We prove the existence of a universal family over every component of the
moduli space of marked irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds. The
analogous result follows for the Teichmuller spaces.
Generalizing a theorem of Albert, Saltman showed that an Azumaya algebra $A$
over a ring represents a $2$-torsion class in the Brauer group if and only if
there is an algebra $A'$ in the Brauer class of $A$ admitting an involution of
the first kind. Knus, Parimala, and Srinivas later showed that one can choose
$A'$ such that $\mathrm{deg}\, A'=2\mathrm{deg}\, A$. We show that
$2\mathrm{deg}\, A$ is the lowest degree one can expect in general.
Specifically, we construct an Azumaya algebra $A$ of degree $4$ and period $2$
such that the degree of any algebra $A'$ in the Brauer class of $A$ admitting
an involution is divisible by $8$.
Separately, we provide examples of split and non-split Azumaya algebras of
degree $2$ admitting symplectic involutions, but no orthogonal involutions.
These stand in contrast to the case of central simple algebras of even degree
over fields, where the presence of a symplectic involution implies the
existence of an orthogonal involution and vice versa.
This is the first in a pair of papers developing a framework for the
application of logarithmic structures in the study of singular curves of genus
$1$. We construct a smooth and proper moduli space dominating the main
component of Kontsevich's space of stable genus $1$ maps to projective space. A
variation on this theme furnishes a modular interpretation for Vakil and
Zinger's famous desingularization of the Kontsevich space of maps in genus $1$.
Our methods also lead to smooth and proper moduli spaces of pointed genus $1$
quasimaps to projective space. Finally, we present an application to the log
minimal model program for $\mathcal{M}_{1,n}$. We construct explicit
factorizations of the rational maps among Smyth's modular compactifications of
pointed elliptic curves.
For a perfect field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and a smooth and proper
formal scheme $\mathscr{X}$ over the ring of integers of a finite and totally
ramified extension $K$ of $W(k)[1/p]$, we propose a cohomological construction
of the Breuil-Kisin modules attached to the $p$-adic \'etale cohomology
$H^i_{\mathrm{\'et}}(\mathscr{X}_{\overline{K}},\mathbf{Z}_p)$. We then prove
that our proposal works when $p>2$, $i < p-1$, and the crystalline cohomology
of the special fiber of $\mathscr{X}$ is torsion-free in degrees $i$ and $i+1$.
Moduli spaces of stable parabolic bundles of parabolic degree $0$ over the
Riemann sphere are stratified according to the Harder--Narasimhan filtration of
underlying vector bundles. Over a Zariski open subset $\mathscr{N}_{0}$ of the
open stratum depending explicitly on a choice of parabolic weights, a
real-valued function $\mathscr{S}$ is defined as the regularized critical value
of the non-compact Wess--Zumino--Novikov--Witten action functional. The
definition of $\mathscr{S}$ depends on a suitable notion of parabolic bundle
`uniformization map' following from the Mehta--Seshadri and
Birkhoff--Grothendieck theorems. It is shown that $-\mathscr{S}$ is a primitive
for a (1,0)-form $\vartheta$ on $\mathscr{N}_{0}$ associated with the
uniformization data of each intrinsic irreducible unitary logarithmic
connection. Moreover, it is proved that $-\mathscr{S}$ is a K\"ahler potential
for $(\Omega-\Omega_{\mathrm{T}})|_{\mathscr{N}_{0}}$, where $\Omega$ is the
Narasimhan--Atiyah--Bott K\"ahler form in $\mathscr{N}$ and
$\Omega_{\mathrm{T}}$ is a certain linear combination of tautological
$(1,1)$-forms associated with the marked points. These results provide an
explicit relation between the cohomology class $[\Omega]$ and tautological
classes, which holds globally over certain open chambers of parabolic weights
where $\mathscr{N}_{0} = \mathscr{N}$.
We give a criterion for the existence of non-commutative crepant resolutions
(NCCR's) for certain toric singularities. In particular we recover Broomhead's
result that a 3-dimensional toric Gorenstein singularity has a NCCR. Our result
also yields the existence of a NCCR for a 4-dimensional toric Gorenstein
singularity which is known to have no toric NCCR.
We show basic results on super-manifolds and super Lie groups over a complete
field of characteristic $\ne 2$, extensively using Hopf-algebraic techniques.
