• The inductive size bias coupling technique and Stein's method yield a Berry-Esseen theorem for the number of urns having occupancy $d \ge 2$ when $n$ balls are uniformly distributed over $m$ urns. In particular, there exists a constant $C$ depending only on $d$ such that $$ \sup_{z \in \mathbb{R}}|P(W_{n,m} \le z) -P(Z \le z)| \le C \left( \frac{1+(\frac{n}{m})^3}{\sigma_{n,m}} \right) \quad \mbox{for all $n \ge d$ and $m \ge 2$,} $$ where $W_{n,m}$ and $\sigma_{n,m}^2$ are the standardized count and variance, respectively, of the number of urns with $d$ balls, and $Z$ is a standard normal random variable. Asymptotically, the bound is optimal up to constants if $n$ and $m$ tend to infinity together in a way such that $n/m$ stays bounded.
  • Dense kernel matrices $\Theta \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}$ obtained from point evaluations of a covariance function $G$ at locations $\{ x_{i} \}_{1 \leq i \leq N} \subset \mathbb{R}^{d}$ arise in statistics, machine learning, and numerical analysis. For covariance functions that are Green's functions of elliptic boundary value problems and homogeneously-distributed sampling points, we show how to identify a subset $S \subset \{ 1 , \dots , N \}^2$, with $\# S = O ( N \log (N) \log^{d} ( N /\epsilon ) )$, such that the zero fill-in incomplete Cholesky factorisation of the sparse matrix $\Theta_{ij} 1_{( i, j ) \in S}$ is an $\epsilon$-approximation of $\Theta$. This factorisation can provably be obtained in complexity $O ( N \log( N ) \log^{d}( N /\epsilon) )$ in space and $O ( N \log^{2}( N ) \log^{2d}( N /\epsilon) )$ in time, improving upon the state of the art for general elliptic operators; we further present numerical evidence that $d$ can be taken to be the intrinsic dimension of the data set rather than that of the ambient space. The algorithm only needs to know the spatial configuration of the $x_{i}$ and does not require an analytic representation of $G$. Furthermore, this factorization straightforwardly provides an approximate sparse PCA with optimal rate of convergence in the operator norm. Hence, by using only subsampling and the incomplete Cholesky factorization, we obtain, at nearly linear complexity, the compression, inversion and approximate PCA of a large class of covariance matrices. By inverting the order of the Cholesky factorization we also obtain a solver for elliptic PDE with complexity $O ( N \log^{d}( N /\epsilon) )$ in space and $O ( N \log^{2d}( N /\epsilon) )$ in time, improving upon the state of the art for general elliptic operators.
  • We develop in this work a general version of paracontrolled calculus that allows to treat analytically within this paradigm some singular partial differential equations with the same efficiency as regularity structures. This work deals with the analytic side of the story and offers a toolkit for the study of such equations, under the form of a number of continuity results for some operators. We illustrate the efficiency of this elementary approach on the examples of the 3-dimensional generalised parabolic Anderson model equation and the generalised KPZ equation driven by a (1+1)-dimensional space/time white noise.
  • Consider a coin tossing experiment which consists of tossing one of two coins at a time, according to a renewal process. The first coin is fair and the second has probability $1/2 + \theta$, $\theta \in [-1/2,1/2]$, $\theta$ unknown but fixed, of head. The biased coin is tossed at the renewal times of the process, and the fair one at all the other times. The main question about this experiment is whether or not it is possible to determine $\theta$ almost surely as the number of tosses increases, given only the probabilities of the renewal process and the observed sequence of heads and tails. We will construct a confidence interval for $\theta$ and determine conditions on the process for its almost sure convergence. It will be shown that recurrence is in fact a necessary condition for the almost sure convergence of the interval, although the convergence still holds if the process is null recurrent but the expected number of renewals up to and including time $N$ is $O(N^{1/2+\alpha}), 0 \leq \alpha < 1/2$. It solves an open problem presented by Harris and Keane (1997). We also generalize this experiment for random variables on $L^{2}$ which are sampled according to a renewal process from either one of two distributions.
  • We deal with a general preferential attachment graph model with multiple type edges. The types are chosen randomly, in a way that depends on the evolution of the graph. In the $N$-type case, we define the (generalized) degree of a given vertex as $\boldsymbol{d}=(d_{1},d_{2},\dots,d_{N})$, where $d_{k}\in\mathbb{Z}_{0}^{+}$ is the number of type $k$ edges connected to it. We prove the existence of an a.s.\ asymptotic degree distribution for a general family of preferential attachment random graph models with multi-type edges. More precisely, we show that the proportion of vertices with (generalized) degree $\boldsymbol{d}$ tends to some random variable as the number of steps goes to infinity. We also provide recurrence equations for the asymptotic degree distribution. Finally, we generalize the scale-free property of random graphs to the multi-type case.
