as the machine learning tasks.
Although it is well known that the Ward identities prohibit anomalous
dimensions for conserved currents in local field theories, a claim from certain
holographic models involving bulk dilaton couplings is that the gauge field
associated with the boundary current can acquire an anomalous dimension. We
resolve this conundrum by showing that all the bulk actions that produce
anomalous dimensions for the conserved current generate non-local actions at
the boundary. In particular, the Maxwell equations are fractional. To prove
this, we generalize to p-forms the Caffarelli/Silvestre (CS) extension theorem.
In the context of scalar fields, this theorem demonstrates that second-order
elliptic differential equations in the upper half-plane in ${\mathbb
R}_+^{n+1}$ reduce to one with the fractional Laplacian, $\Delta^\gamma$, when
one of the dimensions is eliminated. From the p-form generalization of the CS
extension theorem, we show that at the boundary of the relevant holographic
models, a fractional gauge theory emerges with equations of motion of the form,
$\Delta ^\gamma A^t= 0$ with $\gamma$ $\in R$ and $A^t$ the boundary components
of the gauge field. The corresponding field strength $F = d_\gamma A^t= d\Delta
^\frac{\gamma-1}{2} A^t$ is invariant under $A^t \rightarrow A^t+ d_\gamma
\Lambda$ with the fractional differential given by
$d_\gamma \equiv (\Delta)^\frac{\gamma-1}{2}d$, implying that $[A^t]=\gamma$
which is in general not unity.
We demonstrate that a weakly disordered metal with short-range interactions
exhibits a transition in the quantum chaotic dynamics when changing the
temperature or the interaction strength. For weak interactions, the system
displays exponential growth of the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) of the
current operator. The Lyapunov exponent of this growth is
temperature-independent in the limit of vanishing interaction. With increasing
the temperature or the interaction strength, the system undergoes a transition
to a non-chaotic behaviour, for which the exponential growth of the OTOC is
absent. We conjecture that the transition manifests itself in the quasiparticle
energy-level statistics and also discuss ways of its explicit observation in
cold-atom setups.
Boson-fermion mixture exist in nature as quark-gluon plasma and $^3$He-$^4$He
mixture. We proposed a convective boson-fermion pairing theory, that can be
implemented by ultracold atoms in optical superlattice transformation between
different configurations. This transformation may induce the collision and
division between boson and fermion, which defines a theoretical convective
pairing state. The paring Hamiltonian is Hermitian but it always generate a
complex energy spectrum. Each finite gap state can be classified by a
topological winding number. The stable pairing state only exists for certain
discrete momentum vector zones. An unstable linear dispersion connects two
neighboring stable pairing states. The boson-fermion gap function controls the
momentum gap space between two neighboring pairing state. The critical
temperature of transition from a gapped to gapless phase shows a maximal value
at negative fermion chemical potential. The density of state for the pairing
excitation diverges at low energy, thus most pairing states are observable at
low energy.
Motivated by Mo$_3$S$_7$(dmit)$_3$, we investigate the Hubbard model on the
triangular necklace lattice at two-thirds filling. We show, using second order
perturbation theory, that in the molecular limit, the ground state and the low
energy excitations of this model are identical to those of the spin-one
Heisenberg chain. The latter model is known to be in the symmetry protected
topological Haldane phase. Away from this limit we show, on the basis of
symmetry arguments and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG)
calculations, that the low-energy physics of the Hubbard model on the
triangular necklace lattice at two-thirds filling is captured by the
ferromagnetic Hubbard-Kondo lattice chain at half filling. This is consistent
with and strengthens previous claims that both the half-filled ferromagnetic
Kondo lattice model and the two-thirds filled Hubbard model on the triangular
necklace lattice are also in the Haldane phase. A connection between Hund's
rules and Nagaoka's theorem is also discussed.
We report complex band structure (CBS) calculations for the four late
transition metal monoxides, MnO, FeO, CoO and NiO, in their paramagnetic phase.
