• In this article, inspired by Shi, et al. we investigate the optimal portfolio selection with one risk-free asset and one risky asset in a multiple period setting under cumulative prospect theory (CPT). Compared with their study, our novelty is that we consider a stochastic benchmark, and portfolio constraints. We test the sensitivity of the optimal CPT-investment strategies to different model parameters by performing a numerical analysis.
  • This paper presents several models addressing optimal portfolio choice, optimal portfolio liquidation, and optimal portfolio transition issues, in which the expected returns of risky assets are unknown. Our approach is based on a coupling between Bayesian learning and dynamic programming techniques that leads to partial differential equations. It enables to recover the well-known results of Karatzas and Zhao in a framework \`a la Merton, but also to deal with cases where martingale methods are no longer available. In particular, we address optimal portfolio choice, portfolio liquidation, and portfolio transition problems in a framework \`a la Almgren-Chriss, and we build therefore a model in which the agent takes into account in his decision process both the liquidity of assets and the uncertainty with respect to their expected return.
  • We introduce a new class of forward performance processes that are endogenous and predictable with regards to an underlying market information set and, furthermore, are updated at discrete times. We analyze in detail a binomial model whose parameters are random and updated dynamically as the market evolves. We show that the key step in the construction of the associated predictable forward performance process is to solve a single-period inverse investment problem, namely, to determine, period-by-period and conditionally on the current market information, the end-time utility function from a given initial-time value function. We reduce this inverse problem to solving a functional equation and establish conditions for the existence and uniqueness of its solutions in the class of inverse marginal functions.
  • How do macro-financial shocks affect investor behavior and market dynamics? Recent evidence on experience effects suggests a long-lasting influence of personally experienced outcomes on investor beliefs and investment, but also significant differences across older and younger generations. We formalize experience-based learning in an OLG model, where different cross-cohort experiences generate persistent heterogeneity in beliefs, portfolio choices, and trade. The model allows us to characterize a novel link between investor demographics and the dependence of prices on past dividends, while also generating known features of asset prices, such as excess volatility and return predictability. The model produces new implications for the cross-section of asset holdings, trade volume, and investors' heterogenous responses to recent financial crises, which we show to be in line with the data.
  • We consider the robust exponential utility maximization problem in discrete time: An investor maximizes the worst case expected exponential utility with respect to a family of nondominated probabilistic models of her endowment by dynamically investing in a financial market, and statically in available options. We show that, for any measurable random endowment (regardless of whether the problem is finite or not) an optimal strategy exists, a dual representation in terms of (calibrated) martingale measures holds true, and that the problem satisfies the dynamic programming principle (in case of no options). Further it is shown that the value of the utility maximization problem converges to the robust superhedging price as the risk aversion parameter gets large, and examples of nondominated probabilistic models are discussed.
  • We study portfolio selection in a model with both temporary and transient price impact introduced by Garleanu and Pedersen (2016). In the large-liquidity limit where both frictions are small, we derive explicit formulas for the asymptotically optimal trading rate and the corresponding minimal leading-order performance loss. We find that the losses are governed by the volatility of the frictionless target strategy, like in models with only temporary price impact. In contrast, the corresponding optimal portfolio not only tracks the frictionless optimizer, but also exploits the displacement of the market price from its unaffected level.
  • We study the Merton problem of optimal consumption-investment for the case of two investors sharing a final wealth. The typical example would be a husband and wife sharing a portfolio looking to optimize the expected utility of consumption and final wealth. Each agent has different utility function and discount factor. An explicit formulation for the optimal consumptions and portfolio can be obtained in the case of a complete market. The problem is shown to be equivalent to maximizing three different utilities separately with separate initial wealths. We study a numerical example where the market price of risk is assumed to be mean reverting, and provide insights on the influence of risk aversion or discount rates on the initial optimal allocation.
  • We give complete algorithms and source code for constructing (multilevel) statistical industry classifications, including methods for fixing the number of clusters at each level (and the number of levels). Under the hood there are clustering algorithms (e.g., k-means). However, what should we cluster? Correlations? Returns? The answer turns out to be neither and our backtests suggest that these details make a sizable difference. We also give an algorithm and source code for building "hybrid" industry classifications by improving off-the-shelf "fundamental" industry classifications by applying our statistical industry classification methods to them. The presentation is intended to be pedagogical and geared toward practical applications in quantitative trading.
