In this paper, we give Lieb-Thirring type inequalities for isolated
eigenvalues of $d$-dimensional non-selfadjoint Schr\"{o}dinger operators with
complex-valued and dilation analytic potentials. In order to derive them, we
prove that isolated eigenvalues and their multiplicities are invariant under
complex dilation.
For a compact Riemannian locally symmetric space $\mathcal M$ of rank one and
an associated vector bundle $\mathbf V_\tau$ over the unit cosphere bundle
$S^\ast\mathcal M$, we give a precise description of those classical
(Pollicott-Ruelle) resonant states on $\mathbf V_\tau$ that vanish under
covariant derivatives in the Anosov-unstable directions of the chaotic geodesic
flow on $S^\ast\mathcal M$. In particular, we show that they are isomorphically
mapped by natural pushforwards into generalized common eigenspaces of the
algebra of invariant differential operators $D(G,\sigma)$ on compatible
associated vector bundles $\mathbf W_\sigma$ over $\mathcal M$. As a
consequence of this description, we obtain an exact band structure of the
Pollicott-Ruelle spectrum. Further, under some mild assumptions on the
representations $\tau$ and $\sigma$ defining the bundles $\mathbf V_\tau$ and
$\mathbf W_\sigma$, we obtain a very explicit description of the generalized
common eigenspaces. This allows us to relate classical Pollicott-Ruelle
resonances to quantum eigenvalues of a Laplacian in a suitable Hilbert space of
sections of $\mathbf W_\sigma$. Our methods of proof are based on
representation theory and Lie theory.
We introduce a family of multi-way Cheeger-type constants $\{h_k^{\sigma},
k=1,2,\ldots, n\}$ on a signed graph $\Gamma=(G,\sigma)$ such that
$h_k^{\sigma}=0$ if and only if $\Gamma$ has $k$ balanced connected components.
These constants are switching invariant and bring together in a unified
viewpoint a number of important graph-theoretical concepts, including the
classical Cheeger constant, those measures of bipartiteness introduced by
Desai-Rao, Trevisan, Bauer-Jost, respectively, on unsigned graphs,, and the
frustration index (originally called the line index of balance by Harary) on
signed graphs. We further unify the (higher-order or improved) Cheeger and dual
Cheeger inequalities for unsigned graphs as well as the underlying algorithmic
proof techniques by establishing their corresponding versions on signed graphs.
In particular, we develop a spectral clustering method for finding $k$
almost-balanced subgraphs, each defining a sparse cut. The proper metric for
such a clustering is the metric on a real projective space. We also prove
estimates of the extremal eigenvalues of signed Laplace matrix in terms of
number of signed triangles ($3$-cycles).
We study the spectral properties of curl, a linear differential operator of
first order acting on differential forms of appropriate degree on an
odd-dimensional closed oriented Riemannian manifold. In three dimensions its
eigenvalues are the electromagnetic oscillation frequencies in vacuum without
external sources. In general, the spectrum consists of the eigenvalue 0 with
infinite multiplicity and further real discrete eigenvalues of finite
multiplicity. We compute the Weyl asymptotics and study the zeta-function. We
give a sharp lower eigenvalue bound for positively curved manifolds and analyze
the equality case. Finally, we compute the spectrum for flat tori, round
spheres and 3-dimensional spherical space forms.
We prove a quantum-ergodicity theorem on large graphs, for eigenfunctions of
Schr\"odinger operators in a very general setting. We consider a sequence of
finite graphs endowed with discrete Schr\"odinger operators, assumed to have a
local weak limit. We assume that our graphs have few short loops, in other
words that the limit model is a random rooted tree endowed with a random
discrete Schr\"odinger operator. We show that absolutely continuous spectrum
for the infinite model, reinforced by a good control of the moments of the
Green function, imply "quantum ergodicity", a form of spatial delocalization
for eigenfunctions of the finite graphs approximating the tree. This roughly
says that the eigenfunctions become equidistributed in phase space. Our result
applies in particular to graphs converging to the Anderson model on a regular
tree, in the r\'egime of extended states studied by Klein and Aizenman-Warzel.
We show that for any positive integer k, the k-th nonzero eigenvalue of the
Laplace-Beltrami operator on the two-dimensional sphere endowed with a
Riemannian metric of unit area, is maximized in the limit by a sequence of
metrics converging to a union of k touching identical round spheres. This
proves a conjecture posed by the second author in 2002 and yields a sharp
isoperimetric inequality for all nonzero eigenvalues of the Laplacian on a
sphere. Earlier, the result was known only for k=1 (J. Hersch, 1970), k=2 (N.
