This paper studies fractional integral operator for vector fields in weighted
$L^1$. Using the estimates on fractional integral operator and Stein-Weiss
inequalities, we can give a new proof for a class of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg
inequalities and establish new $\divg$-$\curl$ inequalities for vector fields.
Given an arbitrary closed set A of $\mathbf{R}^{n}$, we establish the
relation between the eigenvalues of the approximate differential of the
spherical image map of A and the principal curvatures of A introduced by
Hug-Last-Weil, thus extending a well known relation for sets of positive reach
by Federer and Zaehle. Then we provide for every $ m = 1, \ldots , n-1 $ an
integral representation for the support measure $ \mu_{m} $ of A with respect
to the m dimensional Hausdoff measure. Moreover a notion of second fundamental
form $Q_{A} $ for an arbitrary closed set A is introduced so that the finite
principal curvatures of A correspond to the eigenvalues of $ Q_{A} $. We prove
that the approximate differential of order 2, introduced in a previous work of
the author, equals in a certain sense the absolutely continuous part of $ Q_{A}
$, thus providing a natural generalization to higher order differentiability of
the classical result of Calderon and Zygmund on the approximate
differentiability of functions of bounded variation.
In this paper, we guarantee the existence and uniqueness (in the almost
everywhere sense) of the solution to a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation
with gradient constraint and a partial integro-differential operator whose
L\'evy measure has bounded variation. This type of equation arises in a
singular control problem, where the state process is a multidimensional
jump-diffusion with jumps of finite variation and infinite activity. We verify,
by means of {\epsilon}-penalized controls, that the value function associated
with this problem satisfies the aforementioned HJB equation.
A local expansion is proposed for two-point distributions involving an
ultraviolet regularization in a four-dimensional globally hyperbolic
space-time. The regularization is described by an infinite number of functions
which can be computed iteratively by solving transport equations along null
geodesics. We show that the Cauchy evolution preserves the regularized Hadamard
structure. The resulting regularized Hadamard expansion gives detailed and
explicit information on the global dynamics of the regularization effects.
We establish that finite-time singularities do not occur in four-dimensional
Yang-Mills flow, confirming the conjecture of Schlatter, Struwe, and
Tahvildar-Zadeh. The proof relies on a weighted energy identity and sharp decay
estimates in the neck region.
We develop in this work a general version of paracontrolled calculus that
allows to treat analytically within this paradigm some singular partial
differential equations with the same efficiency as regularity structures. This
work deals with the analytic side of the story and offers a toolkit for the
study of such equations, under the form of a number of continuity results for
some operators. We illustrate the efficiency of this elementary approach on the
examples of the 3-dimensional generalised parabolic Anderson model equation and
the generalised KPZ equation driven by a (1+1)-dimensional space/time white
We describe the elements of a novel structural approach to classical field
theory, inspired by recent developments in perturbative algebraic quantum field
theory. This approach is local and focuses mainly on the observables over field
configurations, given by certain spaces of functionals which are studied here
in depth. The analysis of such functionals is characterized by a combination of
geometric, analytic and algebraic elements which (1) make our approach closer
to quantum field theory, (2) allow for a rigorous analytic refinement of many
computational formulae from the functional formulation of classical field
theory and (3) provide a new pathway towards understanding dynamics. Particular
attention will be paid to aspects related to nonlinear hyperbolic partial
differential equations and their linearizations.
We establish uniform a-priori estimates for solutions of the semilinear
Dirichlet problem \begin{equation} \begin{cases} (-\Delta)^m
u=h(x,u)\quad&\mbox{in }\Omega,\\
u=\partial_nu=\cdots=\partial_n^{m-1}u=0\quad&\mbox{on }\partial\Omega,
\end{cases} \end{equation} where $h$ is a positive superlinear and subcritical
nonlinearity in the sense of the Trudinger-Moser-Adams inequality, either when
$\Omega$ is a ball or, provided an energy control on solutions is prescribed,
when $\Omega$ is a smooth bounded domain. The analogue problem with Navier
boundary conditions is also studied. Finally, as a consequence of our results,
existence of a positive solution is shown by degree theory.
We prove a global well-posedness result for the Landau-Lifshitz equation with
Gilbert damping provided that the BMO semi-norm of the initial data is small.
