Motivated by constructions in topological data analysis and algebraic
combinatorics, we study homotopy theory on the category of Cech closure spaces
$\mathbf{Cl}$, the category whose objects are sets endowed with a Cech closure
operator and whose morphisms are the continuous maps between them. We introduce
new classes of Cech closure structures on metric spaces, graphs, and simplicial
complexes, and we show how each of these cases gives rise to an interesting
homotopy theory. In particular, we show that there exists a natural family of
Cech closure structures on metric spaces which produces a non-trivial homotopy
theory for finite metric spaces, i.e. point clouds, the spaces of interest in
topological data analysis. We then give a Cech closure structure to graphs and
simplicial complexes which may be used to construct a new combinatorial (as
opposed to topological) homotopy theory for each skeleton of those spaces. We
further show that there is a Seifert-van Kampen theorem for closure spaces, a
well-defined notion of persistent homotopy, and an associated interleaving
distance. As an illustration of the difference with the topological setting, we
calculate the fundamental group for the circle, `circular graphs', and the
wedge of circles endowed with different closure structures. Finally, we produce
a continuous map from the topological circle to `circular graphs' which, given
the appropriate closure structures, induces an isomorphism on the fundamental
This paper presents a combinatorial analog of topological complexity for
finite spaces. We demonstrate that this coincides with the genuine topological
complexity of the original finite space, and constitutes an upper bound for the
topological complexity of its order complex.
We develop a framework to construct geometric representations of finite
groups $G$ through the correspondence between real toric spaces $X^{\mathbb R}$
and simplicial complexes with characteristic matrices. We give a combinatorial
description of the $G$-module structure of the homology of $X^{\mathbb R}$. As
applications, we make explicit computations of the Weyl group representations
on the homology of real toric varieties associated to the Weyl chambers of type
$A$ and $B$, which show an interesting connection to the topology of posets. We
also realize a certain kind of Foulkes representation geometrically as the
homology of real toric varieties.
Building off of the work of Kervaire and Milnor, and Hill, Hopkins, and
Ravenel, Xu and Wang showed that the only odd dimensions n for which S^n has a
unique differentiable structure are 1, 3, 5, and 61. We show that the only even
dimensions below 140 for which S^n has a unique differentiable structure are 2,
6, 12, 56, and perhaps 4.
We compute the Chow-Witt rings of the classifying spaces for the symplectic
and special linear groups. In the structural description we give, contributions
from real and complex realization are clearly visible. In particular, the
computation of cohomology with $\mathbf{I}^j$-coefficients is done closely
along the lines of Brown's computation of integral cohomology for special
orthogonal groups. The computations for the symplectic groups show that
Chow-Witt groups are a symplectically oriented ring cohomology theory. Using
our computations for special linear groups, we also discuss the question when
an oriented vector bundle of odd rank splits off a trivial summand.
Persistent homology, a central tool of topological data analysis, provides
invariants of data called barcodes (also known as persistence diagrams). A
barcode is simply a multiset of real intervals. Recent work of Edelsbrunner,
Jablonski, and Mrozek suggests an equivalent description of barcodes as
functors R -> Mch, where R is the poset category of real numbers and Mch is the
category whose objects are sets and whose morphisms are matchings (i.e.,
partial injective functions). Such functors form a category Mch^R whose
morphisms are the natural transformations. Thus, this interpretation of
barcodes gives us a hitherto unstudied categorical structure on barcodes. The
aim of this note is to show that this categorical structure leads to
surprisingly simple reformulations of both the well-known stability theorem for
persistent homology and a recent generalization called the induced matching
We give a new construction of the equivariant $K$-theory of group actions
(cf. Barwick et al.), producing an infinite loop $G$-space for each Waldhausen
category with $G$-action, for a finite group $G$. On the category $R(X)$ of
retractive spaces over a $G$-space $X$, this produces an equivariant lift of
Waldhausen's functor $A(X)$, and we show that the $H$-fixed points are the
bivariant $A$-theory of the fibration $X_{hH}\to BH$. We then use the framework
of spectral Mackey functors to produce a second equivariant refinement $A_G(X)$
whose fixed points have tom Dieck type splittings. We expect this second
definition to be suitable for an equivariant generalization of the parametrized
$h$-cobordism theorem.
This paper shows that the integral equivariant cohomology Chern numbers
completely determine the equivariant geometric unitary bordism classes of
closed unitary $G$-manifolds, which gives an affirmative answer to the
conjecture posed by Guillemin--Ginzburg--Karshon in [20, Remark H.5, $\S3$,
Appendix H], where $G$ is a torus. As a further application, we also obtain a
satisfactory solution of [20, Question (A), $\S1.1$, Appendix H] on unitary
Hamiltonian $G$-manifolds. Our key ingredients in the proof are the universal
toric genus defined by Buchstaber--Panov--Ray and the Kronecker pairing of
bordism and cobordism. Our approach heavily exploits Quillen's geometric
interpretation of homotopic unitary cobordism theory. Moreover, this method can
also be applied to the study of $({\Bbb Z}_2)^k$-equivariant unoriented bordism
and can still derive the classical result of tom Dieck.
