• Generalizing a theorem of Albert, Saltman showed that an Azumaya algebra $A$ over a ring represents a $2$-torsion class in the Brauer group if and only if there is an algebra $A'$ in the Brauer class of $A$ admitting an involution of the first kind. Knus, Parimala, and Srinivas later showed that one can choose $A'$ such that $\mathrm{deg}\, A'=2\mathrm{deg}\, A$. We show that $2\mathrm{deg}\, A$ is the lowest degree one can expect in general. Specifically, we construct an Azumaya algebra $A$ of degree $4$ and period $2$ such that the degree of any algebra $A'$ in the Brauer class of $A$ admitting an involution is divisible by $8$. Separately, we provide examples of split and non-split Azumaya algebras of degree $2$ admitting symplectic involutions, but no orthogonal involutions. These stand in contrast to the case of central simple algebras of even degree over fields, where the presence of a symplectic involution implies the existence of an orthogonal involution and vice versa.
  • We give a criterion for the existence of non-commutative crepant resolutions (NCCR's) for certain toric singularities. In particular we recover Broomhead's result that a 3-dimensional toric Gorenstein singularity has a NCCR. Our result also yields the existence of a NCCR for a 4-dimensional toric Gorenstein singularity which is known to have no toric NCCR.
  • We introduce the notion of an oplax Hopf monoid in any braided monoidal bicategory, generalizing that of a Hopf monoid in a braided monoidal category in an appropriate way. We show that Hopf V-categories introduced in [BCV16] are a particular type of oplax Hopf monoids in the monoidal bicategory Span|V described in [B\"oh17]. Finally, we introduce Frobenius V-categories as the Frobenius objects in the same monoidal bicategory.
  • In this paper we describe an inductive machinery to investigate asymptotic behaviors of homology groups and related invariants of representations of certain graded combinatorial categories over a commutative Noetherian ring $k$, via introducing inductive functors which generalize important properties of shift functors of $\mathrm{FI}$-modules. In particular, a sufficient criterion for finiteness of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of finitely generated representations of these categories is obtained. As applications, we show that a few important infinite combinatorial categories appearing in representation stability theory are equipped with inductive functors, and hence the finiteness of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of their finitely generated representations is guaranteed. We also prove that truncated representations of these categories have linear minimal resolutions by relative projective modules, which are precisely linear minimal projective resolutions when $k$ is a field of characteristic 0.
  • We show that if a non-associative unital ring is graded by a hypercentral group, then the ring is simple if and only if it is graded simple and the center of the ring is a field. Thereby, we extend a result by Jespers to a non-associative setting. By applying this result to non-associative crossed products, we obtain non-associative analogues of results by Bell, Jordan and Voskoglou. We also apply our result to Cayley-Dickson doublings, thereby obtaining a new proof of a classical result by McCrimmon.
  • Considering a Poisson algebra as a non associative algebra satisfying the Markl-Remm identity, we study deformations of Poisson algebras as deformations of this non associative algebra. This gives a natural interpretation of deformations which preserves the underlying associative structure and we study deformations which preserve the underlying Lie algebra.
  • The definition of a pseudo-dualizing complex is obtained from that of a dualizing complex by dropping the injective dimension condition, while retaining the finite generatedness and homothety isomorphism conditions. In the specific setting of a pair of associative rings, we show that the datum of a pseudo-dualizing complex induces a triangulated equivalence between a pseudo-coderived category and a pseudo-contraderived category. The latter terms mean triangulated categories standing "in between" the conventional derived category and the coderived or the contraderived category. The constructions of these triangulated categories use appropriate versions of the Auslander and Bass classes of modules. The constructions of derived functors providing the triangulated equivalence are based on a generalization of a technique developed in our previous paper arXiv:1503.05523.
  • We define global and local Weyl modules for Lie superalgebras of the form $\mathfrak{g} \otimes A$, where $A$ is an associative commutative unital $\mathbb{C}$-algebra and $\mathfrak{g}$ is a basic Lie superalgebra or $\mathfrak{sl}(n,n)$, $n \ge 2$. Under some mild assumptions, we prove universality, finite-dimensionality, and tensor product decomposition properties for these modules. These properties are analogues of those of Weyl modules in the non-super setting. We also point out some features that are new in the super case.
