We prove that square-tiled surfaces having fixed combinatorics of horizontal
cylinder decomposition and tiled with smaller and smaller squares become
asymptotically equidistributed in any ambient linear $GL(\mathbb R)$-invariant
suborbifold defined over $\mathbb Q$ in the moduli space of Abelian
differentials. Moreover, we prove that the combinatorics of the horizontal and
of the vertical decompositions are asymptotically uncorrelated. As a
consequence, we prove the existence of an asymptotic distribution for the
combinatorics of a "random" interval exchange transformation with integer
We compute explicitly the absolute contribution of square-tiled surfaces
having a single horizontal cylinder to the Masur-Veech volume of any ambient
stratum of Abelian differentials. The resulting count is particularly simple
and efficient in the large genus asymptotics. We conjecture that the
corresponding relative contribution is asymptotically of the order $1/d$, where
$d$ is the dimension of the stratum, and prove that this conjecture is
equivalent to the long-standing conjecture on the large genus asymptotics of
the Masur-Veech volumes. We prove, in particular, that the recent results of
Chen, M\"oller and Zagier imply that the conjecture holds for the principal
stratum of Abelian differentials as the genus tends to infinity.
Our result on random interval exchanges with integer lengths allows to make
empirical computation of the probability to get a $1$-cylinder pillowcase cover
taking a "random" one in a given stratum. We use this technique to derive the
approximate values of the Masur-Veech volumes of strata of quadratic
differentials of all small dimensions.
A meander is a topological configuration of a line and a simple closed curve
in the plane (or a pair of simple closed curves on the 2-sphere) intersecting
transversally. Meanders can be traced back to H. Poincar\'e and naturally
appear in various areas of mathematics, theoretical physics and computational
biology (in particular, they provide a model of polymer folding). Enumeration
of meanders is an important open problem. The number of meanders with 2N
crossings grows exponentially when N grows, but the longstanding problem on the
precise asymptotics is still out of reach. We show that the situation becomes
more tractable if one additionally fixes the topological type (or the total
number of minimal arcs) of a meander. Then we are able to derive simple
asymptotic formulas for the numbers of meanders as N tends to infinity. We also
compute the asymptotic probability of getting a simple closed curve on a sphere
by identifying the endpoints of two arc systems (one on each of the two
hemispheres) along the common equator. The new tools we bring to bear are based
on interpretation of meanders as square-tiled surfaces with one horizontal and
one vertical cylinders. The proofs combine recent results on Masur-Veech
volumes of the moduli spaces of meromorphic quadratic differentials in genus
zero with our new observation that horizontal and vertical separatrix diagrams
of integer quadratic differentials are asymptotically uncorrelated. The
additional combinatorial constraints we impose in this article yield explicit
polynomial asymptotics.
For every positive, continuous and homogeneous function $f$ on the space of
currents on a compact surface $\overline{\Sigma}$, and for every compactly
supported filling current $\alpha$, we compute as $L \to \infty$, the number of
mapping classes $\phi$ so that $f(\phi(\alpha))\leq L$. As an application, when
the surface in question is closed, we prove a lattice counting theorem for
Teichm\"uller space equipped with the Thurston metric.
Let K be a nontrivial knot in the 3-sphere with the exterior E(K), and u in
G(K), the fundamental group of E(K), a slope element represented by an
essential simple closed curve on the boundary of E(K). Since the normal closure
of u in G(K) coincides with that of the inverse of u, and u and its inverse u
correspond to a slope r, a rational number or 1/0, we write << r >> = << u >>.
The normal closure << u >> describes elements which are trivialized by r-Dehn
filling of E(K). In this article, we prove that << r_1 >> =<< r_2 >> if and
only if r_1 = r_2, and for a given finite family of slopes S = {r_1, ..., r_n},
the intersection of << r_1 >> , << r_2>>, ..., and << r_n >> contains
infinitely many elements except when K is a (p, q)-torus knot and pq belongs to
S. We also investigate inclusion relation among normal closures of slope
This paper resolves the unicity conjecture of Bonahon and Wong for the
Kauffman bracket skein algebras of all oriented finite type surfaces at all
roots of unity. The proof is a consequence of a general unicity theorem that
says that the irreducible representations of a prime affine $k$-algebra over an
algebraically closed field $k$, that is finitely generated as a module over its
center, are generically classified by their central characters. The center of
the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of any orientable surface at any root of
unity is characterized, and it is proved that the skein algebra is finitely
generated as a module over its center. It is shown that for any orientable
surface the center of the skein algebra at any root of unity is the coordinate
ring of an affine algebraic variety.
We construct examples of finite covers of punctured surfaces where the first
rational homology is not spanned by lifts of simple closed curves. More
generally, for any set $\mathcal{O} \subset F_n$ which is contained in the
union of finitely many $Aut(F_n)$-orbits, we construct finite-index normal
subgroups of $F_n$ whose first rational homology is not spanned by powers of
elements of $\mathcal{O}$. These examples answer questions of Farb-Hensel,
Kent, Looijenga, and Marche. We also show that the quotient of $Out(F_n)$ by
the subgroup generated by kth powers of transvections often contains infinite
order elements, strengthening a result of Bridson-Vogtmann saying that it is
often infinite. Finally, for any set $\mathcal{O} \subset F_n$ which is
contained in the union of finitely many $Aut(F_n)$-orbits, we construct
integral linear representations of free groups that have infinite image and map
all elements of $\mathcal{O}$ to torsion elements.