The main results are two theorems. The first main theorem shows a category
equivalence between super Lie groups and Harish-Chandra pairs, which is applied
especially to construct the Hopf super-algebra of all analytic representative
functions on a super Lie group. The second constructs homogeneous
super-manifolds by a new Hopf-algebraic method, showing their remarkable
Let $G$ be a connected reductive group, with connected center, and $X$ a
smooth complete curve, both defined over an algebraically closed field of
characteristic zero. Let $\operatorname{Bun}_G$ denote the stack of $G$-bundles
on $X$.
In analogy with the classical theory of Whittaker coefficients for
automorphic functions, we construct a "Fourier transform" functor, called
$\mathsf{coeff}_{G,\mathsf{ext}}$, from the DG category of
$\mathfrak{D}$-modules on $\operatorname{Bun}_G$ to a certain DG category
$\mathcal{W}h(G,\mathsf{ext})$, called the \emph{extended Whittaker category}.
Combined with work in progress by other mathematicians and the author, this
construction allows to formulate the compatibility of the Langlands duality
functor $\mathbb{L}_G: \operatorname{IndCoh}_{\mathcal
N}(\operatorname{LocSys}_{\check{G}}) \to \mathfrak{D}(\operatorname{Bun}_G)$
with the Whittaker model.
For $G=GL_n$ and $G=PGL_n$, we prove that $\mathsf{coeff}_{G,\mathsf{ext}}$
is fully faithful. This result guarantees that, for those groups,
$\mathbb{L}_G$ is unique (if it exists) and necessarily fully faithful.
There is a classical geometric construction which uses a binary quadratic
form to define an involution on the space of binary d-ics. We give a complete
characterization of a general class of such involutions which are definable
using compound transvectant formulae. We also study the associated varieties of
forms which are preserved by such involutions. Along the way we prove a
recoupling formula for transvectants, which is used to deduce a system of
equations satisfied by the coefficients in these involutions.
We provide a geometric elementary proof of the fact that an analytic plane
branch is analytically equivalent to one whose terms corresponding to contacts
with holomorphic one-forms -- except for Zariski's $\lambda$-invariant -- are
zero (so called "short parametrizations"). This is the main step missed by
Zariski in his attempt to solve the moduli problem.
We compute the Chow-Witt rings of the classifying spaces for the symplectic
and special linear groups. In the structural description we give, contributions
from real and complex realization are clearly visible. In particular, the
computation of cohomology with $\mathbf{I}^j$-coefficients is done closely
along the lines of Brown's computation of integral cohomology for special
orthogonal groups. The computations for the symplectic groups show that
Chow-Witt groups are a symplectically oriented ring cohomology theory. Using
our computations for special linear groups, we also discuss the question when
an oriented vector bundle of odd rank splits off a trivial summand.
In this paper we determine the stringy motivic volume of log terminal
horospherical $G$-varieties of complexity one, where $G$ is a connected
reductive linear algebraic group. The stringy motivic volume of a log terminal
variety is an invariant of singularities which was introduced by Batyrev and
plays an important role in mirror symmetry for Calabi--Yau varieties. A
horospherical $G$-variety of complexity one is a normal $G$-variety which is
equivariantly birational to a product $C \times G/H$, where $C$ is a smooth
projective curve and the closed subgroup $H$ contains a maximal unipotent
subgroup of $G$. The simplest example of such a variety is a normal surface
with a non-trivial $\mathbb{C}^{\star}$-action. Our formula extends the results
of Batyrev--Moreau [BM13] on stringy invariants of horospherical embeddings.
The proof involves the study of the arc space of a horospherical variety of
complexity one and a combinatorial description of its orbits. In contrast to
[BM13], the number of orbits is no longer countable, which adds significant
difficulties to the problem. As a corollary of our main theorem, we obtain a
smoothness criterion using a comparison of the stringy and usual Euler
Given a smooth variety $X$ with an action of a finite group $G$, and a
semiorthogonal decomposition of the derived category, $\mathcal{D}([X/G])$, of
$G$-equivariant coherent sheaves on $X$ into subcategories equivalent to
derived categories of smooth varieties, we construct a similar semiorthogonal
decomposition for a smooth $G$-invariant divisor in $X$ (under certain
technical assumptions). Combining this procedure with the semiorthogonal
decompositions constructed in [PV15], we construct semiorthogonal
decompositions of some equivariant derived categories of smooth projective
Let $Y$ be an algebraic variety, $\mathcal{F}$ a locally free sheaf of
$\mathcal{O}_Y$-modules, and $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})$ the
$\mathcal{O}_Y$-algebra $\operatorname{Sym}^\bullet \mathcal{F}$. In this paper
we study local properties of sheaves of
$\mathcal{O}_{\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})}$-ideals $\mathcal{I}$ such that
$\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F}))/\mathcal{I}$ is an algebraic cover of $Y$. Following
the work of Miranda for triple covers, for $\mathcal{Q}$ a direct summand of
$\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})$, we say that a morphism $\Phi\colon
\mathcal{Q}\rightarrow\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})/\langle\mathcal{Q}\rangle$ is a
covering homomorphism if it induces such an ideal. As an application we study
in detail the case of Gorenstein covering maps of degree $6$ for which the
direct image of $\varphi_*\mathcal{O}_X$ admits an orthogonal decomposition.
