• Trading algorithms that execute large orders are susceptible to exploitation by order anticipation strategies. This paper studies the influence of order anticipation strategies in a multi-investor model of optimal execution under transient price impact. Existence and uniqueness of a Nash equilibrium is established under the assumption that trading incurs quadratic transaction costs. A closed-form representation of the Nash equilibrium is derived for exponential decay kernels. With this representation, it is shown that while order anticipation strategies raise the execution costs of a large order significantly, they typically do not cause price overshooting in the sense of Brunnermeier and Pedersen.
  • We look at the effect of the tick size changes on the TOPIX 100 index names made by the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Jan-14-2014 and Jul-22-2104. The intended consequence of the change is price improvement and shorter time to execution. We look at security level metrics that include the spread, trading volume, number of trades and the size of trades to establish whether this goal is accomplished. An unintended effect might be the reduction in execution sizes, which would then mean that institutions with large orders would have greater difficulty in sourcing liquidity. We look at a sample of real orders to see if the execution costs have gone up across the orders since the implementation of this change. We study the mechanisms that affect how securities are traded on an exchange, before delving into the specifics of the TSE tick size events. Some of the topics we explore are: The Venue Menu and How to Increase Revenue; To Automate or Not to Automate; Microstructure under the Microscope; The Price of Connections to High (and Faraway) Places; Speed Thrills but Kills; Pick a Size for the Perfect Tick; TSE Tick Size Experiments, Then and Now; Sergey Bubka and the Regulators; Bird`s Eye View; Deep Dive; Possibilities for a Deeper Dive; Does Tick Size Matter? Tick Size Does Matter!
  • We introduce and study the notion of sure profit via flash strategy, consisting of a high-frequency limit of buy-and-hold trading strategies. In a fully general setting, without imposing any semimartingale restriction, we prove that there are no sure profits via flash strategies if and only if asset prices do not exhibit predictable jumps. This result relies on the general theory of processes and provides the most general formulation of the well-known fact that, in an arbitrage-free financial market, asset prices (including dividends) should not exhibit jumps of a predictable direction or magnitude at predictable times. We furthermore show that any price process is always right-continuous in the absence of sure profits. Our results are robust under small transaction costs and imply that, under minimal assumptions, price changes occurring at scheduled dates should only be due to unanticipated information releases.
  • Moving boundary problems allow to model systems with phase transition at an inner boundary. Driven by problems in economics and finance, in particular modeling of limit order books, we consider a stochastic and non-linear extension of the classical Stefan-problem in one space dimension, where the paths of the moving interface might have unbounded variation. Working on the distribution space, Ito-Wentzell formula for SPDEs allows to transform these moving boundary problems into partial differential equations on fixed domains. Rewriting the equations into the framework of stochastic evolution equations, we apply results based on stochastic maximal $L^p$-regularity to obtain existence, uniqueness and regularity of local solutions. Moreover, we observe that explosion might take place due to the boundary interaction even when the coefficients of the original problem have linear growths.
  • We develop models to price long term loans in the securities lending business. These longer horizon deals can be viewed as contracts with optionality embedded in them and can be priced using established methods from derivatives theory, becoming to our limited knowledge, the first application that can lead to greater synergies between the operations of derivative and delta-one trading desks, perhaps even being able to combine certain aspects of the day to day operations of these seemingly disparate entities. We run numerical simulations to demonstrate the practical applicability of these models. These models are part of one of the least explored yet profit laden areas of modern investment management. We develop a heuristic that can mitigate the loss of information that sets in when parameters are estimated first and then the valuation is performed by directly calculating the valuation using the historical time series. This can lead to reduced models errors and greater financial stability. We illustrate how the methodologies developed here could be useful for inventory management. All these techniques could have applications for dealing with other financial instruments, non-financial commodities and many forms of uncertainty. An unintended consequence of our efforts, has become a review of the vast literature on options pricing, which can be useful for anyone that attempts to apply the corresponding techniques to the problems mentioned here. Admittedly, our initial ambitions to produce a normative theory on long term loan valuations are undone by the present state of affairs in social science modeling. Though we consider many elements of a securities lending system at face value, this cannot be termed a positive theory. For now, if it ends up producing a useful theory, our work is done.
  • We introduce a class of hybrid marked point processes, which encompasses and extends continuous-time Markov chains and Hawkes processes. While this flexible class amalgamates such existing processes, it also contains novel processes with complex dynamics. These processes are defined implicitly via their intensity and are endowed with a state process that interacts with past-dependent events. The key example we entertain is an extension of a Hawkes process, a state-dependent Hawkes process interacting with its state process. We show the existence and uniqueness of hybrid marked point processes under general assumptions, extending the results of Massouli\'e (1998) on interacting point processes.