We prove nilpotence theorems in tensor-triangulated categories using suitable
Gabriel quotients of the module category, and discuss examples.
The goal of the present paper is to introduce a smaller, but equivalent
version of the Deligne-Hinich-Getzler $\infty$-groupoid associated to a
homotopy Lie algebra. In the case of differential graded Lie algebras, we
represent it by a universal cosimplicial object.
If $D$ is a Reedy category and $M$ is a model category, the category $M^{D}$
of $D$-diagrams in $M$ is a model category under the Reedy model category
structure. If $C \to D$ is a Reedy functor between Reedy categories, then there
is an induced functor of diagram categories $M^{D} \to M^{C}$. Our main result
is a characterization of the Reedy functors $C \to D$ that induce right or left
Quillen functors $M^{D} \to M^{C}$ for every model category $M$. We apply these
results to various situations, and in particular show that certain important
subdiagrams of a fibrant multicosimplicial object are fibrant.
We prove that the length function for perverse sheaves and algebraic regular
holonomic D-modules on a smooth complex algebraic variety Y is an absolute
Q-constructible function. One consequence is: for "any" fixed natural (derived)
functor F between constructible complexes or perverse sheaves on two smooth
varieties X and Y, the loci of rank one local systems L on X whose image F(L)
has prescribed length are Zariski constructible subsets defined over Q,
obtained from finitely many torsion-translated complex affine algebraic subtori
of the moduli of rank one local systems via a finite sequence of taking union,
intersection, and complement.
Let Q -> B be a quadric fibration and T -> B a family of sextic du Val del
Pezzo surfaces. Making use of the recent theory of noncommutative mixed
motives, we establish a precise relation between the Schur-finiteness
conjecture for Q, resp. for T, and the Schur-finiteness conjecture for B. As an
application, we prove the Schur-finiteness conjecture for Q, resp. for T, when
B is low-dimensional. Along the way, we obtain a proof of the Schur-finiteness
conjecture for smooth complete intersections of two or three quadric
hypersurfaces. Finally, we prove similar results for the Bass-finiteness
We confirm a conjecture of Quillen in the case of the mod $2$ cohomology of
arithmetic groups ${\rm
SL}_2({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-m})}[\frac{1}{2}]\thinspace)$, where
${\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-m}\thinspace)}$ is an imaginary quadratic
ring of integers. To make explicit the free module structure on the cohomology
ring conjectured by Quillen, we compute the mod $2$ cohomology of ${\rm
SL}_2({\mathbb{Z}}[\sqrt{-2}\thinspace][\frac{1}{2}])$ via the amalgamated
decomposition of the latter group.
We prove that the functor associating to a rigid analytic variety the
singular complex of the underlying Berkovich topological space is motivic, and
defines the maximal Artin quotient of a motive. We use this to generalize
Berkovich's results on the weight-zero part of the \'etale cohomology of a
variety defined over a non-archimedean valued field.
Topological invariance of the intersection homology of a pseudomanifold
without codimension one strata, proven by Goresky and MacPherson, is one of the
main features of this homology. This property is true for codimension-dependent
perversities with some growth conditions, verifying $\overline p(1)=\overline
p(2)=0$. King reproves this invariance by associating an intrinsic
pseudomanifold $X^*$ to any pseudomanifold $X$. His proof consists of an
isomorphism between the associated intersection homologies
$H^{\overline{p}}_{*}(X) \cong H^{\overline{p}}_{*}( X^*)$ for any perversity
$\overline{p}$ with the same growth conditions verifying $\overline p(1)\geq
In this work, we prove a certain topological invariance within the framework
of strata-dependent perversities, $\overline{p}$, which corresponds to the
classical topological invariance if $\overline{p}$ is a GM-perversity. We also
extend it to the tame intersection homology, a variation of the intersection
homology, particularly suited for ``large'' perversities, if there is no
singular strata on $X$ becoming regular in $X^*$. In particular, under the
above conditions, the intersection homology and the tame intersection homology
are invariant under a refinement of the stratification.
For $G$ a finite group, we define the $G$-cobordism category in dimension
two. We prove this category has connected components in bijection with the
abelianization of $G$ and with fundamental group isomorphic to a lattice. We
show the classifying space of this category has the homotopy type of the
product of the abelianization of $G$, an infinite loop space and a finite
product of circles. In addition, we study the classifying space of some
important subcategories.
We study the problem of computing the homology of the configuration spaces of
a finite cell complex $X$. We proceed by viewing $X$, together with its
subdivisions, as a subdivisional space--a kind of diagram object in a category
of cell complexes. After developing a version of Morse theory for subdivisional
spaces, we decompose $X$ and show that the homology of the configuration spaces
of $X$ is computed by the derived tensor product of the Morse complexes of the
pieces of the decomposition, an analogue of the monoidal excision property of
factorization homology.
