• We investigate powerspace constructions on topological spaces, with a particular focus on the category of quasi-Polish spaces. We show that the upper and lower powerspaces commute on all quasi-Polish spaces, and show more generally that this commutativity is equivalent to the topological property of consonance. We then investigate powerspace constructions on the open set lattices of quasi-Polish spaces, and provide a complete characterization of how the upper and lower powerspaces distribute over the open set lattice construction.
  • The aim of this paper is to give a characterization of path connected topological fields, inspired by the classical Gelfand correspondence between a compact Hausdorff topological space $X$ and the space of maximal ideals of the ring of real valued continuous functions $C(X,\mathbb{R})$. More explicitly, our motivation is the following question: What is the essential property of the topological field $F=\mathbb{R}$ that makes such a correspondence valid for all compact Hausdorff spaces? It turns out that such a perfect correspondence exists if and only if $F$ is a path connected topological field.
  • In the early 1960s, Brown and Mazur proved the general Jordan-Schoenflies theorem. This fundamental theorem states: If we embed an $(n-1)$ sphere $S^{(n-1)}$ locally flatly in an $n$ sphere $S^{n}$, then it decomposes $S^{n}$ into two components. In addition, the embedded $S^{(n-1)}$ is the common boundary of the two components and each component is homeomorphic to the $n$-ball.\newline This paper gives a constructive proof of the theorem using the discrete method. More specifically, we prove the equivalent statements: Let $M$ be an $n$-manifold, which is homeomorphic to $S^{n}$. Then, every $(n-1)$-manifold $S$, a submanifold with local flatness in $M$, decomposes the space $M$ into two components where each component is homeomorphic to an $n$-ball. The method was chosen in order to evaluate the computability and computational costs among operations between cells regarding homeomorphism. In addition, methods within the proof can be extended to applications in design algorithms under the assumption that homeomorphic mappings are constructible and computable. In this new revision, We add some new detailed discussions.
  • A space is called linearly H-closed iff any chain cover possesses a dense member. This property lies strictly between feeble compactness and H-closedness. While regular H-closed spaces are compact, there are linearly H-closed spaces which are even collectionwise normal and Fr\'echet-Urysohn. We give examples in other classes, and ask whether there is a first countable normal linearly H-closed non-compact space in ZFC. We show that PFA implies a negative answer if the space is moreover either locally separable or locally compact and locally ccc. Ostaszewski space (built with $\diamondsuit$) is an example which is even perfectly normal. We also investigate Menger-like properties for the class of od-covers, that is, covers whose members are open and dense.
  • For a countable abelian group $G$ we investigate generic properties of the space of all invariant metrics on $G$. We prove that for every such an unbounded group $G$, i.e. group which has elements of arbitrarily high order, there is a dense set of invariant metrics on $G$ which make $G$ isometric to the rational Urysohn space, and a comeager set of invariant metrics such that the completion is isometric to the Urysohn space. This generalizes results of Cameron and Vershik, Niemiec, and the author. Then we prove that for every $G$ such that $G\cong \bigoplus_\mathbb{N} G$ there is a comeager set of invariant metrics on $G$ such that all of them give rise to the same metric group after completion. If moreover $G$ is unbounded, then using a result of Melleray and Tsankov we get that the completion is extremely amenable.
  • Given an ideal $\mathcal{I}$ on $\omega$, we prove that a sequence in a topological space $X$ is $\mathcal{I}$-convergent if and only if there exists a ``big'' $\mathcal{I}$-convergent subsequence. Then, we study several properties and show two characterizations of the set of $\mathcal{I}$-cluster points as classical cluster points of a filters on $X$ and as the smallest closed set containing ``almost all'' the sequence. As a consequence, we obtain that the underlying topology $\tau$ coincides with the topology generated by the pair $(\tau,\mathcal{I})$.
  • We combine aspects of the notions of finite decomposition complexity and asymptotic property C into a notion that we call finite APC-decomposition complexity. Any space with finite decomposition complexity has finite APC-decomposition complexity and any space with asymptotic property C has finite APC-decomposition complexity. Moreover, finite APC-decomposition complexity implies property A for metric spaces. We also show that finite APC-decomposition complexity is preserved by direct products of groups and spaces, amalgamated products of groups, and group extensions, among other constructions.
