• In this paper, we present own point of view how the unexpected fluctuations of the long-term real interest rate can be explained. We describe a macroeconomic environment by the modification of the fundamental macroeconomic equilibrium model called the IS-LM model. Last but not least, we suggest a possible cooperation between the fiscal and monetary policy to reduce these fluctuations. Our modelling is demonstrated on an illustrative example.
  • How do macro-financial shocks affect investor behavior and market dynamics? Recent evidence on experience effects suggests a long-lasting influence of personally experienced outcomes on investor beliefs and investment, but also significant differences across older and younger generations. We formalize experience-based learning in an OLG model, where different cross-cohort experiences generate persistent heterogeneity in beliefs, portfolio choices, and trade. The model allows us to characterize a novel link between investor demographics and the dependence of prices on past dividends, while also generating known features of asset prices, such as excess volatility and return predictability. The model produces new implications for the cross-section of asset holdings, trade volume, and investors' heterogenous responses to recent financial crises, which we show to be in line with the data.
  • In this theoretical paper, I propose creation of a venture bank, able to multiply the capital of a venture capital firm by at least 47 times, without requiring access to the Federal Reserve or other central bank apart from settlement. This concept rests on obtaining default swap instruments on loans in order to create the capital required, and expand Tier 1 and 2 base capital. Profitability depends on overall portfolio performance, availability of equity default swaps, cost of default swap, and the multiple of original capital (MOC) adopted by the venture bank. A new derivative financial instrument, the equity default swap (EDS), to cover loans made as venture investments. An EDS is similar to a credit default swap (CDS) but with some unique features. The features and operation of these new derivative instruments are outlined along with audit requirements. This instrument would be traded on open-outcry exchanges with special features to ensure orderly operation of the market. It is the creation of public markets for EDSs that makes possible the use of public market pricing to indirectly provide a potential market capitalization for the underlying venture-bank investment. Full coverage insulates the venture-bank from losses in most situations, and multiplies profitability quite dramatically in all scenarios. Ten year returns above 20X are attainable. Further, a new feature for EDS derivatives, a clawback lien, closes out the equity default swap. Here it is optimized at 77%, and is to be paid back to the underwriter at a future date to prevent perverse incentive to deliberately fail. This new feature creates an Equity Default Clawback Swap (EDCS) which can be used safely. This proposal also solves an old problem in banking, because it matches the term of the loan with the term of the investment. I show that the venture-bank investment and the EDCS underwriting business are profitable.
  • Long term investment is one of the major investment strategies. However, calculating intrinsic value of some company and evaluating shares for long term investment is not easy, since analyst have to care about a large number of financial indicators and evaluate them in a right manner. So far, little help in predicting the direction of the company value over the longer period of time has been provided from the machines. In this paper we present a machine learning aided approach to evaluate the equity's future price over the long time. Our method is able to correctly predict whether some company's value will be 10% higher or not over the period of one year in 76.5% of cases.
  • Inter-firm organizations, which play a driving role in the economy of a country, can be represented in the form of a customer-supplier network. Such a network exhibits a heavy-tailed degree distribution, disassortative mixing and a prominent community structure. We analyze a large-scale data set of customer-supplier relationships containing data from one million Japanese firms. Using a directed network framework, we show that the production network exhibits the characteristics listed above. We conduct detailed investigations to characterize the communities in the network. The topology within smaller communities is found to be very close to a tree-like structure but becomes denser as the community size increases. A large fraction (~40%) of firms with relatively small in- or out-degrees have customers or suppliers solely from within their own communities, indicating interactions of a highly local nature. The interaction strengths between communities as measured by the inter-community link weights follow a highly heterogeneous distribution. We further present the statistically significant over-expressions of different prefectures and sectors within different communities.