  • It is well known that combining multiple hedge fund alpha streams yields diversification benefits to the resultant portfolio. Additionally, crossing trades between different alpha streams reduces transaction costs. As the number of alpha streams increases, the relative turnover of the portfolio decreases as more trades are crossed. However, we argue, under reasonable assumptions, that as the number of alphas increases, the turnover does not decrease indefinitely; instead, the turnover approaches a non-vanishing limit related to the correlation structure of the portfolio's alphas. We also point out that, more generally, computational simplifications can arise when the number of alphas is large.
  • We develop models to price long term loans in the securities lending business. These longer horizon deals can be viewed as contracts with optionality embedded in them and can be priced using established methods from derivatives theory, becoming to our limited knowledge, the first application that can lead to greater synergies between the operations of derivative and delta-one trading desks, perhaps even being able to combine certain aspects of the day to day operations of these seemingly disparate entities. We run numerical simulations to demonstrate the practical applicability of these models. These models are part of one of the least explored yet profit laden areas of modern investment management. We develop a heuristic that can mitigate the loss of information that sets in when parameters are estimated first and then the valuation is performed by directly calculating the valuation using the historical time series. This can lead to reduced models errors and greater financial stability. We illustrate how the methodologies developed here could be useful for inventory management. All these techniques could have applications for dealing with other financial instruments, non-financial commodities and many forms of uncertainty. An unintended consequence of our efforts, has become a review of the vast literature on options pricing, which can be useful for anyone that attempts to apply the corresponding techniques to the problems mentioned here. Admittedly, our initial ambitions to produce a normative theory on long term loan valuations are undone by the present state of affairs in social science modeling. Though we consider many elements of a securities lending system at face value, this cannot be termed a positive theory. For now, if it ends up producing a useful theory, our work is done.
  • In this work, we study a dynamic portfolio optimization problem related to pairs trading, which is an investment strategy that matches a long position in one security with a short position in another security with similar characteristics. The relationship between pairs, called a spread, is modeled by a Gaussian mean-reverting process whose drift rate is modulated by an unobservable continuous-time, finite-state Markov chain. Using the classical stochastic filtering theory, we reduce this problem with partial information to the one with full information and solve it for the logarithmic utility function, where the terminal wealth is penalized by the riskiness of the portfolio according to the realized volatility of the wealth process. We characterize optimal dollar-neutral strategies as well as optimal value functions under full and partial information and show that the certainty equivalence principle holds for the optimal portfolio strategy. Finally, we provide a numerical analysis for a toy example with a two-state Markov chain.
  • In this paper, we propose a novel investment strategy for portfolio optimization problems. The proposed strategy maximizes the expected portfolio value bounded within a targeted range, composed of a conservative lower target representing a need for capital protection and a desired upper target representing an investment goal. This strategy favorably shapes the entire probability distribution of returns, as it simultaneously seeks a desired expected return, cuts off downside risk and implicitly caps volatility and higher moments. To illustrate the effectiveness of this investment strategy, we study a multiperiod portfolio optimization problem with transaction costs and develop a two-stage regression approach that improves the classical least squares Monte Carlo (LSMC) algorithm when dealing with difficult payoffs, such as highly concave, abruptly changing or discontinuous functions. Our numerical results show substantial improvements over the classical LSMC algorithm for both the constant relative risk-aversion (CRRA) utility approach and the proposed skewed target range strategy (STRS). Our numerical results illustrate the ability of the STRS to contain the portfolio value within the targeted range. When compared with the CRRA utility approach, the STRS achieves a similar mean-variance efficient frontier while delivering a better downside risk-return trade-off.
  • By Markowitz geometry we mean the intersection theory of ellipsoids and affine subspaces in a real finite-dimensional linear space. In the paper we give a meticulous and self-contained treatment of this arch-classical subject, which lays a solid mathematical groundwork of Markowitz mean-variance theory of efficient portfolios in economics.
