• We investigate the universal cover of a topological group that is not necessarily connected. Its existence as a topological group is governed by a Taylor cocycle, an obstruction in 3-cohomology. Alternatively, it always exists as a topological 2-group. The splitness of this 2-group is also governed by an obstruction in 3-cohomology, a Sinh cocycle. We give explicit formulas for both obstructions and show that they are inverse of each other.
  • This article proves that an irreducible subfactor planar algebra with a distributive biprojection lattice admits a minimal 2-box projection generating the identity biprojection. It is a generalization (conjectured in 2013) of a theorem of Oystein Ore on distributive intervals of finite groups (1938), and a corollary of a natural subfactor extension of a conjecture of Kenneth S. Brown in algebraic combinatorics (2000). We deduce a link between combinatorics and representations in finite group theory.
  • This is a collection of open problems in group theory proposed by hundreds of mathematicians from all over the world. It has been published every 2-4 years in Novosibirsk since 1965. This is the 19th edition, which contains 111 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous editions.
  • If matrices almost satisfying a group relation are close to matrices exactly satisfying the relation, then we say that a group is matricially stable. Here "almost" and "close" are in terms of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm. Using tracial 2-norm on $II_1$-factors we similarly define $II_1$-factor stability for groups. Our main result is that all 1-relator groups with non-trivial center are $II_{1}$-factor stable. Many of them are also matricially stable and RFD. For amenable groups we give a complete characterization of matricial stability in terms of the following approximation property for characters: each character must be a pointwise limit of traces of finite-dimensional representations. This allows us to prove matricial stability for the discrete Heisenberg group $\mathbb H_3$ and for all virtually abelian groups. For non-amenable groups the same approximation property is a necessary condition for being matricially stable. We study this approximation property and show that RF groups with character rigidity have it.
  • Let K be a nontrivial knot in the 3-sphere with the exterior E(K), and u in G(K), the fundamental group of E(K), a slope element represented by an essential simple closed curve on the boundary of E(K). Since the normal closure of u in G(K) coincides with that of the inverse of u, and u and its inverse u correspond to a slope r, a rational number or 1/0, we write << r >> = << u >>. The normal closure << u >> describes elements which are trivialized by r-Dehn filling of E(K). In this article, we prove that << r_1 >> =<< r_2 >> if and only if r_1 = r_2, and for a given finite family of slopes S = {r_1, ..., r_n}, the intersection of << r_1 >> , << r_2>>, ..., and << r_n >> contains infinitely many elements except when K is a (p, q)-torus knot and pq belongs to S. We also investigate inclusion relation among normal closures of slope elements.
  • We construct examples of finite covers of punctured surfaces where the first rational homology is not spanned by lifts of simple closed curves. More generally, for any set $\mathcal{O} \subset F_n$ which is contained in the union of finitely many $Aut(F_n)$-orbits, we construct finite-index normal subgroups of $F_n$ whose first rational homology is not spanned by powers of elements of $\mathcal{O}$. These examples answer questions of Farb-Hensel, Kent, Looijenga, and Marche. We also show that the quotient of $Out(F_n)$ by the subgroup generated by kth powers of transvections often contains infinite order elements, strengthening a result of Bridson-Vogtmann saying that it is often infinite. Finally, for any set $\mathcal{O} \subset F_n$ which is contained in the union of finitely many $Aut(F_n)$-orbits, we construct integral linear representations of free groups that have infinite image and map all elements of $\mathcal{O}$ to torsion elements.
  • We prove that the group of outer automorphisms of the free Coxeter group $W_n$ is acylindrically hyperbolic in the sense of Osin. As an application, we observe that any CAT(0) space admitting a geometric action by Out($W_n$) must contain a rank-one geodesic. The theorem proceeds from expanding on a well-known relationship between Out($W_n$) and the outer automorphism group of free groups.
