This work contains a proof of a non-trivial explicit quantitative bound in
the eigenvalue aspect for the sup-norm of a SL(3,Z) Hecke-Maass cusp form
restricted to a compact set.
In my 2009 paper at Inventiones, we determine the cohomology of Lubin-Tate
spaces globally using the comparison theorem of Berkovich by computing the
fibers at supersingular points of the perverse sheaf of vanishing cycle $\Psi$
of some Shimura variety of Kottwitz-Harris-Taylor type. The most difficult
argument deals with the control of maps of the spectral sequences computing the
sheaf cohomology of both Harris-Taylor perverse sheaves and those of $\Psi$. In
this paper, we bypass these difficulties using the classical theory of
representations of the mirabolic group and a simple geometric argument.
The Mazur principle give simple conditions for an irreducible unramified
$\overline{\mathbb{F}_l}$-representation coming from a modular form of level
$\Gamma_0(Np)$ to come for some modular form of level $\Gamma_0(N)$. The aim of
this work is to give a generalization of this principle in higher dimension for
some particular extended inner forms non quasi split of a unitary group
studying the torsion cohomology classes of Shimura varieties of
Kottwitz-Harris-Taylor type within its link with the local monodromy
For a perfect field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and a smooth and proper
formal scheme $\mathscr{X}$ over the ring of integers of a finite and totally
ramified extension $K$ of $W(k)[1/p]$, we propose a cohomological construction
of the Breuil-Kisin modules attached to the $p$-adic \'etale cohomology
$H^i_{\mathrm{\'et}}(\mathscr{X}_{\overline{K}},\mathbf{Z}_p)$. We then prove
that our proposal works when $p>2$, $i < p-1$, and the crystalline cohomology
of the special fiber of $\mathscr{X}$ is torsion-free in degrees $i$ and $i+1$.
Let $H$ be a Krull monoid with class group $G$ such that every class contains
a prime divisor. Then every nonunit $a \in H$ can be written as a finite
product of irreducible elements. If $a=u\_1 \cdot \ldots \cdot u\_k$, with
irreducibles $u\_1, \ldots u\_k \in H$, then $k$ is called the length of the
factorization and the set $\mathsf L (a)$ of all possible $k$ is called the set
of lengths of $a$. It is well-known that the system $\mathcal L (H) = \{\mathsf
L (a) \mid a \in H \}$ depends only on the class group $G$. In the present
paper we study the inverse question asking whether or not the system $\mathcal
L (H)$ is characteristic for the class group. Consider a further Krull monoid
$H'$ with class group $G'$ such that every class contains a prime divisor and
suppose that $\mathcal L (H) = \mathcal L (H')$. We show that, if one of the
groups $G$ and $G'$ is finite and has rank at most two, then $G$ and $G'$ are
isomorphic (apart from two well-known pairings).
It is known that the greatest common divisor of two Fibonacci numbers is
again a Fibonacci number. It is called the strong divisibility property.
However, this property does not hold for every second order sequence. In this
paper we study the generalized Fibonacci polynomials and classify them in two
types depending on their Binet formula. We give a complete characterization for
those polynomials that satisfy the strong divisibility property. We also
giveformulas to calculate the $\gcd$ of those polynomials that do not satisfy
the strong divisibility property.
Note. This paper is now published in INTEGERS.
We discuss isomorphism questions concerning the Hopf algebras that yield
Hopf-Galois structures for a fixed separable field extension $L/K$. We study in
detail the case where $L/K$ is Galois with dihedral group $D_p$, $p\ge 3$ prime
and give explicit descriptions of the Hopf algebras which act on $L/K$. We also
determine when two such Hopf algebras are isomorphic, either as Hopf algebras
or as algebras. For the case $p=3$ and a chosen $L/K$, we give the
Wedderburn-Artin decompositions of the Hopf algebras.
In this paper, we prove some one level density results for the low-lying
zeros of famliies of quadratic and quartic Hecke $L$-functions of the Gaussian
field. As corollaries, we deduce that, respectively, at least $94.27 \%$ and
$5\%$ of the members of the quadratic family and the quartic family do not
vanish at the central point.
Let $q$ be a prime power and $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field with $q$
elements. Let $e$ and $d$ be positive integers. In this paper, for $d\geq2$ and
$q\equiv1(\mathrm{mod}~ed(d-1))$, we calculate the number of points on an
algebraic curve $E_{e,d}:y^e=x^d+ax+b$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ in
terms of $_dF_{d-1}$ Gaussian hypergeometric series with multiplicative
characters of orders $d$ and $e(d-1)$, and in terms of $_{d-1}F_{d-2}$ Gaussian
hypergeometric series with multiplicative characters of orders $ed(d-1)$ and
$e(d-1)$. This helps us to express the trace of Frobenius endomorphism of an
algebraic curve $E_{e,d}$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ in terms of the
above hypergeometric series. As applications, we obtain some transformations
and special values of $_2F_{1}$ Gaussian hypergeometric series.