  • Ringel's right-strongly quasi-hereditary algebras are a distinguished class of quasi-hereditary algebras of Cline-Parshall-Scott. We give characterizations of these algebras in terms of heredity chains and right rejective subcategories. We prove that any artin algebra of global dimension at most two is right-strongly quasi-hereditary. Moreover we show that the Auslander algebra of a representation-finite algebra $A$ is strongly quasi-hereditary if and only if $A$ is a Nakayama algebra.
  • We define and study the derived categories of the first kind for curved DG and A-infinity algebras complete over a pro-Artinian local ring with the curvature elements divisible by the maximal ideal of the local ring. We develop the Koszul duality theory in this setting and deduce the generalizations of the conventional results about A-infinity modules to the weakly curved case. The formalism of contramodules and comodules over pro-Artinian topological rings is used throughout the paper. Our motivation comes from the Floer-Fukaya theory.
  • We provide a description of the class of n-ary operations on an arbitrary chain that are quasitrivial, symmetric, nondecreasing, and associative. We also prove that associativity can be replaced with bisymmetry in the definition of this class. Finally we investigate the special situation where the chain is finite.
  • Certain sufficient homological and ring-theoretical conditions are given for a Hopf algebra to have bijective antipode with applications to noetherian Hopf algebras regarding their homological behaviors.
  • We study the noncommutative Poincar\'e duality between the Poisson homology and cohomology of unimodular Poisson algebras, and show that Kontsevich's deformation quantization as well as Koszul duality preserve the corresponding Poincar\'e duality. As a corollary, the Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structures that naturally arise in these cases are all isomorphic.
  • Let $D$ be a division ring. In this paper, we investigate properties of subgroups of an arbitrary subnormal subgroup of the multiplicative group $D^*$ of $D$. The new obtained results generalize some previous results on subgroups of $D^*$.
  • Let $D$ be a division ring and $D^*$ be the multiplicative group of $D$. In this paper we study locally solvable maximal subgroups of $D^*$.
  • Let $D$ be a division ring with center $F$. We say that $D$ is a {\em division ring of type $2$} if for every two elements $x, y\in D,$ the division subring $F(x, y)$ is a finite dimensional vector space over $F$. In this paper we investigate multiplicative subgroups in such a ring.
  • In Hai-Thin (2009), there is a theorem, stating that every locally nilpotent subnormal subgroup in a division ring $D$ is central (see Hai-Thin (2009, Th. 2.2)). Unfortunately, there is some mistake in the proof of this theorem. In this note we give the another proof of this theorem.
  • Let $K$ be a commutative Noetherian ring with identity, let $A$ be a $K$-algebra, and let $B$ be a subalgebra of $A$ such that $A/B$ is finitely generated as a $K$-module. The main result of the paper is that $A$ is finitely presented (resp. finitely generated) if and only if $B$ is finitely presented (resp. finitely generated). As corollaries we obtain: a subring of finite index in a finitely presented ring is finitely presented; a subalgebra of finite co-dimension in a finitely presented algebra over a field is finitely presented (already shown by Voden in 2009). We also discuss the role of the Noetherian assumption on $K$, and show that for finite generation it can be replaced by a weaker condition that the module $A/B$ be finitely presented. Finally, we demonstrate that the results do not readily extend to non-associative algebras, by exhibiting an ideal of co-dimension $1$ of the free Lie algebra of rank 2 which is not finitely generated as a Lie algebra.
  • In this article, we generalize Richardson's example of a rigid Lie algebra with non-trivial $H^2$ to the Leibniz setting. Namely, we consider the hemisemidirect product ${\mathfrak h}$ of a semidirect product Lie algebra $M_k\rtimes{\mathfrak g}$ of a simple Lie algebra ${\mathfrak g}$ with some non-trivial irreducible ${\mathfrak g}$-module $M_k$ with a non-trivial irreducible ${\mathfrak g}$-module $I_l$. Then for ${\mathfrak g}={\mathfrak s}{\mathfrak l}_2({\mathbb C})$, we take $M_k$ (resp. $I_l$) to be the standard irreducible ${\mathfrak s}{\mathfrak l}_2({\mathbb C})$-module of dimension $k+1$ (resp. $l+1$). Assume $\frac{k}{2}>5$ is an odd integer and $l>2$ is odd, then we show that the Leibniz algebra ${\mathfrak h}$ is geometrically rigid and has non-trivial $HL^2$ with adjoint coefficients. We close the article with an appendix where we record further results on the question whether $H^2({\mathfrak g},{\mathfrak g})=0$ implies $HL^2({\mathfrak g},{\mathfrak g})=0$.
