• We introduce a family of polynomials in $q^2$ and four variables associated with the quantized algebra of functions $A_q(C_2)$. A new formula is presented for the recent solution of the 3D reflection equation in terms of these polynomials specialized to the eigenvalues of the $q$-oscillator operators.
  • Soibelman's theory of quantized function algebra A_q(SL_n) provides a representation theoretical scheme to construct a solution of the Zamolodchikov tetrahedron equation. We extend this idea originally due to Kapranov and Voevodsky to A_q(Sp_{2n}) and obtain the intertwiner K corresponding to the quartic Coxeter relation. Together with the previously known 3-dimensional (3D) R matrix, the K yields the first ever solution to the 3D analogue of the reflection equation proposed by Isaev and Kulish. It is shown that matrix elements of R and K are polynomials in q and that there are combinatorial and birational counterparts for R and K. The combinatorial ones arise either at q=0 or by tropicalization of the birational ones. A conjectural description for the type B and F_4 cases is also given.
  • A pluri-Lagrangian (or Lagrangian multiform) structure is an attribute of integrability that has mainly been studied in the context of multidimensionally consistent lattice equations. It unifies multidimensional consistency with the variational character of the equations. An analogous continuous structure exists for integrable hierarchies of differential equations. We present a continuum limit procedure for pluri-Lagrangian systems. In this procedure the lattice parameters are interpreted as Miwa variables, describing a particular embedding in continuous multi-time of the mesh on which the discrete system lives. Then we seek differential equations whose solutions interpolate the embedded discrete solutions. The continuous systems found this way are hierarchies of differential equations. We show that this continuum limit can also be applied to the corresponding pluri-Lagrangian structures. We apply our method to the discrete Toda lattice and to equations H1 and Q1$_{\delta = 0}$ from the ABS list.
  • We show that a number of multiple integrals may viewed as tau functions of various integrable hierarchies. The instanton contributions in the two-dimensional O(3)$\ \sigma $ model is an example of such an approach.
  • Introduced in the late 1960's, the asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) is an important model from statistical mechanics which describes a system of interacting particles hopping left and right on a one-dimensional lattice with open boundaries. It has been known for awhile that there is a tight connection between the partition function of the ASEP and moments of Askey-Wilson polynomials, a family of orthogonal polynomials which are at the top of the hierarchy of classical orthogonal polynomials in one variable. On the other hand, Askey-Wilson polynomials can be viewed as a specialization of the multivariate Macdonald-Koornwinder polynomials (also known as Koornwinder polynomials), which in turn give rise to the Macdonald polynomials associated to any classical root system via a limit or specialization. In light of the fact that Koornwinder polynomials generalize the Askey-Wilson polynomials, it is natural to ask whether one can find a particle model whose partition function is related to Koornwinder polynomials. In this article we answer this question affirmatively, by showing that the "homogeneous" Koornwinder moments at q=t recover the partition function for the two-species exclusion process. We also provide a "hook length" formula for Koornwinder moments when q=t=1.
  • This work constructs a well-defined and operational form factor expansion in a model having a massless spectrum of excitations. More precisely, the dynamic two-point functions in the massless regime of the XXZ spin-1/2 chain are expressed in terms of properly regularised series of multiple integrals. These series are obtained by taking, in an appropriate way, the thermodynamic limit of the finite volume form factor expansions. The series are structured in way allowing one to identify directly the contributions to the correlator stemming from the conformal-type excitations on the Fermi surface and those issuing from the massive excitations (deep holes, particles and bound states). The obtained form factor series opens up the possibility of a systematic and exact study of asymptotic regimes of dynamical correlation functions in the massless regime of the XXZ spin $1/2$ chain. Furthermore, the assumptions on the microscopic structure of the model's Hilbert space that are necessary so as to write down the series appear to be compatible with any model -- not necessarily integrable -- belonging to the Luttinger liquid universality class. Thus, the present analysis provides also the phenomenological structure of form factor expansions in massless models belonging to this universality class.