  • The present note has three aims. First, to complement the theory of cofibrant generation of algebraic weak factorisation systems (AWFSs) to cover some important examples that are not locally presentable categories. Secondly, to prove that cofibrantly KZ-generated AWFSs (a notion we define) are always lax orthogonal. Thirdly, to show that the two known methods of building lax orthogonal AWFSs, namely cofibrantly KZ-generation and the method of "simple adjunctions", construct different AWFSs. We study in some detail the example of cofibrant KZ-generation that yields representable multicategories, and a counterexample to cofibrant generation provided by continuous lattices.
  • We prove several theorems relating amenability of groups in various categories (discrete, definable, topological, automorphism group) to model-theoretic invariants (quotients by connected components, Lascar Galois group, G-compactness, ...). For example, if $M$ is a countable, $\omega$-categorical structure and $Aut(M)$ is amenable, as a topological group, then the Lascar Galois group $Gal_{L}(T)$ of the theory $T$ of $M$ is compact, Hausdorff (also over any finite set of parameters), that is $T$ is G-compact. An essentially special case is that if $Aut(M)$ is extremely amenable, then $Gal_{L}(T)$ is trivial, so, by a theorem of Lascar, the theory $T$ can be recovered from its category $Mod(T)$ of models. On the side of definable groups, we prove for example that if $G$ is definable in a model $M$, and $G$ is definably amenable, then the connected components ${G^{*}}^{00}_{M}$ and ${G^{*}}^{000}_{M}$ coincide, answering positively a question from an earlier paper of the authors. We also take the opportunity to further develop the model-theoretic approach to topological dynamics, obtaining for example some new invariants for topological groups, as well as allowing a uniform approach to the theorems above and the various categories.
  • Ends and Tangles (1510.04050)

    Feb. 27, 2021 math.CO, math.GN
    We show that an arbitrary infinite graph can be compactified by its ${\aleph_0}$-tangles in much the same way as the ends of a locally finite graph compactify it in its Freudenthal compactification. In general, the ends then appear as a subset of its ${\aleph_0}$-tangles. The ${\aleph_0}$-tangles of a graph are shown to form an inverse limit of the ultrafilters on the sets of components obtained by deleting a finite set of vertices. The ${\aleph_0}$-tangles that are ends are precisely the limits of principal ultrafilters. The ${\aleph_0}$-tangles that correspond to a highly connected part, or $\aleph_0$-block, of the graph are shown to be precisely those that are closed in the topological space of its finite-order separations.
  • We are concerned with questions of the following type. Suppose that $G$ and $K$ are topological groups belonging to a certain class $\cal K$ of spaces, and suppose that $\phi:K \to G$ is an abstract (i.e. not necessarily continuous) surjective group homomorphism. Under what conditions on the group $G$ and the kernel is the homomorphism $\phi$ automatically continuous and open? Questions of this type have a long history and were studied in particular for the case that $G$ and $K$ are Lie groups, compact groups, or Polish groups. We develop an axiomatic approach, which allows us to resolve the question uniformly for different classes of topological groups. In this way we are able to extend the classical results about automatic continuity to a much more general setting.
  • A topology $\tau$ on a set $X$ is called maximal connected if it is connected, but no strictly finer topology $\tau^* > \tau$ is connected. We consider a construction of so-called tree sums of topological spaces, and we show how this construction preserves maximal connectedness and also related properties of strong connectedness and essential connectedness. We also recall the characterization of finitely generated maximal connected spaces and reformulate it in the language of specialization preorder and graphs, from which it is clear that finitely generated maximal connected spaces are precisely $T_\frac{1}{2}$ tree sums of copies of the Sierpi\'nski space.
  • Let $\mathcal{I}$ be an analytic P-ideal [respectively, a summable ideal] on the positive integers and let $(x_n)$ be a sequence taking values in a metric space $X$. First, it is shown that the set of ideal limit points of $(x_n)$ is an $F_\sigma$-set [resp., a closet set]. Let us assume that $X$ is also separable and the ideal $\mathcal{I}$ satisfies certain additional assumptions, which however includes several well-known examples, e.g., the collection of sets with zero asymptotic density, sets with zero logarithmic density, and some summable ideals. Then, it is shown that the set of ideal limit points of $(x_n)$ is equal to the set of ideal limit points of almost all its subsequences.