  • We study a "div-grad type" sub-Laplacian with respect to a smooth measure and its associated heat semigroup on a compact equiregular sub-Riemannian manifold. We prove a short time asymptotic expansion of the heat trace up to any order. Our main result holds true for any smooth measure on the manifold, but it has a spectral geometric meaning when Popp's measure is considered. Our proof is probabilistic. In particular, we use S. Watanabe's distributional Malliavin calculus.
  • The sine process is a rigid point process on the real line, which means that for almost all configurations $X$, the number of points in an interval $I = [-R,R]$ is determined by the points of $X$ outside of $I$. In addition, the points in $I$ are an orthogonal polynomial ensemble on $I$ with a weight function that is determined by the points in $X \setminus I$. We prove a universality result that in particular implies that the correlation kernel of the orthogonal polynomial ensemble tends to the sine kernel as the length $|I|=2R$ tends to infinity, thereby answering a question posed by A.I. Bufetov.
  • In this paper we consider the field of local times of a discrete-time Markov chain on a general state space, and obtain uniform (in time) upper bounds on the total variation distance between this field and the one of a sequence of $n$ i.i.d. random variables with law given by the invariant measure of that Markov chain. The proof of this result uses a refinement of the soft local time method of [11].
  • The study of the restricted isometry property (RIP) of corrupted random matrices is particularly important in the field of compressed sensing (CS) with corruptions. If a matrix still satisfies the RIP after that a certain portion of rows are erased, then we say that this matrix has the strong restricted isometry property (SRIP). In the field of compressed sensing, random matrices which satisfy certain moment conditions are of particular interest. Among these matrices, those with entries generated from i.i.d. Gaussian or symmetric Bernoulli random variables are often typically considered. Recent studies have shown that matrices with entries generated from i.i.d. Gaussian random variables satisfy the SRIP under arbitrary erasure of rows with high probability. In this paper, we study the erasure robustness property of Bernoulli random matrices. Our main result shows that with overwhelming probability, the SRIP holds for Bernoulli random matrices. Moreover, our analysis leads to a robust version of the famous Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma for Bernoulli random matrices.
  • In this paper, we give an extension of the classic Salem-Zygmund inequality for locally sub-Gaussian random variables. As an application, the concentration of the roots of a Kac polynomial is studied. Under the finiteness of the log-moment on the random coefficients, it is well-known that the roots of a Kac polynomial are concentrated around the unit circle with high probability. We assume the existence of the moment generating function for the iid random coefficients for the Kac polynomial and prove that there exists an annulus of width $\textrm{O}( n^{-2}(\log n)^{-1/2-\gamma})$, $\gamma>1/2$ around the unit circle that does not contain roots with high probability. As another application we show that the smallest singular value of a random circulant matrix is at least $n^{-\rho}$, $\rho\in(0,1/4)$ with probability $1-\textrm{O}(n^{-2\rho})$.
  • We investigate a new sampling scheme aimed at improving the performance of particle filters whenever (a) there is a significant mismatch between the assumed model dynamics and the actual system, or (b) the posterior probability tends to concentrate in relatively small regions of the state space. The proposed scheme pushes some particles towards specific regions where the likelihood is expected to be high, an operation known as nudging in the geophysics literature. We re-interpret nudging in a form applicable to any particle filtering scheme, as it does not involve any changes in the rest of the algorithm. Since the particles are modified, but the importance weights do not account for this modification, the use of nudging leads to additional bias in the resulting estimators. However, we prove analytically that nudged particle filters can still attain asymptotic convergence with the same error rates as conventional particle methods. Simple analysis also yields an alternative interpretation of the nudging operation that explains its robustness to model errors. Finally, we show numerical results that illustrate the improvements that can be attained using the proposed scheme. In particular, we present nonlinear tracking examples with synthetic data and a model inference example using real-world financial data.
  • A sorting network is a geodesic path from $12 \cdots n$ to $n \cdots 21$ in the Cayley graph of $S_n$ generated by adjacent transpositions. For a uniformly random sorting network, we establish the existence of a local limit of the process of space-time locations of transpositions in a neighbourhood of $an$ for $a\in[0,1]$ as $n\to\infty$. Here time is scaled by a factor of $1/n$ and space is not scaled. The limit is a swap process $U$ on $\mathbb{Z}$. We show that $U$ is stationary and mixing with respect to the spatial shift and has time-stationary increments. Moreover, the only dependence on $a$ is through time scaling by a factor of $\sqrt{a(1-a)}$. To establish the existence of $U$, we find a local limit for staircase-shaped Young tableaux. These Young tableaux are related to sorting networks through a bijection of Edelman and Greene.