  • A deformation of the classical trigonometric BC(n) Sutherland system is derived via Hamiltonian reduction of the Heisenberg double of SU(2n). We apply a natural Poisson-Lie analogue of the Kazhdan-Kostant-Sternberg type reduction of the free particle on SU(2n) that leads to the BC(n) Sutherland system. We prove that this yields a Liouville integrable Hamiltonian system and construct a globally valid model of the smooth reduced phase space wherein the commuting flows are complete. We point out that the reduced system, which contains 3 independent coupling constants besides the deformation parameter, can be recovered (at least on a dense submanifold) as a singular limit of the standard 5-coupling deformation due to van Diejen. Our findings complement and further develop those obtained recently by Marshall on the hyperbolic case by reduction of the Heisenberg double of SU(n,n).
  • We introduce "superheated integrability," which produces characteristic staircase transmission plots for barrier collisions of breathers of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. The effect makes tangible the inverse scattering transform, which treats the velocities and norms of the constituent solitons as the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues of the Lax operator. If all the norms are much greater than the velocities, an integrability-breaking potential may nonperturbatively change the velocities while having no measurable effect on the norms. This could be used to improve atomic interferometers.
  • We derive the long-time asymptotics for the Toda shock problem using the nonlinear steepest descent analysis for oscillatory Riemann--Hilbert factorization problems. We show that the half plane of space/time variables splits into five main regions: The two regions far outside where the solution is close to free backgrounds. The middle region, where the solution can be asymptotically described by a two band solution, and two regions separating them, where the solution is asymptotically given by a slowly modulated two band solution. In particular, the form of this solution in the separating regions verifies a conjecture from Venakides, Deift, and Oba from 1991.
  • The non-holonomic deformation of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, uniquely obtained from both the Lax pair and Kupershmidt's bi-Hamiltonian [Phys. Lett. A 372, 2634 (2008)] approaches, is compared with the quasi-integrable deformation of the same system [Ferreira et. al. JHEP 2012, 103 (2012)]. It is found that these two deformations can locally coincide only when the phase of the corresponding solution is discontinuous in space, following a definite phase-modulus coupling of the non-holonomic inhomogeneity function. These two deformations are further found to be not gauge-equivalent in general, following the Lax formalism of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. However, asymptotically they converge for localized solutions as expected. Similar conditional correspondence of nonholonomic deformation with a non-integrable deformation, namely, due to local scaling of the amplitude of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation is further obtained.
  • We prove that the existence of a dispersionless Lax pair with spectral parameter for a nondegenerate hyperbolic second order partial differential equation (PDE) is equivalent to the canonical conformal structure defined by the symbol being Einstein-Weyl on any solution in 3D, and self-dual on any solution in 4D. The first main ingredient in the proof is a characteristic property for dispersionless Lax pairs. The second is the projective behaviour of the Lax pair with respect to the spectral parameter. Both are established for nondegenerate determined systems of PDEs of any order. Thus our main result applies more generally to any such PDE system whose characteristic variety is a quadric hypersurface.
  • We propose $q$-deformation of the Gamayun-Iorgov-Lisovyy formula for Painlev\'e $\tau$ function. Namely we propose formula for $\tau$ function for $q$-difference Painlev\'e equation corresponding to $A_7^{(1)}{}'$ surface (and $A_1^{(1)}$ symmetry) in Sakai's classification. In this formula $\tau$ function equals the series of $q$-Virasoro Whittaker conformal blocks (equivalently Nekrasov partition functions for pure $SU(2)$ 5d theory).
  • We investigate the Brezin-Gross-Witten model, a tau-function of the KdV hierarchy, and its natural one-parameter deformation, the generalized Brezin-Gross-Witten tau-function. In particular, we derive the Virasoro constraints, which completely specify the partition function. We solve them in terms of the cut-and-join operator. The Virasoro constraints lead to the loop equations, which we solve in terms of the correlation functions. Explicit expressions for the coefficients of the tau-function and the free energy are derived, and a compact formula for the genus zero contribution is conjectured. A family of polynomial solutions of the KdV hierarchy, given by the Schur functions, is obtained for the half-integer values of the parameter. The quantum spectral curve and its classical limit are discussed.
  • In this work we study an elliptic solid-on-solid model with domain-wall boundaries having the elliptic quantum group $\mathcal{E}_{p, \gamma}[\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}_2}]$ as its underlying symmetry algebra. We elaborate on results previously presented by the author and extend our analysis to include continuous families of single determinantal representations for the model's partition function. Interestingly, our families of representations are parameterized by two continuous complex variables which can be arbitrarily chosen without affecting the partition function.