  • In this paper, we propose a novel investment strategy for portfolio optimization problems. The proposed strategy maximizes the expected portfolio value bounded within a targeted range, composed of a conservative lower target representing a need for capital protection and a desired upper target representing an investment goal. This strategy favorably shapes the entire probability distribution of returns, as it simultaneously seeks a desired expected return, cuts off downside risk and implicitly caps volatility and higher moments. To illustrate the effectiveness of this investment strategy, we study a multiperiod portfolio optimization problem with transaction costs and develop a two-stage regression approach that improves the classical least squares Monte Carlo (LSMC) algorithm when dealing with difficult payoffs, such as highly concave, abruptly changing or discontinuous functions. Our numerical results show substantial improvements over the classical LSMC algorithm for both the constant relative risk-aversion (CRRA) utility approach and the proposed skewed target range strategy (STRS). Our numerical results illustrate the ability of the STRS to contain the portfolio value within the targeted range. When compared with the CRRA utility approach, the STRS achieves a similar mean-variance efficient frontier while delivering a better downside risk-return trade-off.
  • A brief overview of the models and data analyses of income, wealth, consumption distributions by the physicists, are presented here. It has been found empirically that the distributions of income and wealth possess fairly robust features, like the bulk of both the income and wealth distributions seem to reasonably fit both the log-normal and Gamma distributions, while the tail of the distribution fits well to a power law (as first observed by sociologist Pareto). We also present our recent studies of the unit-level expenditure on consumption across multiple countries and multiple years, where it was found that there exist invariant features of consumption distribution: the bulk is log-normally distributed, followed by a power law tail at the limit. The mechanisms leading to such inequalities and invariant features for the distributions of socio-economic variables are not well-understood. We also present some simple models from physics and demonstrate how they can be used to explain some of these findings and their consequences.
  • We consider the problem of evaluating the quality of startup companies. This can be quite challenging due to the rarity of successful startup companies and the complexity of factors which impact such success. In this work we collect data on tens of thousands of startup companies, their performance, the backgrounds of their founders, and their investors. We develop a novel model for the success of a startup company based on the first passage time of a Brownian motion. The drift and diffusion of the Brownian motion associated with a startup company are a function of features based its sector, founders, and initial investors. All features are calculated using our massive dataset. Using a Bayesian approach, we are able to obtain quantitative insights about the features of successful startup companies from our model. To test the performance of our model, we use it to build a portfolio of companies where the goal is to maximize the probability of having at least one company achieve an exit (IPO or acquisition), which we refer to as winning. This $\textit{picking winners}$ framework is very general and can be used to model many problems with low probability, high reward outcomes, such as pharmaceutical companies choosing drugs to develop or studios selecting movies to produce. We frame the construction of a picking winners portfolio as a combinatorial optimization problem and show that a greedy solution has strong performance guarantees. We apply the picking winners framework to the problem of choosing a portfolio of startup companies. Using our model for the exit probabilities, we are able to construct out of sample portfolios which achieve exit rates as high as 60%, which is nearly double that of top venture capital firms.
  • Designed to compete with fiat currencies, bitcoin proposes it is a crypto-currency alternative. Bitcoin makes a number of false claims, including: solving the double-spending problem is a good thing; bitcoin can be a reserve currency for banking; hoarding equals saving, and that we should believe bitcoin can expand by deflation to become a global transactional currency supply. Bitcoin's developers combine technical implementation proficiency with ignorance of currency and banking fundamentals. This has resulted in a failed attempt to change finance. A set of recommendations to change finance are provided in the Afterword: Investment/venture banking for the masses; Venture banking to bring back what investment banks once were; Open-outcry exchange for all CDS contracts; Attempting to develop CDS type contracts on investments in startup and existing enterprises; and Improving the connection between startup tech/ideas, business organization and investment.
  • This paper characterizes the equilibrium in a continuous time financial market populated by heterogeneous agents who differ in their rate of relative risk aversion and face convex portfolio constraints. The model is studied in an application to margin constraints and found to match real world observations about financial variables and leverage cycles. It is shown how margin constraints increase the market price of risk and decrease the interest rate by forcing more risk averse agents to hold more risky assets, producing a higher equity risk premium. In addition, heterogeneity and margin constraints are shown to produce both pro- and counter-cyclical leverage cycles. Beyond two types, it is shown how constraints can cascade and how leverage can exhibit highly non-linear dynamics. Finally, empirical results are given, documenting a novel stylized fact which is predicted by the model, namely that the leverage cycle is both pro- and counter-cyclical.