The CBS is obtained from density functional theory plus dynamical mean field
theory (DMFT) calculations to take into account correlation effects. The
so-called $\beta$ parameters, governing the exponential decay of the
transmission probability in the non-resonant tunneling regime of these oxides,
are extracted from the CBS. Different model constructions are examined in the
DMFT part of the calculation. The calculated $\beta$ parameters provide
theoretical estimation for the decay length in the evanescent channel, which
would be useful for tunnel junction applications of these materials.
Engineered $Na_{0.75}CoO_2$ is considered a prime candidate to achieve
high-efficiency thermoelectric systems to regenerate electricity from waste
heat. In this work, three elements with outmost electronic configurations, (1)
an open d shell (Ni), (2) a closed d shell (Zn), and (3) a half filled f shell
(Eu) with maximum unpaired electrons, were selected to outline the dopants'
effects on electronic and crystallographic structures of $Na_{0.75}CoO_2$.
Systematic $ab$ $initio$ density functional calculations with $DMOL^3$ package
showed that the Ni and Zn were more stable when substituting Co with formation
energy $-2.35$ eV, $2.08$ eV when Fermi level equals to the valence band
maximum. While Eu is more stable when it substitutes Na having formation energy
of $-2.64$ eV. As these results show great harmony with existing experimental
data, they provide new insights into the fundamental principle of dopant
selection for manipulating the physical properties in the development of
high-performance sodium cobaltate based multifunctional materials.
The origin of the effect of colossal magneto-resistance (CMR) remains still
unexplained. In this work we revisit the spin dynamics of the pseudo-cubic
La1-xSrxMnO3 along the Mn-O-Mn bond direction at four x doping values (x < 0.5)
and various temperatures and report a new lattice dynamics study at x0=0.2,
representative of the optimal doping for CMR. We propose an interpretation of
the spin dynamics in terms of orbital polarons. This picture is supported by
the observation of a discrete magnetic energy spectrum Enmag (q) characteristic
of the internal excitations of "orbital polarons" defined by Mn3+ neighbors
surrounding a Mn4+ center with a hole. Because of its hopping, the hole mixes
up dynamically all the possible orbital configurations of its surrounding Mn3+
sites with degenerate energies. The Enmag values indicate a lift of orbital
degeneracy by phonon excitations. The number n varies with the spatial
dimension D of the polaron and the q-range determines its size. At x=0.125 and
x=0.3 the spectrum reveals 2D polarons coupled by exchange and 3D "free"
polarons respectively, with sizes l=1.67a < 2a in all bond directions. At
x0=0.2, the spin and the lattice dynamics provide evidence for chains of
orbital polarons of size l=2a with a periodic distribution over ~ 3a and an
interaction energy ~ 3 meV. At T < Tc the charges propagate together with the
longitudinal acoustic phonons along the chains enhancing their ferromagnetic
character. The phase separation between metallic and ferromagnetic chains in a
non-metallic matrix may be crucial for CMR.
The Haldane spin-chain compound, Tb2BaNiO5, has been known to order
antiferromagnetically below (T_N= ) 63 K. The present magnetic studies on the
polycrystals bring out that there is another magnetic transition at a lower
temperature (T_2= ) 25 K, with a pronounced magnetic-field induced metamagnetic
and metaelectric behavior. Multiferroic features are found below T_2 only, and
not at T_N. The most intriguing observation is that the observed change of
dielectric constant is intrinsic and largest (e.g., about 18% at 15 K) within
this Haldane spin-chain family, R2BaNiO5. Taking into account that this trend
(the largest change for Tb case within this family) correlates with a similar
trend in T_N (with the values of T_N being about 55, 58, 53 and 32 K for Gd,
Dy, Ho and Er cases), we believe that an explanation usually offered for this
T_N behavior in rare-earth systems is applicable for this behavior as well .