  • We define a general framework that includes objects such as tilings, Delone sets, functions and measures. We define local derivability and mutual local derivability (MLD) between any two of these objects in order to describe their interrelation. This is a generalization of the local derivability and MLD (or S-MLD) for tilings and Delone sets which are used in the literature, under a mild assumption. We show that several canonical maps in aperiodic order send an object P to one that is MLD with P. Moreover we show that, for an object P and a class S of objects, a mild condition on them assures that there exists some Q in S that is MLD with P. As an application, we study pattern equivariant functions. In particular, we show that the space of all pattern-equivariant functions contains all the information of the original object up to MLD in a quite general setting.
  • Let $\sR$ be an epireflective category of $\topo$ and let $F_\sR$\, be the epireflective functor associated with $\sR$. If $\sA$ denotes a (semi)topological algebraic subcategory of $\topo$, we study when $F_\sR\,(A)$ is an epireflective subcategory of $\sA$. We prove that this is always the case for semi-topological structures and we find some sufficient conditions for topological algebraic structures. We also study when the epireflective functor preserves products, subspaces and other properties. In particular, we solve an open question about the coincidence of epireflections proposed by Echi and Lazar in \cite[Question 1.6]{Echi:MPRIA} and repeated in \cite[Question 1.9]{Echi:TP}. Finally, we apply our results in different specific topological algebraic structures.
  • We study some generalized metric properties of weak topologies when restricted to the unit sphere of some equivalent norm on a Banach space, and their relationships with other geometrical properties of norms. In case of dual Banach space $X^*$, we prove that there exists a dual norm such that its unit sphere is a Moore space for the weak$^*$-topology (has a G$_\delta$-diagonal for the weak$^*$-topology, respectively) if, and only if, $X^*$ admits an equivalent weak$^*$-LUR dual norm (rotund dual norm, respectively).
  • We introduce the notion of (hybrid) large scale normal space and prove coarse geometric analogues of Urysohn's Lemma and the Tietze Extension Theorem for these spaces, where continuous maps are replaced by (continuous and) slowly oscillating maps. To do so, we first prove a general form of each of these results in the context of a set equipped with a neighbourhood operator satisfying certain axioms, from which we obtain both the classical topological results and the (hybrid) large scale results as corollaries. We prove that all metric spaces are hybrid large scale normal, and characterize those locally compact abelian groups which (as hybrid large scale spaces) are hybrid large scale normal. Finally, we look at some properties of the Higson compactifications and coronas of hybrid large scale normal spaces.
  • A concept of quasi-metrizability with respect to a bornology of a generalized topological space in the sense of Delfs and Knebusch is introduced. Quasi-metrization theorems for generalized bornological universes are deduced. A uniform quasi-metrizability with respect to a bornology is studied. The class of locally small spaces is considered and a possibly larger class of weakly locally small spaces is defined. The proofs and numerous examples are given in \textbf{ZF}. An example of a weakly locally small space which is not locally small is constructed under \textbf{ZF+CC}. Several categories, relevant to generalized bornological universes, are defined and shown to be topological constructs.
  • We give a partial solution to a question by Alas, Junqueria and Wilson by proving that under PFA the one-point compactification of a locally compact, discretely generated and countably tight space is also discretely generated. After this, we study the cardinal number given by the smallest possible character of remote and far sets of separable metrizable spaces. Finally, we prove that in some cases a countable space has far points.
  • We study productive properties of gamma spaces, and their relation to other, classic and modern, selective covering properties. Among other things, we prove the following results: 1. Solving a problem of F. Jordan, we show that for every unbounded tower set of reals X of cardinality aleph_1, the space Cp(X) is productively FU. In particular, the set X is productively gamma. 2. Solving problems of Scheepers and Weiss, and proving a conjecture of Babinkostova-Scheepers, we prove that, assuming CH, there are gamma spaces whose product is not even Menger. 3. Solving a problem of Scheepers-Tall, we show that the properties gamma and Gerlits--Nagy (*) are preserved by Cohen forcing. Moreover, every Hurewicz space that Remains Hurewicz in a Cohen extension must be Rothberger (and thus (*)). We apply our results to solve a large number of additional problems, and use Arhangel'skii duality to obtain results concerning local properties of function spaces and countable topological groups.