  • This paper aims at developing a new method by which to build a data-driven portfolio featuring a target risk-return. We first present a comparative study of recurrent neural network models (RNNs), including a simple RNN, long short-term memory (LSTM), and gated recurrent unit (GRU) for selecting the best predictor to use in portfolio construction. The models are applied to the investment universe consisted of ten stocks in the S&P500. The experimental results shows that LSTM outperforms the others in terms of hit ratio of one-month-ahead forecasts. We then build predictive threshold-based portfolios (TBPs) that are subsets of the universe satisfying given threshold criteria for the predicted returns. The TBPs are rebalanced monthly to restore equal weights to each security within the TBPs. We find that the risk and return profile of the realized TBP represents a monotonically increasing frontier on the risk-return plane, where the equally weighted portfolio (EWP) of all ten stocks plays a role in their lower bound. This shows the availability of TBPs in targeting specific risk-return levels, and an EWP based on all the assets plays a role in the reference portfolio of TBPs. In the process, thresholds play dominant roles in characterizing risk, return, and the prediction accuracy of the subset. The TBP is more data-driven in designing portfolio target risk and return than existing ones, in the sense that it requires no prior knowledge of finance such as financial assumptions, financial mathematics, or expert insights. In a practical application, we present the TBP management procedure for a time horizon extending over multiple time periods; we also discuss their application to mean-variance portfolios to reduce estimation risk.
  • We consider a stochastic control problem with the assumption that the system is controlled until the state process breaks the fixed barrier. Assuming some general conditions, it is proved that the resulting Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations has smooth solution. The aforementioned result is used to solve the optimal dividend and consumption problem. In the proof we use a fixed point type argument, with an operator which is based on the stochastic representation for a linear equation.
  • In this paper we estimate the mean-variance (MV) portfolio in the high-dimensional case using the recent results from the theory of random matrices. We construct a linear shrinkage estimator which is distribution-free and is optimal in the sense of maximizing with probability $1$ the asymptotic out-of-sample expected utility, i.e., mean-variance objective function for several values of risk aversion coefficient which in particular leads to the maximization of the out-of sample expected utility, to the maximization of the out-of-sample Sharpe ratio, and to the minimization of the out-of-sample variance. Its asymptotic properties are investigated when the number of assets $p$ together with the sample size $n$ tend to infinity such that $p/n \rightarrow c\in (0,+\infty)$. The results are obtained under weak assumptions imposed on the distribution of the asset returns, namely the existence of the fourth moments is only required. Thereafter we perform numerical and empirical studies where the small- and large-sample behavior of the derived estimator is investigated. The suggested estimator shows significant improvements over the naive diversification and it is robust to the deviations from normality.
  • The optimization of the variance supplemented by a budget constraint and an asymmetric $\ell_1$ regularizer is carried out analytically by the replica method borrowed from the theory of disordered systems. The asymmetric regularizer allows us to penalize short and long positions differently, so the present treatment includes the no-short-constrained portfolio optimization problem as a special case. Results are presented for the out-of-sample and the in-sample estimator of the regularized variance, the relative estimation error, the density of the assets eliminated from the portfolio by the regularizer, and the distribution of the optimal portfolio weights. We have studied the dependence of these quantities on the ratio $r$ of the portfolio's dimension $N$ to the sample size $T$, and on the strength of the regularizer. We have checked the analytic results by numerical simulations, and found general agreement. Regularization extends the interval where the optimization can be carried out, and suppresses the large sample fluctuations, but the performance of $\ell_1$ regularization is rather disappointing: if the sample size is large relative to the dimension, i.e. $r$ is small, the regularizer does not play any role, while for $r$'s where the regularizer starts to be felt the estimation error is already so large as to make the whole optimization exercise pointless. We find that the $\ell_1$ regularization can eliminate at most half the assets from the portfolio, corresponding to this there is a critical ratio $r=2$ beyond which the $\ell_1$ regularized variance cannot be optimized: the regularized variance becomes constant over the simplex. These facts do not seem to have been noticed in the literature.
  • The optimization of a large random portfolio under the Expected Shortfall risk measure with an $\ell_2$ regularizer is carried out by analytical calculation. The regularizer reins in the large sample fluctuations and the concomitant divergent estimation error, and eliminates the phase transition where this error would otherwise blow up. In the data-dominated region, where the number $N$ of different assets in the portfolio is much less than the length $T$ of the available time series, the regularizer plays a negligible role even if its strength $\eta$ is large, while in the opposite limit, where the size of samples is comparable to, or even smaller than the number of assets, the optimum is almost entirely determined by the regularizer. We construct the contour map of estimation error on the $N/T$ vs. $\eta$ plane and find that for a given value of the estimation error the gain in $N/T$ due to the regularizer can reach a factor of about 4 for a sufficiently strong regularizer.