Let K be a number field. We prove that its ray class group modulo p 2 (resp.
8) if p > 2 (resp. p = 2) characterizes its p-rationality. Then we give two
short, very fast PARI Programs (\S \S 3.1, 3.2) testing if K (defined by an
irreducible monic polynomial) is p-rational or not. For quadratic fields we
verify some densities related to Cohen-Lenstra-Martinet ones and analyse
Greenberg's conjecture on the existence of p-rational fields with Galois groups
(Z/2Z) t needed for the construction of some Galois representations with open
image. We give examples for p = 3, t = 5 and t = 6 (\S \S 5.1, 5.2) and
illustrate other approaches (Pitoun-Varescon, Barbulescu-Ray). We conclude
about the existence of imaginary quadratic fields, p-rational for all p $\ge$ 2
(Angelakis-Stevenhagen on the concept of "minimal absolute abelian Galois
group") which may enlighten a conjecture of p-rationality (Hajir-Maire) giving
large Iwasawa $\mu$-invariants of some uniform prop groups. R{\'e}sum{\'e} Soit
K un corps de nombres. Nous montrons que son corps de classes de rayon modulo p
2 (resp. 8) si p > 2 (resp. p = 2) caract{\'e}rise sa p-rationalit{\'e}. Puis
nous donnons deux courts programmes PARI (\S \S 3.1, 3.2) trs rapides testant
si K (d{\'e}fini par un polyn{\^o}me irr{\'e}ductible uni-taire) est
p-rationnel ou non. Pour les corps quadratiques nous v{\'e}rifions certaines
densit{\'e}s en relation avec celles de Cohen-Lenstra-Martinet et nous
analysons la conjecture de Greenberg sur l'existence de corps p-rationnels de
groupes de Galois (Z/2Z) t n{\'e}cessaires pour la construction de certaines
repr{\'e}sentations galoisiennes d'image ouverte. Nous donnons des exemples
pour p = 3, t = 5 et t = 6 (\S \S 5.1, 5.2) et il-lustrons d'autres approches
(Pitoun-Varescon, Barbulescu-Ray). Nous concluons sur l'existence de corps
quadratiques imaginaires p-rationnels pour tout p $\ge$ 2
(Angelakis-Stevenhagen sur le concept de "groupe de Galois ab{\'e}lien absolu
minimal") qui peut{\'e}clairerpeut{\'e}clairer une conjecture de
p-rationalit{\'e} (Hajir-Maire) donnant de grands invariants $\mu$ d'Iwasawa
relatifs {\`a} certains prop -groupes uniformes.
Let $\mathcal{P}({\bf N})$ be the power set of ${\bf N}$. We say that a
function $\mu^\ast: \mathcal{P}({\bf N}) \to \bf R$ is an upper density if, for
all $X,Y\subseteq{\bf N}$ and $h, k\in{\bf N}^+$, the following hold: (F1)
$\mu^\ast({\bf N}) = 1$; (F2) $\mu^\ast(X) \le \mu^\ast(Y)$ if $X \subseteq Y$;
(F3) $\mu^\ast(X \cup Y) \le \mu^\ast(X) + \mu^\ast(Y)$; (F4) $\mu^\ast(k\cdot
X) = \frac{1}{k} \mu^\ast(X)$, where $k \cdot X:=\{kx: x \in X\}$; (F5)
$\mu^\ast(X + h) = \mu^\ast(X)$.
We show that the upper asymptotic, upper logarithmic, upper Banach, upper
Buck, upper Polya, and upper analytic densities, together with all upper
$\alpha$-densities (with $\alpha$ a real parameter $\ge -1$), are upper
densities in the sense of our definition. Moreover, we establish the mutual
independence of axioms (F1)-(F5), and we investigate various properties of
upper densities (and related functions) under the assumption that (F2) is
replaced by the weaker condition that $\mu^\ast(X)\le 1$ for every
$X\subseteq{\bf N}$.
Overall, this allows us to extend and generalize results so far independently
derived for some of the classical upper densities mentioned above, thus
introducing a certain amount of unification into the theory.
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q and let G = E(Q)_tors be the
associated torsion subgroup. We study, for a given G, which possible groups G
<= H could appear such that H=E(K)_tors, for [K:Q]=4 and H is one of the
possible torsion structures that occur infinitely often as torsion structures
of elliptic curves defined over quartic number fields.