  • A simple Steinberg algebra associated to an ample Hausdorff groupoid $G$ is algebraically purely infinite if and only if the characteristic functions of compact open subsets of the unit space are infinite idempotents. If a simple Steinberg algebra is algebraically purely infinite, then the reduced groupoid $C^*$-algebra $C^*_r(G)$ is simple and purely infinite. But the Steinberg algebra seems to small for the converse to hold. For this purpose we introduce an intermediate $*$-algebra $B(G)$ constructed using corners $1_U C^*_r(G) 1_U$ for all compact open subsets $U$ of the unit space of the groupoid. We then show that if $G$ is minimal and effective, then $B(G)$ is algebraically properly infinite if and only if $C^*_r(G)$ is purely infinite simple. We apply our results to the algebras of higher-rank graphs.
  • Weakly locally finite division rings were considered in \cite{dbh}, where it was mentioned that the class of weakly locally finite division rings properly contains the class of locally finite division rings. In this paper, for any integer $n\geq 0$ or $n=\infty$, we construct a weakly locally finite division ring whose Gelfand-Kirillov dimension is $n$. This fact shows in particular that there exist infinitely many weakly locally finite division rings that are not locally finite. Further, for the class of weakly locally finite division rings, we investigate some questions related with the well-known Kurosh Problem and with one of Herstein's conjectures.
  • Let $p$ be a prime number and $(K, v)$ a Henselian valued field with a residue field $\widehat K$. This paper determines the Brauer $p$-dimension of $K$, in case $p \neq {\rm char}(\widehat K)$ and $\widehat K$ is a $p$-quasilocal field properly included in its maximal $p$-extension. When $\widehat K$ is a local field, it describes index-exponent pairs of central division $K$-algebras of $p$-primary degrees. The same goal is achieved, if $(K, v)$ is maximally complete, char$(K) = p$ and $\widehat K$ is local.
  • Masuoka proved (2009) that a finite-dimensional irreducible Hopf algebra $H$ in positive characteristic is semisimple if and only if it is commutative semisimple if and only if the Hopf subalgebra generated by all primitives is semisimple. In this paper, we give another proof of this result by using Hochschild cohomology of coalgebras.
  • We prove a Koszul duality theorem between the category of weight modules over the quantized Coulomb branch (as defined by Braverman, Finkelberg and Nakajima) attached to a group $G$ and representation $V$ and a category of $G$-equivariant D-modules on the vector space $V$. This is proven by relating both categories to an explicit, combinatorially presented category. These categories are related to generalized categories $\mathcal{O}$ for symplectic singularities. Letting $\mathcal{O}_{\operatorname{Coulomb}}$ and $\mathcal{O}_{\operatorname{Higgs}}$ be these categories for the Coulomb and Higgs branches associated to $V$ and $G$, we obtain a functor $\mathcal{O}_{\operatorname{Coulomb}}^!\to \mathcal{O}_{\operatorname{Higgs}}$ from the Koszul dual of one to the other. This functor is an equivalence in the special cases where the hyperk\"ahler quotient of $T^*V$ by $G$ is a Nakajima quiver variety or smooth hypertoric variety. This includes as special cases the parabolic-singular Koszul duality of category $\mathcal{O}$ in type A, the categorified rank-level duality proposed by Chuang and Miyachi and proven by Shan, Vasserot and Varagnolo, and the hypertoric Koszul duality proven by Braden, Licata, Proudfoot and the author. We also show that this equivalence intertwines so-called twisting and shuffling functors. This together with the duality discussed confirms the most important components of the symplectic duality conjecture of Braden, Licata, Proudfoot and the author in this case.
  • We consider irreversible Markov chains on finite commutative rings randomly generated using both addition and multiplication. We restrict ourselves to the case where the addition is uniformly random and multiplication is arbitrary. We first prove formulas for eigenvalues and multiplicities of the transition matrices of these chains using the character theory of finite abelian groups. The examples of principal ideal rings (such as $\mathbb{Z}_{n}$) and finite chain rings (such as $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$) are particularly illuminating and are treated separately. We then prove a recursive formula for the stationary probabilities for any ring, and use it to prove explicit formulas for the probabilities for finite chain rings when multiplication is also uniformly random. Finally, we prove constant mixing time for our chains using coupling.