• It is proven an analogue of the Theorem of Moser using The Approximation Theorem of Artin.
  • Let $H$ be a Krull monoid with class group $G$ such that every class contains a prime divisor. Then every nonunit $a \in H$ can be written as a finite product of irreducible elements. If $a=u\_1 \cdot \ldots \cdot u\_k$, with irreducibles $u\_1, \ldots u\_k \in H$, then $k$ is called the length of the factorization and the set $\mathsf L (a)$ of all possible $k$ is called the set of lengths of $a$. It is well-known that the system $\mathcal L (H) = \{\mathsf L (a) \mid a \in H \}$ depends only on the class group $G$. In the present paper we study the inverse question asking whether or not the system $\mathcal L (H)$ is characteristic for the class group. Consider a further Krull monoid $H'$ with class group $G'$ such that every class contains a prime divisor and suppose that $\mathcal L (H) = \mathcal L (H')$. We show that, if one of the groups $G$ and $G'$ is finite and has rank at most two, then $G$ and $G'$ are isomorphic (apart from two well-known pairings).
  • We develop an inversive geometry for anisotropic quadradic spaces, in analogy with the classical inversive geometry of a Euclidean plane.
  • In this paper we describe an inductive machinery to investigate asymptotic behaviors of homology groups and related invariants of representations of certain graded combinatorial categories over a commutative Noetherian ring $k$, via introducing inductive functors which generalize important properties of shift functors of $\mathrm{FI}$-modules. In particular, a sufficient criterion for finiteness of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of finitely generated representations of these categories is obtained. As applications, we show that a few important infinite combinatorial categories appearing in representation stability theory are equipped with inductive functors, and hence the finiteness of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of their finitely generated representations is guaranteed. We also prove that truncated representations of these categories have linear minimal resolutions by relative projective modules, which are precisely linear minimal projective resolutions when $k$ is a field of characteristic 0.
  • In the context of modeling biological systems, it is of interest to generate ideals of points with a unique reduced Groebner basis, and the first main goal of this paper is to identify classes of ideals in polynomial rings which share this property. Moreover, we provide methodologies for constructing such ideals. We then relax the condition of uniqueness. The second and most relevant topic discussed here is to consider and identify pairs of ideals with the same number of reduced Groebner bases, that is, with the same cardinality of their associated Groebner fan.
  • Let $Y$ be an algebraic variety, $\mathcal{F}$ a locally free sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_Y$-modules, and $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})$ the $\mathcal{O}_Y$-algebra $\operatorname{Sym}^\bullet \mathcal{F}$. In this paper we study local properties of sheaves of $\mathcal{O}_{\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})}$-ideals $\mathcal{I}$ such that $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F}))/\mathcal{I}$ is an algebraic cover of $Y$. Following the work of Miranda for triple covers, for $\mathcal{Q}$ a direct summand of $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})$, we say that a morphism $\Phi\colon \mathcal{Q}\rightarrow\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{F})/\langle\mathcal{Q}\rangle$ is a covering homomorphism if it induces such an ideal. As an application we study in detail the case of Gorenstein covering maps of degree $6$ for which the direct image of $\varphi_*\mathcal{O}_X$ admits an orthogonal decomposition. These are deformation of $S_3$-Galois branch covers.
  • We use the probabilistic method to construct examples of conjectured phenomenon about asymptotic syzygies. In particular, we use the Stanley-Reisner ideals of random flag complexes to construct new examples of Ein and Lazarsfeld's nonvanishing for asymptotic syzygies and of Ein, Erman, and Lazarsfeld's conjectural on the asymptotic normal distribution of Betti numbers.
  • The definition of a pseudo-dualizing complex is obtained from that of a dualizing complex by dropping the injective dimension condition, while retaining the finite generatedness and homothety isomorphism conditions. In the specific setting of a pair of associative rings, we show that the datum of a pseudo-dualizing complex induces a triangulated equivalence between a pseudo-coderived category and a pseudo-contraderived category. The latter terms mean triangulated categories standing "in between" the conventional derived category and the coderived or the contraderived category. The constructions of these triangulated categories use appropriate versions of the Auslander and Bass classes of modules. The constructions of derived functors providing the triangulated equivalence are based on a generalization of a technique developed in our previous paper arXiv:1503.05523.