As a consequence, we deduce the existence of self-similar solutions in any
dimension. In the one-dimensional case, we characterize the self-similar
solutions associated with an initial data given by some ($\mathbb{S}^2$-valued)
step function and establish their stability. We also show the existence of
multiple solutions if the damping is strong enough. Our arguments rely on the
study of a dissipative quasilinear Schr\"odinger obtained via the stereographic
projection and techniques introduced by Koch and Tataru.
We are concerned with the existence of solutions to the following nonlinear
Schr\"odinger system in $\mathbb{R}^3$: \begin{equation*} \left\{
\begin{aligned} -\Delta u_1 + (x_1^2+x_2^2)u_1&= \lambda_1 u_1 + \mu_1
|u_1|^{p_1 -2}u_1
+ \beta r_1|u_1|^{r_1-2}u_1|u_2|^{r_2}, \\ -\Delta u_2 + (x_1^2+x_2^2)u_2&=
\lambda_2 u_2 + \mu_2 |u_2|^{p_2 -2}u_2
+\beta r_2 |u_1|^{r_1}|u_2|^{r_2 -2}u_2, \end{aligned} \right.
\end{equation*} under the constraint \begin{align*} \int_{\mathbb{R}^3}|u_1|^2
\, dx = a_1>0,\quad \int_{\mathbb{R}^3}|u_2|^2 \, dx = a_2>0, \end{align*}
where $\mu_1, \mu_2, \beta >0, 2 <p_1, p_2 < \frac{10}{3}$, $r_1, r_2>1, r_1 +
r_2 < \frac{10}{3}$. In the system, the parameters $\lambda_1, \lambda_2 \in
\R$ are unknown and appear as the associated Lagrange multipliers. Our
solutions are achieved as global minimizers of the underlying energy functional
subject to the constraint. Our purpose is to establish the compactness of any
minimizing sequence up to translations. As a by-product, we obtain the orbital
stability of the set of global minimizers.
We consider the energy-critical wave maps equation $\mathbb R^{1+2} \to
\mathbb S^2$ in the equivariant case, with equivariance degree $k \geq 2$. It
is known that initial data of energy $ < 8k\pi$ and topological degree zero
leads to global solutions that scatter in both time directions. We consider the
threshold case of energy $8k\pi$. We prove that the solution is defined for all
time and either scatters in both time directions, or converges to a
superposition of two harmonic maps in one time direction and scatters in the
other time direction. In the latter case, we describe the asymptotic behavior
of the scales of the two harmonic maps. The proof combines the classical
concentration-compactness techniques of Kenig-Merle with a modulation analysis
of interactions of two harmonic maps in the absence of excess radiation.
We consider 1-equivariant wave maps from 1+2 dimensions to the 2-sphere. For
wave maps of topological degree zero we prove global existence and scattering
for energies below twice the energy of harmonic map, Q, given by stereographic
projection. We deduce this result via the concentration compactness/rigidity
method developed by the second author and Merle. In particular, we establish a
classification of equivariant wave maps with trajectories that are pre-compact
in the energy space up to the scaling symmetry of the equation. Indeed, a wave
map of this type can only be either 0 or Q up to a rescaling. This gives a
proof in the equivariant case of a refined version of the threshold conjecture
adapted to the degree zero theory where the true threshold is 2E(Q), not E(Q).
The aforementioned global existence and scattering statement can also be
deduced by considering the work of Sterbenz and Tataru in the equivariant
For wave maps of topological degree one, we establish a classification of
solutions blowing up in finite time with energies less than three times the
energy of Q. Under this restriction on the energy, we show that a blow-up
solution of degree one is essentially the sum of a rescaled Q plus a remainder
term of topological degree zero of energy less than twice the energy of Q. This
result reveals the universal character of the known blow-up constructions for
degree one, 1-equivariant wave maps of Krieger, the fourth author, and Tataru
as well as Raphael and Rodnianski.
We study the stationary Stokes system with variable coefficients in the whole
space, a half space, and on bounded Lipschitz domains. In the whole and half
spaces, we obtain a priori $\dot W^1_q$-estimates for any $q\in [2,\infty)$
when the coefficients are merely measurable functions in one fixed direction.