  • This paper addresses the problems of quantum spectral curves and 4D limit for the melting crystal model of 5D SUSY $U(1)$ Yang-Mills theory on $\mathbb{R}^4\times S^1$. The partition function $Z(\mathbf{t})$ deformed by an infinite number of external potentials is a tau function of the KP hierarchy with respect to the coupling constants $\mathbf{t} = (t_1,t_2,\ldots)$. A single-variate specialization $Z(x)$ of $Z(\mathbf{t})$ satisfies a $q$-difference equation representing the quantum spectral curve of the melting crystal model. In the limit as the radius $R$ of $S^1$ in $\mathbb{R}^4\times S^1$ tends to $0$, it turns into a difference equation for a 4D counterpart $Z_{\mathrm{4D}}(X)$ of $Z(x)$. This difference equation reproduces the quantum spectral curve of Gromov-Witten theory of $\mathbb{CP}^1$. $Z_{\mathrm{4D}}(X)$ is obtained from $Z(x)$ by letting $R \to 0$ under an $R$-dependent transformation $x = x(X,R)$ of $x$ to $X$. A similar prescription of 4D limit can be formulated for $Z(\mathbf{t})$ with an $R$-dependent transformation $\mathbf{t} = \mathbf{t}(\mathbf{T},R)$ of $\mathbf{t}$ to $\mathbf{T} = (T_1,T_2,\ldots)$. This yields a 4D counterpart $Z_{\mathrm{4D}}(\mathbf{T})$ of $Z(\mathbf{t})$. $Z_{\mathrm{4D}}(\mathbf{T})$ agrees with a generating function of all-genus Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb{CP}^1$. Fay-type bilinear equations for $Z_{\mathrm{4D}}(\mathbf{T})$ can be derived from similar equations satisfied by $Z(\mathbf{t})$. The bilinear equations imply that $Z_{\mathrm{4D}}(\mathbf{T})$, too, is a tau function of the KP hierarchy. These results are further extended to deformations $Z(\mathbf{t},s)$ and $Z_{\mathrm{4D}}(\mathbf{T},s)$ by a discrete variable $s \in \mathbb{Z}$, which are shown to be tau functions of the 1D Toda hierarchy.
  • We study Bethe/gauge correspondence at the special locus of Coulomb moduli where the integrable system exhibits the splitting of degenerate levels. For this investigation, we consider the four-dimensional pure $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric $U(N)$ gauge theory, with a half-BPS surface defect constructed with the help of an orbifold or a degenerate gauge vertex. We show that the non-perturbative Dyson-Schwinger equations imply the Schr\"odinger-type and the Baxter-type differential equations satisfied by the respective surface defect partition functions. At the special locus of Coulomb moduli the surface defect partition function splits into parts. We recover the Bethe/gauge dictionary for each summand.
  • All Painlev\'e equations can be written as a time-dependent Hamiltonian system, and as such they admit a natural generalization to the case of several particles with an interaction of Calogero type (rational, trigonometric or elliptic). Recently, these systems of interacting particles have been proved to be relevant in the study of $\beta$-models. An almost two decade old open question by Takasaki asks whether these multi-particle systems can be understood as isomonodromic equations, thus extending the Painlev\'e correspondence. In this paper we answer in the affirmative by displaying explicitly suitable isomonodromic Lax pair formulations. As an application of the isomonodromic representation we provide a construction based on discrete Schlesinger transforms, to produce solutions for these systems for special values of the coupling constants, starting from uncoupled ones; the method is illustrated for the case of the second Painlev\'e equation.
  • We study the effective action for the integrable $\lambda$-deformation of the $G_{k_1} \times G_{k_2}/G_{k_1+k_2}$ coset CFTs. For unequal levels theses models do not fall into the general discussion of $\lambda$-deformations of CFTs corresponding to symmetric spaces and have many attractive features. We show that the perturbation is driven by parafermion bilinears and we revisit the derivation of their algebra. We uncover a non-trivial symmetry of these models parametric space, which has not encountered before in the literature. Using field theoretical methods and the effective action we compute the exact in the deformation parameter $\beta$-function and explicitly demonstrate the existence of a fixed point in the IR corresponding to the $G_{k_1-k_2} \times G_{k_2}/G_{k_1}$ coset CFTs. The same result is verified using gravitational methods for $G=SU(2)$. We examine various limiting cases previously considered in the literature and found agreement.
