We consider the problem of distributed estimation of a Gaussian vector with
linear observation model. Each sensor makes a scalar noisy observation of the
unknown vector, quantizes its observation, maps it to a digitally modulated
symbol, and transmits the symbol over orthogonal power-constrained fading
channels to a fusion center (FC). The FC is tasked with fusing the received
signals from sensors and estimating the unknown vector. We derive the Bayesian
Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) for three types of receivers: (i) coherent
receiver (ii) noncoherent receiver with known channel envelopes (iii)
noncoherent receiver with known channel statistics only. We also derive the
Weiss-Weinstein bound (WWB). We formulate two constrained optimization
problems, namely maximizing trace and log-determinant of Bayesian FIM under
network transmit power constraint, with sensors transmit powers being the
optimization variables. We show that for coherent receiver, these problems are
concave. However, for noncoherent receivers, they are not necessarily concave.
The solution to the trace of Bayesian FIM maximization problem can be
implemented in a distributed fashion. We numerically investigate how the
FIM-max power allocation across sensors depends on the sensors observation
qualities and physical layer parameters as well as the network transmit power
constraint. Moreover, we evaluate the system performance in terms of MSE using
the solutions of FIM-max schemes, and compare it with the solution obtained
from minimizing the MSE of the LMMSE estimator (MSE-min scheme), and that of
uniform power allocation. These comparisons illustrate that, although the WWB
is tighter than the inverse of Bayesian FIM, it is still suitable to use
FIM-max schemes, since the performance loss in terms of the MSE of the LMMSE
estimator is not significant.
We consider designing a robust structured sparse sensing matrix consisting of
a sparse matrix with a few non-zero entries per row and a dense base matrix for
capturing signals efficiently We design the robust structured sparse sensing
matrix through minimizing the distance between the Gram matrix of the
equivalent dictionary and the target Gram of matrix holding small mutual
coherence. Moreover, a regularization is added to enforce the robustness of the
optimized structured sparse sensing matrix to the sparse representation error
(SRE) of signals of interests. An alternating minimization algorithm with
global sequence convergence is proposed for solving the corresponding
optimization problem. Numerical experiments on synthetic data and natural
images show that the obtained structured sensing matrix results in a higher
signal reconstruction than a random dense sensing matrix.
In this survey paper, our goal is to discuss recent advances of compressive
sensing (CS) based solutions in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) including the
main ongoing/recent research efforts, challenges and research trends in this
area. In WSNs, CS based techniques are well motivated by not only the sparsity
prior observed in different forms but also by the requirement of efficient
in-network processing in terms of transmit power and communication bandwidth
even with nonsparse signals. In order to apply CS in a variety of WSN
applications efficiently, there are several factors to be considered beyond the
standard CS framework. We start the discussion with a brief introduction to the
theory of CS and then describe the motivational factors behind the potential
use of CS in WSN applications. Then, we identify three main areas along which
the standard CS framework is extended so that CS can be efficiently applied to
solve a variety of problems specific to WSNs. In particular, we emphasize on
the significance of extending the CS framework to (i). take communication
constraints into account while designing projection matrices and reconstruction
algorithms for signal reconstruction in centralized as well in decentralized
settings, (ii) solve a variety of inference problems such as detection,
classification and parameter estimation, with compressed data without signal
reconstruction and (iii) take practical communication aspects such as
measurement quantization, physical layer secrecy constraints, and imperfect
channel conditions into account. Finally, open research issues and challenges
are discussed in order to provide perspectives for future research directions.
