We introduce two new integral transforms of the quantum mechanical transition
kernel that represent physical information about the path integral. These
transforms can be interpreted as probability distributions on particle
trajectories measuring respectively the relative contribution to the path
integral from paths crossing a given spatial point (the hit function) and the
likelihood of values of the line integral of the potential along a path in the
ensemble (the path averaged potential).
Abstract Far-from equilibrium dynamics that lead to self-organization are
highly relevant to complex dynamical systems not only in physics, but also in
life-, earth-, and social sciences. It is challenging however to find systems
with sufficiently controllable parameters that allow quantitatively modelling
of emergent properties. Here, we study a non-equilibrium phase transition and
observe signatures of self-organized criticality in a dilute thermal vapour of
atoms optically excited to strongly interacting Rydberg states.
Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) provides excellent control over
the population dynamics and enables high-resolution probing of the
driven-dissipative dynamics, which also exhibits phase bistability. Increased
sensitivity compared to previous work allows us to reconstruct the complete
phase diagram including in the vicinity of the critical point. We observe that
interaction-induced energy shifts and enhanced decay only occur in one of the
phases above a critical Rydberg population. This limits the application of
generic mean-field models, however a modified, threshold-dependent approach is
in qualitative agreement with experimental data. Near threshold, we observe
self-organized dynamics in the form of population jumps that return the density
to a critical value.
Open physical systems with balanced loss and gain, described by non-Hermitian
parity-time ($\mathcal{PT}$) reflection symmetric Hamiltonians, exhibit a
transition which could engenders modes that exponentially decay or grow with
time and thus spontaneously breaks the $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry. Such
$\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry breaking transitions have attracted many interests
because of their extraordinary behaviors and functionalities absent in closed
systems. Here we report on the observation of $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry breaking
transitions by engineering time-periodic dissipation and coupling, which are
realized through state-dependent atom loss in an optical dipole trap of
ultracold $^6$Li atoms. Comparing with a single transition appearing for static
dissipation, the time-periodic counterpart undergoes $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry
breaking and restoring transitions at vanishingly small dissipation strength in
both single and multiphoton transition domains, revealing rich phase structures
associated to a Floquet open system. The results enable ultracold atoms to be a
versatile tool for studying $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric quantum systems.
The $^{27}$Al$^+$ ion optical clock is one of the most attractive optical
clocks due to its own advantages, such as low blackbody radiation shift at room
temperature and insensitive to the magnetic drift. However, it cannot be
laser-cooled directly in the absence of 167 nm laser to date. This problem can
be solved by sympathetic cooling. In this work, a linear Paul trap is used to
trap both $^{40}$Ca$^{+}$ and $^{27}$Al$^+$ ions simultaneously, and a single
Doppler-cooled $^{40}$Ca$^+$ ion is employed to sympathetically cool a single
$^{27}$Al$^+$ ion. Thus a "bright-dark" two-ion crystal has been successfully
synthesized. The temperature of the crystal has been estimated to be about 7 mK
by measuring the ratio of carrier and sideband spectral intensities. Finally,
the dark ion is proved to be an $^{27}$Al$^+$ ion by precise measuring of the
ion crystal`s secular motion frequency, which means that it is a great step for
our $^{27}$Al$^+$ quantum logic clock.
We report the results of a direct comparison of a freely expanding turbulent
Bose-Einstein condensate and the propagation of an optical speckle pattern. We
found remarkably similar statistical properties underlying the spatial
propagation of both phenomena. The calculated second-order correlation together
with the typical correlation length of each system is used to compare and
substantiate our observations. We believe that the close analogy existing in
between an expanding turbulent quantum gas and a traveling optical speckle,
might burgeon into an exciting new research field investigating disordered
quantum matter.
Quantum bits based on individual trapped atomic ions constitute a promising
technology for building a quantum computer, with all the elementary operations
having been achieved with the necessary precision for some error-correction
schemes. However, the essential two-qubit logic gate used for generating
quantum entanglement has hitherto always been performed in an adiabatic regime,
where the gate is slow compared with the characteristic motional frequencies of
ions in the trap, giving logic speeds of order 10kHz. There have been numerous
proposals for performing gates faster than this natural "speed limit" of the
trap. We implement the method of Steane et al., which uses tailored laser
pulses: these are shaped on 10 ns timescales to drive the ions' motion along
trajectories designed such that the gate operation is insensitive to optical
phase fluctuations. This permits fast (MHz-rate) quantum logic which is robust
to this important source of experimental error. We demonstrate entanglement
generation for gate times as short as 480ns; this is less than a single
oscillation period of an ion in the trap, and 8 orders of magnitude shorter
than the memory coherence time measured in similar calcium-43 hyperfine qubits.