  • The autonomous Duffing oscillator, and its van der Pol modification, are known to admit time-dependent first integrals for specific values of parameters. This corresponds to the existence of Darboux polynomials, and in fact more can be shown: that there exist Liouvillian first integrals which do not depend on time. They can be expressed in terms of the Gauss and Kummer hypergeometric functions, and are neither analytic, algebraic nor meromorphic. A criterion for this to happen in a general dynamical system is formulated as well.
  • Paraconformal or $GL(2)$ geometry on an $n$-dimensional manifold $M$ is defined by a field of rational normal curves of degree $n-1$ in the projectivised cotangent bundle $\mathbb{P} T^*M$. Such geometry is known to arise on solution spaces of ODEs with vanishing W\"unschmann (Doubrov-Wilczynski) invariants. In this paper we discuss yet another natural source of $GL(2)$ structures, namely dispersionless integrable hierarchies of PDEs (for instance the dKP hierarchy). In the latter context, $GL(2)$ structures coincide with the characteristic variety (principal symbol) of the hierarchy. Dispersionless hierarchies provide explicit examples of various particularly interesting classes of $GL(2)$ structures studied in the literature. Thus, we obtain torsion-free $GL(2)$ structures of Bryant that appeared in the context of exotic holonomy in dimension four, as well as totally geodesic $GL(2)$ structures of Krynski. The latter, also known as involutive $GL(2)$ structures, possess a compatible affine connection (with torsion) and a two-parameter family of totally geodesic $\alpha$-manifolds (coming from the dispersionless Lax equations), which makes them a natural generalisation of the Einstein-Weyl geometry. Our main result states that involutive $GL(2)$ structures are governed by a dispersionless integrable system. This establishes integrability of the system of W\"unschmann conditions.
  • Darboux integrability of semidiscrete and discrete 2D Toda lattices corresponding to Lie algebras of A and C series is proved.
  • We are concerned with the Umemura polynomials associated with the third Painlev\'e equation. We extend Taneda's method, which was developed for the Yablonskii--Vorob'ev polynomials associated with the second Painlev\'e equation, to give an algebraic proof that the rational functions generated by the nonlinear recurrence relation satisfied by Umemura polynomials are indeed polynomials. Our proof is constructive and gives information about the roots of the Umemura polynomials.
  • In the framework of an inhomogeneous solvable lattice model, we derive exact expressions for a boundary-to-boundary current on a lattice of finite width. The model we use is the dilute $O(n=1)$ loop model, related to the Izergin-Korepin spin-1 chain and the critical site percolation on the triangular lattice. Our expressions are derived based on solutions of the $q$-Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, and recursion relations.
  • We provide new examples of integrable rational maps in four dimensions with two rational invariants, which have unexpected geometric properties, as for example orbits confined to non algebraic varieties, and fall outside classes studied by earlier authors. We can reconstruct the map from both invariants. One of the invariants defines the map unambiguously, while the other invariant also defines a new map leading to non trivial fibrations of the space of initial conditions.
  • We derive Fredholm determinant representation for isomonodromic tau functions of Fuchsian systems with $n$ regular singular points on the Riemann sphere and generic monodromy in $\mathrm{GL}(N,\mathbb C)$. The corresponding operator acts in the direct sum of $N(n-3)$ copies of $L^2(S^1)$. Its kernel has a block integrable form and is expressed in terms of fundamental solutions of $n-2$ elementary 3-point Fuchsian systems whose monodromy is determined by monodromy of the relevant $n$-point system via a decomposition of the punctured sphere into pairs of pants. For $N=2$ these building blocks have hypergeometric representations, the kernel becomes completely explicit and has Cauchy type. In this case Fredholm determinant expansion yields multivariate series representation for the tau function of the Garnier system, obtained earlier via its identification with Fourier transform of Liouville conformal block (or a dual Nekrasov-Okounkov partition function). Further specialization to $n=4$ gives a series representation of the general solution to Painlev\'e VI equation.