  • Let $\Omega$ be a Polish space with Borel $\sigma$-field $\mathcal{F}$ and countably generated sub $\sigma$-field $\mathcal{G}\subset\mathcal{F}$. Denote by $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{F})$ the set of all bounded $\mathcal{F}$-upper semianalytic functions from $\Omega$ to the reals and by $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{G})$ the subset of $\mathcal{G}$-upper semianalytic functions. Let $\mathcal{E}(\cdot|\mathcal{G})\colon\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{F})\to\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{G})$ be a sublinear increasing functional which leaves $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{G})$ invariant. It is shown that there exists a $\mathcal{G}$-analytic set-valued mapping $\mathcal{P}_{\mathcal{G}}$ from $\Omega$ to the set of probabilities which are concentrated on atoms of $\mathcal{G}$ with compact convex values such that $\mathcal{E}(X|\mathcal{G})(\omega)=$ $\sup_{P\in\mathcal{P}_{\mathcal{G}}(\omega)} E_P[X]$ if and only if $\mathcal{E}(\cdot |\mathcal{G})$ is pointwise continuous from below and continuous from above on the continuous functions. Further, given another sublinear increasing functional $\mathcal{E}(\cdot)\colon\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{F})\to\mathbb{R}$ which leaves the constants invariant, the tower property $\mathcal{E}(\cdot)=\mathcal{E}(\mathcal{E}(\cdot|\mathcal{G}))$ is characterized via a pasting property of the representing sets of probabilities, and the importance of analytic functions is explained. Finally, it is characterized when a nonlinear version of Fubini's theorem holds true and when the product of a set of probabilities and a set of kernels is compact.
  • In this paper, we define an extension of the supersymmetric hyperbolic nonlinear sigma model introduced by Zirnbauer. We show that it arises as a weak joint limit of a time-changed version introduced by Sabot and Tarr\`es of the vertex-reinforced jump process. It describes the asymptotics of rescaled crossing numbers, rescaled fluctuations of local times, asymptotic local times on a logarithmic scale, endpoints of paths, and last exit trees.
  • We prove a general normal approximation theorem for local graph statistics in the configuration model, together with an explicit bound on the error in the approximation with respect to the Wasserstein metric. Such statistics take the form $T := \sum_{v \in V} H_v$, where $V$ is the vertex set, and $H_v$ depends on a neighbourhood in the graph around $v$ of size at most $\ell$. The error bound is expressed in terms of $\ell$, $|V|$, an almost sure bound on $H_v$, the maximum vertex degree $d_{\max}$ and the variance of $T$. Under suitable assumptions on the convergence of the empirical degree distributions to a limiting distribution, we deduce that the size of the giant component in the configuration model has asymptotically Gaussian fluctuations.
  • This paper considers how to obtain MCMC quantitative convergence bounds which can be translated into tight complexity bounds in high-dimensional settings. We propose a modified drift-and-minorization approach, which establishes a generalized drift condition defined in a subset of the state space. The subset is called the ``large set'' and is chosen to rule out some ``bad'' states which have poor drift property when the dimension gets large. Using the ``large set'' together with a ``centered'' drift function, a quantitative bound can be obtained which can be translated into a tight complexity bound. As a demonstration, we analyze a certain realistic Gibbs sampler algorithm and obtain a complexity upper bound for the mixing time, which shows that the number of iterations required for the Gibbs sampler to converge is constant under certain conditions on the observed data and the initial state. It is our hope that this modified drift-and-minorization approach can be employed in many other specific examples to obtain complexity bounds for high-dimensional Markov chains.
  • Wavelet (Besov) priors are a promising way of reconstructing indirectly measured fields in a regularized manner. We demonstrate how wavelets can be used as a localized basis for reconstructing permeability fields with sharp interfaces from noisy pointwise pressure field measurements in the context of the elliptic inverse problem. For this we derive the adjoint method of minimizing the Besov-norm-regularized misfit functional (this corresponds to determining the maximum a posteriori point in the Bayesian point of view) in the Haar wavelet setting. As it turns out, choosing a wavelet--based prior allows for accelerated optimization compared to established trigonometrically--based priors.