Applying this theory to the configuration spaces of a graph, we recover a
cellular chain model due to \'{S}wi\k{a}tkowski. Our method of deriving this
model enhances it with various convenient functorialities, exact sequences, and
module structures, which we exploit in numerous computations, old and new.
Let k be a base field of positive characteristic. Making use of topological
periodic cyclic homology, we start by proving that the category of
noncommutative numerical motives over k is abelian semi-simple, as conjectured
by Kontsevich. Then, we establish a far-reaching noncommutative generalization
of the Weil conjectures, originally proved by Dwork and Grothendieck. In the
same vein, we establish a far-reaching noncommutative generalization of the
cohomological interpretations of the Hasse-Weil zeta function, originally
proven by Hesselholt. As a third main result, we prove that the numerical
Grothendieck group of every smooth proper dg category is a finitely generated
free abelian group, as claimed (without proof) by Kuznetsov. Then, we introduce
the noncommutative motivic Galois (super-)groups and, following an insight of
Kontsevich, relate them to their classical commutative counterparts. Finally,
we explain how the motivic measure induced by Berthelot's rigid cohomology can
be recovered from the theory of noncommutative motives.
The sphere $S^2$ and the torus $T^2$ are the only closed connected surfaces
for which higher topological complexities are known (for each
$n\in\{2,3,...\}\subset\mathbb{N}$, $\mathrm{TC}_n(S^2)=n$ and
$\mathrm{TC}_n(T^2)=2n-2$). This text aims to find topological complexities for
most other closed connected surfaces. For all but $S^2$, $T^2$, the projective
plane ($\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^2$) and the Klein bottle the $n$-th topological
complexity is $2n$.
Using the language of twisted skew-commutative algebras, we define
\emph{secondary representation stability}, a stability pattern in the {\it
unstable} homology of spaces that are representation stable in the sense of
Church, Ellenberg, and Farb. We show that the rational homology of
configuration spaces of ordered points in noncompact manifolds satisfies
secondary representation stability. While representation stability for the
homology of configuration spaces involves stabilizing by introducing a point
``near infinity,'' secondary representation stability involves stabilizing by
introducing a pair of orbiting points -- an operation that relates homology
groups in different homological degrees. This result can be thought of as a
representation-theoretic analogue of \emph{secondary homological stability} in
the sense of Galatius, Kupers, and Randal-Williams. In the course of the proof
we establish some additional results: we give a new characterization of the
homology of the complex of injective words, and we give a new proof of integral
representation stability for configuration spaces of noncompact manifolds,
extending previous results to nonorientable manifolds.
We prove a generalization of the classical connectivity theorem of
Blakers-Massey, valid in an arbitrary higher topos and with respect to an
arbitrary modality, that is, a factorization system (L,R) in which the left
class is stable by base change. We explain how to rederive the classical
result, as well as a recent generalization by Chach\'olski-Scherer-Werndli. Our
proof is inspired by the one given in Homotopy Type Theory.
Using the authors' 2014 "constraints method," we give a short proof for a
2015 result of Dobbins on representations of a point in a polytope as the
barycenter of points in a skeleton, and show that the "r-fold Whitney trick" of
Mabillard and Wagner (2014/2015) implies that the Topological Tverberg
Conjecture for r-fold intersections fails dramatically for all r that are not
prime powers.
We introduce the notion of groups of polytope class and show that
torsion-free amenable groups satisfying the Atiyah Conjecture possess this
property. A direct consequence is the homotopy invariance of the $L^2$-torsion
polytope among $G$-CW-complexes for these groups. As another application we
prove that the $L^2$-torsion polytope of an amenable group vanishes provided
that it contains a non-abelian elementary amenable normal subgroup.
The equivalence between dg duality and Verdier duality has been established
for cyclic operads earlier. We propose a generalization of this correspondence
from cyclic operads and dg duality to twisted modular operads and Feynman
transform. Specifically, for each twisted modular operad $\mathcal{P}$ (taking
values in a dg-vector space over a field $k$) there is a certain sheaf
$\mathcal{F}$ associated with it on the moduli space of stable metric graphs
such that the Verdier dual sheaf $D\mathcal{F}$ is associated with the Feynman
transform $F\mathcal{P}$ of $\mathcal{P}$. In the course of the proof, we also
prove a relation between cyclic operads and modular operads originally proposed
in the pioneering work of Ginzburg and Kapranov, however, to the best knowledge
of the author, no proof was given in any literature. This geometric
interpretation in operads theory has fundamental importance, and we believe
this result will illuminate many aspects of the theory of modular operads. We
illustrate an application of this result, by giving another proof on the
homotopy properties of Feynman transform, which is quite intuitive and simpler
than the original proof.