• Nowadays, a problem of historical beadworks conservation in museum collections is actual more than ever because of fatal corrosion of the 19th century glass beads. Vibrational spectroscopy is a powerful method for investigation of glass, namely, of correlation of the structure-chemical composition. Therefore, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used for examination of degradation processes in cloudy turquoise glass beads, which in contrast to other color ones deteriorate especially strongly. Micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry of samples has shown that lead-potassium glass PbO-K$_2$O-SiO$_2$ with small amount of Cu and Sb was used for manufacture of cloudy turquoise beads. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy study of the beads at different stages of glass corrosion was carried out in the range from 200 to 4000 cm$^{-1}$ in the attenuated total reflection mode. In all the spectra, we have observed shifts of two major absorption bands to low-frequency range (~1000 and ~775 cm$^{-1}$) compared to ones typical for amorphous SiO2 (~1100 and 800 cm$^{-1}$, respectively). Such an effect is connected with Pb$^{2+}$ and K$^+$ appending to the glass network. The presence of a weak band at ~1630 cm$^{-1}$ in all the spectra is attributed to the adsorption of H$_2$O. After annealing of the beads, the band disappeared completely in less deteriorated samples and became significantly weaker in more destroyed ones. Based on that we conclude that there is adsorbed molecular water on the beads. However, products of corrosion (e.g., alkali in the form of white crystals or droplets of liquid alkali) were not observed on the glass surface. We have also observed glass depolymerisation in the strongly degraded beads, which is exhibited in domination of the band peaked at ~1000 cm$^{-1}$.
  • HTS are feasible for hight power applications because of the smaller consumption demand of the cooling system in comparison to the whole power device. Real industral devices contain superconductors with 2D and 3D geometry (coated conductors tapes represent an example of 2D geometry, since the superconducting layer is very thin). In order to know the feasibility and the optimum design of a certain device, there is a need of software tools. These Numerical tools have hight requirements like fast computation, a physical model for any E(J) relation of the superconductor and any complex geometry such as coils, motors and generators, where E is the electric field and J is the current density. In this work we present a 3D variational model based on a functional that restricts the problem in the superconductor volume. We show the magnetization process of a thin film and a 3D bulk sample. We compare our model of the thin film geometry with the thin film formula, reaching a good agreement. We also compare a striated tape, where the filaments are connected by linear material, with a FEM model. We present several results for a thin film with constant critical current density, Jc, magnetic-field dependent Jc, and an anisotropic E(J) relation. For the latter, E is not parallel to J when the magnetic flux density is not perpendicular to J (force free situation). The last studied situation is the 3D cubic sample. We find the time dependence of the current density and AC loss for each situation. In the cubic bulk sample, we found a non-negligible component of the current density in the direction of the applied field. The presented numerical method is very promising for 3D modeling of superconducting samples and power applications.
  • Intersubband optoelectronic devices rely on transitions between quantum-confined electron levels in semiconductor heterostructures, which enables infrared (IR) photodetection in the 1-30 $\mu$m wavelength window with picosecond response times. Incorporating nanowires as active media could enable an independent control over the electrical cross-section of the device and the optical absorption cross-section. Furthermore, the three-dimensional carrier confinement in nanowire heterostructures opens new possibilities to tune the carrier relaxation time. However, the generation of structural defects and the surface sensitivity of GaAs nanowires have so far hindered the fabrication of nanowire intersubband devices. Here, we report the first demonstration of intersubband photodetection in a nanowire, using GaN nanowires containing a GaN/AlN superlattice absorbing at 1.55 $\mu$m. The combination of spectral photocurrent measurements with 8-band k$\cdot$p calculations of the electronic structure supports the interpretation of the result as intersubband photodetection in these extremely short-period superlattices. We observe a linear dependence of the photocurrent with the incident illumination power, which confirms the insensitivity of the intersubband process to surface states and highlights how architectures featuring large surface-to-volume ratios are suitable as intersubband photodetectors. Our analysis of the photocurrent characteristics points out routes for an improvement of the device performance. This first nanowire based intersubband photodetector represents a technological breakthrough that paves the way to a powerful device platform with potential for ultrafast, ultrasensitive photodetectors and highly-efficient quantum cascade emitters with improved thermal stability.