  • We develop a fundamentally different stochastic dynamic programming model of trading costs. Built on a strong theoretical foundation, our model provides insights to market participants by splitting the overall move of the security price during the duration of an order into the Market Impact (price move caused by their actions) and Market Timing (price move caused by everyone else) components. We derive formulations of this model under different laws of motion of the security prices, starting with a simple benchmark scenario and extending this to include multiple sources of uncertainty, liquidity constraints due to volume curve shifts and relating trading costs to the spread. We develop a numerical framework that can be used to obtain optimal executions under any law of motion of prices and demonstrate the tremendous practical applicability of our theoretical methodology including the powerful numerical techniques to implement them. Our decomposition of trading costs into Market Impact and Market Timing allows us to deduce the zero sum game nature of trading costs. It holds numerous lessons for dealing with complex systems, wherein reducing the complexity by splitting the many sources of uncertainty can lead to better insights in the decision process.
  • Managing the prediction of metrics in high-frequency financial markets is a challenging task. An efficient way is by monitoring the dynamics of a limit order book to identify the information edge. This paper describes the first publicly available benchmark dataset of high-frequency limit order markets for mid-price prediction. We extracted normalized data representations of time series data for five stocks from the NASDAQ Nordic stock market for a time period of ten consecutive days, leading to a dataset of ~4,000,000 time series samples in total. A day-based anchored cross-validation experimental protocol is also provided that can be used as a benchmark for comparing the performance of state-of-the-art methodologies. Performance of baseline approaches are also provided to facilitate experimental comparisons. We expect that such a large-scale dataset can serve as a testbed for devising novel solutions of expert systems for high-frequency limit order book data analysis.
  • Motivated by the problem of optimal portfolio liquidation under transient price impact, we study the minimization of energy functionals with completely monotone displacement kernel under an integral constraint. The corresponding minimizers can be characterized by Fredholm integral equations of the second type with constant free term. Our main result states that minimizers are analytic and have a power series development in terms of even powers of the distance to the midpoint of the domain of definition and with nonnegative coefficients. We show moreover that our minimization problem is equivalent to the minimization of the energy functional under a nonnegativity constraint.
  • Oft-cited causes of mini-flash crashes include human errors, endogenous feedback loops, the nature of modern liquidity provision, fundamental value shocks, and market fragmentation. We develop a mathematical model which captures aspects of the first three explanations. Empirical features of recent mini-flash crashes are present in our framework. For example, there are periods when no such events will occur. If they do, even just before their onset, market participants may not know with certainty that a disruption will unfold. Our mini-flash crashes can materialize in both low and high trading volume environments and may be accompanied by a partial synchronization in order submission. Instead of adopting a classically-inspired equilibrium approach, we borrow ideas from the optimal execution literature. Each of our agents begins with beliefs about how his own trades impact prices and how prices would move in his absence. They, along with other market participants, then submit orders which are executed at a common venue. Naturally, this leads us to explicitly distinguish between how prices actually evolve and our agents' opinions. In particular, every agent's beliefs will be expressly incorrect.
  • We introduce a method to infer lead-lag networks of agents' actions in complex systems. These networks open the way to both microscopic and macroscopic states prediction in such systems. We apply this method to trader-resolved data in the foreign exchange market. We show that these networks are remarkably persistent, which explains why and how order flow prediction is possible from trader-resolved data. In addition, if traders' actions depend on past prices, the evolution of the average price paid by traders may also be predictable. Using random forests, we verify that the predictability of both the sign of order flow and the direction of average transaction price is strong for retail investors at an hourly time scale, which is of great relevance to brokers and order matching engines. Finally, we argue that the existence of trader lead-lag networks explains in a self-referential way why a given trader becomes active, which is in line with the fact that most trading activity has an endogenous origin.
  • We consider a simple model for the evolution of a limit order book in which limit orders of unit size arrive according to independent Poisson processes. The frequencies of buy limit orders below a given price level, respectively sell limit orders above a given level are described by fixed demand and supply functions. Buy (resp. sell) limit orders that arrive above (resp. below) the current ask (resp. bid) price are converted into market orders. There is no cancellation of limit orders. This model has independently been reinvented by several authors, including Stigler in 1964 and Luckock in 2003, who was able to calculate the equilibrium distribution of the bid and ask prices. We extend the model by introducing market makers that simultaneously place both a buy and sell limit order at the current bid and ask price. We show how the introduction of market makers reduces the spread, which in the original model is unrealistically large. In particular, we are able to calculate the exact rate at which market makers need to place orders in order to close the spread completely. If this rate is exceeded, we show that the price settles at a random level that in general does not correspond the Walrasian equilibrium price.