In traditional optical imaging systems, the spatial resolution is limited by
the physics of diffraction, which acts as a low-pass filter. The information on
sub-wavelength features is carried by evanescent waves, never reaching the
camera, thereby posing a hard limit on resolution: the so-called diffraction
limit. Modern microscopic methods enable super-resolution, by employing
florescence techniques. State-of-the-art localization based fluorescence
subwavelength imaging techniques such as PALM and STORM achieve sub-diffraction
spatial resolution of several tens of nano-meters. However, they require tens
of thousands of exposures, which limits their temporal resolution. We have
recently proposed SPARCOM (sparsity based super-resolution correlation
microscopy), which exploits the sparse nature of the fluorophores distribution,
alongside a statistical prior of uncorrelated emissions, and showed that
SPARCOM achieves spatial resolution comparable to PALM/STORM, while capturing
the data hundreds of times faster. Here, we provide a detailed mathematical
formulation of SPARCOM, which in turn leads to an efficient numerical
implementation, suitable for large-scale problems. We further extend our method
to a general framework for sparsity based super-resolution imaging, in which
sparsity can be assumed in other domains such as wavelet or discrete-cosine,
leading to improved reconstructions in a variety of physical settings.
This paper presents a novel massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
transmission in beam domain for optical wireless communications. The optical
base station equipped with massive optical transmitters communicates with a
number of user terminals (UTs) through a transmit lens. Focusing on LED
transmitters, we analyze light refraction of the lens and establish a channel
model for optical massive MIMO transmissions. For a large number of LEDs,
channel vectors of different UTs become asymptotically orthogonal. We
investigate the maximum ratio transmission and regularized zero-forcing
precoding in the optical massive MIMO system, and propose a linear precoding
design to maximize the sum rate. We further design the precoding when the
number of transmitters grows asymptotically large, and show that beam division
multiple access (BDMA) transmission achieves the asymptotically optimal
performance for sum rate maximization. Unlike optical MIMO without a transmit
lens, BDMA can increase the sum rate proportionally to $2K$ and $K$ under the
total and per transmitter power constraints, respectively, where $K$ is the
number of UTs. In the non-asymptotic case, we prove the orthogonality
conditions of the optimal power allocation in beam domain and propose efficient
beam allocation algorithms. Numerical results confirm the significantly
improved performance of our proposed beam domain optical massive MIMO
communication approaches.
In time-division duplexing (TDD) systems, massive multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) relies on the channel reciprocity to obtain the downlink
(DL) channel state information (CSI) with the uplink (UL) CSI. In practice, the
mismatches in the radio frequency (RF) analog circuits among different antennas
at the base station (BS) break the end-to-end UL and DL channel reciprocity.
Antenna calibration is necessary to avoid the severe performance degradation
with massive MIMO. Many calibration schemes are available to compensate the RF
gain mismatches and restore the channel reciprocity in TDD massive MIMO
systems. In this paper, we focus on the internal self-calibration scheme where
different BS antennas are interconnected via hardware transmission lines.
First, we study the resulting calibration performance for an arbitrary
interconnection strategy. Next, we obtain closed-form Cramer-Rao lower bound
(CRLB) expressions for each interconnection strategy at the BS with only (M-1)
transmission lines and M denotes the total number of BS antennas. Basing on the
derived results, we further prove that the star interconnection strategy is
optimal for internal self-calibration due to its lowest CRLB. In addition, we
also put forward efficient recursive algorithms to derive the corresponding
maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates of all the calibration coefficients.
Numerical simulation results are also included to corroborate our theoretical
analyses and results.
In many settings people must give numerical scores to entities from a small
discrete set. For instance, rating physical attractiveness from 1--5 on dating
sites, or papers from 1--10 for conference reviewing. We study the problem of
understanding when using a different number of options is optimal. We consider
the case when scores are uniform random and Gaussian. We study computationally
when using 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 options out of a total of 100 is optimal in these
models (though our theoretical analysis is for a more general setting with $k$
choices from $n$ total options as well as a continuous underlying space). One
may expect that using more options would always improve performance in this
model, but we show that this is not necessarily the case, and that using fewer
choices---even just two---can surprisingly be optimal in certain situations.
While in theory for this setting it would be optimal to use all 100 options, in
practice this is prohibitive, and it is preferable to utilize a smaller number
of options due to humans' limited computational resources. Our results could
have many potential applications, as settings requiring entities to be ranked
by humans are ubiquitous. There could also be applications to other fields such
as signal or image processing where input values from a large set must be
mapped to output values in a smaller set.