  • The refraction index of the quantized lossy composite right-left handed transmission line (CRLH-TL) is deduced in the thermal coherence state. The results show that the negative refraction index (herein the left-handedness) can be implemented by the electric circuit dissipative factors(i.e., the resistances \(R\) and conductances \( G\)) in a higher frequency band (1.446GHz\(\leq\omega\leq \) 15GHz), and flexibly adjusted by the left-handed circuit components (\(C_l\), \(L_l\)) and the right-handed circuit components (\(C_r\), \(L_r\)) at a lower frequency (\(\omega\)=0.995GHz) . The flexible adjustment for left-handedness in a wider bandwidth will be significant for the microscale circuit design of the CRLH-TL and may make the theoretical preparation for its compact applications.
  • We theoretically investigate the use of Rayleigh surface acoustic waves (SAWs) for refractive index modulation in optical waveguides consisting of amorphous dielectrics. Considering low-loss Si$_3$N$_4$ waveguides with a standard core cross section of 4.4$\times$0.03 $\mu$m$^2$ size, buried 8 $\mu$m deep in a SiO$_2$ cladding we compare surface acoustic wave generation in various different geometries via a piezo-active, lead zirconate titanate film placed on top of the surface and driven via an interdigitized transducer (IDT). Using numerical solutions of the acoustic and optical wave equations, we determine the strain distribution of the SAW under resonant excitation. From the overlap of the acoustic strain field with the optical mode field we calculate and maximize the attainable amplitude of index modulation in the waveguide. For the example of a near-infrared wavelength of 840 nm, a maximum shift in relative effective refractive index of 0.7x10$^{-3}$ was obtained for TE polarized light, using an IDT period of 30 - 35 $\mu$m, a film thickness of 2.5 - 3.5 $\mu$m, and an IDT voltage of 10 V. For these parameters, the resonant frequency is in the range 70 - 85 MHz. The maximum shift increases to 1.2x10$^{-3}$, with a corresponding resonant frequency of 87 MHz, when the height of the cladding above the core is reduced to 3 $\mu$m. The relative index change is about 300-times higher than in previous work based on non-resonant proximity piezo-actuation, and the modulation frequency is about 200-times higher. Exploiting the maximum relative index change of 1.2$\times$10$^{-3}$ in a low-loss balanced Mach-Zehnder modulator should allow full-contrast modulation in devices as short as 120 $\mu$m (half-wave voltage length product = 0.24 Vcm).
  • The optical selection rules in epitaxial quantum dots are strongly influenced by the orientation of their natural quantization axis, which is usually parallel to the growth direction. This configuration is well suited for vertically emitting devices, but not for planar photonic circuits because of the poorly controlled orientation of the transition dipoles in the growth plane. Here we show that the quantization axis of gallium arsenide dots can be flipped into the growth plane via moderate in plane uniaxial stress. By using piezoelectric strain actuators featuring strain-amplification we study the evolution of the selection rules and excitonic fine-structure in a regime, in which quantum confinement can be regarded as a perturbation compared to strain in determining the symmetry properties of the system. The experimental and computational results suggest that uniaxial stress, may be the right tool to obtain quantum light sources with ideally oriented transition dipoles and enhanced oscillator strengths for integrated quantum photonics.
  • Transforming a laser beam into a mass flow has been a challenge both scientifically and technologically. Here we report the discovery of a new optofluidics principle and demonstrate the generation of a steady-state water flow by a pulsed laser beam through a glass window. In order to generate a flow or stream in the same path as the refracted laser beam in pure water from an arbitrary spot on the window, we first fill a glass cuvette with an aqueous solution of Au nanoparticles. A flow will emerge from the focused laser spot on the window after the laser is turned on for a few to tens of minutes, the flow remains after the colloidal solution is completely replaced by pure water. Microscopically, this transformation is made possible by an underlying plasmonic nanoparticle-decorated cavity which is self-fabricated on the glass by nanoparticle-assisted laser etching and exhibits size and shape uniquely tailored to the incident beam profile. Hydrophone signals indicate that the flow is driven via acoustic streaming by a long-lasting ultrasound wave that is resonantly generated by the laser and the cavity through the photoacoustic effect. The principle of this light-driven flow via ultrasound, i.e. photoacoustic streaming by coupling photoacoustics to acoustic streaming, is general and can be applied to any liquids, opening up new research and applications in optofluidics as well as traditional photoacoustics and acoustic streaming.
