• We investigate the universal cover of a topological group that is not necessarily connected. Its existence as a topological group is governed by a Taylor cocycle, an obstruction in 3-cohomology. Alternatively, it always exists as a topological 2-group. The splitness of this 2-group is also governed by an obstruction in 3-cohomology, a Sinh cocycle. We give explicit formulas for both obstructions and show that they are inverse of each other.
  • This article proves that an irreducible subfactor planar algebra with a distributive biprojection lattice admits a minimal 2-box projection generating the identity biprojection. It is a generalization (conjectured in 2013) of a theorem of Oystein Ore on distributive intervals of finite groups (1938), and a corollary of a natural subfactor extension of a conjecture of Kenneth S. Brown in algebraic combinatorics (2000). We deduce a link between combinatorics and representations in finite group theory.
  • This paper resolves the unicity conjecture of Bonahon and Wong for the Kauffman bracket skein algebras of all oriented finite type surfaces at all roots of unity. The proof is a consequence of a general unicity theorem that says that the irreducible representations of a prime affine $k$-algebra over an algebraically closed field $k$, that is finitely generated as a module over its center, are generically classified by their central characters. The center of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of any orientable surface at any root of unity is characterized, and it is proved that the skein algebra is finitely generated as a module over its center. It is shown that for any orientable surface the center of the skein algebra at any root of unity is the coordinate ring of an affine algebraic variety.
  • It is shown that if $\mathfrak B(V) $ is connected Nichols algebra of diagonal type with $\dim V>1$, then $\dim (\mathfrak L^-(V)) = \infty$ $($resp. $ \dim (\mathfrak L(V)) = \infty $$)$ $($ resp. $ \dim (\mathfrak B(V)) = \infty $$)$ if and only if $\Delta(\mathfrak B(V)) $ is an arithmetic root system and the quantum numbers (i.e. the fixed parameters) of generalized Dynkin diagrams of $V$ are of finite order. Sufficient and necessary conditions for $m$-fold adjoint action in $\mathfrak B(V)$ equal to zero, viz. $\overline{l}_{x_{i}}^{m}[x_{j}]^ -=0$ for $x_i,~x_j\in \mathfrak B(V)$, are given.
  • The purpose of this paper is to study Rota-Baxter operators for BiHom-associative algebras. Moreover, we introduce and discuss the properties of the notions of BiHom-(tri)dendriform algebra, BiHom-Zinbiel algebra and BiHom-quadri-algebra. We construct the free Rota-Baxter BiHom-associative algebra and present some observations about categories and functors related to Rota-Baxter structures.
  • The goal of the present paper is to introduce a smaller, but equivalent version of the Deligne-Hinich-Getzler $\infty$-groupoid associated to a homotopy Lie algebra. In the case of differential graded Lie algebras, we represent it by a universal cosimplicial object.
  • We introduce a type affine $C$ analogue of the nil Temperley--Lieb algebra, in terms of generators and relations. We show that this algebra $T(n)$, which is a quotient of the positive part of a Kac--Moody algebra of type $D_{n+1}^{(2)}$, has an easily described faithful representation as an algebra of creation and annihilation operators on particle configurations, reminiscent of the open TASEP model in statistical physics. The centre of $T(n)$ consists of polynomials in a certain element $Q$, and $T(n)$ is a free module of finite rank over its centre. We show how to localize $T(n)$ by adjoining an inverse of $Q$, and prove that the resulting algebra is a full matrix ring over a ring of Laurent polynomials over a field. Although $T(n)$ has wild representation type, over an algebraically closed field we can classify all the finite dimensional indecomposable representations of $T(n)$ in which $Q$ acts invertibly.
  • Kitaev's lattice models are usually defined as representations of the Drinfeld quantum double. We propose a new version based on Majid's bicrossproduct quantum group. Given a Hopf algebra $H$, we show that a triangulated oriented surface defines a representation of the bicrossproduct quantum group $H^{\text{cop}}\blacktriangleright\!\!\!\triangleleft H$. Even though the bicrossproduct has a more complicated and entangled coproduct, the construction of this new model is relatively natural as it relies on the use of the covariant Hopf algebra actions. We obtain an exactly solvable Hamiltonian for the model and provide a definition of the ground state in terms of a tensor network representation.
  • We show that sheet closures appear as associated varieties of affine vertex algebras. Further, we give new examples of non-admissible affine vertex algebras whose associated variety is contained in the nilpotent cone. We also prove some conjectures from our previous paper and give new examples of lisse affine W-algebras.
  • We present a general theory of braided quantum groups in the C*-algebraic framework using the language of multiplicative unitaries. Starting with a manageable multiplicative unitary in the representation category of the quantum codouble of a regular quantum group $\mathbb{G}$ we construct a braided C*-quantum group over $\mathbb{G}$ as a C*-bialgebra in the monoidal category of the $\mathbb{G}$-Yetter-Drinfeld C*-algebras. Furthermore, we establish the one to one correspondence between braided C*-quantum groups and C*-quantum groups with projection. Consequently, we generalise the bosonization construction for braided Hopf-algebras of Radford and Majid to braided C*-quantum groups. Several examples are discussed. In particular, we show that the complex quantum plane admits a the braided C*-quantum group structure over the circle group $\mathbb{T}$ and identify its bosonization with the simplified quantum $E(2)$ group.