  • In this paper we show that polycyclic monoids are universal objects in the class of graph inverse semigroups. In particular, we prove that a graph inverse semigroup $G(E)$ over a directed graph $E$ embeds into the polycyclic monoid $\mathcal{P}_{\lambda}$ where $\lambda=|G(E)|$. We show that each graph inverse semigroup $G(E)$ admits the coarsest inverse semigroup topology $\tau$. Moreover, each injective homomorphism from $(G(E),\tau)$ to the $(\mathcal{P}_{|G(E)|},\tau)$ is a topological embedding.
  • We look at the Bohr topology of maximally almost periodic groups (MAP, for short). Among other results, we investigate when a totally bounded abelian group $(G,w)$ is the Bohr reflection of a locally compact abelian group. Necessary and sufficient conditions are established in terms of the inner properties of $w$. As an application, an example of a MAP group $(G,t)$ is given such that every closed, metrizable subgroup $N$ of $bG$ with $N \cap G = \{0\}$ preserves compactness but $(G,t)$ does not strongly respects compactness. Thereby, we respond to Questions 4.1 and 4.3 in [comftrigwu].
  • Let G be an abelian group. For a subset A of G, Cyc(A) denotes the set of all elements x of G such that the cyclic subgroup generated by x is contained in A, and G is said to have the small subgroup generating property (abbreviated to SSGP) if the smallest subgroup of G generated by Cyc(U) is dense in G for every neighbourhood U of zero of G. SSGP groups form a proper subclass of the class of minimally almost periodic groups. Comfort and Gould asked for a characterization of abelian groups G which admit an SSGP group topology, and they solved this problem for bounded torsion groups (which have divisible rank zero). Dikranjan and the first author proved that an abelian group of infinite divisible rank admits an SSGP group topology. In the remaining case of positive finite divisible rank, the same authors found a necessary condition on G in order to admit an SSGP group topology and asked if this condition is also sufficient. We answer this question positively, thereby completing the characterization of abelian groups which admit an SSGP group topology.
  • We prove a number of results surrounding the Borsuk-Ulam-type conjecture of Baum, D\k{a}browski and Hajac (BDH, for short), to the effect that given a free action of a compact group $G$ on a compact space $X$, there are no $G$-equivariant maps $X*G\to X$ (with $*$ denoting the topological join). In particular, we prove the BDH conjecture for locally trivial principal $G$-bundles. The proof relies on the non-existence of $G$-equivariant maps $G^{*(n+1)}\to G^{*n}$, which in turn is a slight strengthening of an unpublished result of M. Bestvina and R. Edwards. Moreover, we show that the BDH conjecture partially settles a conjecture of Ageev. In turn, the latter implies the weak version Hilbert-Smith conjecture stating that no infinite compact zero-dimensional group can act freely on a manifold such that the orbit space is finite-dimensional.
  • We construct an essential extension of $\mathcal K(\ell_2({\mathfrak{c}}))$ by $\mathcal K(\ell_2)$, where ${\mathfrak{c}}$ denotes the cardinality of continuum, i.e., a $C^*$-algebra $\mathcal A\subseteq \mathcal B(\ell_2)$ satisfying the short exact sequence $$0\rightarrow \mathcal K(\ell_2)\xrightarrow{\iota} \mathcal A \rightarrow\mathcal K(\ell_2({\mathfrak{c}}))\rightarrow 0,$$ where $\iota[\mathcal K(\ell_2)]$ is an essential ideal of $\mathcal A$ such that the algebra of multipliers $\mathcal M(\mathcal A)$ of $\mathcal A$ is equal to the unitization of $\mathcal A$. In particular $\mathcal A$ is not stable which sheds light on permanence properties of the stability in the nonseparable setting. Namely, an extension of a nonseparable algebra of compact operators, even by $\mathcal K(\ell_2)$, does not have to be stable. This construction can be considered as a noncommutative version of Mr\'owka's $\Psi$-space; a space whose one point compactification equals to its Cech-Stone compactification and is induced by a special uncountable family of almost disjoint subsets of ${\mathbb{N}}$. The role of the almost disjoint family is played by an almost orthogonal family of projections in $\mathcal B(\ell_2)$, but the almost matrix units corresponding to the matrix units in $\mathcal K(\ell_2({\mathfrak{c}}))$ must be constructed with extra care. This example may also contribute in the future to our understanding of the semigroups $Ext(\mathcal K(\ell_2({\kappa})))$ for $\omega_1\leq \kappa\leq\mathfrak{c}$ which are unexplored at the moment.