  • Vertically stacked van der Waals heterostructures constitute a promising platform for providing tailored band alignment with enhanced excitonic systems. Here we report observations of neutral and charged interlayer excitons in trilayer WSe2-MoSe2-WSe2 van der Waals heterostructures and their dynamics. The addition of a WSe2 layer in the trilayer leads to significantly higher photoluminescence quantum yields and tunable spectral resonance compared to its bilayer heterostructures at cryogenic temperatures. The observed enhancement in the photoluminescence quantum yield is due to significantly larger electron-hole overlap and higher light absorbance in the trilayer heterostructure, supported via first-principle pseudopotential calculations based on spin-polarized density functional theory. We further uncover the temperature- and power-dependence, as well as time-resolved photoluminescence of the trilayer heterostructure interlayer neutral excitons and trions. Our study elucidates the prospects of manipulating light emission from interlayer excitons and designing atomic heterostructures from first-principles for optoelectronics.
  • In this research, we investigate in-depth the nonlinear energy transmission phenomenon in a metastable modular metastructure and develop efficient tools for the design of such systems. Previous studies on a one-dimensional (1D) reconfigurable metastable modular chain uncover that when the driving frequency is within the stopband of the periodic structure, there exists a threshold input amplitude, beyond which sudden increase in the energy transmission can be observed. This onset of transmission is caused by nonlinear instability and is known as supratransmission. Due to spatial asymmetry of strategically configured constituents, such transmission thresholds could shift considerably when the structure is excited from different ends and therefore enabling the non-reciprocal energy transmission. This one-way propagation characteristic can be adaptable via reconfiguring the metastable modular system. In this new study, we build upon these findings and advance the state of the art by (a) exploring the different mechanisms that are able to activate the onset of supratransmission and their implications on wave energy transmission potential, and (b) developing an effective design tool - a localized nonlinear-linear model combined with harmonic balancing and transfer matrix analyses to analytically and efficiently predict the critical threshold amplitude of the metastable modular chain. These investigations provide important new understandings of the rich and intricate dynamics achievable by nonlinearity, asymmetry, and metastability, and create opportunities to accomplish adaptable non-reciprocal wave energy transmission
  • Experimental study on noise-induced synchronization of crystal oscillators is presented. Two types of circuits were constructed: one consists of two Pierce oscillators that were isolated from each other and received a common noise input, while the other is based on a single Pierce oscillator that received a same sequence of noise signal repeatedly. Due to frequency detuning between the two Pierce oscillators, the first circuit showed no clear sign of noise-induced synchronization. The second circuit, on the other hand, generated coherent waveforms between different trials of the same noise injection. The waveform coherence was, however, broken immediately after the noise injection was terminated. Stronger modulation such as the voltage resetting was finally shown to be effective to induce phase shifts, leading to phase-synchronization of the Pierce oscillator. Our study presents a guideline for synchronizing clocks of multiple CPU systems, distributed sensor networks, and other engineering devices.
  • We present a simple and efficient Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDFD) scheme for simulating dispersive (Lorentz-Debye) bianisotropic metasurfaces. This scheme replaces the conventional FDTD update equations by augmented update equations where the effect of the metasurface, positioned at a virtual node (or node plane) in the Yee grid, is accounted for by judiciously selected auxiliary polarization functions, based on the Generalized Sheet Transition Conditions (GSTCs). This scheme is computationally -- time- and memory-wise -- more efficient and easier to implement than a previously reported scheme for dispersive metasurfaces. It is validated in three illustrative examples.
  • Magnetic skyrmions are knot-like quasiparticles. They are candidates for non-volatile data storage in which information is moved between fixed read and write terminals. Read-out operation of skyrmion-based spintronic devices will rely upon electrical detection of a single magnetic skyrmion within a nanostructure. Here, we present Pt/Co/Ir nanodiscs which support skyrmions at room temperature. We measured the Hall resistivity whilst simultaneously imaging the spin texture using magnetic scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM). The Hall resistivity is correlated to both the presence and size of the skyrmion. The size-dependent part matches the expected anomalous Hall signal when averaging the magnetisation over the entire disc. We observed a resistivity contribution which only depends on the number and sign of skyrmion-like objects present in the disc. Each skyrmion gives rise to 22$\pm$2 n{\Omega} cm irrespective of its size. This contribution needs to be considered in all-electrical detection schemes applied to skyrmion-based devices.
