• We prove that square-tiled surfaces having fixed combinatorics of horizontal cylinder decomposition and tiled with smaller and smaller squares become asymptotically equidistributed in any ambient linear $GL(\mathbb R)$-invariant suborbifold defined over $\mathbb Q$ in the moduli space of Abelian differentials. Moreover, we prove that the combinatorics of the horizontal and of the vertical decompositions are asymptotically uncorrelated. As a consequence, we prove the existence of an asymptotic distribution for the combinatorics of a "random" interval exchange transformation with integer lengths. We compute explicitly the absolute contribution of square-tiled surfaces having a single horizontal cylinder to the Masur-Veech volume of any ambient stratum of Abelian differentials. The resulting count is particularly simple and efficient in the large genus asymptotics. We conjecture that the corresponding relative contribution is asymptotically of the order $1/d$, where $d$ is the dimension of the stratum, and prove that this conjecture is equivalent to the long-standing conjecture on the large genus asymptotics of the Masur-Veech volumes. We prove, in particular, that the recent results of Chen, M\"oller and Zagier imply that the conjecture holds for the principal stratum of Abelian differentials as the genus tends to infinity. Our result on random interval exchanges with integer lengths allows to make empirical computation of the probability to get a $1$-cylinder pillowcase cover taking a "random" one in a given stratum. We use this technique to derive the approximate values of the Masur-Veech volumes of strata of quadratic differentials of all small dimensions.
  • A C*-dynamical system is said to have the ideal separation property if every ideal in the corresponding crossed product arises from an invariant ideal in the C*-algebra. In this paper we characterize this property for unital C*-dynamical systems over discrete groups. To every C*-dynamical system we associate a "twisted" partial C*-dynamical system that encodes much of the structure of the action. This system can often be "untwisted," for example when the algebra is commutative, or when the algebra is prime and a certain specific subgroup has vanishing Mackey obstruction. In this case, we obtain relatively simple necessary and sufficient conditions for the ideal separation property. A key idea is a notion of noncommutative boundary for a C*-dynamical system that generalizes Furstenberg's notion of topological boundary for a group.
  • LaSalle invariance principle was originally proposed in the 1950's and has become a fundamental mathematical tool in the area of dynamical systems and control. In both theoretical research and engineering practice, discrete-time dynamical systems have been at least as extensively studied as continuous-time systems. For example, model predictive control is typically studied in discrete-time via Lyapunov methods. However, there is a peculiar absence in the standard literature of standard treatments of Lyapunov functions and LaSalle invariance principle for discrete-time nonlinear systems. Most of the textbooks on nonlinear dynamical systems focus only on continuous-time systems. In Chapter 1 of the book by LaSalle [11], the author establishes the LaSalle invariance principle for difference equation systems. However, all the useful lemmas in [11] are given in the form of exercises with no proof provided. In this document, we provide the proofs of all the lemmas proposed in [11] that are needed to derive the main theorem on the LaSalle invariance principle for discrete-time dynamical systems. We organize all the materials in a self-contained manner. We first introduce some basic concepts and definitions in Section 1, such as dynamical systems, invariant sets, and limit sets. In Section 2 we present and prove some useful lemmas on the properties of invariant sets and limit sets. Finally, we establish the original LaSalle invariance principle for discrete-time dynamical systems and a simple extension in Section~3. In Section 4, we provide some references on extensions of LaSalle invariance principles for further reading. This document is intended for educational and tutorial purposes and contains lemmas that might be useful as a reference for researchers.
  • We study the relation between the shadowing property and the limit shadowing property. We prove that if a continuous self-map $f$ of a compact metric space has the limit shadowing property, then the restriction of $f$ to the non-wandering set satisfies the shadowing property. As an application, we prove the equivalence of the two shadowing properties for equicontinuous maps.
  • In this paper, we endow the space of continuous translation invariant valuation on convex sets generated by mixed volumes coupled with a suitable Radon measure on tuples of convex bodies with two appropriate norms. This enables us to construct a continuous extension of the convolution operator on smooth valuations to non-smooth valuations, which are in the completion of the spaces of valuations with respect to these norms. The novelty of our approach lies in the fact that our proof does not rely on the general theory of wave fronts, but on geometric inequalities deduced from optimal transport methods. We apply this result to prove a variant of Minkowski's existence theorem, and generalize a theorem of Favre-Wulcan and Lin in complex dynamics over toric varieties by studying the linear actions on the Banach spaces of valuations and by studying their corresponding eigenspaces.