That is, single-ion anisotropy following crystal-field splitting is responsible
for this extraordinary magnetodielectric effect in this Tb case. To our
knowledge, such an observation was not made in the past literature of
We develop a generalization of the Kohn-Sham density functional theory
(KS-DFT) + Hubbard $U$ (DFT+$U$) method to the excited-state regime. This has
the form of Hubbard $U$ corrected linear-response time-dependent DFT, or
`TDDFT+$U$'. Combined with calculated linear-response Hubbard $U$ parameters,
it may provide a computationally light, first-principles method for the
simulation of tightly-bound excitons on transition-metal ions. Our presented
implementation combines linear-scaling DFT+$U$ and linear-scaling TDDFT, but
the approach is broadly applicable. In detailed benchmark tests on two
Ni-centred diamagnetic coordination complexes with variable $U$ values, it is
shown that the Hubbard $U$ correction to an approximate adiabatic semi-local
exchange-correlation interaction kernel lowers the excitation energies of
transitions exclusively within the targeted localized subspace, by increasing
the exciton binding of the corresponding electron-hole pairs. This partially
counteracts the Hubbard $U$ correction to the exchange-correlation potential in
KS-DFT, which increases excitation energies into, out of, and within the
targeted localised subspace by modifying the underlying KS-DFT eigenspectrum.
This compensating effect is most pronounced for optically dark transitions
between localized orbitals of the same angular momentum, for which experimental
observation may be challenging and theoretical approaches are at their most
necessary. Overall, our results point to shortcomings in the contemporary
DFT+$U$ corrective potential, either in its functional form, or when applied to
transition-metal orbitals but not to ligand ones, or both.
We propose new approach for treatment of local and non-local interactions in
correlated electronic systems, which uses self-energy and the two-particle
irreducible vertices, obtained from (extended) dynamical mean-field theory, as
an input of two-particle irreducible functional renormalization-group (2PI-fRG)
approach. Using 2PI-fRG approach allows us to treat both, local and non-local
interactions. In case of purely local interaction the corresponding equations
have similar (although not identical) structure to the earlier developed
DMF$^2$RG approach. In a simplest truncation, neglecting scale-dependence of
the two-particle irreducible vertices, we reproduce the results for the
two-particle vertices/susceptibilities in the ladder approximation of the dual
boson or D$\Gamma$A approach; in more sophisticated truncations the method
allows us to consider non-local corrections to the self-energy, as well as the
interplay of charge- and spin correlations. treatment of vertex
renormalizations. The proposed scheme is tested on the two-dimensional standard
and extended $U$-$V$ half-filled Hubbard models. For the standard Hubbard model
we obtain non-local self-energy, which is in agreement with numerical studies;
for the extended Hubbard model we obtain the boundary of charge instability,
which agrees well with the results of the dual boson (DB) approach. We also
find that the effect of spin correlations on electron interaction in the charge
channel, not considered previously in the DB approach, only slightly reduces
critical next-nearest-neighbor interaction of charge instability of the
extended Hubbard model at the considered finite small temperature, yielding
better agreement with dynamic cluster approximation. The considered method is
rather general and can be applied to study various phenomena in
strongly-correlated electronic systems.
We have carried out a theoretical analysis of the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson
effective field theory of a classical incommensurate CDW in the presence of
weak quenched disorder. While the possibility a sharp phase transition and
long-range CDW order are precluded in such systems, we show that any discrete
symmetry breaking aspect of the charge order -- nematicity in the case of the
unidirectional (stripe) CDW we consider explicitly -- generically survives up
to a non-zero critical disorder strength. Such "vestigial order", which is
subject to unambiguous macroscopic detection, can serve as an avatar of what
would be CDW order in the ideal, zero disorder limit. Various recent
experiments in the pseudo-gap regime of the hole-doped cuprate high-temperature
superconductors are readily interpreted in light of these results.