  • Let $X$ be a smooth manifold belonging to one of these three collections: acyclic manifolds (compact or not, possibly with boundary), compact connected manifolds (possibly with boundary) with nonzero Euler characteristic, integral homology spheres. We prove that $Diff(X)$ is Jordan. This means that there exists a constant $C$ such that any finite subgroup $G$ of $Diff(X)$ has an abelian subgroup whose index in $G$ is at most $C$. Using a result of Randall and Petrie we deduce that the automorphism groups of connected, non necessarily compact, smooth real affine varieties with nonzero Euler characteristic are Jordan.
  • We investigate correspondence functors, namely the functors from the category of finite sets and correspondences to the category of $k$-modules, where $k$ is a commutative ring.They have various specific properties which do not hold for other types of functors.In particular, if $k$ is a field and if $F$ is a correspondence functor, then $F$ is finitely generated if and only if the dimension of $F(X)$ grows exponentially in terms of the cardinality of the finite set $X$. In such a case, $F$ has finite length. Also, if $k$ is noetherian, then any subfunctor of a finitely generated functor is finitely generated. When $k$ is a field, we give a description of all the simple functors and we determine the dimension of their evaluations at any finite set.A main tool is the construction of a functor associated to any finite lattice $T$. We prove for instance that this functor is projective if and only if the lattice $T$ is distributive. Moreover, it has quotients which play a crucial role in the analysis of simple functors. The special case of total orders yields some more specific results. Several other properties are also discussed, such as projectivity, duality, and symmetry.In an appendix, all the lattices associated to a given poset are described.
  • We introduce the notion of metrically systolic simplicial complexes. We study geometric and large-scale properties of such complexes and of groups acting on them geometrically. We show that all two-dimensional Artin groups act geometrically on metrically systolic complexes. As direct corollaries we obtain new results on two-dimensional Artin groups and all their finitely presented subgroups: we prove that the Conjugacy Problem is solvable, and that the Dehn function is quadratic. We also show several large-scale features of finitely presented subgroups of two-dimensional Artin groups, lying background for further studies concerning their quasi-isometric rigidity.
  • Let $k$ be a nonperfect separably closed field. Let $G$ be a (possibly non-connected) reductive group defined over $k$. We study rationality problems for Serre's notion of complete reducibility of subgroups of $G$. In our previous work, we constructed examples of subgroups $H$ of $G$ that are $G$-completely reducible but not $G$-completely reducible over $k$ (and vice versa). In this paper, we give a theoretical underpinning of those constructions. To illustrate our result, we present a new such example in a non-connected reductive group of type $D_4$ in characteristic $2$. Then using Geometric Invariant Theory, we generalize the theoretical result above obtaining a new result on the structure of $G(k)$-(and $G$-) orbits in an arbitrary affine $G$-variety. We translate our result into the language of spherical buildings to give a topological viewpoint. A problem on centralizers of completely reducible subgroups and a problem concerning the number of conjugacy classes are also considered.
  • In this article, we study the manifold structure and the relatively hyperbolic structure of right-angled Coxeter groups with planar nerves. We then apply our results to the quasi-isometry problem for this class of right-angled Coxeter groups.
  • The objective of this series is to study metric geometric properties of (coarse) disjoint unions of amenable Cayley graphs. We employ the Cayley topology and observe connections between large scale structure of metric spaces and group properties of Cayley accumulation points. In this Part I, we prove that a disjoint union has property A of G. Yu if and only if all groups appearing as Cayley accumulation points in the space of marked groups are amenable. As an application, we construct two disjoint unions of finite special linear groups (and unimodular linear groups) with respect to two systems of generators that look similar such that one has property A and the other does not admit (fibred) coarse embeddings into any Banach space with non-trivial type (for instance, any uniformly convex Banach space).
  • We survey results concerning special elements of nine types (modular, lower-modular, upper-modular, cancellable, distributive, codistributive, standard, costandard and neutral elements) in the lattice of all semigroup varieties and certain its sublattices, mainly in the lattices of all commutative varieties and of all overcommutative ones. Several open questions are formulated. The work is regularly updated and modified as new results and/or articles appear.