  • For every positive, continuous and homogeneous function $f$ on the space of currents on a compact surface $\overline{\Sigma}$, and for every compactly supported filling current $\alpha$, we compute as $L \to \infty$, the number of mapping classes $\phi$ so that $f(\phi(\alpha))\leq L$. As an application, when the surface in question is closed, we prove a lattice counting theorem for Teichm\"uller space equipped with the Thurston metric.
  • In this paper, we present own point of view how the unexpected fluctuations of the long-term real interest rate can be explained. We describe a macroeconomic environment by the modification of the fundamental macroeconomic equilibrium model called the IS-LM model. Last but not least, we suggest a possible cooperation between the fiscal and monetary policy to reduce these fluctuations. Our modelling is demonstrated on an illustrative example.
  • The cookie-cutter-like set is defined as the limit set of a sequence of classical cookie-cutter mappings. For this cookie-cutter set it is shown that the topological pressure function exists, and that the fractal dimensions such as the Hausdorff dimension, the packing dimension and the box-counting dimension are all equal to the unique zero $h$ of the pressure function. Moreover, it is shown that the $h$-dimensional Hausdorff measure and the $h$-dimensional packing measure are finite and positive.
  • We consider an ordinary differential equation with a unique hyperbolic attractor at the origin, to which we add a small random perturbation. It is known that under general conditions, the solution of this stochastic differential equation converges exponentially fast to an equilibrium distribution. We show that the convergence occurs abruptly: in a time window of small size compared to the natural time scale of the process, the distance to equilibrium drops from its maximal possible value to near zero, and only after this time window the convergence is exponentially fast. This is what is known as the cut-off phenomenon in the context of Markov chains of increasing complexity. In addition, we are able to give general conditions to decide whether the distance to equilibrium converges in this time window to a universal function, a fact known as profile cut-off.
  • Two different types of perturbations of the Lorenz 63 dynamical system for Rayleigh-Benard convection by multiplicative noise -- called stochastic advection by Lie transport (SALT) noise and fluctuation-dissipation (FD) noise -- are found to produce qualitatively different effects, possibly because the total phase-space volume contraction rates are different. In the process of making this comparison between effects of SALT and FD noise on the Lorenz 63 system, a stochastic version of a robust deterministic numerical algorithm for obtaining the individual numerical Lyapunov exponents was developed. With this stochastic version of the algorithm, the value of the sum of the Lyapunov exponents for the FD noise was found to differ significantly from the value of the deterministic Lorenz 63 system, whereas the SALT noise preserves the Lorenz 63 value with high accuracy. The Lagrangian averaged version of the SALT equations (LA SALT) is found to yield a closed deterministic subsystem for the expected solutions which is found to be isomorphic to the original Lorenz 63 dynamical system. The solutions of the closed chaotic subsystem, in turn, drive a linear stochastic system for the fluctuations of the LA SALT solutions around their expected values.
  • We introduce a new isomorphism-invariant notion of entropy for measure preserving actions of arbitrary countable groups on probability spaces, which we call orbital Rokhlin entropy. It employs Danilenko's orbital approach to entropy of a partition, and is motivated by Seward's recent generalization of Rokhlin entropy from amenable to general groups. A key ingredient in our approach is the use of an auxiliary probability-measure-preserving hyperfinite equivalence relation. Under the assumption of ergodicity of the auxiliary equivalence relation, our main result is a Shannon-McMillan-Breiman pointwise almost sure convergence theorem for the orbital entropy of partitions in measure-preserving group actions, the first such convergence result going beyond the realm of amenable groups. As a special case, we obtain a Shannon-McMillan-Breiman theorem for all strongly mixing actions of any countable group. Furthermore, we compare orbital Rokhlin entropy to Rokhlin entropy, and using an important recent result of Seward we show that they coincide for free, ergodic actions of any countable group. Finally, we consider actions of non-Abelian free groups and demonstrate the geometric significance of the entropy equipartition property implied by the Shannon-McMillan-Breiman theorem. We show that the orbital entropy of a partition is the limit of the information functions of the sequence of partitions arising from refining any given finite partition along almost every horoball in the group.
  • For a compact Riemannian locally symmetric space $\mathcal M$ of rank one and an associated vector bundle $\mathbf V_\tau$ over the unit cosphere bundle $S^\ast\mathcal M$, we give a precise description of those classical (Pollicott-Ruelle) resonant states on $\mathbf V_\tau$ that vanish under covariant derivatives in the Anosov-unstable directions of the chaotic geodesic flow on $S^\ast\mathcal M$. In particular, we show that they are isomorphically mapped by natural pushforwards into generalized common eigenspaces of the algebra of invariant differential operators $D(G,\sigma)$ on compatible associated vector bundles $\mathbf W_\sigma$ over $\mathcal M$. As a consequence of this description, we obtain an exact band structure of the Pollicott-Ruelle spectrum. Further, under some mild assumptions on the representations $\tau$ and $\sigma$ defining the bundles $\mathbf V_\tau$ and $\mathbf W_\sigma$, we obtain a very explicit description of the generalized common eigenspaces. This allows us to relate classical Pollicott-Ruelle resonances to quantum eigenvalues of a Laplacian in a suitable Hilbert space of sections of $\mathbf W_\sigma$. Our methods of proof are based on representation theory and Lie theory.