  • Let $(R, \mathfrak{m}, k)$ denote a local Cohen-Macaulay ring such that the category of maximal Cohen-Macaulay $R$-modules $\textbf{mcm}\ R$ contains an $n$-cluster tilting object $L$. In this paper, we compute $G_1(R) := K_1(\textbf{mod}\ R)$ explicitly as a direct sum of a free group and a specified quotient of $\text{aut}_R(L)_{\text{ab}}$ when $R$ is a $k$-algebra and $k$ is algebraically closed (and $\text{char}(k)\neq 2$). Moreover, we give some explicit computations of $\text{aut}_R(L)_{\text{ab}}$ and $G_1(R)$ for certain hypersurface singularities.
  • Let $R$ be an associative ring with unit. This paper deals with various aspects of the category of functors of $\mathcal R$-modules; that is, the category of additive and covariant functors from the category of R-modules to the category of abelian groups. We give several characterizations of left-exact Mittag-Leffler functors of $\mathcal R$-modules.
  • We describe the main functions of the Macaulay2 package Quasidegrees. The purpose of this package is to compute the quasidegree set of a finitely generated A-graded module presented as the cokernel of a monomial matrix. We provide examples with motivation coming from A-hypergeometric systems.
  • In this paper we give algebraic characterizations of the affine $2$-space and the affine $3$-space over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, using a variant of the Makar-Limanov invariant.
  • We define and study the derived categories of the first kind for curved DG and A-infinity algebras complete over a pro-Artinian local ring with the curvature elements divisible by the maximal ideal of the local ring. We develop the Koszul duality theory in this setting and deduce the generalizations of the conventional results about A-infinity modules to the weakly curved case. The formalism of contramodules and comodules over pro-Artinian topological rings is used throughout the paper. Our motivation comes from the Floer-Fukaya theory.
  • Given a zero-dimensional ideal I in a polynomial ring, many computations start by finding univariate polynomials in I. Searching for a univariate polynomial in I is a particular case of considering the minimal polynomial of an element in P/I. It is well known that minimal polynomials may be computed via elimination, therefore this is considered to be a "resolved problem". But being the key of so many computations, it is worth investigating its meaning, its optimization, its applications (e.g. testing if a zero-dimensional ideal is radical, primary or maximal). We present efficient algorithms for computing the minimal polynomial of an element of P/I. For the specific case where the coefficients are in Q, we show how to use modular methods to obtain a guaranteed result. We also present some applications of minimal polynomials, namely algorithms for computing radicals and primary decompositions of zero-dimensional ideals, and also for testing radicality and maximality.
  • It is known that every three dimensional Gorenstein toric singularity has a crepant resolution. Although it is not unique, all crepant resolutions are connected by repeating the operation "flop". On the other hand, this singularity also has a non-commutative crepant resolution (= NCCR) which is constructed from a consistent dimer model. Such an NCCR is given as the endomorphism ring of a certain module which we call splitting maximal modifying module. In this paper, we show that all splitting maximal modifying modules are connected by repeating the operation "mutation" of splitting maximal modifying modules for the case of toric singularities associated with reflexive polygons.
  • Let $A$ be a commutative noetherian ring, containing a field $k$, with $1/2\in k$, $\dim A=d$, and let $P$ be a projective $A$-module or $rank(P)=n$. In continuation of \cite{MM}, we study Homotopy obstructions for $P$ to split off a free direct summand. Let ${\mathcal LO}(P)$ be the set of all pairs $(I, \omega)$, where $I$ is an ideal of $A$ and $\omega: P\rightarrow I/I^2$ is a surjective map. The homotopy relations on ${\mathcal LO}(P)$, induced by ${\mathcal LO}(P[T])$, leads to a set $\pi_0\left({\mathcal LO}(P)\right)$ of equivalence classes in ${\mathcal LO}(P)$. There are two distinguished elements ${\bf e}_0, {\bf e}_1\in \pi_0\left({\mathcal LO}(P)\right)$, respectively, the images of $(0, 0)$ and $(A, 0)$. Define the obstruction class $e(P)={\bf e}_0\in \pi_0\left({\mathcal LO}(P)\right)$. The following results are under suitable smoothness or regularity hypotheses. When $2n\geq d+3$, we prove $e(P)={\bf e}_1 \Leftrightarrow P\cong Q\oplus A$. We prove, if $2n\geq d+2$, then $\pi_0\left({\mathcal LO}(P)\right)$ has a natural structure of a monoid, which is a group if $P\cong Q\oplus A$. Further, we give a definition of a Euler class group $E(P)$. Under suitable smoothness hypotheses, we prove, if $P\cong Q\oplus A$ and $2n\geq d+3$, then there is natural isomorphism $E(P) \rightarrow \pi_0\left({\mathcal LO}(P)\right)$ of groups.