  • The paradox of the energy transition is that the low marginal costs of new renewable energy sources (RES) drag electricity prices down and discourage investments in flexible productions that are needed to compensate for the lack of dispatchability of the new RES. The energy transition thus discourages the investments that are required for its own harmonious expansion. To investigate how this paradox can be overcome, we argue that, under certain assumptions, future electricity prices are rather accurately modeled from the residual load obtained by subtracting non-flexible productions from the load. Armed with the resulting economic indicator, we investigate future revenues for European power plants with various degree of flexibility. We find that, if neither carbon taxes nor fuel prices change, flexible productions would be financially rewarded better and sooner if the energy transition proceeds faster but at more or less constant total production, i.e. by reducing the production of thermal power plants at the same rate as the RES production increases. Less flexible productions, on the other hand, would see their revenue grow more moderately. Our results indicate that a faster energy transition with a quicker withdrawal of thermal power plants would reward flexible productions faster.
  • This note comprises a negative resolution of the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
  • Different technological domains have significantly different rates of performance improvement. Prior theory indicates that such differing rates should influence the relative speed of diffusion of the products embodying the different technologies since improvement in performance during the diffusion process increases the desirability of the product diffusing. However, there has not been a broad empirical attempt to examine this effect and to clarify the underlying cause. Therefore, this paper reviews the theoretical basis and focuses upon empirical tests of this effect across multiple products and their underlying technologies. The results for 18 different diffusing products show the expected relationship-faster diffusion for products based on more rapidly improving technological domains- between technological improvement and diffusion with strong statistical significance. The empirical examination also demonstrates that technological improvement does not slow down in the latter parts of diffusion when penetration does slow down. This finding indicates that diffusion slow down in the latter stages is due to market saturation effects and is not due to slowdown of performance improvement.
  • Financial markets provide a natural quantitative lab for understanding some of the most advanced human behaviours. Among them is the use of mathematical tools known as financial instruments. Besides money, the two most fundamental financial instruments are bonds and equities. More than 30 years ago Mehra and Prescott found the numerical performance of equities relative to government bonds could not be explained by consumption-based (mainstream) economic theories. This empirical observation, known as the Equity Premium Puzzle, has been defying mainstream economics ever since. The recent financial crisis revealed an even deeper need for understanding financial products. We show how understanding the rational nature of product design resolves the Equity Premium Puzzle. In doing so we obtain an experimentally tested theory of product design.
  • Cooperation is a persistent behavioral pattern of entities pooling and sharing resources. Its ubiquity in nature poses a conundrum. Whenever two entities cooperate, one must willingly relinquish something of value to the other. Why is this apparent altruism favored in evolution? Classical solutions assume a net fitness gain in a cooperative transaction which, through reciprocity or relatedness, finds its way back from recipient to donor. We seek the source of this fitness gain. Our analysis rests on the insight that evolutionary processes are typically multiplicative and noisy. Fluctuations have a net negative effect on the long-time growth rate of resources but no effect on the growth rate of their expectation value. This is an example of non-ergodicity. By reducing the amplitude of fluctuations, pooling and sharing increases the long-time growth rate for cooperating entities, meaning that cooperators outgrow similar non-cooperators. We identify this increase in growth rate as the net fitness gain, consistent with the concept of geometric mean fitness in the biological literature. This constitutes a fundamental mechanism for the evolution of cooperation. Its minimal assumptions make it a candidate explanation of cooperation in settings too simple for other fitness gains, such as emergent function and specialization, to be probable. One such example is the transition from single cells to early multicellular life.
  • The functioning of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin relies on the open availability of the entire history of its transactions. This makes it a particularly interesting socio-economic system to analyse from the point of view of network science. Here we analyse the evolution of the network of Bitcoin transactions between users. We achieve this by using the complete transaction history from December 5th 2011 to December 23rd 2013. This period includes three bubbles experienced by the Bitcoin price. In particular, we focus on the global and local structural properties of the user network and their variation in relation to the different period of price surge and decline. By analysing the temporal variation of the heterogeneity of the connectivity patterns we gain insights on the different mechanisms that take place during bubbles, and find that hubs (i.e., the most connected nodes) had a fundamental role in triggering the burst of the second bubble. Finally, we examine the local topological structures of interactions between users, we discover that the relative frequency of triadic interactions experiences a strong change before, during and after a bubble, and suggest that the importance of the hubs grows during the bubble. These results provide further evidence that the behaviour of the hubs during bubbles significantly increases the systemic risk of the Bitcoin network, and discuss the implications on public policy interventions.