A Z2 quantum spin liquid hosts one of the simplest topological orders and
exhibits many exotic properties due to long-range quantum entanglements. Its
elementary excitations are anyons such as spinons carrying fractionalized spin
quantum number and visons carrying emergent Z2 gauge flux. However,
experimental detection of these anyons remains elusive. The difficulties lie
not only in the fact that there exists few candidates for Z2 quantum spin
liquids but also in that visons are magnetically inert hence immune to
available experimental techniques. Here we have studied the spin excitations
and specific heats of kagome-lattice antiferromagnet Cu$_4$(OH)$_6$FBr and
Cu$_3$Zn(OH)$_6$FBr, which consists of two-dimensional Cu$^{2+}$ kagome layers
with either Cu$^{2+}$ or Zn$^{2+}$ ions in between. By combining the first
principle calculations and inelastic neutron scattering data in the former, we
show that the dominate couplings in Cu$_4$(OH)$_6$FBr are between the nearest
neighbor spins within the kagome planes, and the kagome and interlayer spin
systems are essentially decoupled above the antiferromagnetic transition
temperature. The intrinsic spin excitations and specific heats of the kagome
layers for Cu$_3$Zn(OH)$_6$FBr are thus derived by removing the contributions
from the residual interlayer Cu$^{2+}$ magnetic impurities. Accordingly, the
kagome spin system exhibits spin continuum with momentum-dependent spin gap and
a large magnetic entropy at low temperature that is insensitive to magnetic
field, which can be understood as the evidences of spinons and visons in this
kagome quantum spin liquid candidate. Our results suggest the existence of the
Z2 anyons in the material, and therefore provide a comprehensive set of
evidences for the Z2 topological order in kagome quantum spin liquid and bring
their choreographed entanglement dances to the stage of real materials.
Symmetry protected topological (SPT) states have boundary 't Hooft anomalies
that obstruct an effective boundary theory realized in its own dimension with
UV completion and an on-site $G$-symmetry. In this work, yet we show that a
certain anomalous non-on-site $G$ symmetry along the boundary becomes on-site
when viewed as an extended $H$ symmetry, via a suitable group extension $1\to
K\to H\to G\to1$. Namely, a non-perturbative global (gauge/gravitational)
anomaly in $G$ becomes anomaly-free in $H$. This guides us to construct exactly
soluble lattice path integral and Hamiltonian of symmetric gapped boundaries,
always existent for any SPT state in any spacetime dimension $d \geq 2$ of any
finite symmetry group, including on-site unitary and anti-unitary time-reversal
symmetries. The resulting symmetric gapped boundary can be described either by
an $H$-symmetry extended boundary of bulk $d \geq 2$, or more naturally by a
topological emergent $K$-gauge theory with a global symmetry $G$ on a 3+1D bulk
or above. The excitations on such a symmetric topologically ordered boundary
can carry fractional quantum numbers of the symmetry $G$, described by
representations of $H$. (Apply our approach to a 1+1D boundary of 2+1D bulk, we
find that a deconfined gauge boundary indeed has spontaneous symmetry breaking
with long-range order. The deconfined symmetry-breaking phase crosses over
smoothly to a confined phase without a phase transition.) In contrast to known
gapped interfaces obtained via symmetry breaking (either global symmetry
breaking or Anderson-Higgs mechanism for gauge theory), our approach is based
on symmetry extension. More generally, applying our approach to SPT,
topologically ordered gauge theories and symmetry enriched topologically
ordered (SET) states, leads to generic boundaries/interfaces constructed with a
mixture of symmetry breaking, symmetry extension, and dynamical gauging.
A non-perturbative lattice regularization of chiral fermions and bosons with
anomaly-free symmetry $G$ in 1+1D spacetime is proposed. More precisely, we ask
"whether there is a local short-range quantum Hamiltonian with a finite Hilbert
space for a finite system realizing onsite symmetry $G$ defined on a 1D spatial
lattice with continuous time, such that its low energy physics produces a 1+1D
anomaly-free chiral matter theory of symmetry $G$?" In particular, we show that
the 3$_L$-5$_R$-4$_L$-0$_R$ U(1) chiral fermion theory, with two left-moving
fermions of charge-3 and 4, and two right-moving fermions of charge-5 and 0 at
low energy, can be put on a 1D spatial lattice where the U(1) symmetry is
realized as an onsite symmetry, if we include properly designed multi-fermion
interactions with intermediate strength. In general, we propose that any 1+1D
U(1)-anomaly-free chiral matter theory can be defined as a finite system on a
1D lattice with onsite symmetry by using a quantum Hamiltonian with continuous
time, but without suffered from Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem's fermion-doubling, if
we include properly-designed interactions between matter fields. We propose how
to design such interactions by looking for extra symmetries via
bosonization/fermionization. We comment on the new ingredients and the
differences of ours compared to Ginsparg-Wilson fermion, Eichten-Preskill, and
Chen-Giedt-Poppitz (CGP) models, and suggest modifying CGP model to have
successful mirror-decoupling. As an additional remark, we show a topological
non-perturbative proof on the equivalence relation between the 't Hooft anomaly
matching conditions and the boundary fully gapping rules (e.g. Haldane's
stability conditions for Luttinger liquid) of U(1) symmetry. Our proof holds
universally independent from Hamiltonian or Lagrangian/path integral
formulation of quantum theory.