  • We consider thin incomplete financial markets, where traders with heterogeneous preferences and risk exposures have motive to behave strategically regarding the demand schedules they submit, thereby impacting prices and allocations. We argue that traders relatively more exposed to market risk tend to submit more elastic demand functions. Noncompetitive equilibrium prices and allocations result as an outcome of a game among traders. General sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of such equilibrium are provided, with an extensive analysis of two-trader transactions. Even though strategic behaviour causes inefficient social allocations, traders with sufficiently high risk tolerance and/or large initial exposure to market risk obtain more utility gain in the noncompetitive equilibrium, when compared to the competitive one.
  • Optimal trading is a recent field of research which was initiated by Almgren, Chriss, Bertsimas and Lo in the late 90's. Its main application is slicing large trading orders, in the interest of minimizing trading costs and potential perturbations of price dynamics due to liquidity shocks. The initial optimization frameworks were based on mean-variance minimization for the trading costs. In the past 15 years, finer modelling of price dynamics, more realistic control variables and different cost functionals were developed. The inclusion of signals (i.e. short term predictors of price dynamics) in optimal trading is a recent development and it is also the subject of this work. We incorporate a Markovian signal in the optimal trading framework which was initially proposed by Gatheral, Schied, and Slynko [21] and provide results on the existence and uniqueness of an optimal trading strategy. Moreover, we derive an explicit singular optimal strategy for the special case of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck signal and an exponentially decaying transient market impact. The combination of a mean-reverting signal along with a market impact decay is of special interest, since they affect the short term price variations in opposite directions. Later, we show that in the asymptotic limit were the transient market impact becomes instantaneous, the optimal strategy becomes continuous. This result is compatible with the optimal trading framework which was proposed by Cartea and Jaimungal [10]. In order to support our models, we analyse nine months of tick by tick data on 13 European stocks from the NASDAQ OMX exchange. We show that orderbook imbalance is a predictor of the future price move and it has some mean-reverting properties. From this data we show that market participants, especially high frequency traders, use this signal in their trading strategies.
  • Multilayer networks are attracting growing attention in many fields, including finance. In this paper, we develop a new tractable procedure for multilayer aggregation based on statistical validation, which we apply to investor networks. Moreover, we propose two other improvements to their analysis: transaction bootstrapping and investor categorization. The aggregation procedure can be used to integrate security-wise and time-wise information about investor trading networks, but it is not limited to finance. In fact, it can be used for different applications, such as gene, transportation, and social networks, were they inferred or observable. Additionally, in the investor network inference, we use transaction bootstrapping for better statistical validation. Investor categorization allows for constant size networks and having more observations for each node, which is important in the inference especially for less liquid securities. Furthermore, we observe that the window size used for averaging has a substantial effect on the number of inferred relationships. We apply this procedure by analyzing a unique data set of Finnish shareholders during the period 2004-2009. We find that households in the capital have high centrality in investor networks, which, under the theory of information channels in investor networks suggests that they are well-informed investors.
  • Recent studies using data on social media and stock markets have mainly focused on predicting stock returns. Instead of predicting stock price movements, we examine the relation between Facebook data and investors' decision making in stock markets with a unique data on investors' transactions on Nokia. We find that the decisions to buy versus sell are associated with Facebook data especially for passive households and also for nonprofit organizations. At the same time, it seems that more sophisticated investors---financial and insurance institutions---are behaving independently from Facebook activities.
  • To understand the relationship between news sentiment and company stock price movements, and to better understand connectivity among companies, we define an algorithm for measuring sentiment-based network risk. The algorithm ranks companies in networks of co-occurrences, and measures sentiment-based risk, by calculating both individual risks and aggregated network risks. We extract relative sentiment for companies to get a measure of individual company risk, and input it into our risk model together with co-occurrences of companies extracted from news on a quarterly basis. We can show that the highest quarterly risk value outputted by our risk model, is correlated to a higher chance of stock price decline, up to 70 days after a risk measurement. Our results show that the highest difference in the probability of stock price decline, compared to the benchmark containing all risk values for the same period, is during the interval from 21 to 30 days after a quarterly measurement. The highest average probability of company stock price decline, is found at a delay of 28 days, after a company has reached its maximum risk value. The highest probability differences for a daily decline were calculated to be 13 percentage points.
  • We consider an exchange who wishes to set suitable make-take fees to attract liquidity on its platform. Using a principal-agent approach, we are able to describe in quasi-explicit form the optimal contract to propose to a market maker. This contract depends essentially on the market maker inventory trajectory and on the volatility of the asset. We also provide the optimal quotes that should be displayed by the market maker. The simplicity of our formulas allows us to analyze in details the effects of optimal contracting with an exchange, compared to a situation without contract. We show in particular that it leads to higher quality liquidity and lower trading costs for investors.