The method's power is most evident at intermediate timescales, where it yields
a gate error more than ten times lower than conventional techniques; for
example, we achieve a 1.6 us gate with fidelity 99.8%. Still faster gates are
possible at the price of higher laser intensity. The method requires only a
single amplitude-shaped pulse and one pair of beams derived from a
continuous-wave laser, and offers the prospect of combining the unrivalled
coherence properties, operation fidelities and optical connectivity of
trapped-ion qubits with the sub-microsecond logic speeds usually associated
with solid state devices.
We perform high resolution spectroscopy on $^{176}$Lu$^+$ including the
$^1S_0\leftrightarrow{^3}D_1$ and $^1S_0\leftrightarrow{^3}D_2$ clock
transitions. Hyperfine structures and optical frequencies relative to the
$^1S_0$ ground state of four low lying excited states are given to a few tens
of kHz resolution. This covers the most relevant transitions involved in clock
operation with this isotope. Additionally, measurements of the $^3D_2$
hyperfine structure may provide access to higher order nuclear moments,
specifically the magnetic octupole and electric hexadecapole moments.
In this paper, a hypothesis that the cosmological gravitational potential can
be measured with the use of high-precision atomic clocks is proposed and
substantiated. The consideration is made with the use of a quasi-classical
description of the gravitational shift that lies in the frame of nonmetric
theories of gravity. It is assumed that the cosmological potential is formed by
all matter of the Universe (including dark matter and dark energy) and that it
is spatially uniform on planet scales. It is obvious that the cosmological
potential, $\Phi_\text{CP}$, is several orders of magnitude greater than
Earth's gravitational potential $\varphi_\text{E}$ (where
$|\varphi_\text{E}/c^2|\sim 10^{-9}$ on Earth's surface). In our method, the
tick rates of identical atomic clocks are compared at two points with different
gravitational potentials, i.e. at different heights. In this case, the
information on $\Phi_\text{CP}$ is contained in the cosmological correction
$\alpha\neq 0$ in the relationship $\Delta\omega/\omega=(1+\alpha)\Delta
\varphi/c^2$ between the relative change of the frequencies $\Delta
\omega/\omega$ (in atomic clocks) and the difference of the gravitational
potential $\Delta \varphi$ at the measurement points. We have estimated the low
limit of cosmological correction, $\alpha >10^{-6}$. It is shown that using a
modern atomic clock of the optical range it is possible to measure the value of
$\alpha$ in earth-based experiments if $|\alpha|>10^{-5}$. The obtained
results, in the case of their experimental confirmation, will open up new
unique opportunities for the study of the Universe and the testing of various
cosmological models. These results will also increase the measurement accuracy
in relativistic geodesy, chronometric gravimetry, global navigation systems,
and global networks of atomic clocks.
The measured radiative rates of the 2s22p2 3P1,2 - 2s2p3 5S{\deg}2
intercombination transitions in neutral carbon reported in the literature are
critically evaluated by comparing them with theoretical and semi-empirical
results. The experimental and theoretical values are compared for the carbon
isoelectronic sequence from neutral carbon to nine-times ionized phosphorous.
We find strong support for the currently recommended theoretical data on C I
and conclude that the published measurements for this transition in neutral
carbon cannot be trusted. The reasons for the discrepancies are not clear, and
new experiments are needed.
Several extensions to the Standard Model of particle physics, including light
dark matter candidates and unification theories, predict deviations from
Newton's law of gravitation. For macroscopic distances, the inverse-square law
of gravitation is well confirmed by astrophysical observations and laboratory
experiments. At micrometer and shorter length scales, however, even the
state-of-the-art constraints on deviations from gravitational interaction,
whether provided by neutron scattering or precise measurements of forces
between macroscopic bodies, are currently many orders of magnitude larger than
gravity itself. Here we show that precision spectroscopy of weakly bound
molecules can be used to constrain non-Newtonian interactions between atoms. A
proof-of-principle demonstration using recent data from photoassociation
spectroscopy of weakly bound Yb$_2$ molecules yields constraints on these new
interactions that are already close to state-of-the-art neutron scattering
experiments. At the same time, with the development of the recently proposed
optical molecular clocks, the neutron scattering constraints could be surpassed
by at least two orders of magnitude.
