• The complex method of interpolation, going back to Calder\'on and Coifman et al., on the one hand, and the Alexander-Wermer-Slodkowski theorem on polynomial hulls with convex fibers, on the other hand, are generalized to a method of interpolation of real (finite-dimensional) Banach spaces and of convex functions. The underlying duality in this method is given by the Legendre transform. Our results can also be interpreted as new properties of solutions of the homogeneous complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation.
  • It is proven an analogue of the Theorem of Moser using The Approximation Theorem of Artin.
  • It is proven a new analogue of the Theorem of Moser in a generalized context defined by Shilov Boundaries of Bounded and Symmetric Domains. In particular, it is introduced a special class of Real Submanifolds in Complex Spaces, generalizing the situation of Moser.
  • Moduli spaces of stable parabolic bundles of parabolic degree $0$ over the Riemann sphere are stratified according to the Harder--Narasimhan filtration of underlying vector bundles. Over a Zariski open subset $\mathscr{N}_{0}$ of the open stratum depending explicitly on a choice of parabolic weights, a real-valued function $\mathscr{S}$ is defined as the regularized critical value of the non-compact Wess--Zumino--Novikov--Witten action functional. The definition of $\mathscr{S}$ depends on a suitable notion of parabolic bundle `uniformization map' following from the Mehta--Seshadri and Birkhoff--Grothendieck theorems. It is shown that $-\mathscr{S}$ is a primitive for a (1,0)-form $\vartheta$ on $\mathscr{N}_{0}$ associated with the uniformization data of each intrinsic irreducible unitary logarithmic connection. Moreover, it is proved that $-\mathscr{S}$ is a K\"ahler potential for $(\Omega-\Omega_{\mathrm{T}})|_{\mathscr{N}_{0}}$, where $\Omega$ is the Narasimhan--Atiyah--Bott K\"ahler form in $\mathscr{N}$ and $\Omega_{\mathrm{T}}$ is a certain linear combination of tautological $(1,1)$-forms associated with the marked points. These results provide an explicit relation between the cohomology class $[\Omega]$ and tautological classes, which holds globally over certain open chambers of parabolic weights where $\mathscr{N}_{0} = \mathscr{N}$.
  • We construct new complete Einstein metrics on smoothly bounded strictly pseudoconvex domains in Stein manifolds. This is done by deforming the K\"ahler-Einstein metric of Cheng and Yau, the approach that generalizes the works of Roth and Biquard on the deformations of the complex hyperbolic metric on the unit ball. Recasting the problem into the question of vanishing of an $L^2$ cohomology and taking advantage of the asymptotic complex hyperbolicity of the Cheng-Yau metric, we establish the possibility of such a deformation when the dimension of the domain is larger than or equal to three.
  • It is studied the Classification Problem for Formal (Holomorphic) Embeddings between Shilov Boundaries of Bounded Symmetric Domains of First Type.
  • For a reduced pure dimensional complex space $X$, we show that if Barlet's recently introduced sheaf $\alpha_X^1$ of holomorphic $1$-forms or the sheaf of germs of weakly holomorphic $1$-forms is locally free, then $X$ is smooth. Moreover, we discuss the connection to Barlet's well-known sheaf $\omega_X^1$.
  • Loewner driving functions encode simple curves in 2-dimensional simply connected domains by real-valued functions. We prove that the Loewner driving function of a $C^{1,\beta}$ curve (differentiable parametrization with $\beta$-H\"older continuous derivative) is in the class $C^{1,\beta-1/2}$ if $1/2<\beta\leq 1$, and in the class $C^{0,\beta + 1/2}$ if $0 \leq \beta \leq 1/2$. This is the converse of a result of Carto Wong and is optimal. We also introduce the Loewner energy of a rooted planar loop and use our regularity result to show the independence of this energy from the basepoint.
  • We study the behavior of real-normalized (RN) meromorphic differentials on Riemann surfaces under degeneration. We determine all possible limits of RN differentials in degenerating sequences of smooth curves, and describe the limit in terms of solutions of the corresponding Kirchhoff problem. We further show that the limit of zeroes of RN differentials is the set of zeroes of a twisted meromorphic RN differential, which we explicitly construct. Our main new tool is an explicit solution of the jump problem on Riemann surfaces in plumbing coordinates, by using the Cauchy kernel on the normalization of the nodal curve. Since this kernel does not depend on plumbing coordinates, we are able to approximate the RN differential on a smooth plumbed curve by a collection of meromorphic differentials on the irreducible components of a stable curve, with an explicit bound on the precision of such approximation. This allows us to also study these approximating differentials at suitable scales, so that the limit under degeneration is not identically zero. These methods can be applied more generally to study degenerations of differentials on Riemann surfaces satisfying various conditions.