  • The last years have seen a growing interest from mathematicians in Mahler functions. This class of functions includes the generating series of the automatic sequences. The present paper is concerned with the following problem, which is omnipresent in combinatorics: a set of Mahler functions $u_{1},...,u_{n}$ being given, are $u_{1},...,u_{n}$ and their successive derivatives algebraically independent? In this paper, we give general criteria ensuring an affirmative answer to this question. We apply our main results to the generating series attached to the so-called Baum-Sweet and Rudin-Shapiro automatic sequences. In particular, we show that these series are hyperalgebraically independent, i.e., that these series and their successive derivatives are algebraically independent. Our approach relies of the parametrized difference Galois theory (in this context, the algebro-differential relations between the solutions of a given Mahler equation are reflected by a linear differential algebraic group).
  • Our goal is to settle a fading problem, the Jacobian Conjecture $(JC_n)$~: If $f_1, \cdots, f_n$ are elements in a polynomial ring $k[X_1, \cdots, X_n]$ over a field $k$ of characteristic zero such that $ \det(\partial f_i/ \partial X_j) $ is a nonzero constant, then $k[f_1, \cdots, f_n] = k[X_1, \cdots, X_n]$. Practically, what we deal with is the generalized one, \noindent The Generalized Jacobian Conjecture$(GJC)$ :{\it Let $S \hookrightarrow T$ be an unramified homomorphism of Noetherian domains. Assume that $S$ is a simply connected UFD ({\sl i.e.,} ${\rm Spec}(S)$ is simply connected and $S$ is a unique factorization domain) and that $T^\times \cap S = S^\times$. Then $T = S$.} In addition, for consistency of the discussion, we raise some serious (or idiot) questions and some comments about the examples appeared in the papers published by the certain excellent mathematicians (though we are not willing to deal with them). However, the existence of such examples would be against our Main Result above, so that we have to dispute in Appendix B their arguments about the existence of their respective (so called) counter-examples. Our conclusion is that they are not perfect counter-examples which is shown explicitly.
  • We give an upper bound for the cactus rank of any multi-homogeneous polynomial.
  • A theorem of Hukuhara, Levelt, and Turrittin states that every formal differential operator has a Jordan decomposition. This theorem was generalised by Babbit and Varadarajan to the case of formal $G$-connections where $G$ is a semisimple group. In this paper, we provide straightforward proofs of these facts, highlighting the analogy between the linear and differential settings.
  • Let $KX_d$ be a vector space with basis $X_d=\{x_1,\ldots,x_d\}$ over a field $K$ of characteristic 0. One of the main topics of classical invariant theory is the study of the algebra of invariants $K[X_d]^{SL_2(K)}$, where $KX_d$ is a module of the special linear group $SL_2(K)$ isomorphic to a direct sum $V_{k_1}\oplus\cdots\oplus V_{k_r}$ and $V_k$ is the $SL_2(K)$-module of binary forms of degree $k$. Noncommutative invariant theory deals with the algebra of invariants $F_d({\mathfrak V})^G$ of the group $G<GL_d(K)$ acting on the relatively free algebra $F_d({\mathfrak V})$ of a variety of $K$-algebras $\mathfrak V$. In this paper we consider the free metabelian Lie algebra $F_d({\mathfrak A}^2)$ which is the relatively free algebra in the variety ${\mathfrak A}^2$ of metabelian (solvable of class 2) Lie algebras. We study the algebra $F_d({\mathfrak A}^2)^{SL_2(K)}$ of $SL_2(K)$-invariants of $F_d({\mathfrak A}^2)$. We describe the cases when this algebra is finitely generated. This happens if and only if $KX_d\cong V_1\oplus V_0\oplus\cdots\oplus V_0$ or $KX_d\cong V_2$ as an $SL_2(K)$-module (and in the trivial case $KX_d\cong V_0\oplus\cdots\oplus V_0$). For small $d$ we give a list of generators even when $F_d({\mathfrak A}^2)^{SL_2(K)}$ is not finitely generated. The methods for establishing that the algebra $F_d({\mathfrak A}^2)^{SL_2(K)}$ is not finitely generated work also for other relatively free algebras $F_d({\mathfrak V})$ and for other groups $G$.