Many-particle entanglement is a fundamental concept of quantum physics that
still presents conceptual challenges. While spin-squeezed and other
nonclassical states of atomic ensembles were used to enhance measurement
precision in quantum metrology, the notion of entanglement in these systems
remained controversial because the correlations between the indistinguishable
atoms were witnessed by collective measurements only. Here we use
highresolution imaging to directly measure the spin correlations between
spatially separated parts of a spin-squeezed Bose-Einstein condensate. We
observe entanglement that is strong enough for Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
steering: we can predict measurement outcomes for non-commuting observables in
one spatial region based on a corresponding measurement in another region with
an inferred uncertainty product below the Heisenberg relation. This could be
exploited for entanglement-enhanced imaging of electromagnetic field
distributions and quantum information tasks beyond metrology.
We report the realization of a robust and highly controllable two-dimensional
(2D) spin-orbit (SO) coupling with topological non-trivial band structure. By
applying a retro-reflected 2D optical lattice, phase tunable Raman couplings
are formed into the anti-symmetric Raman lattice structure, and generate the 2D
SO coupling with precise inversion and $C_4$ symmetries, leading to
considerably enlarged topological regions. The life time of the 2D SO coupled
Bose-Einstein condensate reaches several seconds, which enables the exploring
of fine tuning interaction effects. These essential advantages of the present
new realization open the door to explore exotic quantum many-body effects and
non-equilibrium dynamics with novel topology.
We apply point-particle effective field theory (PPEFT) to electronic and
muonic 4He+ ions, and use it to identify linear combinations of spectroscopic
measurements for which the theoretical uncertainties are much smaller than for
any particular energy levels. The error is reduced because these combinations
are independent of all short-range physics effects up to a given order in the
expansion in the small parameters R/a_B and(Z alpha) (where R and a_B are the
ion's nuclear and Bohr radii). In particular, the theory error is not limited
by the precision with which nuclear matrix elements can be computed, or
compromised by the existence of any novel short-range interactions, should
these exist. These combinations of 4He+ measurements therefore provide
particularly precise tests of QED. The restriction to 4He+ arises because our
analysis assumes a spherically symmetric nucleus, but the argument used is more
general and extendable to both nuclei with spin, and to higher orders in R/a_B
and (Z alpha).
In addition to mass, energy, and momentum, classical dissipationless flows
conserve helicity, a measure of the topology of the flow. Helicity has
far-reaching consequences for classical flows from Newtonian fluids to plasmas.
Since superfluids flow without dissipation, a fundamental question is whether
such a conserved quantity exists for superfluid flows. We address the existence
of a "superfluid helicity" using an analytical approach based on the the
symmetry underlying classical helicity conservation: the particle relabeling
symmetry. Furthermore, we use numerical simulations to study whether bundles of
superfluid vortices which approximate the structure of a classical vortex,
recover the conservation of classical helicity and find dynamics consistent
with classical vortices in a viscous fluid.
Hybrid systems of laser-cooled trapped ions and ultracold atoms combined in a
single experimental setup have recently emerged as a new platform for
fundamental research in quantum physics. This paper reviews the theoretical and
experimental progress in research on cold hybrid ion-atom systems which aim to
combine the best features of the two well-established fields. We provide a
broad overview of the theoretical description of ion-atom mixtures and their
applications, and report on advances in experiments with ions trapped in Paul
or dipole traps overlapped with a cloud of cold atoms, and with ions directly
produced in a Bose-Einstein condensate. We start with microscopic models
describing the electronic structure, interactions, and collisional physics of
ion-atom systems at low and ultralow temperatures, including radiative and
non-radiative charge transfer processes and their control with magnetically
tunable Feshbach resonances. Then we describe the relevant experimental
techniques and the intrinsic properties of hybrid systems. In particular, we
discuss the impact of the micromotion of ions in Paul traps on ion-atom hybrid
systems. Next, we review recent proposals for using ions immersed in ultracold
gases for studying cold collisions, chemistry, many-body physics, quantum
simulation, and quantum computation and their experimental realizations. In the
last part we focus on the formation of molecular ions via spontaneous radiative
association, photoassociation, magnetoassociation, and sympathetic cooling. We
discuss applications and prospects of cold molecular ions for cold controlled
chemistry and precision spectroscopy.