  • This paper deals with an inverse problem applied to the field of building physics to experimentally estimate three sorption isotherm coefficients of a wood fiber material. First, the mathematical model, based on convective transport of moisture, the Optimal Experiment Design (OED) and the experimental set-up are presented. Then measurements of relative humidity within the material are carried out, after searching the OED, which is based on the computation of the sensitivity functions and a priori values of the unknown parameters employed in the mathematical model. The OED enables to plan the experimental conditions in terms of sensor positioning and boundary conditions out of 20 possible designs, ensuring the best accuracy for the identification method and, thus, for the estimated parameter. Two experimental procedures were identified: i) single step of relative humidity from 10% to 75% and ii) multiple steps of relative humidity 10-75-33-75% with an 8-day duration period for each step. For both experiment designs, it has been shown that the sensor has to be placed near the impermeable boundary. After the measurements, the parameter estimation problem is solved using an interior point algorithm to minimize the cost function. Several tests are performed for the definition of the cost function, by using the L^2 or L^\infty norm and considering the experiments separately or at the same time. It has been found out that the residual between the experimental data and the numerical model is minimized when considering the discrete Euclidean norm and both experiments separately. It means that two parameters are estimated using one experiment while the third parameter is determined with the other experiment. Two cost functions are defined and minimized for this approach. Moreover, the algorithm requires less than 100 computations of the direct model to obtain the solution. In addition, the OED sensitivity functions enable to capture an approximation of the probability distribution function of the estimated parameters. The determined sorption isotherm coefficients calibrate the numerical model to fit better the experimental data. However, some discrepancies still appear since the model does not take into account the hysteresis effects on the sorption capacity. Therefore, the model is improved proposing a second differential equation for the sorption capacity to take into account the hysteresis between the main adsorption and desorption curves. The OED approach is also illustrated for the estimation of five of the coefficients involved in the hysteresis model. To conclude, the prediction of the model with hysteresis are compared with the experimental observations to illustrate the improvement of the prediction.
  • Micro and nanomechanical resonators have been extensively researched in recent decades for applications to time and frequency references, as well as highly sensitive sensors. Conventionally, the operation of these resonant sensors is practically implemented using a feedback oscillator to dynamically track variations in the resonant frequency. However, this approach places limitations on the frequency stability of the output response, particularly owing to near-carrier phase noise, potentially limiting measurements over long integration times. Here, in this paper, utilizing the recent experimental demonstration of phononic frequency combs, we demonstrate an alternative resonant tracking approach with the potential to provide significant improvements in near-carrier phase noise and long-term stability. In addition, we also showcase comb dynamics mediated resonant frequency modulation which indirectly points to the possible control of inevitable noise processes including thermomechanical fluctuations. This resonant tracking approach may also have general applicability to a number of other physical oscillators.
  • A SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) metamaterial on a Lieb lattice with nearest-neighbor coupling supports simultaneously stable dissipative breather families which are generated through a delicate balance of input power and intrinsic losses. Breather multistability is possible due to the peculiar snaking flux ampitude - frequency curve of single dissipative-driven SQUIDs, which for relatively high sinusoidal flux field amplitudes exhibits several stable and unstable solutions in a narrow frequency band around resonance. These breathers are very weakly interacting with each other, while multistability regimes with different number of simultaneously stable breathers persist for substantial intervals of frequency, flux field amplitude, and coupling coefficients. Moreover, the emergence of chimera states as well as novel temporally chaotic states exhibiting spatial homogeneity within each sublattice of the Lieb lattice is demonstrated.
  • Ultrathin planar absorbing layers, including semiconductor and metal films, and 2D materials, are promising building blocks for solar energy harvesting devices but poor light absorption has been a critical issue. Although interference in ultrathin absorbing layers has been studied to realize near perfect absorption at a specific wavelength, achieving high broadband absorption still remains challenging. Here, we both theoretically and experimentally demonstrated a method to tune not only reflection phase shift but also electromagnetic energy dissipation to design broadband solar absorber with simple planar structure consisting of an ultrathin absorbing layer separated from the metallic substrate by a transparent layer. We explicitly identified by deriving a new formulism that the absorbing material with refractive index proportional to the wavelength as well as extinction coefficient independent of the wavelength, is the ideal building block to create ultrathin planar broadband absorbers. To demonstrate the general strategy for naturally available absorbing materials in both high-loss (refractory metals) and weak-absorption (2D materials) regimes, we leveraged the bound-electron interband transition with a broad Lorentz oscillator peak to design a solar thermal absorber based on a ultrathin Cr layer; and leveraged the strong exciton attributed to the spin-orbit coupling for the spectrum near the band edge, and the bound-electron interband transition for shorter wavelengths, to design a solar photovoltaic absorber based on a atomically thin MoS2 layer. Furthermore, our designed ultrathin broadband solar absorbers with planar structures have comparable absorption properties compared to the absorbers with nanopatterns. Our proposed design strategies pave the way to novel nanometer thick energy harvesting and optoelectronic devices with simple planar structures.
