• It is proven an analogue of the Theorem of Moser using The Approximation Theorem of Artin.
  • It is proven a new analogue of the Theorem of Moser in a generalized context defined by Shilov Boundaries of Bounded and Symmetric Domains. In particular, it is introduced a special class of Real Submanifolds in Complex Spaces, generalizing the situation of Moser.
  • Given an arbitrary closed set A of $\mathbf{R}^{n}$, we establish the relation between the eigenvalues of the approximate differential of the spherical image map of A and the principal curvatures of A introduced by Hug-Last-Weil, thus extending a well known relation for sets of positive reach by Federer and Zaehle. Then we provide for every $ m = 1, \ldots , n-1 $ an integral representation for the support measure $ \mu_{m} $ of A with respect to the m dimensional Hausdoff measure. Moreover a notion of second fundamental form $Q_{A} $ for an arbitrary closed set A is introduced so that the finite principal curvatures of A correspond to the eigenvalues of $ Q_{A} $. We prove that the approximate differential of order 2, introduced in a previous work of the author, equals in a certain sense the absolutely continuous part of $ Q_{A} $, thus providing a natural generalization to higher order differentiability of the classical result of Calderon and Zygmund on the approximate differentiability of functions of bounded variation.
  • In this paper, we endow the space of continuous translation invariant valuation on convex sets generated by mixed volumes coupled with a suitable Radon measure on tuples of convex bodies with two appropriate norms. This enables us to construct a continuous extension of the convolution operator on smooth valuations to non-smooth valuations, which are in the completion of the spaces of valuations with respect to these norms. The novelty of our approach lies in the fact that our proof does not rely on the general theory of wave fronts, but on geometric inequalities deduced from optimal transport methods. We apply this result to prove a variant of Minkowski's existence theorem, and generalize a theorem of Favre-Wulcan and Lin in complex dynamics over toric varieties by studying the linear actions on the Banach spaces of valuations and by studying their corresponding eigenspaces.
  • We study quiver gauge theories on the round and squashed seven-spheres, and orbifolds thereof. They arise by imposing $G$-equivariance on the homogeneous space $G/H=\mathrm{SU}(4)/\mathrm{SU}(3)$ endowed with its Sasaki-Einstein structure, and $G/H=\mathrm{Sp}(2)/\mathrm{Sp}(1)$ as a 3-Sasakian manifold. In both cases we describe the equivariance conditions and the resulting quivers. We further study the moduli spaces of instantons on the metric cones over these spaces by using the known description for Hermitian Yang-Mills instantons on Calabi-Yau cones. It is shown that the moduli space of instantons on the hyper-Kahler cone can be described as the intersection of three Hermitian Yang-Mills moduli spaces. We also study moduli spaces of translationally invariant instantons on the metric cone $\mathbb{R}^8/\mathbb{Z}_k$ over $S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$.
  • We consider Real bundle gerbes on manifolds equipped with an involution and prove that they are classified by their Real Dixmier-Douady class in Grothendieck's equivariant sheaf cohomology. We show that the Grothendieck group of Real bundle gerbe modules is isomorphic to twisted KR-theory for a torsion Real Dixmier-Douady class. Using these modules as building blocks, we introduce geometric cycles for twisted KR-homology and prove that they generate a real-oriented generalised homology theory dual to twisted KR-theory for Real closed manifolds, and more generally for Real finite CW-complexes, for any Real Dixmier-Douady class. This is achieved by defining an explicit natural transformation to analytic twisted KR-homology and proving that it is an isomorphism. Our model both refines and extends previous results by Wang and Baum-Carey-Wang to the Real setting. Our constructions further provide a new framework for the classification of orientifolds in string theory, providing precise conditions for orientifold lifts of H-fluxes and for orientifold projections of open string states.
  • We prove distance bounds for graphs possessing positive Bakry-\'Emery curvature apart from an exceptional set, where the curvature is allowed to be non-positive. If the set of non-positively curved vertices is finite, then the graph admits an explicit upper bound for the diameter. Otherwise, the graph is a subset of the tubular neighborhood with an explicit radius around the non-positively curved vertices. Those results seem to be the first assuming non-constant Bakry-\'Emery curvature assumptions on graphs.