We begin a study of m-th Chern classes and m-th characteristic symbols for
Iwasawa modules which are supported in codimension at least m. This extends the
classical theory of characteristic ideals and their generators for Iwasawa
modules which are torsion, i.e., supported in codimension at least 1. We apply
this to an Iwasawa module constructed from an inverse limit of p-parts of ideal
class groups of abelian extensions of an imaginary quadratic field. When this
module is pseudo-null, which is conjecturally always the case, we determine its
second Chern class and show that it has a characteristic symbol given by the
Steinberg symbol of two Katz p-adic L-functions.
We use a cohomology theory coming from the canonical trace on a C*-algebra of
the projective variety to prove an analog of the Riemann Hypothesis for the
Kuga-Sato varieties over finite fields.
Answering a question posed by Conway and Norton in their seminal 1979 paper
on moonshine, we prove the existence of a graded infinite-dimensional module
for the sporadic simple group of O'Nan, for which the McKay--Thompson series
are weight $3/2$ modular forms. The coefficients of these series may be
expressed in terms of class numbers, traces of singular moduli, and central
critical values of quadratic twists of weight 2 modular $L$-functions. As a
consequence, for primes $p$ dividing the order of the O'Nan group we obtain
congruences between O'Nan group character values and class numbers, $p$-parts
of Selmer groups, and Tate--Shafarevich groups of certain elliptic curves. This
work represents the first example of moonshine involving arithmetic invariants
of this type.
We prove the weight elimination direction of the Serre weight conjectures as
formulated by Herzig for forms of $U(n)$ which are compact at infinity and
split at places dividing $p$ in generic situations. That is, we show that all
modular weights for a mod $p$ Galois representation are contained in the set
predicted by Herzig. Under some additional hypotheses, we also show modularity
of all the "obvious" weights.
We prove in generic situations that the lattice in a tame type induced by the
completed cohomology of a $U(3)$-arithmetic manifold is purely local, i.e.,
only depends on the Galois representation at places above $p$. This is a
generalization to $\mathrm{GL}_3$ of the lattice conjecture of Breuil. In the
process, we also prove the geometric Breuil-M\'ezard conjecture for (tamely)
potentially crystalline deformation rings with Hodge-Tate weights $(0,1,2)$ as
well as the Serre weight conjectures over an unramified field extending our
previous results. We also prove results in modular representation theory about
lattices in Deligne-Luzstig representations for the group
This is the second in a sequence of articles, in which we explore moduli
stacks of global G-shtukas, the function field analogs for Shimura varieties.
Here G is a flat affine group scheme of finite type over a smooth projective
curve C over a finite field. Global G-shtukas are generalizations of Drinfeld
shtukas and analogs of abelian varieties with additional structure. We prove
that the moduli stacks of global G-shtukas are algebraic Deligne-Mumford stacks
separated and locally of finite type. They generalize various moduli spaces
used by different authors to prove instances of the Langlands program over
function fields. In the first article we explained the relation between global
G-shtukas and local P-shtukas, which are the function field analogs of
p-divisible groups. Here P is the base change of G to the complete local ring
at a point of C. When P is smooth with connected reductive generic fiber we
proved the existence of Rapoport-Zink spaces for local P-shtukas. In the
present article we use these spaces to (partly) uniformize the moduli stacks of
global G-shtukas for smooth G with connected fibers and reductive generic
fiber. This is our main result. It has applications to the analog of the
Langlands-Rapoport conjecture for our moduli stacks.
Nous montrons, pour une grande famille de propri\'et\'es $P$ des espaces
homog\`enes, que $P$ vaut pour tout espace homog\`ene d'un groupe lin\'eaire
connexe d\`es qu'elle vaut pour les espaces homog\`enes de $\mathrm{SL}_n$ \`a
stabilisateur fini. Nous r\'eduisons notamment \`a ce cas particulier la
v\'erification d'une importante conjecture de Colliot-Th\'el\`ene sur
l'obstruction de Brauer-Manin au principe de Hasse et \`a l'approximation
faible. Des travaux r\'ecents de Harpaz et Wittenberg montrent que le
r\'esultat principal s'applique \'egalement \`a la conjecture analogue (dite
conjecture (E)) pour les z\'ero-cycles.
We prove, for a wide family of properties $P$ of homogeneous spaces, that if
$P$ is satisfied for homogeneous spaces of $\mathrm{SL}_n$ with finite
stabilizers, then $P$ is satisfied for all homogeneous spaces of linear
connected groups. In particular, we reduce to this particular case the
verification of an important conjecture by Colliot-Th\'el\`ene on the
Brauer-Manin obstruction to the Hasse principle and to weak approximation.
Recent work by Harpaz and Wittenberg show that our main result can also be
applied to the analog conjecture on zero-cycles (known as conjecture (E)).