Nadirashvili, 2002; R. Petrides, 2014) and k=3 (N. Nadirashvili and Y. Sire,
2017). In particular, we argue that for any k>=2, the supremum of the k-th
nonzero eigenvalue on a sphere of unit area is not attained in the class of
Riemannian metrics which are smooth outsitde a finite set of conical
singularities. The proof uses certain properties of harmonic maps between
spheres, the key new ingredient being a bound on the harmonic degree of a
harmonic map into a sphere obtained by N. Ejiri.
A number $\lambda \in \mathbb C $ is called an {\it eigenvalue} of the matrix
polynomial $P(z)$ if there exists a nonzero vector $x \in \mathbb C^n$ such
that $P(\lambda)x = 0$. Note that each finite eigenvalue of $P(z)$ is a zero of
the characteristic polynomial $\det(P(z))$. In this paper we establish some
(upper and lower) bounds for eigenvalues of matrix polynomials based on the
norm of their coefficient matrices and compare these bounds to those given by
N.J. Higham and F. Tisseur, J. Maroulas and P. Psarrakos.
This article is a part of a project investigating the relationship between
the dynamics of completely integrable or close to completely integrable
billiard tables, the integral geometry on them, and the spectrum of the
corresponding Laplace-Beltrami operators. It is concerned with new isospectral
invariants and with the spectral rigidity problem for families of
Laplace-Beltrami operators with Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary
conditions, associated with C^1 families of billiard tables. We introduce a
notion of weak isospectrality for such deformations. The main dynamical
assumption on the initial billiard table is that the corresponding billiard
ball map or an iterate of it has a Kronecker invariant torus with a Diophantine
frequency and that the corresponding Birkhoff Normal Form is nondegenerate in
Kolmogorov sense. Then we obtain C^1 families of Kronecker tori with
Diophantine frequencies. If the family of the Laplace-Beltrami operators
satisfies the weak isospectral condition, we prove that the average action on
the tori and the Birkhoff Normal Form of the billiard ball maps remain the same
along the perturbation. As an application we obtain infinitesimal spectral
rigidity for Liouville billiard tables in dimensions two and three.
Applications are obtained also for strictly convex billiard tables of dimension
two as well as in the case when the initial billiard table admits an elliptic
periodic billiard trajectory. Spectral rigidity of billard tables close
elliptical billiard tables is obtained. The results are based on a construction
of C^1 families of quasi-modes associated with the Kronecker tori and on
suitable KAM theorems for C^1 families of Hamiltonians.
Given a closed Riemannian manifold and a pair of multi-curves in it, we give
a formula relating the linking number of the later to the spectral theory of
the Laplace operator acting on differential one forms. As an application, we
compute the linking number of any two multi-geodesics of the flat torus of
dimension 3, generalising a result of P. Dehornoy.
Motivated by applications of the discrete random Schr\"odinger operator,
mathematical physicists and analysts, began studying more general Anderson-type
Hamiltonians; that is, the family of self-adjoint operators $$H_\omega = H +
V_\omega$$ on a separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, where the perturbation
is given by $$V_\omega = \sum_n \omega_n (\cdot, \varphi_n)\varphi_n$$ with a
sequence $\{\varphi_n\}\subset\mathcal{H}$ and independent identically
distributed random variables $\omega_n$.
We show that the the essential parts of Hamiltonians associated to any two
realizations of the random variable are (almost surely) related by a rank one
perturbation. This result connects one of the least trackable perturbation
problem (with almost surely non-compact perturbations) with one where the
perturbation is `only' of rank one perturbations. The latter presents a basic
application of model theory.
We also show that the intersection of the essential spectrum with open sets
is almost surely either the empty set, or it has non-zero Lebesgue measure.
Let $(X,d)$ be a proper ultrametric space. Given a measure $m$ on $X$ and a
function $B \mapsto C(B)$ defined on the collection of all non-singleton balls
$B$ of $X$, we consider the associated hierarchical Laplacian $L=L_{C}\,$. The
operator $L$ acts in $\mathcal{L}^{2}(X,m),$ is essentially self-adjoint and
has a pure point spectrum. It admits a continuous heat kernel
$\mathfrak{p}(t,x,y)$ with respect to $m$. We consider the case when $X$ has a
transitive group of isometries under which the operator $L$ is invariant and
study the asymptotic behaviour of the function $t\mapsto
\mathfrak{p}(t,x,x)=\mathfrak{p}(t)$. It is completely monotone, but does not
vary regularly. When $X=\mathbb{Q}_{p}\,$, the ring of $p$-adic numbers, and
$L=\mathcal{D}^{\alpha} $, the operator of \ fractional derivative of order
$\alpha,$ we show that $\mathfrak{p}(t)=t^{-1/\alpha}\mathcal{A}% (\log_{p}t)$,
where $\mathcal{A}(\tau)$ is a continuous non-constant $\alpha$-periodic
function. We also study asymptotic behaviour of $\min\mathcal{A}$ and
$\max\mathcal{A}$ as the space parameter $p$ tends to $\infty$. When
$X=S_{\infty}\,$, the infinite symmetric group, and $L$ is a hierarchical
Laplacian with metric structure analogous to $\mathcal{D}^{\alpha},$ we show
that, contrary to the previous case, the completely monotone function
$\mathfrak{p}(t)$ oscillates between two functions $\psi(t)$ and $\Psi(t)$ such
that $\psi(t)/\Psi(t)\to 0$ as $t \to \infty\,$.