  • We analyze total, asymmetric and frequency connectedness between the oil and forex markets using high-frequency intra-day data over 2007 -- 2015. Methodologically, we extend the Diebold-Yilmaz spillover index in two ways to account for asymmetric and frequency connectedness. Empirically, our results show that by combining crude oil with the set of currencies a total connectedness of the portfolio is lower than the total connectedness of the forex market itself. Further, in terms of asymmetries we show that bad volatility dominates connectedness on the forex market. However, when we add oil into a hypothetical portfolio of oil and foreign currencies, asymmetry in connectedness between the two classes of assets reverses in favor of the good volatility. Finally, the frequency connectedness analysis reveals that dynamic of the shorter and longer term connectedness dramatically differs. While shorter-term connectedness is usually low, the long-term connectedness sharply rises during the global financial crisis, European debt crisis, and after the oil price drop in 2014. Hence, the long-term connectedness reflects worrisome beliefs of investors and correlates with the increased market uncertainty.
  • This paper provides a holistic study of how stock prices vary in their response to financial disclosures across different topics. Thereby, we specifically shed light into the extensive amount of filings for which no a priori categorization of their content exists. For this purpose, we utilize an approach from data mining - namely, latent Dirichlet allocation - as a means of topic modeling. This technique facilitates our task of automatically categorizing, ex ante, the content of more than 70,000 regulatory 8-K filings from U.S. companies. We then evaluate the subsequent stock market reaction. Our empirical evidence suggests a considerable discrepancy among various types of news stories in terms of their relevance and impact on financial markets. For instance, we find a statistically significant abnormal return in response to earnings results and credit rating, but also for disclosures regarding business strategy, the health sector, as well as mergers and acquisitions. Our results yield findings that benefit managers, investors and policy-makers by indicating how regulatory filings should be structured and the topics most likely to precede changes in stock valuations.
  • Two critical questions about intergenerational outcomes are: one, whether significant barriers or traps exist between different social or economic strata; and two, the extent to which intergenerational outcomes do (or can be used to) affect individual investment and consumption decisions. We develop a model to explicitly relate these two questions, and prove the first such `rat race' theorem, showing that a fundamental relationship exists between high levels of individual investment and the existence of a wealth trap, which traps otherwise identical agents at a lower level of wealth. Our simple model of intergenerational wealth dynamics involves agents which balance current consumption with investment in a single descendant. Investments then determine descendant wealth via a potentially nonlinear and discontinuous competitiveness function about which we do not make concavity assumptions. From this model we demonstrate how to infer such a competitiveness function from investments, along with geometric criteria to determine individual decisions. Additionally we investigate the stability of a wealth distribution, both to local perturbations and to the introduction of new agents with no wealth.
  • Relationship lending is broadly interpreted as a strong partnership between a lender and a borrower. Nevertheless, we still lack consensus regarding how to quantify the strength of a lending relationship, while simple statistics such as the frequency and volume of loans have been used as proxies in previous studies. Here, we propose statistical tests to identify relationship lending as a significant tie between banks. Application of the proposed method to the Italian interbank networks reveals that the fraction of relationship lending among all bilateral trades has been quite stable and that the relationship lenders tend to impose high interest rates at the time of financial distress.
  • The crowd panic and its contagion play non-negligible roles at the time of the stock crash, especially for China where inexperienced investors dominate the market. However, existing models rarely consider investors in networking stocks and accordingly miss the exact knowledge of how panic contagion leads to abrupt crash. In this paper, by networking stocks of sharing common mutual funds, a new methodology of investigating the market crash is presented. It is surprisingly revealed that the herding, which origins in the mimic of seeking for high diversity across investment strategies to lower individual risk, will produce too-connected-to-fail stocks and reluctantly boosts the systemic risk of the entire market. Though too-connected stocks might be relatively stable during the crisis, they are so influential that a small downward fluctuation will cascade to trigger severe drops of massive successor stocks, implying that their falls might be unexpectedly amplified by the collective panic and result in the market crash. Our findings suggest that the whole picture of portfolio strategy has to be carefully supervised to reshape the stock network.