  • It is shown that the tessellation of a compact, negatively curved surface induced by a typical long geodesic segment, when properly scaled, looks locally like a Poisson line process. This implies that the global statistics of the tessellation -- for instance, the fraction of triangles -- approach those of the limiting Poisson line process.
  • We consider suspension flows with continuous roof function over the full shift $\Sigma$ on a finite alphabet. For any positive entropy subshift of finite type $Y \subset \Sigma$, we explictly construct a roof function such that the measure(s) of maximal entropy for the suspension flow over $\Sigma$ are exactly the lifts of the measure(s) of maximal entropy for $Y$. In the case when $Y$ is transitive, this gives a unique measure of maximal entropy for the flow which is not fully supported. If $Y$ has more than one transitive component, all with the same entropy, this gives explicit examples of suspension flows over the full shift with multiple measures of maximal entropy. This contrasts with the case of a H\"older continuous roof function where it is well known the measure of maximal entropy is unique and fully supported.
  • We give a complete classification of analytic equivalence of germs of parametric families of systems of complex linear differential equations unfolding a generic resonant singularity of Poincare rank 1 in dimension $n = 2$ whose leading matrix is a Jordan bloc. The moduli space of analytic equivalence classes is described in terms of a tuple of formal invariants and a single analytic invariant obtained from the trace of monodromy, and analytic normal forms are given. We also explain the underlying phenomena of confluence of two simple singularities and of a turning point, the associated Stokes geometry, and the change of order of Borel summability of formal solutions in dependence on a complex parameter.
  • We introduce a parametrised family of maps $\{S_{\eta}\}_{\eta \in [1,2]}$, called symmetric doubling maps, defined on $[-1,1]$ by $S_\eta (x)=2x-d\eta$, where $d\in \{-1,0,1 \}$. Each map $S_\eta$ generates binary expansions with digits $-1$, 0 and 1. We study the frequency of the digit 0 in typical expansions as a function of the parameter $\eta$. The transformations $S_\eta$ have a natural ergodic invariant measure $\mu_\eta$ that is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. The frequency of the digit 0 is related to the measure $\mu_{\eta}([-\frac12,\frac12])$ by the Ergodic Theorem. We show that the density of $\mu_\eta$ is piecewise smooth except for a set of parameters of zero Lebesgue measure and full Hausdorff dimension and give a full description of the structure of the maximal parameter intervals on which the density is piecewise smooth. We give an explicit formula for the frequency of the digit 0 in typical signed binary expansions on each of these parameter intervals and show that this frequency depends continuously on the parameter $\eta$. Moreover, it takes the value $\frac23$ only on the interval $\big[ \frac65, \frac32\big]$ and it is strictly less than $\frac23$ on the remainder of the parameter space.
  • We continue our study of the outer Pinsker factor for probability measure-preserving actions of sofic groups. Using the notion of doubly quenched convergence developed by Austin, we prove that in many cases the outer Pinsker factor of a product action is the product of the outer Pinsker factors. Our results are parallel to those of Seward for Rohklin entropy. We use these Pinsker products formulas to show that for many actions of a sofic group G on X where X is a compact group and the action is by automorphism, the (measurable) outer Pinsker factor of the action of G on X is given as a quotient by a G-invariant, closed, normal subgroup. We use our results to show that if G is sofic and f in M_{n}(Z(G)) is invertible as a convolution operator, then the action of G on the Pontryagin dual of \Z(G)^{\oplus n}/\Z(G)^{\oplus n}f has completely positive measure-theoretic entropy with respect to the Haar measure. This last application requires our previous work connecting topological entropy in the presence as defined by Li-Liang to measure-theoretic entropy in the presence (implicitly defined by Kerr) for actions on compact groups. In particular, we need our previous formulation of measure-theoretic entropy in the presence in terms of a given topological model.