  • Brjuno and R\"ussmann proved that every irrationally indifferent fixed point of an analytic function with a Brjuno rotation number is linearizable, and Yoccoz proved that this is sharp for quadratic polynomials. Douady conjectured that this is sharp for all rational functions of degree at least 2, i.e., that non-M\"obius rational functions cannot have Siegel disks with non-Brjuno rotation numbers. We prove that Douady's conjecture holds for the class of polynomials for which the number of infinite tails of critical orbits in the Julia set equals the number of irrationally indifferent cycles. As a corollary, Douady's conjecture holds for the polynomials $P(z) = z^d + c$ for all $d > 1$ and all complex $c$.
  • We gave an alternative short proof on the finite generation of holomorphic functions with polynomial growth on Riemann surfaces with nonnegative curvature. The first proof was due to Li and Tam.
  • We study some features of the energy of a deterministic chordal Loewner chain, which is defined as the Dirichlet energy of its driving function. In particular, using an interpretation of this energy as a large deviation rate function for SLE$_\kappa$ as $\kappa$ tends to 0 and the known reversibility of the SLE$_\kappa$ curves for small $\kappa$, we show that the energy of a deterministic curve from one boundary point A of a simply connected domain D to another boundary point B, is equal to the energy of its time-reversal ie. of the same curve but viewed as going from B to A in D.
  • Given a formal flat meromorphic connection over an excellent scheme over a field of characteristic zero, in a previous paper we established existence of good formal structures and a good Deligne-Malgrange lattice after suitably blowing up. In this paper, we reinterpret and refine these results by introducing some related structures. We consider the turning locus, which is the set of points at which one cannot achieve a good formal structure without blowing up. We show that when the polar divisor has normal crossings, the turning locus is of pure codimension 1 within the polar divisor, and hence of pure codimension 2 within the full space; this had been previously established by Andre in the case of a smooth polar divisor. We also construct an irregularity sheaf and its associated b-divisor, which measure irregularity along divisors on blowups of the original space; this generalizes another result of Andre on the semicontinuity of irregularity in a curve fibration. One concrete consequence of these refinements is a process for resolution of turning points which is functorial with respect to regular morphisms of excellent schemes; this allows us to transfer the result from schemes to formal schemes, complex analytic varieties, and nonarchimedean analytic varieties.
  • We show the existence of a complex K3 surface $X$ which is not a Kummer surface and has a one-parameter family of Levi-flat hypersurfaces in which all the leaves are dense. We construct such $X$ by patching two open complex surfaces obtained as the complements of tubular neighborhoods of elliptic curves embedded in blow-ups of the projective planes at general nine points.
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the equivalence conditions for uniform perfectness of quasi-metric spaces. We also obtain the invariant property of uniform perfectness under quasim\"obius maps in quasi-metric spaces. In the end, two applications are given.
  • A new approach in Loewner Theory proposed by Bracci, Contreras, D\'iaz-Madrigal and Gumenyuk provides a unified treatment of the radial and the chordal versions of the Loewner equations. In this framework, a generalized Loewner chain satisfies the differential equation $$ \partial_{t}f_{t}(z) = (z - \tau(t))(1-\overline{\tau(t)}z)\partial_{z}f_{t}(z)p(z,t), $$ where $\tau : [0,\infty) \to \overline{\mathbb{D}}$ is measurable and $p$ is called a Herglotz function. In this paper, we will show that if there exists a $k \in [0,1)$ such that $p$ satisfies $$ |p(z,t) - 1| \leq k |p(z,t) + 1| $$ for all $z \in \mathbb{D}$ and almost all $t \in [0,\infty)$, then $f_{t}$ has a $k$-quasiconformal extension to the whole Riemann sphere for all $t \in [0,\infty)$. The radial case ($\tau =0$) and the chordal case ($\tau=1$) have been proven by Becker [J. Reine Angew. Math. \textbf{255} (1972), 23-43] and Gumenyuk and the author (Math. Z. \textbf{285} (2017), no.3, 1063--1089). In our theorem, no superfluous assumption is imposed on $\tau \in \overline{\mathbb{D}}$. As a key foundation of our proof is an approximation method using the continuous dependence of evolution families.
  • We prove that the upper envelope of a family of subharmonic functions defined on an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^{N}$, $(N\geq2)$, that is finite every where, is locally bounded above outside a closed nowhere dense set with no bounded components. Then we conclude as a consequence that a separately subharmonic function is subharmonic outside a closed nowhere dense set with no bounded components. It generalizes a result due to Cegrell and Sadullaev.