  • We establish that finite-time singularities do not occur in four-dimensional Yang-Mills flow, confirming the conjecture of Schlatter, Struwe, and Tahvildar-Zadeh. The proof relies on a weighted energy identity and sharp decay estimates in the neck region.
  • We describe the elements of a novel structural approach to classical field theory, inspired by recent developments in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory. This approach is local and focuses mainly on the observables over field configurations, given by certain spaces of functionals which are studied here in depth. The analysis of such functionals is characterized by a combination of geometric, analytic and algebraic elements which (1) make our approach closer to quantum field theory, (2) allow for a rigorous analytic refinement of many computational formulae from the functional formulation of classical field theory and (3) provide a new pathway towards understanding dynamics. Particular attention will be paid to aspects related to nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations and their linearizations.
  • We study a "div-grad type" sub-Laplacian with respect to a smooth measure and its associated heat semigroup on a compact equiregular sub-Riemannian manifold. We prove a short time asymptotic expansion of the heat trace up to any order. Our main result holds true for any smooth measure on the manifold, but it has a spectral geometric meaning when Popp's measure is considered. Our proof is probabilistic. In particular, we use S. Watanabe's distributional Malliavin calculus.
  • Let $X$ be a smooth manifold belonging to one of these three collections: acyclic manifolds (compact or not, possibly with boundary), compact connected manifolds (possibly with boundary) with nonzero Euler characteristic, integral homology spheres. We prove that $Diff(X)$ is Jordan. This means that there exists a constant $C$ such that any finite subgroup $G$ of $Diff(X)$ has an abelian subgroup whose index in $G$ is at most $C$. Using a result of Randall and Petrie we deduce that the automorphism groups of connected, non necessarily compact, smooth real affine varieties with nonzero Euler characteristic are Jordan.
  • We prove for the automorphism group of an arbitrary parabolic geometry that the $C^0$ and $C^{\infty}$ topologies coincide, and the group admits the structure of a Lie group in this topology. We further show that this automorphism group is closed in the homeomorphism group of the underlying manifold.
  • We construct new complete Einstein metrics on smoothly bounded strictly pseudoconvex domains in Stein manifolds. This is done by deforming the K\"ahler-Einstein metric of Cheng and Yau, the approach that generalizes the works of Roth and Biquard on the deformations of the complex hyperbolic metric on the unit ball. Recasting the problem into the question of vanishing of an $L^2$ cohomology and taking advantage of the asymptotic complex hyperbolicity of the Cheng-Yau metric, we establish the possibility of such a deformation when the dimension of the domain is larger than or equal to three.
  • This study is motivated by the researches in the field of invariants of geodesic and conformal mappings presented in (T. Y. Thomas, [22]) and (H. Weyl, [25]). The Thomas projective parameter and the Weyl projective tensor are generalized in this article. Generators for vector spaces of invariants of geometric mappings are obtained in here.
  • In this paper, we introduce the quaternionic similar curves in 4-dimensional Euclidean space. We show that the families of quaternionic curves with vanishing curvatures form the families of quaternionic similar curves.
  • In this paper, we give the definitions and characterizations of quaternionic Salkowski, quaternionic anti-Salkowski and quaternionic similar curves in the Euclidean spaces E^3 and E^4. We obtain relationships between these curves and some special quaternionic curves such as quaternionic slant helices and quaternionic B2-slant helices.
  • The purpose of this article is to study implications of a Ricci soliton warped product manifold to its base and fiber manifolds. First, it is proved that if a warped product manifold is Ricci soliton then its factors are Ricci soliton. Then we study Ricci soliton on warped product manifolds admitting either a conformal vector field or a concurrent vector field. Finally, we study Ricci soliton on some warped product space-times.
  • The space of all probability measures having positive density function on a connected compact smooth manifold $M$, denoted by $\mathcal{P}(M)$, carries the Fisher information metric $G$. We define the geometric mean of probability measures by the aid of which we investigate information geometry of $\mathcal{P}(M)$, equipped with $G$. We show that a geodesic segment joining arbitrary probability measures $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ is expressed by using the normalized geometric mean of its endpoints. As an application, we show that any two points of $\mathcal{P}(M)$ can be joined by a unique geodesic. Moreover, we prove that the function $\ell$ defined by $\ell(\mu_1, \mu_2):=2\arccos\int_M \sqrt{p_1\,p_2}\,d\lambda$, $\mu_i=p_i\,\lambda$, $i=1,2$ gives the Riemannian distance function on $\mathcal{P}(M)$. It is shown that geodesics are all minimal.