Kricker defined an invariant of knots in homology 3-spheres which is a
rational lift of the Kontsevich integral, and proved with Garoufalidis that
this invariant satisfies splitting formulas with respect to a surgery move
called null-move. We define a functorial extension of the Kricker invariant and
prove splitting formulas for this functorial invariant with respect to null
Lagrangian-preserving surgery, a generalization of the null-move. We apply
these splitting formulas to the Kricker invariant.
In this paper we study the typical speed of a generic earthquake trajectory
leaving compact sets in the moduli space of the once-punctured torus.
Mirzakhani showed that the earthquake flow is measurably equivalent to the
horocyclic flow, which has been studied extensively. Our main result shows that
the earthquake flow and the horocyclic flow behave very differently in cusp
excursions. In particular, we prove a relation between the systole function and
continued fractions and discuss the cusp excursions of earthquake trajectories.
The uniform boundary condition in a normed chain complex asks for a uniform
linear bound on fillings of null-homologous cycles. For the $\ell^1$-norm on
the singular chain complex, Matsumoto and Morita established a characterisation
of the uniform boundary condition in terms of bounded cohomology. In
particular, spaces with amenable fundamental group satisfy the uniform boundary
condition in every degree. We will give an alternative proof of statements of
this type, using geometric F{\o}lner arguments on the chain level instead of
passing to the dual cochain complex. These geometric methods have the advantage
that they also lead to integral refinements. In particular, we obtain
applications in the context of integral foliated simplicial volume.
We study the minimal crossing number $c(K_{1}\# K_{2})$ of composite knots
$K_{1}\# K_{2}$, where $K_1$ and $K_2$ are prime, by relating it to the minimal
crossing number of spatial graphs, in particular the $2n$-theta curve
$\theta_{K_{1},K_{2}}^n$ that results from tying $n$ of the edges of the planar
embedding of the $2n$-theta graph into $K_1$ and the remaining $n$ edges into
$K_2$. We prove that for large enough $n$ we have
$c(\theta_{K_1,K_2}^n)=n(c(K_1)+c(K_2))$. We also formulate additional
relations between the crossing numbers of certain spatial graphs that, if
satisfied, imply the additivity of the crossing number or at least give a lower
bound for $c(K_1\# K_2)$.
We show how the Alexander polynomial of links in lens spaces is related to
the classical Alexander polynomial of a link in the 3-sphere, obtained by
cutting out the exceptional lens space fibre. It follows from these
relationship that a certain normalization of the Alexander polynomial satisfies
a skein relation in lens spaces.
It is shown that the tessellation of a compact, negatively curved surface
induced by a typical long geodesic segment, when properly scaled, looks locally
like a Poisson line process. This implies that the global statistics of the
tessellation -- for instance, the fraction of triangles -- approach those of
the limiting Poisson line process.
We show that the Grothendieck group associated to integral polytopes in
$\mathbb{R}^n$ is free-abelian by providing an explicit basis. Moreover, we
identify the involution on this polytope group given by reflection about the
origin as a sum of Euler characteristic type. We also compute the kernel of the
norm map sending a polytope to its induced seminorm on the dual of
We give a conjectural classification of virtually cocompactly cubulated
Artin-Tits groups (i.e. having a finite index subgroup acting geometrically on
a CAT(0) cube complex), which we prove for all Artin-Tits groups of spherical
type, FC type or two-dimensional type. A particular case is that for $n \geq
4$, the $n$-strand braid group is not virtually cocompactly cubulated.
Fix a translation surface $X$, and consider the measures on $X$ coming from
averaging the uniform measures on all the saddle connections of length at most
$R$. Then as $R\to\infty$, the weak limit of these measures exists and is equal
to the Lebesgue measure on $X$. We also show that any weak limit of a
subsequence of the counting measures on $S^1$ given by the angles of all saddle
connections of length at most $R_n$, as $R_n\to\infty$, is in the Lebesgue
measure class. The proof of the first result uses the second result, together
with the result of Kerckhoff-Masur-Smillie that the directional flow on a
surface is uniquely ergodic in almost every direction.
In recent years, twisted Alexander polynomial has been playing an important
role in low-dimensional topology.
For Montesinos links, we develop an efficient method to compute the twisted
Alexander polynomial associated to any linear representation.
In particular, formulas for multi-variable Alexander polynomials of these
links can be easily derived.