  • Brjuno and R\"ussmann proved that every irrationally indifferent fixed point of an analytic function with a Brjuno rotation number is linearizable, and Yoccoz proved that this is sharp for quadratic polynomials. Douady conjectured that this is sharp for all rational functions of degree at least 2, i.e., that non-M\"obius rational functions cannot have Siegel disks with non-Brjuno rotation numbers. We prove that Douady's conjecture holds for the class of polynomials for which the number of infinite tails of critical orbits in the Julia set equals the number of irrationally indifferent cycles. As a corollary, Douady's conjecture holds for the polynomials $P(z) = z^d + c$ for all $d > 1$ and all complex $c$.
  • We consider the partial average i.e., the Lagrange average with respect to {\it just one} of the two mean anomalies, of the Newtonian part of the perturbing function in the three--body problem Hamiltonian. We prove that such a partial average exhibits a non--trivial first integral. We show that this integral is fully responsible of certain cancellations in the averaged Newtonian potential, including a property noticed by Harrington in the 60s. We also highlight its joint r\^ole (together with certain symmetries) in the appearance of the so called "Herman resonance". Finally, we discuss an application and an open problem.
  • Fix a translation surface $X$, and consider the measures on $X$ coming from averaging the uniform measures on all the saddle connections of length at most $R$. Then as $R\to\infty$, the weak limit of these measures exists and is equal to the Lebesgue measure on $X$. We also show that any weak limit of a subsequence of the counting measures on $S^1$ given by the angles of all saddle connections of length at most $R_n$, as $R_n\to\infty$, is in the Lebesgue measure class. The proof of the first result uses the second result, together with the result of Kerckhoff-Masur-Smillie that the directional flow on a surface is uniquely ergodic in almost every direction.
  • The von Neumann-Day problem asks whether every non-amenable group contains a non-abelian free group. It was answered in the negative by Ol'shanskii in the 1980s. The measurable version (formulated by Gaboriau-Lyons) asks whether every non-amenable measured equivalence relation contains a non-amenable treeable subequivalence relation. This paper obtains a positive answer in the case of arbitrary Bernoulli shifts over a non-amenable group, extending work of Gaboriau-Lyons. The proof uses an approximation to the random interlacement process by random multistep of geometrically-killed random walk paths. There are two applications: (1) the Gaboriau-Lyons problem for actions with positive Rokhlin entropy admits a positive solution, (2) for any non-amenable group, all Bernoulli shifts factor onto each other.
  • Let $S$ be a compact oriented surface. We construct homogeneous quasimorphisms on $Diff(S, area)$, on $Diff_0(S, area)$ and on $Ham(S)$ generalizing the constructions of Gambaudo-Ghys and Polterovich. We prove that there are infinitely many linearly independent homogeneous quasimorphisms on $Diff(S, area)$, on $Diff_0(S, area)$ and on $Ham(S)$ whose absolute values bound from below the topological entropy. In case when $S$ has a positive genus, the quasimorphisms we construct on $Ham(S)$ are $C^0$-continuous. We define a bi-invariant metric on these groups, called the entropy metric, and show that it is unbounded. In particular, we reprove the fact that the autonomous metric on $Ham(S)$ is unbounded.
  • In the present paper, we treat random matrix products on the general linear group $\textrm{GL}(V)$, where $V$ is a vector space defined on any local field, when the top Lyapunov exponent is simple, without irreducibility assumption. In particular, we show the existence and uniqueness of the stationary measure $\nu$ on $\textrm{P}(V)$ that is relative to the top Lyapunov exponent and we describe the projective subspace generated by its support. We observe that the dynamics takes place in a open set of $\textrm{P}(V)$ which has the structure of a skew product space. Then, we relate this support to the limit set of the semi-group $T_{\mu}$ of $\textrm{GL}(V)$ generated by the random walk. Moreover, we show that $\nu$ has H\"older regularity and give some limit theorems concerning the behavior of the random walk and the probability of hitting a hyperplane. These results generalize known ones when $T_{\mu}$ acts strongly irreducibly and proximally (i-p to abbreviate) on $V$. In particular, when applied to the affine group in the so-called contracting case or more generally when the Zariski closure of $T_{\mu}$ is not necessarily reductive, the H\"older regularity of the stationary measure together with the description of the limit set are new. We mention that we don't use results from the i-p setting; rather we see it as a particular case.
  • A celebrated result by Bourgain and Wierdl states that ergodic averages along primes converge almost everywhere for $L^p$-functions, $p>1$, with a polynomial version by Wierdl and Nair. Using an anti-correlation result for the von Mangoldt function due to Green and Tao we observe everywhere convergence of such averages for nilsystems and continuous functions.
  • Anosov families are non-stationary dynamical systems with hyperbolic behavior. Non-trivial examples of Anosov families will be given in this paper. We show the existence of invariant manifolds, the structrural stability and a characterization for a certain class of Anosov families.