  • We present an infinite number of construction schemes involving unitary error bases, Hadamard matrices, quantum Latin squares and controlled families, many of which have not previously been described. Our results rely on biunitary connections, algebraic objects which play a central role in the theory of planar algebras. They have an attractive graphical calculus which allows simple correctness proofs for the constructions we present. We apply these techniques to construct a unitary error basis that cannot be built using any previously known method.
  • The affine evaluation map is a surjective homomorphism from the quantum toroidal ${\mathfrak {gl}}_n$ algebra ${\mathcal E}'_n(q_1,q_2,q_3)$ to the quantum affine algebra $U'_q\widehat{\mathfrak {gl}}_n$ at level $\kappa$ completed with respect to the homogeneous grading, where $q_2=q^2$ and $q_3^n=\kappa^2$. We discuss ${\mathcal E}'_n(q_1,q_2,q_3)$ evaluation modules. We give highest weights of evaluation highest weight modules. We also obtain the decomposition of the evaluation Wakimoto module with respect to a Gelfand-Zeitlin type subalgebra of a completion of ${\mathcal E}'_n(q_1,q_2,q_3)$, which describes a deformation of the coset theory $\widehat{\mathfrak {gl}}_n/\widehat{\mathfrak {gl}}_{n-1}$.
  • We develop the general theory for the construction of Extended Topological Quantum Field Theories (ETQFTs) associated with the Costantino-Geer-Patureau quantum invariants of closed 3-manifolds. In order to do so, we introduce relative modular categories, a class of ribbon categories which are modeled on representations of unrolled quantum groups, and which can be thought of as a non-semisimple analogue to modular categories. Our approach exploits a 2-categorical version of the universal construction introduced by Blanchet, Habegger, Masbaum, and Vogel. The 1+1+1-EQFTs thus obtained are realized by symmetric monoidal 2-functors which are defined over non-rigid 2-categories of admissible cobordisms decorated with colored ribbon graphs and cohomology classes, and which take values in 2-categories of complete graded linear categories. In particular, our construction extends the family of graded 2+1-TQFTs defined for the unrolled version of quantum $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ by Blanchet, Costantino, Geer, and Patureau to a new family of graded ETQFTs. The non-semisimplicity of the theory is witnessed by the presence of non-semisimple graded linear categories associated with critical 1-manifolds.
  • The universal R-matrix of two-parameter quantum general linear supergroups is computed explicitly based on the RTT realization of Faddeev--Reshetikhin--Takhtajan.
  • We introduce the notion of a classical dihedral affine Gaudin model, associated with an untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebra $\widetilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ equipped with an action of the dihedral group $D_{2T}$, $T \geq 1$ through (anti-)linear automorphisms. We show that a very broad family of classical integrable field theories can be recast as examples of such classical dihedral affine Gaudin models. Among these are the principal chiral model on an arbitrary real Lie group $G_0$ and the $\mathbb{Z}_T$-graded coset $\sigma$-model on any coset of $G_0$ defined in terms of an order $T$ automorphism of its complexification. Most of the multi-parameter integrable deformations of these $\sigma$-models recently constructed in the literature provide further examples. The common feature shared by all these integrable field theories, which makes it possible to reformulate them as classical dihedral affine Gaudin models, is the fact that they are non-ultralocal. In particular, we also obtain affine Toda field theory in its lesser-known non-ultralocal formulation as another example of this construction. We propose that the interpretation of a given classical non-ultralocal integrable field theory as a classical dihedral affine Gaudin model provides a natural setting within which to address its quantisation. At the same time, it may also furnish a general framework for understanding the massive ODE/IM correspondence since the known examples of integrable field theories for which such a correspondence has been formulated can all be viewed as dihedral affine Gaudin models.
  • Applying the quantum group method developed in [KP20], we construct solutions to the Benoit & Saint-Aubin partial differential equations with boundary conditions given by specific recursive asymptotics properties. Our results generalize solutions constructed in [KP16, PW19], known as the pure partition functions of multiple Schramm-Loewner evolutions. The generalization is reminiscent of fusion in conformal field theory, and our solutions can be thought of as partition functions of systems of random curves, where many curves may emerge from the same point.