  • Transformation media theory, which steers waves in solids via an effective geometry induced by a refractive material (Fermat's principle of least action), provides a means of controlling vibrations and elastic waves beyond the traditional dissipative structures regime. In particular, it could be used to create an elastic wave cloak, shielding an interior region against elastic waves while simultaneously preventing scattering in the outside domain. However, as a true elastic wave cloak would generally require nonphysical materials with stiffness tensors lacking the minor symmetry (implying asymmetric stress), the utility of such an elastic wave cloak has thus far been limited. Here we develop a means of overcoming this limitation via the development of a symmetrized elastic cloak, sacrificing some of the performance of the perfect cloak for the sake of restoring the minor symmetry. We test the performance of the symmetrized elastic cloak for shielding a tunnel against seismic waves, showing that it can be used to reduce the average displacement within the tunnel by an order of magnitude (and reduce energy by two orders of magnitude) for waves above a critical frequency of the cloak. This critical frequency, which corresponds to the generation of surface waves at the cloak-interior interface, can be used to develop a simple heuristic model of the symmetrized elastic cloak's performance for a generic problem.
  • Tensor network (TN), a young mathematical tool of high vitality and great potential, has been undergoing extremely rapid developments in the last two decades, gaining tremendous success in condensed matter physics, atomic physics, quantum information science, statistical physics, and so on. In this lecture notes, we focus on the contraction algorithms of TN as well as some of the applications to the simulations of quantum many-body systems. Starting from basic concepts and definitions, we first explain the relations between TN and physical problems, including the TN representations of classical partition functions, quantum many-body states (by matrix product state, tree TN, and projected entangled pair state), time evolution simulations, etc. These problems, which are challenging to solve, can be transformed to TN contraction problems. We present then several paradigm algorithms based on the ideas of the numerical renormalization group and/or boundary states, including density matrix renormalization group, time-evolving block decimation, coarse-graining/corner tensor renormalization group, and several distinguished variational algorithms. Finally, we revisit the TN approaches from the perspective of multi-linear algebra (also known as tensor algebra or tensor decompositions) and quantum simulation. Despite the apparent differences in the ideas and strategies of different TN algorithms, we aim at revealing the underlying relations and resemblances in order to present a systematic picture to understand the TN contraction approaches.
  • Graphene oxide can be used as a precursor to graphene but the quality of graphene flakes is highly heterogeneous. Scanning-Raman-Microscopy (SRM) is used to characterize films of graphene derived from flakes of graphene oxide with an almost intact carbon framework (ai-GO). The defect density of these flakes is visualized in detail by analyzing the intensity and full-width at half-maximum of the most pronounced Raman peaks. In addition, we superimpose the SRM results with AFM images and correlate the spectroscopic results with the morphology. Furthermore, we use SRM technique to display the amount of defects in a film of graphene. Thus, an area of 250 x 250 {\my}m2 of graphene is probed with a step-size increment of 1 {\mu}m. We are able to visualize the position of graphene flakes, edges and the substrate. Finally, we alter parameters of measurement to analyze the quality of graphene fast and reliable. The described method can be used to probe and visualize the quality of graphene films.
  • Half of the energy is always lost when charging a capacitor. Even in the limit of vanishing resistance, half of the charging energy is still lost--to radiation instead of heat. While this fraction can technically be reduced by charging adiabatically, it otherwise places a fundamental limit on the charging efficiency of a capacitor. Here we show that this 1/2 limit can be broken by coupling a ferroelectric to the capacitor dielectric. Maxwell's equations are solved for the coupled system to analyze energy flow from the perspective of Poynting's theorem and show that (1) total energy dissipation is reduced below the fundamental limit during charging and discharging; (2) energy is saved by "recycling" the energy already stored in the ferroelectric phase transition; and (3) this phase transition energy is directly transferred between the ferroelectric and dielectric during charging and discharging. These results demystify recent works on low energy negative capacitance devices as well as lay the foundation for improving fundamental energy efficiency in all devices that rely on energy storage in electric fields.