  • We study a multiclass M/M/1 queueing control problem with finite buffers under heavy-traffic where the decision maker is uncertain about the rates of arrivals and service of the system and by scheduling and admission/rejection decisions acts to minimize a discounted cost that accounts for the uncertainty. The main result is the asymptotic optimality of a $c\mu$-type of policy derived via underlying stochastic differential games studied in [16]. Under this policy, with high probability, rejections are not performed when the workload lies below some cut-off that depends on the ambiguity level. When the workload exceeds this cut-off, rejections are carried out and only from the buffer with the cheapest rejection cost weighted with the mean service rate in some reference model. The allocation part of the policy is the same for all the ambiguity levels. This is the first work to address a heavy-traffic queueing control problem with model uncertainty.
  • Let $\{\eta(v): v\in V_N\}$ be a discrete Gaussian free field in a two-dimensional box $V_N$ of side length $N$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We study the Liouville first passage percolation, i.e., the shortest path metric where each vertex is given a weight of $e^{\gamma \eta(v)}$ for some $\gamma>0$. We show that for sufficiently small but fixed $\gamma>0$, with probability tending to $1$ as $N\to \infty$, all geodesics between vertices of macroscopic Euclidean distances simultaneously have (the conjecturally unique) length exponent strictly larger than 1.
  • We consider an ordinary differential equation with a unique hyperbolic attractor at the origin, to which we add a small random perturbation. It is known that under general conditions, the solution of this stochastic differential equation converges exponentially fast to an equilibrium distribution. We show that the convergence occurs abruptly: in a time window of small size compared to the natural time scale of the process, the distance to equilibrium drops from its maximal possible value to near zero, and only after this time window the convergence is exponentially fast. This is what is known as the cut-off phenomenon in the context of Markov chains of increasing complexity. In addition, we are able to give general conditions to decide whether the distance to equilibrium converges in this time window to a universal function, a fact known as profile cut-off.
  • The aim of the present work is the introduction of a viscosity type solution, called strong-viscosity solution to distinguish it from the classical one, with the following peculiarities: it is a purely analytic object; it can be easily adapted to more general equations than classical partial differential equations. First, we introduce the notion of strong-viscosity solution for semilinear parabolic partial differential equations, defining it, in a few words, as the pointwise limit of classical solutions to perturbed semilinear parabolic partial differential equations; we compare it with the standard definition of viscosity solution. Afterwards, we extend the concept of strong-viscosity solution to the case of semilinear parabolic path-dependent partial differential equations, providing an existence and uniqueness result.
  • Consider a population of infinitesimally small frogs on the real line. Initially the frogs on the positive half-line are dormant while those on the negative half-line are awake and move according to the heat flow. At the interface, the incoming wake frogs try to wake up the dormant frogs and succeed with a probability proportional to their amount among the total amount of involved frogs at the specific site. Otherwise, the incoming frogs also fall asleep. This frog model is a special case of the infinite rate symbiotic branching process on the real line with different motion speeds for the two types. We construct this frog model as the limit of approximating processes and compute the structure of jumps. We show that our frog model can be described by a stochastic partial differential equation on the real line with a jump type noise.
  • The theory of quasifree quantum stochastic calculus for infinite-dimensional noise is developed within the framework of Hudson-Parthasarathy quantum stochastic calculus. The question of uniqueness for the covariance amplitude with respect to which a given unitary quantum stochastic cocycle is quasifree is addressed, and related to the minimality of the corresponding stochastic dilation. The theory is applied to the identification of a wide class of quantum random walks whose limit processes are driven by quasifree noises.
  • Loewner driving functions encode simple curves in 2-dimensional simply connected domains by real-valued functions. We prove that the Loewner driving function of a $C^{1,\beta}$ curve (differentiable parametrization with $\beta$-H\"older continuous derivative) is in the class $C^{1,\beta-1/2}$ if $1/2<\beta\leq 1$, and in the class $C^{0,\beta + 1/2}$ if $0 \leq \beta \leq 1/2$. This is the converse of a result of Carto Wong and is optimal. We also introduce the Loewner energy of a rooted planar loop and use our regularity result to show the independence of this energy from the basepoint.
  • The central limit theorem of martingales is the fundamental tool for studying the convergence of stochastic processes, especially stochastic integrals and differential equations. In this paper, general central limit theorems and functional central limit theorems are obtained for martingale like random variables under the sub-linear expectation. As applications, the Lindeberg central limit theorem and functional central limit theorem are obtained for independent but not necessarily identically distributed random variables, and a new proof of the L\'evy characterization of a G-Brownian motion without using stochastic calculus is given. For proving the results, we have also established Rosenthal's inequality and the exceptional inequality for the martingale like random variables.