For the system on bounded Lipschitz domains with a small Lipschitz constant, we
obtain a $W^1_q$-estimate and prove the solvability for any $q\in (1,\infty)$
when the coefficients are merely measurable functions in one direction and have
locally small mean oscillations in the orthogonal directions in each small
ball, where the direction is allowed to depend on the ball.
We study the porous medium equation on manifolds with conical singularities.
Given strictly positive initial values, we show that the solution exists in the
maximal $L^{q}$-regularity space for all times and is instantaneously smooth in
space and time, where the maximal $L^{q}$-regularity is obtained in the sense
of Mellin-Sobolev spaces. Moreover, we obtain precise information concerning
the asymptotic behavior of the solution close to the singularity. Finally, we
show the existence of generalized solutions for non-negative initial data.
This paper studies convergence to equilibrium for the spatially inhomogeneous
linear relaxation Boltzmann equation in Boltzmann entropy and related entropy
functionals the $p$-entropies. Villani proved in \cite{V09} entropic
hypocoercivity for a class of PDEs in a H\"{o}rmander sum of squares form. It
was an open question to prove such a result for an operator which does not
share this form. We show exponentially fast convergence to equilibrium with
explicit rate in entropy for a linear relaxation Boltzmann equation. The key
new idea appearing in our proof is the use of a total derivative of the entropy
of a projection of our solution to compensate for additional error term which
appear when using non-linear entropies. We also extend the proofs for
hypocoercivity of both the linear relaxation Boltzmann and kinetic
Fokker-Planck to the case of $p$-entropy functionals.
The problem for two-dimensional steady gravity driven water waves with
vorticity is investigated. Using a multidimensional bifurcation argument, we
prove the existence of small-amplitude periodic steady waves with an arbitrary
number of crests per period. The role of bifurcation parameters is played by
the roots of the dispersion equation.
We construct new examples of quasi-asymptotically conical (QAC) Calabi-Yau
manifolds that are not quasi-asymptotically locally Euclidean (QALE). We do so
by first providing a natural compactification of QAC-spaces by manifolds with
fibred corners and by giving a definition of QAC-metrics in terms of an
associated Lie algebra of smooth vector fields on this compactification. Thanks
to this compactification and the Fredholm theory for elliptic operators on
QAC-spaces developed by the second author and Mazzeo, we can in many instances
obtain K\"ahler QAC-metrics having Ricci potential decaying sufficiently fast
at infinity. This allows us to obtain QAC Calabi-Yau metrics in the K\"ahler
classes of these metrics by solving a corresponding complex Monge-Amp\`ere
We consider the Whitham equation $u_t + 2u u_x+Lu_x = 0$, where L is the
nonlocal Fourier multiplier operator given by the symbol $m(\xi) = \sqrt{\tanh
\xi /\xi}$. G. B. Whitham conjectured that for this equation there would be a
highest, cusped, travelling-wave solution. We find this wave as a limiting case
at the end of the main bifurcation curve of $P$-periodic solutions, and give
several qualitative properties of it, including its optimal
$C^{1/2}$-regularity. An essential part of the proof consists in an analysis of
the integral kernel corresponding to the symbol $m(\xi)$, and a following study
of the highest wave. In particular, we show that the integral kernel
corresponding to the symbol $m(\xi)$ is completely monotone, and provide an
explicit representation formula for it.
In this paper we investigate the problem of identifying the source term in an
elliptic system from a single noisy measurement couple of the Neumann and
Dirichlet data. A variational method of Tikhonov-type regularization with
specific misfit term of Kohn-Vogelius-type and quadratic stabilizing penalty
term is suggested to tackle this linear inverse problem. The method also
appears as a variant of the Lavrentiev regularization. For the occurring linear
inverse problem in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, convergence and rate
results can be found from the general theory of classical Tikhonov and
Lavrentiev regularization. Using the variational discretization concept, where
the PDE is discretized with piecewise linear and continuous finite elements, we
show the convergence of finite element approximations to solutions of the
identification problem. Moreover, we derive an error bound and corresponding
convergence rates provided a suitable range-type source condition is satisfied.
For the numerical solution we propose a conjugate gradient method. To
illustrate the theoretical results, a numerical case study is presented which
supports our analytical findings.
We give an answer to a question posed in [P. Amorim, R. Colombo, and A.