  • Acoustic vibrations at the nanoscale (GHz-THz frequencies) and their interactions with electrons, photons and other excitations are the heart of an emerging field in physics: nanophononics. The design of ultrahigh frequency acoustic-phonon transducers, with tunable frequency, and easy to integrate in complex systems is still an open and challenging problem for the development of acoustic nanoscopies and phonon lasers. Here we show how an optimized plasmonic metasurface can act as a high-frequency phonon transducer. We report pump-probe experiments in metasurfaces composed of an array of gold nanostructures, revealing that such arrays can act as efficient and tunable photon-phonon transducers, with a strong spectral dependence on the excitation rate and laser polarization. We anticipate our work to be the starting point for the engineering of phononic metasurfaces based on plasmonic nanostructures.
  • Ultrasonic wave attenuation({\alpha}) measurement by pulse-echo method exhibits pronounced dependence on experimental conditions. It is shown to be an inherent characteristic of the method itself. Estimation of {\alpha} from the component wave amplitudes in the frequency scale gives more accurate and consistent value. This technique, viz., the Fourier Spectrum Pulse-Echo (FSPE) is demonstrated to determine the ultrasonic velocity(v) and attenuation constant({\alpha}) in ultrapure de-ionized water at room temperature (250C) at 1MHz and 2 MHz wave frequency.
  • Atomically thin 2-dimensional (2D) mechanical resonators are expected to be highly sensitive force sensor and high performance nano-electro-mechanical systems because of their excellent electrical and mechanical properties. For practical application, the stability of their resonance frequencies against the temperature is very crucial. Here, we demonstrate the manipulation of thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) by making van der Waals heterojunction, graphene and MoS2, which have opposite signs of TECs. The apparent TEC of the 2D heterojunction is greatly suppressed to 1/3 of monolayer graphene without the limitation of tunability of the resonance frequency by application of electrostatic attraction.
  • Valley degrees of freedom, providing a novel way to increase the capacity and efficiency for information storage and processing, become an important instrumental for future photonics. However, due to the inter-valley scattering, current realizations of the topological valley kink states are restricted to zigzag boundaries, strongly limiting the development and applications of valley photonics. Besides, the previous topological photonic crystals suffer from either large thickness or insufficient electromagnetic shielding, leading to incompatibility with the standard integrated waveguide circuits. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the realization, engineering and manipulation of valley-polarized topological kink states at generic boundaries in an ultrathin substrate-integrated photonic circuitry with nearly negligible inter-valley scattering. Valley-resolved topological kink states are manipulated by tailoring the boundary geometry between two photonic crystals of opposite valley Hall effects, yielding tunable edge spectrum yet robust valley-polarized transport. Such salient properties can be exploited to design functional substrate-integrated photonic devices, such as disorder-immune waveguides with high transmission, robust photonic delay line, and geometry-dependent topological channel intersections. Our systematic study provides a new route for the manipulation of valley degrees of freedom in the substrate-integrated circuitry, and may work as a novel integration platform for information processing with disorder-insensitivity, easy access, and light weight.
  • Advanced electronic device technologies require a faster operation and smaller average power consumption, which are the most important parameters in very large scale integrated circuit design. The conventional Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology is limited by the threshold voltage and subthreshold leakage problems in scaling of devices. This leads to failure in adapting it to sub-micron and nanotechnologies. The carbon nanotube (CNT) technology overcomes the threshold voltage and subthreshold leakage problems despite reduction in size. The CNT based technology develops the most promising devices among emerging technologies because it has most of the desired features. Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (CNFETs) are the novel devices that are expected to sustain the transistor scalability while increasing its performance. Recently, there have been tremendous advances in CNT technology for nanoelectronics applications. CNFETs avoid most of the fundamental limitations and offer several advantages compared to silicon-based technology. Though CNT evolves as a better option to overcome some of the bulk CMOS problems, the CNT itself still immersed with setbacks. The fabrication of carbon nanotube at very large digital circuits on a single substrate is difficult to achieve. Therefore, a hybrid NP dynamic Carry Look Ahead Adder (CLA) is designed using p-CNFET and n-MOS transistors. Here, the performance of CLA is evaluated in 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit stages with the following four different implementations: silicon MOSFET (Si-MOSFET) domino logic, Si-MOSFET NP dynamic CMOS, carbon nanotube MOSFET (CN-MOSFET) domino logic, and CN-MOSFET NP dynamic CMOS. Finally, a Hybrid CMOS-CNFET based 64-bit NP dynamic CLA is evaluated based on HSPICE simulation in 32nm technology, which effectively suppresses power dissipation without an increase in propagation delay.