  • The concept of progress has characterized human society from millennia. However, this concept is elusive and too often given for certain. The goal of this paper is to suggest a general definition of human progress that satisfies, whenever possible the conditions of independence, generality, epistemological applicability and empirical correctness. This study proposes, within a pragmatic approach, human progress as an inexhaustible process driven by an ideal of maximum wellbeing of purposeful people which, on attainment of any of its goals or objectives for increasing wellbeing, then seek another consequential goal and objective, endlessly, which more closely approximates its ideal fixed in new socioeconomic contexts over time and space. The human progress, in the global, capitalistic, and post-humanistic Era, improves the fundamental life-interests represented by health, wealth, expansion of knowledge, technology and freedom directed to increase wellbeing throughout the society. These factors support the acquisition by humanity of better and more complex forms of life. However, this study shows the inconsistency of the equation economic growth= progress because human progress also generates, during its continuous process without limit, negative effects for human being, environment and society.
  • This paper examines the time series properties of cryptocurrency assets, such as Bitcoin, using established econometric inference techniques, namely models of the GARCH family. The contribution of this study is twofold. I explore the time series properties of cryptocurrencies, a new type of financial asset on which there appears to be little or no literature. I suggest an improved econometric specification to that which has been recently proposed in Chu et al (2017), the first econometric study to examine the price dynamics of the most popular cryptocurrencies. Questions regarding the reliability of their study stem from the authors mis-diagnosing the distribution of GARCH innovations. Checks are performed on whether innovations are Gaussian or GED by using Kolmogorov type non-parametric tests and Khmaladze's martingale transformation. Null of gaussianity is strongly rejected for all GARCH(p,q) models, with $p,q \in \{1,\ldots,5 \}$, for all cryptocurrencies in sample. For tests of normality, I make use of the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature. Parameters of GARCH models are estimated with generalized error distribution innovations using maximum likelihood. For calculating P-values, the parametric bootstrap method is used. Arguing against Chu et al (2017), I show that there is a strong empirical argument against modelling innovations under some common assumptions.
  • Capital investment literature implicitly assumes that exponential growth of consumption can last indefinitely into the future. However, in the context of climate finance with benefits on current investments deferred to centuries from now, this process is fundamentally constrained by finite biophysical resources of Earth. Similarly to a population dynamics, a negative feedback mechanism will eventually prevent unlimited growth of consumption and reduce its rate. We apply this basic insight to valuation of long-term social discount rates. Combining the Ramsey optimal growth framework with the marginal-utility approach and the Verhulst logistic model, we demonstrate that inevitable slowing down of consumption growth leads to a declining long-term tail of the discount curve. This dynamic effect becomes stronger than the well-known "precautionary" effect related to uncertainty of a social planer in future growth rates of consumption in the relatively near future, which has been estimated here as about 100 years from now (the lower boundary). Our formulation yields remarkably simple expressions for time-declining discount rates which generalize the classic Ramsey formula. The derived results can help to shape a more realistic long-term social discounting policy. Furthermore, with the obvious redefinition of the key parameters of the model, the obtained results are directly applicable for estimations of the expected long-term population growth curve in stochastic environments.
  • We employ stochastic dynamic microsimulations to analyse and forecast the pension cost dependency ratio for England and Wales from 1991 to 2061, evaluating the impact of the ongoing state pension reforms and changes in international migration patterns under different Brexit scenarios. To fully account for the recently observed volatility in life expectancies, we propose mortality rate model based on deep learning techniques, which discovers complex patterns in data and extrapolated trends. Our results show that the recent reforms can effectively stave off the "pension crisis" and bring back the system on a sounder fiscal footing. At the same time, increasingly more workers can expect to spend greater share of their lifespan in retirement, despite the eligibility age rises. The population ageing due to the observed postponement of death until senectitude often occurs with the compression of morbidity, and thus will not, perforce, intrinsically strain healthcare costs. To a lesser degree, the future pension cost dependency ratio will depend on the post-Brexit relations between the UK and the EU, with "soft" alignment on the free movement lowering the relative cost of the pension system compared to the "hard" one. In the long term, however, the ratio has a rising tendency.