  • Let g be a complex semisimple Lie algebra, tau a point in the upper half-plane, and h a complex deformation parameter such that the image of h in the elliptic curve E_tau is of infinite order. In this paper, we give an intrinsic definition of the category of finite-dimensional representations of the elliptic quantum group E_{h,tau}(g) associated to g. The definition is given in terms of Drinfeld half-currents and extends that given by Enriquez-Felder for g=sl_2. When g=sl_n, it reproduces Felder's RLL definition via the Gauss decomposition obtained by Enriquez-Felder for n=2 and by the first author for n greater than 2. We classify the irreducible representations of E_{h,tau} in terms of elliptic Drinfeld polynomials, in close analogy to the case of the Yangian Y_h(g) and quantum loop algebra U_q(Lg) of g. A crucial ingredient in the classification, which circumvents the fact that E_{h,tau} does not appear to admit Verma modules, is a functor from finite-dimensional representations of U_q(Lg) to those of E_{h,tau} which is an elliptic analogue of the monodromy functor constructed in our previous work arXiv:1310.7318. Our classification is new even for g=sl_2, and holds more generally when g is a symmetrisable Kac-Moody algebra, provided finite-dimensionality is replaced by an integrability and category O condition.
  • We produce Jucys-Murphy elements for the diagrammatical category of Soergel bimodules associated with general Coxeter groups, and use them to diagonalize the bilinear form on the cell modules. This gives rise to an expression for the determinant of the forms and Jantzen type sum formulas.
  • We introduce a family of polynomials in $q^2$ and four variables associated with the quantized algebra of functions $A_q(C_2)$. A new formula is presented for the recent solution of the 3D reflection equation in terms of these polynomials specialized to the eigenvalues of the $q$-oscillator operators.
  • Soibelman's theory of quantized function algebra A_q(SL_n) provides a representation theoretical scheme to construct a solution of the Zamolodchikov tetrahedron equation. We extend this idea originally due to Kapranov and Voevodsky to A_q(Sp_{2n}) and obtain the intertwiner K corresponding to the quartic Coxeter relation. Together with the previously known 3-dimensional (3D) R matrix, the K yields the first ever solution to the 3D analogue of the reflection equation proposed by Isaev and Kulish. It is shown that matrix elements of R and K are polynomials in q and that there are combinatorial and birational counterparts for R and K. The combinatorial ones arise either at q=0 or by tropicalization of the birational ones. A conjectural description for the type B and F_4 cases is also given.
  • We study polynomial generalizations of the Kontsevich automorphisms acting on the skew-field of formal rational expressions in two non-commuting variables. Our main result is the Laurentness and pseudo-positivity of iterations of these automorphisms. The resulting expressions are described combinatorially using a generalization of the combinatorics of compatible pairs in a maximal Dyck path developed by Lee, Li, and Zelevinsky. By specializing to quasi-commuting variables we obtain pseudo-positive expressions for rank 2 quantum generalized cluster variables. In the binomial case when all internal exchange coefficients are zero, this quantum specialization provides a positive combinatorial construction of counting polynomials for Grassmannians of submodules in exceptional representations of valued quivers with two vertices.
  • We prove that every $0$-shifted Poisson structure on a derived Artin $n$-stack admits a curved $A_{\infty}$ quantisation whenever the stack has perfect cotangent complex; in particular, this applies to LCI schemes. Where the Kontsevich-Tamarkin approach to quantisation hinges on invariance of the Hochschild complex under affine transformations, we instead exploit the observation that it carries an anti-involution, and that such anti-involutive deformations of the complex of polyvectors are essentially unique.
  • Let g be a symmetrisable Kac-Moody algebra, and U_h(g) the corresponding quantum group. We showed in arXiv:1610.09744 and arXiv:1610.09741 that the braided quasi-Coxeter structure on integrable, category O representations of U_h(g) which underlies the R-matrix actions arising from the Levi subalgebras of U_h(g) and the quantum Weyl group action of the generalised braid group B_g can be transferred to integrable, category O representations of g. We prove in this paper that, up to unique equivalence, there is a unique such structure on the latter category with prescribed restriction functors, R--matrices, and local monodromies. This extends, simplifies and strengthens a similar result of the second author valid when g is semisimple, and is used in arXiv:1512.03041 to describe the monodromy of the rational Casimir connection of g in terms of the quantum Weyl group operators of U_h(g). Our main tool is a refinement of Enriquez's universal algebras, which is adapted to the PROP describing a Lie bialgebra graded by the non-negative roots of g.
  • Masuoka proved (2009) that a finite-dimensional irreducible Hopf algebra $H$ in positive characteristic is semisimple if and only if it is commutative semisimple if and only if the Hopf subalgebra generated by all primitives is semisimple. In this paper, we give another proof of this result by using Hochschild cohomology of coalgebras.
  • We prove that if a finite tensor category $\C$ is symmetric, then the monoidal category of one-sided $\C$-bimodule categories is symmetric. Consequently, the Picard group of $\C$ (the subgroup of the Brauer-Picard group introduced by Etingov-Nikshych-Gelaki) is abelian in this case. We then introduce a cohomology over such $\C$. An important piece of tool for this construction is the computation of dual objects for bimodule categories and the fact that for invertible one-sided $\C$-bimodule categories the evaluation functor involved is an equivalence, being the coevaluation functor its quasi-inverse, as we show. Finally, we construct an infinite exact sequence a la Villamayor-Zelinsky for $\C$. It consists of the corresponding cohomology groups evaluated at three types of coefficients which repeat periodically in the sequence.