Entanglement not only plays a crucial role in quantum technologies, but is
key to our understanding of quantum correlations in many-body systems. However,
in an experiment, the only way of measuring entanglement in a generic mixed
state is through reconstructive quantum tomography, requiring an exponential
number of measurements in the system size. Here, we propose a machine learning
assisted scheme to measure the entanglement between arbitrary subsystems of
size $N_A$ and $N_B$, with $\mathcal{O}(N_A + N_B)$ measurements, and without
any prior knowledge of the state. The method exploits a neural network to learn
the unknown, non-linear function relating certain measurable moments and the
logarithmic negativity. Our procedure will allow entanglement measurements in a
wide variety of systems, including strongly interacting many body systems in
both equilibrium and non-equilibrium regimes.
We consider a hydrogen atom confined in time-dependent trap created by a
spherical impenetrable box with time-dependent radius. For such model we study
the behavior of atomic electron under the (non-adiabatic) dynamical confinement
caused by the rapidly moving wall of the box. The expectation values of the
total and kinetic energy, average force, pressure and coordinate are analyzed
as a function of time for linearly expanding, contracting and harmonically
breathing boxes. It is shown that linearly extending box leads to de-excitation
of the atom, while the rapidly contracting box causes the creation of very high
pressure on the atom and transition of the atomic electron into the unbound
state. In harmonically breathing box diffusive excitation of atomic electron
may occur in analogy with that for atom in a microwave field.
Reradiation of a spatially non-uniform ultrashort electromagnetic pulse
interacting with the linear chain of multielectron atoms is studied in the
framework of sudden perturbation approximation. Angular distributions of the
reradiation spectrum for arbitrary number of atoms are obtained. It is shown
that interference effects for the photon radiation amplitudes lead to appearing
of "diffraction" maximums. The obtained results can be extended to the case of
two- and three-dimensional crystal lattices and atomic chains. The approach
developed allows also to take into account thermal vibrations of the lattice
During the ionization of atoms irradiated by linearly polarized intense laser
fields, we find for the first time that the transverse momentum distribution of
photoelectrons can be well fitted by a squared zeroth-order Bessel function
because of the quantum interference effect of Glory rescattering. The
characteristic of the Bessel function is determined by the common angular
momentum of a bunch of semiclassical paths termed as Glory trajectories, which
are launched with different nonzero initial transverse momenta distributed on a
specific circle in the momentum plane and finally deflected to the same
asymptotic momentum, which is along the polarization direction, through
post-tunneling rescattering. Glory rescattering theory (GRT) based on the
semiclassical path-integral formalism is developed to address this effect
quantitatively. Our theory can resolve the long-standing discrepancies between
existing theories and experiments on the fringe location, predict the sudden
transition of the fringe structure in holographic patterns, and shed light on
the quantum interference aspects of low-energy structures in strong-field
atomic ionization.
We provide an up to date summary of the theory contributions to the 2S-2P
Lamb shift and the fine structure of the 2P state in the muonic helium ion
$(\mathrm{\mu^4He})^+$. This summary serves as the basis for the extraction of
the alpha particle charge radius from the muonic helium Lamb shift measurements
at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. Individual theory contributions
needed for a charge radius extraction are compared and compiled into a
consistent summary. The influence of the alpha particle charge distribution on
the elastic two-photon exchange is studied to take into account possible
model-dependencies of the energy levels on the electric form factor of the
nucleus. We also discuss the theory uncertainty which enters the extraction of
the $\mathrm{^3He-^4He}$ isotope shift from the muonic measurements. The theory
uncertainty of the extraction is much smaller than a present discrepancy
between previous isotope shift measurements. This work completes our series of
$n=2$ theory compilations in light muonic atoms which we have performed already
for muonic hydrogen, deuterium, and helium-3 ions.
We demonstrate the use of spatial emission patterns to measure the magnetic
fields used in a magneto-optical trap. The directional aspect of the Hanle
effect gives a direct, visual presentation of the magnetic fields, in which
brighter fluorescence indicates larger fields. It can be used to determine the
direction as well as the magnitude of the field. It is particularly well suited
for characterizing and aligning magneto-optical traps, requiring little
additional equipment or setup beyond what is ordinarily used in a
magneto-optical trap, and being most sensitive to fields of the size typically
present in a magneto-optical trap.