  • Accounting for the non-normality of asset returns remains challenging in robust portfolio optimization. In this article, we tackle this problem by assessing the risk of the portfolio through the "amount of randomness" conveyed by its returns. We achieve this by using an objective function that relies on the exponential of R\'enyi entropy, an information-theoretic criterion that precisely quantifies the uncertainty embedded in a distribution, accounting for higher-order moments. Compared to Shannon entropy, R\'enyi entropy features a parameter that can be tuned to play around the notion of uncertainty. A Gram-Charlier expansion shows that it controls the relative contributions of the central (variance) and tail (kurtosis) parts of the distribution in the measure. We further rely on a non-parametric estimator of the exponential R\'enyi entropy that extends a robust sample-spacings estimator initially designed for Shannon entropy. A portfolio selection application illustrates that minimizing R\'enyi entropy yields portfolios that outperform state-of-the-art minimum variance portfolios in terms of risk-return-turnover trade-off.
  • We theoretically and empirically study portfolio optimization under transaction costs and establish a link between turnover penalization and covariance shrinkage with the penalization governed by transaction costs. We show how the ex ante incorporation of transaction costs shifts optimal portfolios towards regularized versions of efficient allocations. The regulatory effect of transaction costs is studied in an econometric setting incorporating parameter uncertainty and optimally combining predictive distributions resulting from high-frequency and low-frequency data. In an extensive empirical study, we illustrate that turnover penalization is more effective than commonly employed shrinkage methods and is crucial in order to construct empirically well-performing portfolios.
  • The Markowitz Category (1611.07741)

    June 4, 2018 q-fin.PM
    We give an algebraic definition of a Markowitz market and classify markets up to isomorphism. Given this classification, the theory of portfolio optimization in Markowitz markets without short selling constraints becomes trivial. Conversely, this classification shows that, up to isomorphism, there is little that can be said about a Markowitz market that is not already detected by the theory of portfolio optimization. In particular, if one seeks to develop a simplified low-dimensional model of a large financial market using mean--variance analysis alone, the resulting model can be at most two-dimensional.
  • We use pathwise It\^o calculus to prove two strictly pathwise versions of the master formula in Fernholz' stochastic portfolio theory. Our first version is set within the framework of F\"ollmer's pathwise It\^o calculus and works for portfolios generated from functions that may depend on the current states of the market portfolio and an additional path of finite variation. The second version is formulated within the functional pathwise It\^o calculus of Dupire (2009) and Cont \& Fourni\'e (2010) and allows for portfolio-generating functionals that may depend additionally on the entire path of the market portfolio. Our results are illustrated by several examples and shown to work on empirical market data.
  • We proposed a new Portfolio Management method termed as Robust Log-Optimal Strategy (RLOS), which ameliorates the General Log-Optimal Strategy (GLOS) by approximating the traditional objective function with quadratic Taylor expansion. It avoids GLOS's complex CDF estimation process,hence resists the "Butterfly Effect" caused by estimation error. Besides,RLOS retains GLOS's profitability and the optimization problem involved in RLOS is computationally far more practical compared to GLOS. Further, we combine RLOS with Reinforcement Learning (RL) and propose the so-called Robust Log-Optimal Strategy with Reinforcement Learning (RLOSRL), where the RL agent receives the analyzed results from RLOS and observes the trading environment to make comprehensive investment decisions. The RLOSRL's performance is compared to some traditional strategies on several back tests, where we randomly choose a selection of constituent stocks of the CSI300 index as assets under management and the test results validate its profitability and stability.
  • This paper presents a simple method for a posteriori (historical) multi-variate multi-stage optimal trading under transaction costs and a diversification constraint. Starting from a given amount of money in some currency, we analyze the stage-wise optimal allocation over a time horizon with potential investments in multiple currencies and various assets. Three variants are discussed, including unconstrained trading frequency, a fixed number of total admissable trades, and the waiting of a specific time-period after every executed trade until the next trade. The developed methods are based on efficient graph generation and consequent graph search, and are evaluated quantitatively on real-world data. The fundamental motivation of this work is preparatory labeling of financial time-series data for supervised machine learning.
  • We study the problem of utility maximization from terminal wealth in which an agent optimally builds her portfolio by investing in a bond and a risky asset. The asset price dynamics follow a diffusion process with regime-switching coefficients modeled by a continuous-time finite-state Markov chain. We consider an investor with a Constant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA) utility function. We deduce the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation to construct the solution and the optimal trading strategy and verify optimality by showing that the value function is the unique constrained viscosity solution of the HJB equation. By means of a Laplace transform method, we show how to explicitly compute the value function and illustrate the method with the two- and three-states cases. This method is interesting in its own right and can be adapted in other applications involving hybrid systems and using other types of transforms with basic properties similar to the Laplace transform.