  • In a classical work of the 1950's, Lee and Yang proved that for fixed nonnegative temperature, the zeros of the partition functions of a ferromagnetic Ising model always lie on the unit circle in the complex magnetic field. Zeros of the partition function in the complex temperature were then considered by Fisher, when the magnetic field is set to zero. Limiting distributions of Lee-Yang and of Fisher zeros are physically important as they control phase transitions in the model. One can also consider the zeros of the partition function simultaneously in both complex magnetic field and complex temperature. They form an algebraic curve called the Lee-Yang-Fisher (LYF) zeros. In this paper we continue studying their limiting distribution for the Diamond Hierarchical Lattice (DHL). In this case, it can be described in terms of the dynamics of an explicit rational function R in two variables (the Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization transformation). We study properties of the Fatou and Julia sets of this transformation and then we prove that the Lee-Yang-Fisher zeros are equidistributed with respect to a dynamical (1,1)-current in the projective space. The free energy of the lattice gets interpreted as the pluripotential of this current. We also prove a more general equidistribution theorem which applies to rational mappings having indeterminate points, including the Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization transformation of various other hierarchical lattices.
  • We prove in this note one weight norm inequalities for some positive Bergman-type operators.
  • We study isomonodromic deformation of Fuchsian linear q-difference systems. Furthermore, we are looking of the behaviour of the Birkhoff connexion matrix when q goes to $1$. We use our results to study the convergence of the Birkhoff connexion matrix that appears in the definition of the q-analogue of the sixth Painlev\'e equation.
  • In this paper, we develop via real variable methods various characterisations of the Hardy spaces in the multi-parameter flag setting. These characterisations include those via, the non-tangential and radial maximal function, the Littlewood--Paley square function and area integral, Riesz transforms and the atomic decomposition in the multi-parameter flag setting. The novel ingredients in this paper include (1) establishing appropriate discrete Calder\'on reproducing formulae in the flag setting and a version of the Plancherel--P\'olya inequalities for flag quadratic forms; (2) introducing the maximal function and area function via flag Poisson kernels and flag version of harmonic functions; (3) developing an atomic decomposition via the finite speed propagation and area function in terms of flag heat semigroups. As a consequence of these real variable methods, we obtain the full characterisations of the multi-parameter Hardy space with the flag structure.
  • Given an imaginary quadratic extension $K$ of $\mathbb Q$, we classify the maximal nonelementary subgroups of the Picard modular group $\operatorname{PU}(1,2;\mathcal O_K)$ preserving a totally real totally geodesic plane in the complex hyperbolic plane $\mathbb H^2_\mathbb C$. We prove that these maximal $\mathbb R$-Fuchsian subgroups are arithmetic, and describe the quaternion algebras from which they arise. For instance, if the radius $\Delta$ of the corresponding $\mathbb R$-circle lies in $\mathbb N-\{0\}$, then the stabilizer arises from the quaternion algebra $\Big(\!\begin{array}{c} \Delta\,,\, |D_K|\\\hline\mathbb Q\end{array} \!\Big)$. We thus prove the existence of infinitely many orbits of $K$-arithmetic $\mathbb R$-circles in the hypersphere of $\mathbb P_2(\mathbb C)$.
  • In the context of the complex-analytic structure within the unit disk centered at the origin of the complex plane, that was presented in a previous paper, we show that a certain class of non-integrable real functions can be represented within that same structure. In previous papers it was shown that essentially all integrable real functions, as well as all singular Schwartz distributions, can be represented within that same complex-analytic structure. The large class of non-integrable real functions which we analyze here can therefore be represented side by side with those other real objects, thus allowing all these objects to be treated in a unified way.
  • In the context of the complex-analytic structure within the unit disk centered at the origin of the complex plane, that was presented in a previous paper, we show that the complete Fourier theory of integrable real functions is contained within that structure, that is, within the structure of the space of inner analytic functions on the open unit disk. We then extend the Fourier theory beyond the realm of integrable real functions, to include for example singular Schwartz distributions, and possibly other objects.
  • In the context of the complex-analytic structure within the unit disk centered at the origin of the complex plane, that was presented in a previous paper, we show that singular Schwartz distributions can be represented within that same structure, so long as one defines the limits involved in an appropriate way. In that previous paper it was shown that essentially all integrable real functions can be represented within the complex-analytic structure. The infinite collection of singular objects which we analyze here can thus be represented side by side with those real functions, thus allowing all these objects to be treated in a unified way.