Numerous linear and non-linear data-detection and precoding algorithms for
wideband massive multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless
systems that rely on orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) or
single-carrier frequency-division multiple access (SC-FDMA) require the
computation of the Gram matrix for each active subcarrier. Computing the Gram
matrix for each active subcarrier, however, results in excessively high
computational complexity. In this paper, we propose novel, approximate
algorithms that significantly reduce the complexity of Gram-matrix computation
by simultaneously exploiting correlation across subcarriers and channel
hardening. We show analytically that a small fraction of Gram-matrix
computations in combination with approximate interpolation schemes are
sufficient to achieve near-optimal error-rate performance at low computational
complexity in massive MU-MIMO systems. We also demonstrate that the proposed
methods exhibit improved robustness against channel-estimation errors compared
to exact Gram-matrix interpolation algorithms that typically require high
computational complexity.
In this two-part paper, we present a novel framework and methodology to
analyze data from certain image-based biochemical assays, e.g., ELISPOT and
Fluorospot assays. In this second part, we focus on our algorithmic
contributions. We provide an algorithm for functional inverse diffusion that
solves the variational problem we posed in Part I. As part of the derivation of
this algorithm, we present the proximal operator for the non-negative
group-sparsity regularizer, which is a novel result that is of interest in
itself, also in comparison to previous results on the proximal operator of a
sum of functions. We then present a discretized approximated implementation of
our algorithm and evaluate it both in terms of operational cell-detection
metrics and in terms of distributional optimal-transport metrics.
In this two-part paper, we present a novel framework and methodology to
analyze data from certain image-based biochemical assays, e.g., ELISPOT and
Fluorospot assays. In this first part, we start by presenting a physical
partial differential equations (PDE) model up to image acquisition for these
biochemical assays. Then, we use the PDEs' Green function to derive a novel
parametrization of the acquired images. This parametrization allows us to
propose a functional optimization problem to address inverse diffusion. In
particular, we propose a non-negative group-sparsity regularized optimization
problem with the goal of localizing and characterizing the biological cells
involved in the said assays. We continue by proposing a suitable discretization
scheme that enables both the generation of synthetic data and implementable
algorithms to address inverse diffusion. We end Part I by providing a
preliminary comparison between the results of our methodology and an expert
human labeler on real data. Part II is devoted to providing an accelerated
proximal gradient algorithm to solve the proposed problem and to the empirical
validation of our methodology.
A modulated wideband converter (MWC) has been introduced as a sub-Nyquist
sampler that exploits a set of fast alternating pseudo random (PR) signals.
Through parallel sampling branches, an MWC compresses a multiband spectrum by
mixing it with PR signals in the time domain, and acquires its sub-Nyquist
samples. Previously, the ratio of compression was fully dependent on the
specifications of PR signals. That is, to further reduce the sampling rate
without information loss, faster and longer-period PR signals were needed.
However, the implementation of such PR signal generators results in high power
consumption and large fabrication area. In this paper, we propose a novel
aliased modulated wideband converter (AMWC), which can further reduce the
sampling rate of MWC with fixed PR signals. The main idea is to induce
intentional signal aliasing at the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). In
addition to the first spectral compression by the signal mixer, the intentional
aliasing compresses the mixed spectrum once again. We demonstrate that AMWC
reduces the number of sampling branches and the rate of ADC for lossless
sub-Nyquist sampling without needing to upgrade the speed or period of PR
signals. Conversely, for a given fixed number of sampling branches and sampling
rate, AMWC improves the performance of signal reconstruction.