  • Suppose $k$ is a field, $G$ is a connected reductive algebraic $k$-group, $T$ is a maximal $k$-torus in $G$, and $\Gamma$ is a finite group that acts on $(G,T)$. From the above, one obtains a root datum $\Psi$ on which $\text{Gal}(k)\times\Gamma$ acts. Provided that $\Gamma$ preserves a positive system in $\Psi$, not necessarily invariant under $\text{Gal}(k)$, we construct an inverse to this process. That is, given a root datum on which $\text{Gal}(k)\times\Gamma$ acts appropriately, we show how to construct a pair $(G,T)$, on which $\Gamma$ acts as above. Although the pair $(G,T)$ and the action of $\Gamma$ are canonical only up to an equivalence relation, we construct a particular pair for which $G$ is $k$-quasisplit and $\Gamma$ fixes a $\text{Gal}(k)$-stable pinning of $G$. Using these choices, we can define a notion of taking "$\Gamma$-fixed points" at the level of equivalence classes, and this process is compatible with a general "restriction" process for root data with $\Gamma$-action.
  • We show that the Grothendieck group associated to integral polytopes in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is free-abelian by providing an explicit basis. Moreover, we identify the involution on this polytope group given by reflection about the origin as a sum of Euler characteristic type. We also compute the kernel of the norm map sending a polytope to its induced seminorm on the dual of $\mathbb{R}^n$.
  • We give a conjectural classification of virtually cocompactly cubulated Artin-Tits groups (i.e. having a finite index subgroup acting geometrically on a CAT(0) cube complex), which we prove for all Artin-Tits groups of spherical type, FC type or two-dimensional type. A particular case is that for $n \geq 4$, the $n$-strand braid group is not virtually cocompactly cubulated.
  • This paper gives a self-contained group-theoretic proof of a dual version of a theorem of Ore on distributive intervals of finite groups. We deduce a bridge between combinatorics and representations in finite group theory.
  • Let $S$ be a compact oriented surface. We construct homogeneous quasimorphisms on $Diff(S, area)$, on $Diff_0(S, area)$ and on $Ham(S)$ generalizing the constructions of Gambaudo-Ghys and Polterovich. We prove that there are infinitely many linearly independent homogeneous quasimorphisms on $Diff(S, area)$, on $Diff_0(S, area)$ and on $Ham(S)$ whose absolute values bound from below the topological entropy. In case when $S$ has a positive genus, the quasimorphisms we construct on $Ham(S)$ are $C^0$-continuous. We define a bi-invariant metric on these groups, called the entropy metric, and show that it is unbounded. In particular, we reprove the fact that the autonomous metric on $Ham(S)$ is unbounded.
  • In the present paper, we treat random matrix products on the general linear group $\textrm{GL}(V)$, where $V$ is a vector space defined on any local field, when the top Lyapunov exponent is simple, without irreducibility assumption. In particular, we show the existence and uniqueness of the stationary measure $\nu$ on $\textrm{P}(V)$ that is relative to the top Lyapunov exponent and we describe the projective subspace generated by its support. We observe that the dynamics takes place in a open set of $\textrm{P}(V)$ which has the structure of a skew product space. Then, we relate this support to the limit set of the semi-group $T_{\mu}$ of $\textrm{GL}(V)$ generated by the random walk. Moreover, we show that $\nu$ has H\"older regularity and give some limit theorems concerning the behavior of the random walk and the probability of hitting a hyperplane. These results generalize known ones when $T_{\mu}$ acts strongly irreducibly and proximally (i-p to abbreviate) on $V$. In particular, when applied to the affine group in the so-called contracting case or more generally when the Zariski closure of $T_{\mu}$ is not necessarily reductive, the H\"older regularity of the stationary measure together with the description of the limit set are new. We mention that we don't use results from the i-p setting; rather we see it as a particular case.