  • Let $(F,G)\in{\mathbb C}[x,y]^2$ be a Jacobian pair and $\sigma:(a,b)\mapsto(F(a,b),G(a,b))$ for $(a,b)\in{\mathbb C}^2$ the corresponding Keller map. The local bijectivity of Keller maps tells that for $p\in{\mathbb C}^2$, there exist neighborhoods ${\mathcal O}_p$ of $p$ and ${\mathcal O}_{\sigma(p)}$ of $\sigma(p)$ such that $\sigma_p=\sigma|_{{\mathcal O}_p}: {\mathcal O}_p\to{\mathcal O}_{\sigma(p)}$ is a bijection. Thus if there exist $p_0,p_1\in{\mathbb C}^2$ with $p_0\ne p_1$, $\sigma(p_0)=\sigma(p_1)$, then the local bijectivity implies that $\sigma_{p_1}^{-1}\sigma_{p_0}:{\mathcal O}_{p_0}\to {\mathcal O}_{p_1}$ is a bijection between some neighborhoods of $p_0$ and $p_1$. We generalize this result in various aspects, which lead us to give a proof of injectivity of Keller maps and thus the $2$-dimensional Jacobian conjecture. Among those generalizations, one is the following (cf.~Theorem 1.5): For any $(p_0,p_1)=\big((x_0,y_0),(x_1,y_1)\big)\in{\mathbb C}^2\times{\mathbb C}^2$ satisfying $p_0\ne p_1$, $\sigma(p_0)=\sigma(p_1)$, $\kappa_0\le|x_1|\le\kappa_1|x_0|^{\kappa_2}+\kappa_3\le\kappa_4|x_1|+\kappa_5$, $\ell_{p_0,p_1}:=\frac{|y_1|}{|x_1|^{\kappa_6}}\ge\kappa_7$ for some preassigned $\kappa_i\in{\mathbb R}_{>0}$, there exists $(q_0,q_1)\in{\mathbb C}^2\times{\mathbb C}^2$ satisfying the same conditions, and furthermore $\ell_{q_0,q_1}>\ell_{p_0,p_1}$.
  • We generalize the Bialynicki-Birula decomposition to singular schemes and apply it to the Hilbert scheme of points on an affine space. We find an infinite family of small, elementary and generically smooth components of the Hilbert scheme of points of the affine four-space. Our method gives easily verifiable sufficient conditions for proving that a point of the Hilbert scheme is smooth and lies on an elementary component. We also present a necessary condition for smoothability of a finite subscheme given by a homogeneous ideal.
  • We deal with the algebraicity of an iterated Puiseux series in several variables in terms of the properties of its coefficients. Our aim is to generalize to several variables the results from [HM15]. We show that the algebraicity of such a series for given bounded degrees is determined by a finite number of explicit universal polynomial formulas. Conversely, given a vanishing polynomial, there is a closed-form formula for the coefficients of the series in terms of the coefficients of the polynomial and of a bounded initial part of the series.
  • We investigate generalized notions of the nerve complex for the facets of a simplicial complex. We show that the homologies of these higher nerve complexes determine the depth of the Stanley-Reisner ring $k[\Delta]$ as well as the $f$-vector and $h$-vector of $\Delta$. We present, as an application, a formula for computing regularity of monomial ideals.