Covert communication conceals the transmission of the message from an
attentive adversary. Recent work on the limits of covert communication in
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels has demonstrated that a covert
transmitter (Alice) can reliably transmit a maximum of
$\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{n}\right)$ bits to a covert receiver (Bob) without
being detected by an adversary (Warden Willie) in $n$ channel uses. This paper
focuses on the scenario where other friendly nodes distributed according to a
two-dimensional Poisson point process with density $m$ are present in the
environment. We propose a strategy where the friendly node closest to the
adversary, without close coordination with Alice, produces artificial noise. We
show that this method allows Alice to reliably and covertly send
$\mathcal{O}(\min\{{n,m^{\gamma/2}\sqrt{n}}\})$ bits to Bob in $n$ channel
uses, where $\gamma$ is the path-loss exponent. Moreover, we also consider a
setting where there are $N_{\mathrm{w}}$ collaborating adversaries uniformly
and randomly located in the environment and show that in $n$ channel uses,
Alice can reliably and covertly send
\sqrt{n}}{N_{\mathrm{w}}^{\gamma}}\right\}\right)$ bits to Bob when $\gamma
>2$, and $\mathcal{O}\left(\min\left\{n,\frac{m
\sqrt{n}}{N_{\mathrm{w}}^{2}\log^2 {N_{\mathrm{w}}}}\right\}\right)$ when
$\gamma = 2$. Conversely, we demonstrate that no higher covert throughput is
possible for $\gamma>2$.
In this work we design a receiver that iteratively passes soft information
between the channel estimation and data decoding stages. The receiver
incorporates sparsity-based parametric channel estimation. State-of-the-art
sparsity-based iterative receivers simplify the channel estimation problem by
restricting the multipath delays to a grid. Our receiver does not impose such a
restriction. As a result it does not suffer from the leakage effect, which
destroys sparsity. Communication at near capacity rates in high SNR requires a
large modulation order. Due to the close proximity of modulation symbols in
such systems, the grid-based approximation is of insufficient accuracy. We show
numerically that a state-of-the-art iterative receiver with grid-based sparse
channel estimation exhibits a bit-error-rate floor in the high SNR regime. On
the contrary, our receiver performs very close to the perfect channel state
information bound for all SNR values. We also demonstrate both theoretically
and numerically that parametric channel estimation works well in dense
channels, i.e., when the number of multipath components is large and each
individual component cannot be resolved.
Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation of mixed uncorrelated and coherent
sources is a long existing challenge in array signal processing. Application of
compressive sensing to array signal processing has opened up an exciting class
of algorithms. The authors investigated the application of orthogonal matching
pursuit (OMP) for direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation for different
scenarios, especially to tackle the case of coherent sources and observed
inconsistencies in the results. In this paper, a modified OMP algorithm is
proposed to overcome these deficiencies by exploiting maximum variance based
criterion using only one snapshot. This criterion relaxes the imposed
restricted isometry property (RIP) on the measurement matrix to obtain the
sources and hence, reduces the sparsity of the input vector to the local OMP
algorithm. Moreover, it also tackles sources irrespective of their coherency.
The condition for the weak-1 RIP on decreased sparsity is derived and it is
shown that how the algorithm gives better result than the OMP algorithm. With
an addition to this, a simple method is also presented to calculate source
distance from the reference point in a uniform linear sensor array. Numerical
analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
The two-terminal key agreement problem with biometric or physical identifiers
is considered. Two linear code constructions based on Wyner-Ziv coding are
developed. The first construction uses random linear codes and achieves all
points of the key-leakage-storage regions of the generated-secret and
chosen-secret models. The second construction uses nested polar codes for
vector quantization during enrollment and for error correction during
reconstruction. Simulations show that the nested polar codes achieve
privacy-leakage and storage rates that improve on existing code designs. One
proposed code achieves a rate tuple that cannot be achieved by existing
In this paper, we discuss the design rationale and guidelines to build
magnet-less circulators based on spatio-temporal modulation of resonant
junctions consisting of first-order bandstop filters connected in a delta
topology. Without modulation, the junction does not allow transmission between
its ports, however, when the natural oscillation frequencies of the constituent
LC filters are modulated in time with a suitable phase pattern, a synthetic
angular-momentum bias can be effectively imparted to the junction and a
transmission window opens at one of the output ports, thus realizing a
circulator. We develop a rigorous small-signal linear model and find analytical
expressions for the harmonic S-parameters of the proposed circuit, which
significantly facilitate the design process. We validate the theory with
simulations and further discuss the large signal response, including power
handling and non-linearity, and the noise performance. Finally, we present
measured results with unprecedented performance in all metrics for a PCB
prototype using a Rogers board and off-the-shelf discrete components.