We develop the general theory for the construction of Extended Topological
Quantum Field Theories (ETQFTs) associated with the Costantino-Geer-Patureau
quantum invariants of closed 3-manifolds. In order to do so, we introduce
relative modular categories, a class of ribbon categories which are modeled on
representations of unrolled quantum groups, and which can be thought of as a
non-semisimple analogue to modular categories. Our approach exploits a
2-categorical version of the universal construction introduced by Blanchet,
Habegger, Masbaum, and Vogel. The 1+1+1-EQFTs thus obtained are realized by
symmetric monoidal 2-functors which are defined over non-rigid 2-categories of
admissible cobordisms decorated with colored ribbon graphs and cohomology
classes, and which take values in 2-categories of complete graded linear
categories. In particular, our construction extends the family of graded
2+1-TQFTs defined for the unrolled version of quantum $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ by
Blanchet, Costantino, Geer, and Patureau to a new family of graded ETQFTs. The
non-semisimplicity of the theory is witnessed by the presence of non-semisimple
graded linear categories associated with critical 1-manifolds.
Let $S$ be a compact oriented surface. We construct homogeneous
quasimorphisms on $Diff(S, area)$, on $Diff_0(S, area)$ and on $Ham(S)$
generalizing the constructions of Gambaudo-Ghys and Polterovich.
We prove that there are infinitely many linearly independent homogeneous
quasimorphisms on $Diff(S, area)$, on $Diff_0(S, area)$ and on $Ham(S)$ whose
absolute values bound from below the topological entropy. In case when $S$ has
a positive genus, the quasimorphisms we construct on $Ham(S)$ are
We define a bi-invariant metric on these groups, called the entropy metric,
and show that it is unbounded. In particular, we reprove the fact that the
autonomous metric on $Ham(S)$ is unbounded.
We study the problem of computing the homology of the configuration spaces of
a finite cell complex $X$. We proceed by viewing $X$, together with its
subdivisions, as a subdivisional space--a kind of diagram object in a category
of cell complexes. After developing a version of Morse theory for subdivisional
spaces, we decompose $X$ and show that the homology of the configuration spaces
of $X$ is computed by the derived tensor product of the Morse complexes of the
pieces of the decomposition, an analogue of the monoidal excision property of
factorization homology.
Applying this theory to the configuration spaces of a graph, we recover a
cellular chain model due to \'{S}wi\k{a}tkowski. Our method of deriving this
model enhances it with various convenient functorialities, exact sequences, and
module structures, which we exploit in numerous computations, old and new.
In this article, we define an independence system for a classical knot
diagram and prove that the independence system is a knot invariant for
alternating knots. We also discuss the exchange property for minimal unknotting
sets. Finally, we show that there are knot diagrams where the independence
system is a matroid and there are knot diagrams where it is not.
A pseudo-edge graph of a convex polyhedron K is a 3-connected embedded graph
in K whose vertices coincide with those of K, whose edges are distance
minimizing geodesics, and whose faces are convex. We construct a convex
polyhedron K in Euclidean 3-space with a pseudo-edge graph with respect to
which K is not unfoldable. The proof is based on a result of Pogorelov on
convex caps with prescribed curvature, and an unfoldability obstruction for
almost flat convex caps due to Tarasov. Our example, which has 340 vertices,
significantly simplifies an earlier construction by Tarasov, and confirms that
Durer's conjecture does not hold for pseudo-edge unfoldings.
We study chirally cosmetic surgeries, that is, a pair of Dehn surgeries on a
knot producing homeomorphic 3-manifolds with opposite orientations. Several
constraints on knots and surgery slopes to admit such surgeries are given. Our
main ingredients are the original and the $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ version of Casson
invariants. As applications, we give a complete classification of chirally
cosmetic surgeries on alternating knots of genus one.
We relate certain abelian invariants of a knot, namely the Alexander
polynomial, the Blanchfield form, and the Arf invariant, to intersection data
of a Whitney tower in the 4-ball bounded by the knot. We also give a new
3-dimensional algorithm for computing these invariants.
A vertex-transitive map $X$ is a map on a closed surface on which the
automorphism group ${\rm Aut}(X)$ acts transitively on the set of vertices. If
the face-cycles at all the vertices in a map are of same type then the map is
said to be a semi-equivelar map. Clearly, a vertex-transitive map is
semi-equivelar. Converse of this is not true in general. We show that there are
eleven types of semi-equivelar maps on the torus. Three of these are equivelar
maps. It is known that two of the three types of equivelar maps on the torus
are always vertex-transitive. We show that this is true for the remaining one
type of equivelar map and one other type of semi-equivelar maps, namely, if $X$
is a semi-equivelar map of type $[6^3]$ or $[3^3, 4^2]$ then $X$ is
vertex-transitive. We also show, by presenting examples, that this result is
not true for the remaining seven types of semi-equivelar maps. There are ten
types of semi-equivelar maps on the Klein bottle. We present examples in each
of the ten types which are not vertex-transitive.
We combine aspects of the notions of finite decomposition complexity and
asymptotic property C into a notion that we call finite APC-decomposition
complexity. Any space with finite decomposition complexity has finite
APC-decomposition complexity and any space with asymptotic property C has
finite APC-decomposition complexity. Moreover, finite APC-decomposition
complexity implies property A for metric spaces. We also show that finite
APC-decomposition complexity is preserved by direct products of groups and
spaces, amalgamated products of groups, and group extensions, among other