We use trace class scattering theory to exclude the possibility of absolutely
continuous spectrum in a large class of self-adjoint operators with an
underlying hierarchical structure and provide applications to certain random
hierarchical operators and matrices. We proceed to contrast the localizing
effect of the hierarchical structure in the deterministic setting with previous
results and conjectures in the random setting. Furthermore, we survey stronger
localization statements truly exploiting the disorder for the hierarchical
Anderson model and report recent results concerning the spectral statistics of
the ultrametric random matrix ensemble.
We prove a general essential self-adjointness criterion for sub-Laplacians on
complete sub-Riemannian manifolds, defined with respect to singular measures.
As a consequence, we show that the intrinsic sub-Laplacian (i.e. defined w.r.t.
Popp's measure) is essentially self-adjoint on the equiregular connected
components of a sub-Riemannian manifold. This result holds under mild
regularity assumptions on the singular region, and when the latter does not
contain characteristic points.
In this paper, the authors consider leaf spaces of singular Riemannian
foliations $\mathcal{F}$ on compact manifolds $M$ and the associated
$\mathcal{F}$-basic spectrum on $M$, $spec_B(M, \mathcal{F}),$ counted with
multiplicities. Recently, a notion of smooth isometry $\varphi:
M_1/\mathcal{F}_1\rightarrow M_2/\mathcal{F}_2$ between the leaf spaces of such
singular Riemannian foliations $(M_1,\mathcal{F}_1)$ and $(M_2,\mathcal{F}_2)$
has appeared in the literature. In this paper, the authors provide an example
to show that the existence a smooth isometry of leaf spaces as above is not
sufficient to guarantee the equality of $spec_B(M_1,\mathcal{F}_1)$ and
$spec_B(M_2,\mathcal{F}_2).$ The authors then prove that if some additional
conditions involving the geometry of the leaves are satisfied, then the
equality of $spec_B(M_1,\mathcal{F}_1)$ and $spec_B(M_2,\mathcal{F}_2)$ is
guaranteed. Consequences and applications to orbifold spectral theory,
isometric group actions, and their reductions are also explored.
We develop the foundation of the spectral analysis on Barlow-Evans projective
limit fractals, or vermiculated spaces, which corresponds to symmetric Markov
processes on these spaces. For some new examples, such as the generalized
Laakso spaces and a Spierpinski P\^ate \`a Choux, one can develop a complete
spectral theory, including the eigenfunction expansions that are analogous to
Fourier series. Also, one can construct connected fractal spaces isospectral to
the fractal strings of Lapidus and van Frankenhuijsen. Our work is motivated by
recent progress in mathematical physics on fractals.
It has been recently conjectured that the exact eigenfunctions of quantum
mirror curves can be obtained by combining their WKB expansion with the open
topological string wavefunction. In this paper we give further evidence for
this conjecture. We present closed expressions for the wavefunctions in the
so-called maximally supersymmetric case, in various geometries. In the higher
genus case, our conjecture provides a solution to the quantum Baxter equation
of the corresponding cluster integrable system, and we argue that the
quantization conditions of the integrable system follow from imposing
appropriate asymptotic conditions on the wavefunction. We also present checks
of the conjecture for general values of the Planck constant.
In this paper we prove for rank one perturbations that negative two times
reciprocal of the imaginary part of resonance point is equal to the rate of
change of the scattering phase as a function of the coupling constant, where
the coupling constant is equal to the real part of the resonance point. This
equality is in agreement with Breit-Wigner formula from quantum scattering
For general relatively trace class perturbations, we also give a formula for
the spectral shift function in terms of resonance points, non-real and real.
In this note it is shown that for trace-class perturbations of self-adjoint
operators the singular part of the spectral shift function is additive.