We answer a challenge posed in (Math. Ann. 363 (2015), no. 1-2, 423-454) by
proving a version of Weil's converse theorem that assumes a functional equation
for character twists but allows their root numbers to vary arbitrarily.
Let $\pi$ be a cuspidal automorphic representation of $\operatorname{GL}$
over a totally real number field $F$. Assume that $\pi$ is non-dihedral, hence
not induced from a Hecke character of a quadratic extension of $F$. Let $K$ be
a totally imaginary quadratic extension of $F$. We estimate central values of
the $\operatorname{GL}_2 \times \operatorname{GL}_2$ Rankin-Selberg
$L$-functions associated to $\pi$ times representations induced from Hecke
characters of $K$ which are ramified only at a given prime ideal $\mathfrak{p}$
of $F$. More specifically, we use spectral decompositions of shifted
convolution sums and relations to Fourier-Whittaker coefficients of metaplectic
forms to obtain nonvanishing estimates (averaging over ring class characters of
a given exact order). When $\pi$ corresponds to a holomorphic Hilbert modular
form of arithmetic weight $k \geq 2$, we then derive finer results from the
rationality theorems of Shimura, together with the existence of suitable
$\mathfrak{p}$-adic $L$-functions. This allows us to generalize the theorems of
Rohrlich, Vatsal, and Cornut-Vatsal to this setting. Finally, in a
self-contained appendix, we explain how to use these results to deduce bounds
for Mordell-Weil ranks of the associated $\operatorname{GL}_2$-type abelian
varieties via existing Iwasawa main conjecture divisibilities.
We give a new and representation theoretic construction of $p$-adic
interpolation series for central values of self-dual Rankin-Selberg
$L$-functions for $\operatorname{GL}_2$ in dihedral towers of CM fields, using
expressions of these central values as automorphic periods. The main novelty of
this construction, apart from the level of generality in which it works, is
that it is completely local. We give the construction here for a cuspidal
automorphic representation of $\operatorname{GL}_2$ over a totally real field
corresponding to a $\mathfrak{p}$-ordinary Hilbert modular forms of parallel
weight two and trivial character, although a similar approach can be taken in
any setting where the underlying $\operatorname{GL}_2$-representation can be
chosen to take values in a discrete valuation ring. A certain choice of vectors
allows us to establish a precise interpolation formula thanks to theorems of
Martin-Whitehouse and File-Martin-Pitale. Such interpolation formulae had been
conjectured by Bertolini-Darmon in antecedent works. Our construction also
gives a conceptual framework for the nonvanishing theorems of Cornut-Vatsal in
that it describes the underlying theta elements. To highlight this latter
point, we describe how the construction extends in the parallel weight two
setting to give a $p$-adic interpolation series for central derivative values
when the root number is generically equal to $-1$, in which case the formula of
Yuan-Zhang-Zhang can be used to give an interpolation formula in terms of
heights of CM points on quaternionic Shimura curves.
We formulate and for the most part prove a conjecture in the style of
Mazur-Greenberg for the nonvanishing of central values of Rankin-Selberg
$L$-functions attached to elliptic curves in abelian extensions of imaginary
quadratic fields. This in particular generalizes the theorem of Rohrlich on
$L$-functions of elliptic curves in cyclotomic towers to the setting of abelian
extensions of imaginary quadratic fields, corresponding to families of
degree-four $L$-functions given by
$\operatorname{GL}(2)\times\operatorname{GL}(2)$ Rankin-Selberg $L$-functions.
It also generalizes the theorems of Rohrlich, Greenberg, Vatsal, and Cornut for
$L$-functions of elliptic curves in $\operatorname{Z}_p^2$-extensions of
imaginary quadratic fields.
Following the prequel work \cite{VO3}, we prove a generalization of "Mazur's
conjecture" for $L$-functions of elliptic curves in abelian extensions of
imaginary quadratic fields, including the assertion that the Mordell-Weil rank
of an elliptic curve in the ${\bf{Z}}_p^2$-extension is finitely generated
modulo Heegner points. The novelty of the approach here is to use the existence
of a suitable $p$-adic $L$-function to reduce the problem to a minimal
nonvanishing criterion, which should be applicable to a broader class of
problems than considered here.
We show that the Galois cohomology groups of $p$-adic representations of a
direct power of $\operatorname{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}/\mathbb{Q}_p)$ can
be computed via the generalization of Herr's complex to multivariable
$(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules. Using Tate duality and a pairing for multivariable
$(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules we extend this to analogues of the Iwasawa
cohomology. We show that all $p$-adic representations of a direct power of
$\operatorname{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}/\mathbb{Q}_p)$ are overconvergent
and, moreover, passing to overconvergent multivariable
$(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules is an equivalence of categories. Finally, we prove
that the overconvergent Herr complex also computes the Galois cohomology