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy is used to study the antiferromagnetic
f-electron system USb2. We observe the opening of two charge gaps at low
temperatures (<45 K), arising from renormalization of the electronic structure.
Analysis of our data indicates that one gap is due to hybridization between
localized f-electron and conduction electron bands, while band renormalization
involving magnons leads to the emergence of the second gap. These experiments
thus enable us to shed light on the complex electronic structure emerging at
the Fermi surface in f-electron systems.
We investigate topological Cooper pairing, including gapless Weyl and fully
gapped class DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger
semimetal. The latter describes effective spin-3/2 carriers near a quadratic
band touching and captures the normal-state properties of the 227 pyrochlore
iridates and half-Heusler alloys. Electron-electron interactions may favor
non-$s$-wave pairing in such systems, including even-parity $d$-wave pairing.
We argue that the lowest energy $d$-wave pairings are always of complex (e.g.,
$d + i d$) type, with nodal Weyl quasiparticles. This implies $\varrho(E) \sim
|E|^2$ scaling of the density of states (DoS) at low energies in the clean
limit, or $\varrho(E) \sim |E|$ over a wide critical region in the presence of
disorder. The latter is consistent with the $T$-dependence of the penetration
depth in the half-Heusler compound YPtBi. We enumerate routes for experimental
verification, including specific heat, thermal conductivity, NMR relaxation
time, and topological Fermi arcs. Nucleation of any $d$-wave pairing also
causes a small lattice distortion and induces an $s$-wave component; this gives
a route to strain-engineer exotic $s+d$ pairings. We also consider odd-parity,
fully gapped $p$-wave superconductivity. For hole doping, a gapless Majorana
fluid with cubic dispersion appears at the surface. We invent a generalized
surface model with $\nu$-fold dispersion to simulate a bulk with winding number
$\nu$. Using exact diagonalization, we show that disorder drives the surface
into a critically delocalized phase, with universal DoS and multifractal
scaling consistent with the conformal field theory (CFT) SO($n$)${}_\nu$, where
$n \rightarrow 0$ counts replicas. This is contrary to the naive expectation of
a surface thermal metal, and implies that the topology tunes the surface
renormalization group to the CFT in the presence of disorder.
This work constructs a well-defined and operational form factor expansion in
a model having a massless spectrum of excitations. More precisely, the dynamic
two-point functions in the massless regime of the XXZ spin-1/2 chain are
expressed in terms of properly regularised series of multiple integrals. These
series are obtained by taking, in an appropriate way, the thermodynamic limit
of the finite volume form factor expansions. The series are structured in way
allowing one to identify directly the contributions to the correlator stemming
from the conformal-type excitations on the Fermi surface and those issuing from
the massive excitations (deep holes, particles and bound states). The obtained
form factor series opens up the possibility of a systematic and exact study of
asymptotic regimes of dynamical correlation functions in the massless regime of
the XXZ spin $1/2$ chain. Furthermore, the assumptions on the microscopic
structure of the model's Hilbert space that are necessary so as to write down
the series appear to be compatible with any model -- not necessarily integrable
-- belonging to the Luttinger liquid universality class. Thus, the present
analysis provides also the phenomenological structure of form factor expansions
in massless models belonging to this universality class.
Atomically thin ferromagnetic and conducting electron systems are highly
desired for spintronics, because they can be controlled with both magnetic and
electric fields. We present (SrRuO3)1-(SrTiO3)5 superlattices and
single-unit-cell-thick SrRuO3 samples that are capped with SrTiO3. We achieve
samples of exceptional quality. In these samples, the electron systems comprise
only a single RuO2 plane. We observe conductivity down to 50 mK, a
ferromagnetic state with a Curie temperature of 25 K, and signals of magnetism
persisting up to approximately 100 K.