Given a self-adjoint operator H, a self-adjoint trace class operator V and a
fixed Hilbert-Schmidt operator F with trivial kernel and co-kernel, using
limiting absorption principle an explicit set of full Lebesgue measure is
defined such that for all points of this set the wave and the scattering
matrices can be defined and constructed unambiguously. Many well-known
properties of the wave and scattering matrices and operators are proved,
including the stationary formula for the scattering matrix. This new abstract
scattering theory allows to prove that for any trace class perturbations of
arbitrary self-adjoint operators the singular part of the spectral shift
function is an almost everywhere integer-valued function.
We consider the semi-classical Dirichlet Pauli operator in bounded connected
domains in the plane. Rather optimal results have been obtained in previous
papers by Ekholm-Kova\v{r}\'ik-Portmann and Helffer-Sundqvist for the
asymptotics of the ground state energy in the semi-classical limit when the
magnetic field has constant sign. In this paper, we focus on the case when the
magnetic field changes sign. We show, in particular, that the ground state
energy of this Pauli operator will be exponentially small as the semi-classical
parameter tends to zero and give lower bounds and upper bounds for this decay
rate. Concrete examples of magnetic fields changing sign on the unit disc are
discussed. Various natural conjectures are disproved and this leaves the
research of an optimal result in the general case still open.
The robustness of manifold learning methods is often predicated on the
stability of the Neumann Laplacian eigenfunctions under deformations of the
assumed underlying domain. Indeed, many manifold learning methods are based on
approximating the Neumann Laplacian eigenfunctions on a manifold that is
assumed to underlie data, which is viewed through a source of distortion. In
this paper, we study the stability of the first Neumann Laplacian eigenfunction
with respect to deformations of a domain by a diffeomorphism. In particular, we
are interested in the stability of the first eigenfunction on tall thin domains
where, intuitively, the first Neumann Laplacian eigenfunction should only
depend on the length along the domain. We prove a rigorous version of this
statement and apply it to a machine learning problem in geophysical
We establish existence of the eta-invariant as well as of the
Atiyah-Patodi-Singer and the Cheeger-Gromov rho-invariants for a class of Dirac
operators on an incomplete edge space. Our analysis applies in particular to
the signature, the Gauss-Bonnet and the spin Dirac operator. We derive an
analogue of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem for incomplete edge spaces
and their non-compact infinite Galois coverings with edge singular boundary.
Our arguments employ microlocal analysis of the heat kernel asymptotics on
incomplete edge spaces and the classical argument of Atiyah-Patodi-Singer. As
an application, we discuss stability results for the two rho-invariants we have
The aim of this paper is to prove a local version of the circular law for
non-Hermitian random matrices and its generalization to the product of
non-Hermitian random matrices under weak moment conditions. More precisely we
assume that the entries $X_{jk}^{(q)}$ of non-Hermitian random matrices ${\bf
X}^{(q)}, 1 \le j,k \le n, q = 1, \ldots, m, m \geq 1$ are i.i.d. r.v. with
$\mathbb E X_{jk} =0, \mathbb E X_{jk}^2 = 1$ and $\mathbb E
|X_{jk}|^{4+\delta} < \infty$ for some $\delta > 0$. It is shown that the local
law holds on the optimal scale $n^{-1+2a}, a > 0$, up to some logarithmic
factor. We further develop a Stein type method to estimate the perturbation of
the equations for the Stieltjes transform of the limiting distribution. We also
generalize the recent results [Bourgade--Yau-Yin, 2014], [Tao--Vu, 2015] and
[Nemish, 2017]. An extension to the case of non-i.i.d. entries is discussed.
In this paper, we investigate the long-time structure of the heat kernel on a
Riemannian manifold M which is asymptotically conic near infinity. Using
geometric microlocal analysis and building on results of Guillarmou and Hassell
on the low-energy resolvent, we give a complete description of the asymptotic
structure of the heat kernel in all spatial and temporal regimes. We apply this
structure to define and investigate a renormalized zeta function and
determinant of the Laplacian on M.
This note proves the following inequality: if $n=3k$ for some positive
integer $k$, then for any $n$ positive definite matrices $A_1,A_2,\cdots,A_n$,
\frac{1}{n^3}\Big\|\sum_{j_1,j_2,j_3=1}^{n}A_{j_1}A_{j_2}A_{j_3}\Big\| \geq
\frac{(n-3)!}{n!} \Big\|\sum_{\substack{j_1,j_2,j_3=1,\\\text{$j_1$, $j_2$,
$j_3$ all distinct}}}^{n}A_{j_1}A_{j_2}A_{j_3}\Big\|, \end{equation} where
$\|\cdot\|$ represents the operator norm. This inequality is a special case of
a recent conjecture by Recht and R\'e.