  • Alain Connes and Nigel Higson pointed out in the 1990s that the Connes-Kasparov "conjecture"' for the K-theory of reduced groupe $C^\ast$-algebras seemed, in the case of reductive Lie groups, to be a cohomological echo of a conjecture of George Mackey concerning the rigidity of representation theory along the deformation from a reductive Lie group to its Cartan motion group. For complex semisimple groups, Nigel Higson established in 2008 that Mackey's analogy is a real phenomenon and does lead to a simple proof of the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism. We here turn to more general reductive groups and use our recent work on Mackey's proposal, together with Higson's work, to obtain a new proof of the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism.
  • Let $(X,T,\mu)$ be a Cantor minimal sytem and $[[T]]$ the associated topological full group. We analyze $C^*_\pi([[T]])$, where $\pi$ is the Koopman representation attached to the action of $[[T]]$ on $(X,\mu)$. Specifically, we show that $C^*_\pi([[T]])=C^*_\pi([[T]]')$ and that the kernel of the character $\tau$ on $C^*_\pi([[T]])$ coming from weak containment of the trivial representation is a hereditary $C^*$-subalgebra of $C(X)\rtimes\mathbb{Z}$. Consequently, $\ker\tau$ is stably isomorphic to $C(X)\rtimes\mathbb{Z}$, and $C^*_\pi([[T]]')$ is not AF. We also prove that if $G$ is a finitely generated, elementary amenable group and $C^ *(G)$ has real rank zero, then $G$ is finite.
  • We classify finite groups $G$, such that the group algebra, $\mathbb{Q}G$ (over the field of rational numbers $\mathbb{Q}$), is the direct product of the group algebra $\mathbb{Q}[G/N]$ of a proper factor group $G/N$, and some division rings.
  • Let $G$ be a profinite group. A strongly admissible smooth representation $\rho$ of $G$ over $\mathbb{C}$ decomposes as a direct sum $\rho \cong \bigoplus_{\pi \in \mathrm{Irr}(G)} m_\pi(\rho) \, \pi$ of irreducible representations with finite multiplicities $m_\pi(\rho)$ such that for every positive integer $n$ the number $r_n(\rho)$ of irreducible constituents of dimension $n$ is finite. Examples arise naturally in the representation theory of reductive groups over non-archimedean local fields. In this article we initiate an investigation of the Dirichlet generating function \[ \zeta_\rho (s) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty r_n(\rho) n^{-s} = \sum_{\pi \in \mathrm{Irr}(G)} \frac{m_\pi(\rho)}{(\dim \pi)^s} \] associated to such a representation $\rho$. Our primary focus is on representations $\rho = \mathrm{Ind}_H^G(\sigma)$ of compact $p$-adic Lie groups $G$ that arise from finite dimensional representations $\sigma$ of closed subgroups $H$ via the induction functor. In addition to a series of foundational results - including a description in terms of $p$-adic integrals - we establish rationality results and functional equations for zeta functions of globally defined families of induced representations of potent pro-$p$ groups. A key ingredient of our proof is Hironaka's resolution of singularities, which yields formulae of Denef-type for the relevant zeta functions. In some detail, we consider representations of open compact subgroups of reductive $p$-adic groups that are induced from parabolic subgroups. Explicit computations are carried out by means of complementing techniques: (i) geometric methods that are applicable via distance-transitive actions on spherically homogeneous rooted trees and (ii) the $p$-adic Kirillov orbit method. Approach (i) is closely related to the notion of Gelfand pairs and works equally well in positive defining characteristic.
  • For a countable abelian group $G$ we investigate generic properties of the space of all invariant metrics on $G$. We prove that for every such an unbounded group $G$, i.e. group which has elements of arbitrarily high order, there is a dense set of invariant metrics on $G$ which make $G$ isometric to the rational Urysohn space, and a comeager set of invariant metrics such that the completion is isometric to the Urysohn space. This generalizes results of Cameron and Vershik, Niemiec, and the author. Then we prove that for every $G$ such that $G\cong \bigoplus_\mathbb{N} G$ there is a comeager set of invariant metrics on $G$ such that all of them give rise to the same metric group after completion. If moreover $G$ is unbounded, then using a result of Melleray and Tsankov we get that the completion is extremely amenable.