  • We construct new examples of quasi-asymptotically conical (QAC) Calabi-Yau manifolds that are not quasi-asymptotically locally Euclidean (QALE). We do so by first providing a natural compactification of QAC-spaces by manifolds with fibred corners and by giving a definition of QAC-metrics in terms of an associated Lie algebra of smooth vector fields on this compactification. Thanks to this compactification and the Fredholm theory for elliptic operators on QAC-spaces developed by the second author and Mazzeo, we can in many instances obtain K\"ahler QAC-metrics having Ricci potential decaying sufficiently fast at infinity. This allows us to obtain QAC Calabi-Yau metrics in the K\"ahler classes of these metrics by solving a corresponding complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation.
  • We compute the Hessian of quantized Ding functionals and give an elementary proof for the convexity of quantized Ding functionals along Bergman geodesics from the view point of projective geometry. We study also the asymptotic behavior of the Hessian using the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization.
  • On a polarized manifold $(X,L)$, the Bergman iteration $\phi_k^{(m)}$ is defined as a sequence of Bergman metrics on $L$ with two integer parameters $k, m$. We study the relation between the K\"ahler-Ricci flow $\phi_t$ at any time $t \geq 0$ and the limiting behavior of metrics $\phi_k^{(m)}$ when $m=m(k)$ and the ratio $m/k$ approaches to $t$ as $k \to \infty$. Mainly, three settings are investigated: the case when $L$ is a general polarization on a Calabi-Yau manifold $X$ and the case when $L=\pm K_X$ is the (anti-) canonical bundle. Recently, Berman showed that the convergence $\phi_k^{(m)} \to \phi_t$ holds in the $C^0$-topology, in particular, the convergence of curvatures holds in terms of currents. In this paper, we extend Berman's result and show that this convergence actually holds in the smooth topology.
  • This paper investigates gradient recovery schemes for data defined on discretized manifolds. The proposed method, parametric polynomial preserving recovery (PPPR), does not require the tangent spaces of the exact manifolds, and they have been assumed for some significant gradient recovery methods in the literature. Another advantage of PPPR is that superconvergence is guaranteed without the symmetric condition which has been asked in the existing techniques. There is also numerical evidence that the superconvergence by PPPR is high curvature stable, which distinguishes itself from the others. As an application, we show its capability of constructing an asymptotically exact \textit{a posteriori} error estimator. Several numerical examples on two-dimensional surfaces are presented to support the theoretical results and comparisons with existing methods are documented.
  • The aim of this note is to introduce the notion of a $\operatorname{D}$-Lie algebra and to prove some elementary properties of $\operatorname{D}$-Lie algebras, the category of $\operatorname{D}$-Lie algebras, the category of modules on a $\operatorname{D}$-Lie algebra and extensions of $\operatorname{D}$-Lie algebras. A $\operatorname{D}$-Lie algebra is an $A/k$-Lie-Rinehart algebra equipped with an $A\otimes_k A$-module structure and a canonical central element $D$ and a compatibility property between the $k$-Lie algebra structure and the $A\otimes_k A$-module structure. Several authors have studied non-abelian extensions of Lie algebras, super Lie algebras, Lie algebroids and holomorphic Lie algebroids and we give in this note an explicit constructions of all non-abelian extensions a $\operatorname{D}$-Lie algebra $\tilde{L}$ by an $A$-Lie algebra $(W,[,])$ where $\tilde{L}$ is projective as left $A$-module and $W$ is an $A\otimes_k A$-module with $IW=0$ for $I$ the kernel of the multiplication map. As a corollary we get an explicit construction of all non-abelian extensions of an $A/k$-Lie-Rinehart algebra $(L,\alpha)$ by an $A$-Lie algebra $(W,[,])$ where $L$ is projective as left $A$-module.
  • In this note, we prove some new entropy formula for linear heat equation on static Riemannian manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature. The results are analogies of Cao and Hamilton's entropies for Ricci flow coupled with heat-type equations.
  • We gave an alternative short proof on the finite generation of holomorphic functions with polynomial growth on Riemann surfaces with nonnegative curvature. The first proof was due to Li and Tam.