Collective effects in deformed atomic nuclei present possible avenues of
study on the non-spherical distribution of neutrons and the violation of the
local Lorentz invariance. We introduce the weak quadrupole moment of nuclei,
related to the quadrupole distribution of the weak charge in the nucleus. The
weak quadrupole moment produces tensor weak interaction between the nucleus and
electrons and can be observed in atomic and molecular experiments measuring
parity nonconservation. The dominating contribution to the weak quadrupole is
given by the quadrupole moment of the neutron distribution, therefore,
corresponding experiments should allow one to measure the neutron quadrupoles.
Using the deformed oscillator model and the Schmidt model we calculate the
quadrupole distributions of neutrons, $Q_{n}$, the weak quadrupole moments
,$Q_{W}^{(2)}$, and the Lorentz Innvariance violating energy shifts in
$^{9}$Be, $^{21}$Ne , $^{27}$Al, $^{131}$Xe, $^{133}$Cs, $^{151}$Eu,
$^{153}$Eu, $^{163}$Dy, $^{167}$Er, $^{173}$Yb, $^{177}$Hf, $^{179}$Hf,
$^{181}$Ta, $^{201}$Hg and $^{229}$Th.
We describe a novel technique for creating an artificial magnetic field for
ultra-cold atoms using a periodically pulsed pair of counter propagating Raman
lasers that drive transitions between a pair of internal atomic spin states: a
multi-frequency coupling term. In conjunction with a magnetic field gradient,
this dynamically generates a rectangular lattice with a non-staggered magnetic
flux. For a wide range of parameters, the resulting Bloch bands have
non-trivial topology, reminiscent of Landau levels, as quantified by their
Chern numbers.
Calculations of the magnetic hyperfine structure rely on the input of nuclear
properties -- nuclear magnetic moments and nuclear magnetization distributions
-- as well as quantum electrodynamic (QED) radiative corrections for
high-accuracy evaluation in heavy atoms. The uncertainties associated with
assumed values of these properties limit the accuracy of hyperfine
calculations. For example, for the heavy alkali-metal atoms Cs and Fr, these
uncertainties may amount collectively to almost 1\% or 2\%, respectively. In
this paper we propose a method for removing the dependence of hyperfine
structure calculations on assumed values of nuclear magnetic moments and
nuclear magnetization distributions by determining these effects empirically
from measurements of the hyperfine structure for high states. The method is
valid for $s$, $p_{1/2}$, and $p_{3/2}$ states of alkali-metal atoms and
alkali-metal-like ions. We have shown that for $s$ states the dependence on QED
effects may also be removed to high accuracy. The ability to probe the
electronic wave functions, through hyperfine comparisons, with significantly
increased accuracy is important for the analysis of atomic parity violation
measurements and may enable the accuracy of atomic parity violation
calculations to be improved. More broadly, it opens the way for further
development of high-precision atomic many-body methods.
A permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of a particle or system is a
separation of charge along its angular-momentum axis and is a direct signal of
T-violation and, assuming CPT symmetry, CP violation. For over sixty years EDMs
have been studied, first as a signal of a parity-symmetry violation and then as
a signal of CP violation that would clarify its role in nature and in theory.
Contemporary motivations include the role that CP violation plays in explaining
the cosmological matter-antimatter asymmetry and the search for new physics.
Experiments on a variety of systems have become ever-more sensitive, but
provide only upper limits on EDMs, and theory at several scales is crucial to
interpret these limits. Nuclear theory provides connections from Standard-Model
and Beyond-Standard-Model physics to the observable EDMs, and atomic and
molecular theory reveal how CP-violation is manifest in these systems. EDM
results in hadronic systems require that the Standard Model QCD parameter of
$\bar\theta$ must be exceptionally small, which could be explained by the
existence of axions - also a candidate dark-matter particle. Theoretical
results on electroweak baryogenesis show that new physics is needed to explain
the dominance of matter in the universe. Experimental and theoretical efforts
continue to expand with new ideas and new questions, and this review provides a
broad overview of theoretical motivations and interpretations as well as
details about experimental techniques, experiments, and prospects. The intent
is to provide specifics and context as this exciting field moves forward.