Teixeira, ESAIM Math. Model. Numerics. Anal. 2015], which can be loosely
speaking formulated as follows. Consider a family of continuity equations where
the velocity depends on the solution via the convolution by a regular kernel.
In the singular limit where the convolution kernel is replaced by a Dirac
delta, one formally recovers a conservation law: can we rigorously justify this
formal limit? We exhibit counterexamples showing that, despite numerical
evidence suggesting a positive answer, one in general does not have convergence
of the solutions. We also show that the answer is positive if we consider
viscous perturbations of the nonlocal equations. In this case, in the singular
local limit the solutions converge to the solution of the viscous conservation
We consider the mixed boundary value problem or Zaremba's problem for the
Laplacian in a bounded Lipschitz domain in R^n. We specify Dirichlet data on
part of the boundary and Neumann data on the remainder of the boundary. We
assume that the boundary between the sets where we specify Dirichlet and
Neumann data is a Lipschitz surface. We require that the Neumann data is in L^p
and the Dirichlet data is in the Sobolev space of functions having one
derivative in L^p for some p near 1. Under these conditions, there is a unique
solution to the mixed problem with the non-tangential maximal function of the
gradient of the solution in L^p of the boundary. We also obtain results with
data from Hardy spaces when p=1.
In this paper we first obtain a constant rank theorem for the second
fundamental form of the space-time level sets of a space-time quasiconcave
solution of the heat equation. Utilizing this constant rank theorem, we can
obtain some strictly convexity results of the spatial and space-time level sets
of the space-time quasiconcave solution of the heat equation in a convex ring.
To explain our ideas and for completeness, we also review the constant rank
theorem technique for the space-time Hessian of space-time convex solution of
heat equation and for the second fundamental form of the convex level sets for
harmonic function.
In this paper, we consider the space $\mathrm{BV}^{\mathbb A}(\Omega)$ of
functions of bounded $\mathbb A$-variation. For a given first order linear
homogeneous differential operator with constant coefficients $\mathbb A$, this
is the space of $L^1$--functions $u:\Omega\rightarrow\mathbb R^N$ such that the
distributional differential expression $\mathbb A u$ is a finite (vectorial)
Radon measure. We show that for Lipschitz domains $\Omega\subset\mathbb R^{n}$,
$\mathrm{BV}^{\mathbb A}(\Omega)$-functions have an $L^1(\partial\Omega)$-trace
if and only if $\mathbb A$ is $\mathbb C$-elliptic (or, equivalently, if the
kernel of $\mathbb A$ is finite dimensional). The existence of an
$L^1(\partial\Omega)$-trace was previously only known for the special cases
that $\mathbb A u$ coincides either with the full or the symmetric gradient of
the function $u$ (and hence covered the special cases $\mathrm{BV}$ or
$\mathrm{BD}$). As a main novelty, we do not use the fundamental theorem of
calculus to construct the trace operator (an approach which is only available
in the $\mathrm{BV}$- and $\mathrm{BD}$-setting) but rather compare projections
onto the nullspace as we approach the boundary. As a sample application, we
study the Dirichlet problem for quasiconvex variational functionals with linear
growth depending on $\mathbb A u$.
We prove weighted $L_{p,q}$-estimates for divergence type higher order
elliptic and parabolic systems with irregular coefficients on Reifenberg flat
domains. In particular, in the parabolic case the coefficients do not have any
regularity assumptions in the time variable. As functions of the spatial
variables, the leading coefficients are permitted to have small mean
oscillations. The weights are in the class of Muckenhoupt weights $A_p$. We
also prove the solvability of the systems in weighted Sobolev spaces.
Under the classical non-relativistic consideration of the space-time we
propose the model of the laws of gravity and Electrodynamics, invariant under
the galilean transformations and moreover, under every change of non-inertial
cartesian coordinate system. Being in the frames of non-relativistic model of
the space-time, we adopt some general ideas of the General Theory of
Relativity, like the assumption of invariance of the most general physical laws
in every inertial and non-inertial coordinate system and equivalence of
factious forces in non-inertial coordinate systems and the force of gravity.
Moreover, in the frames of our model, we obtain that the laws of
Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics also invariant under the change of inertial
or non-inertial cartesian coordinate system.