These are deformation of $S_3$-Galois branch covers.
We introduce a general method to induce Bridgeland stability conditions on
semiorthogonal components of triangulated categories. In particular, we prove
the existence of Bridgeland stability conditions on the Kuznetsov component of
the derived category of Fano threefolds and of cubic fourfolds. As an
application, in the appendix, written jointly with Xiaolei Zhao, we give a
variant of the proof of the Torelli theorem for cubic fourfolds by Huybrechts
and Rennemo.
We prove structure theorems for algebraic stacks with a reductive group
action and a dense open substack isomorphic to a horospherical homogeneous
space, and thereby obtain new examples of algebraic stacks which are global
quotient stacks. Our results partially generalize the work of
Fantechi-Mann-Nironi and Geraschenko-Satriano for abstract toric stacks.
Using etale cohomology, we define a birational invariant for varieties in
characteristic $p$ that serves as an obstruction to uniruledness - a variant on
an obstruction to unirationality due to Ekedahl. We apply this to
$\overline{M}_{1,n}$ and show that $\overline{M}_{1,n}$ is not uniruled in
characteristic $p$ as long as $n \geq p \geq 11$. To do this, we use Deligne's
description of the etale cohomology of $\overline{M}_{1,n}$ and apply the
theory of congruences between modular forms.
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q and let G = E(Q)_tors be the
associated torsion subgroup. We study, for a given G, which possible groups G
<= H could appear such that H=E(K)_tors, for [K:Q]=4 and H is one of the
possible torsion structures that occur infinitely often as torsion structures
of elliptic curves defined over quartic number fields.
This is the second part of the project toward an effective algorithm to
evaluate all genus Gromov-Witten invariants of quintic Calabi-Yau threefolds.
In this paper, the localization formula is derived, and algorithms toward
evaluating these Gromov-Witten invariants are derived.
We show that the Levine-Weibel Chow group of 0-cycles $\CH^d(A)$ of a reduced
affine algebra $A$ of dimension $d \ge 2$ over an algebraically closed field is
torsion-free. Among several applications, it implies an affirmative solution to
an old conjecture of Murthy in classical $K$-theory..
We use a cohomology theory coming from the canonical trace on a C*-algebra of
the projective variety to prove an analog of the Riemann Hypothesis for the
Kuga-Sato varieties over finite fields.
We classify the singular loci of surfaces in the 3-sphere that are the
pointwise Euclidean sum or Hamiltonian product of circles. Such surfaces are
the union of circles in at least two ways. As an application we classify
surfaces that are covered by both great circles and little circles up to
We consider the algebra of Hecke correspondences (elementary transformations
at a single point) acting on the algebraic K-theory groups of the moduli spaces
of stable sheaves on a smooth projective surface S. We derive quadratic
relations between the Hecke correspondences, and compare the algebra they
generate with the Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra (at a suitable specialization of
parameters), as well as with a generalized shuffle algebra.
We use the probabilistic method to construct examples of conjectured
phenomenon about asymptotic syzygies. In particular, we use the Stanley-Reisner
ideals of random flag complexes to construct new examples of Ein and
Lazarsfeld's nonvanishing for asymptotic syzygies and of Ein, Erman, and
Lazarsfeld's conjectural on the asymptotic normal distribution of Betti
We provide a construction of Saito primitive forms for Gepner singularity by
studying the relation between Saito primitive forms for Gepner singularities
and primitive forms for singularities of the form $F_{k,n}=\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^k$
invariant under the natural $S_n$-action.