  • Among other macroeconomic indicators, the monthly release of U.S. unemployment rate figures in the Employment Situation report by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics gets a lot of media attention and strongly affects the stock markets. I investigate whether a profitable investment strategy can be constructed by predicting the likely changes in U.S. unemployment before the official news release using Google query volumes for related search terms. I find that massive new data sources of human interaction with the Internet not only improves U.S. unemployment rate predictability, but can also enhance market timing of trading strategies when considered jointly with macroeconomic data. My results illustrate the potential of combining extensive behavioural data sets with economic data to anticipate investor expectations and stock market moves.
  • The dissertation investigates the application of Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) in forecasting the price of Crude Oil. This research is important because crude oil plays a very pivotal role in the global economy hence is a very critical macroeconomic indicator of the industrial growth. Given the vast amount of macroeconomic factors affecting the price of crude oil such as supply of oil from OPEC countries, demand of oil from OECD countries, geopolitical and geoeconomic changes among many other variables - probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) allow us to understand by learning the graphical structure. This dissertation proposes condensing data numerous Crude Oil factors into a graphical model in the attempt of creating a accurate forecast of the price of crude oil. The research project experiments with using different libraries in Python in order to construct models of the crude oil market. The experiments in this thesis investigate three main challenges commonly presented while trading oil in the financial markets. The first challenge it investigates is the process of learning the structure of the oil markets; thus allowing crude oil traders to understand the different physical market factors and macroeconomic indicators affecting crude oil markets and how they are \textit{causally} related. The second challenge it solves is the exploration and exploitation of the available data and the learnt structure in predicting the behaviour of the oil markets. The third challenge it investigates is how to validate the performance and reliability of the constructed model in order for it to be deployed in the financial markets. A design and implementation of a probabilistic framework for forecasting the price of crude oil is also presented as part of the research.
  • Relationship lending is broadly interpreted as a strong partnership between a lender and a borrower. Nevertheless, we still lack consensus regarding how to quantify the strength of a lending relationship, while simple statistics such as the frequency and volume of loans have been used as proxies in previous studies. Here, we propose statistical tests to identify relationship lending as a significant tie between banks. Application of the proposed method to the Italian interbank networks reveals that the fraction of relationship lending among all bilateral trades has been quite stable and that the relationship lenders tend to impose high interest rates at the time of financial distress.
  • This paper is devoted to the important yet unexplored subject of \emph{crowding} effects on market impact, that we call "co-impact". Our analysis is based on a large database of metaorders by institutional investors in the U.S. equity market. We find that the market chiefly reacts to the net order flow of ongoing metaorders, without individually distinguishing them. The joint co-impact of multiple contemporaneous metaorders depends on the total number of metaorders and their mutual sign correlation. Using a simple heuristic model calibrated on data, we reproduce very well the different regimes of the empirical market impact curves as a function of volume fraction $\phi$: square-root for large $\phi$, linear for intermediate $\phi$, and a finite intercept $I_0$ when $\phi \to 0$. The value of $I_0$ grows with the sign correlation coefficient. Our study sheds light on an apparent paradox: How can a non-linear impact law survive in the presence of a large number of simultaneously executed metaorders?
  • Online financial markets can be represented as complex systems where trading dynamics can be captured and characterized at different resolutions and time scales. In this work, we develop a methodology based on non-negative tensor factorization (NTF) aimed at extracting and revealing the multi-timescale trading dynamics governing online financial systems. We demonstrate the advantage of our strategy first using synthetic data, and then on real-world data capturing all interbank transactions (over a million) occurred in an Italian online financial market (e-MID) between 2001 and 2015. Our results demonstrate how NTF can uncover hidden activity patterns that characterize groups of banks exhibiting different trading strategies (normal vs. early vs. flash trading, etc.). We further illustrate how our methodology can reveal "crisis modalities" in trading triggered by endogenous and exogenous system shocks: as an example, we reveal and characterize trading anomalies in the midst of the 2008 financial crisis.
  • We assume a continuous-time price impact model similar to Almgren-Chriss but with the added assumption that the price impact parameters are stochastic processes modeled as correlated scalar Markov diffusions. In this setting, we develop trading strategies for a trader who desires to liquidate his inventory but faces price impact as a result of his trading. For a fixed trading horizon, we perform coefficient expansion on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation associated with the trader's value function. The coefficient expansion yields a sequence of partial differential equations that we solve to give closed-form approximations to the value function and optimal liquidation strategy. We examine some special cases of the optimal liquidation problem and give financial interpretations of the approximate liquidation strategies in these cases. Finally, we provide numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approximations.
  • Market making is a fundamental trading problem in which an agent provides liquidity by continually offering to buy and sell a security. The problem is challenging due to inventory risk, the risk of accumulating an unfavourable position and ultimately losing money. In this paper, we develop a high-fidelity simulation of limit order book markets, and use it to design a market making agent using temporal-difference reinforcement learning. We use a linear combination of tile codings as a value function approximator, and design a custom reward function that controls inventory risk. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by showing that our agent outperforms both simple benchmark strategies and a recent online learning approach from the literature.