In this paper, we present voltage- and current-mode differential magnetless
non-reciprocal devices obtained by pairing two single-ended (SE) circulators,
each consisting of three first-order bandpass or bandstop LC filters, connected
in either a wye or a delta topology. The resonant poles of each SE circulator
are modulated in time with 120 deg phase-shifted periodic signals, resulting in
synthetic angular-momentum biasing achieved through spatiotemporal modulation
(STM). We tailor the two SE circulators to exhibit a constant 180 deg phase
difference between their STM biases. Unlike conventional differential
time-variant circuits, for which only the even or odd spurs are rejected, we
show that the proposed configuration cancels out all intermodulation (IM)
products, thus making them operate alike linear time-invariant (LTI) circuits
for an external observer. In turn, this property enhances all metrics of the
resulting circulator, overcoming the limitations of SE architectures, and
improving insertion loss, impedance matching, bandwidth and noise figure. We
show that this differential architecture also significantly relaxes the
required modulation parameters, both in frequency and amplitude. We develop a
rigorous small-signal model to guide the design of the proposed circuits and to
get insights into their pseudo-LTI characteristics. Then, we validate the
theory with simulations and measurements showing remarkable performance
compared to the current state of the art of magnetless non-reciprocal devices.
Channel estimation and optimal training sequence design for full-duplex
one-way relays are investigated. We propose a training scheme to estimate the
residual self-interference (RSI) channel and the channels between nodes
simultaneously. A maximum likelihood estimator is implemented with
Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm. In the presence of RSI, the
overall source-to-destination channel becomes an inter-symbol-interference
(ISI) channel. With the help of estimates of the RSI channel, the destination
is able to cancel the ISI through equalization. We derive and analyze the
Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) in closed-form by using the asymptotic properties of
Toeplitz matrices. The optimal training sequence is obtained by minimizing the
CRB. Extensions for the fundamental one-way relay model to the
frequency-selective fading channels and the multiple relays case are also
considered. For the former, we propose a training scheme to estimate the
overall channel, and for the latter the CRB and the optimal number of relays
are derived when the distance between the source and the destination is fixed.
Simulations using LTE parameters corroborate our theoretical results.
Identification of the parameters of stable linear dynamical systems is a
well-studied problem in the literature, both in the low and high-dimensional
settings. However, there are hardly any results for the unstable case,
especially regarding finite time bounds. For this setting, classical results on
least-squares estimation of the dynamics parameters are not applicable and
therefore new concepts and technical approaches need to be developed to address
the issue. Unstable linear systems arise in key real applications in control
theory, econometrics, and finance. This study establishes finite time bounds
for the identification error of the least-squares estimates for a fairly large
class of heavy-tailed noise distributions, and transition matrices of such
systems. The results relate the time length (samples) required for estimation
to a function of the problem dimension and key characteristics of the true
underlying transition matrix and the noise distribution. To establish them,
appropriate concentration inequalities for random matrices and for sequences of
martingale differences are leveraged.
Accurate statistical models of neural spike responses can characterize the
information carried by neural populations. But the limited samples of spike
counts during recording usually result in model overfitting. Besides, current
models assume spike counts to be Poisson-distributed, which ignores the fact
that many neurons demonstrate over-dispersed spiking behaviour. Although the
Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Model (NB-GLM) provides a powerful tool
for modeling over-dispersed spike counts, the maximum likelihood-based standard
NB-GLM leads to highly variable and inaccurate parameter estimates. Thus, we
propose a hierarchical parametric empirical Bayes method to estimate the neural
spike responses among neuronal population. Our method integrates both
Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and empirical Bayes theory, which aims to (1)
improve the accuracy and reliability of parameter estimation, compared to the
maximum likelihood-based method for NB-GLM and Poisson-GLM; (2) effectively
capture the over-dispersion nature of spike counts from both simulated data and
experimental data; and (3) provide insight into both neural interactions and
spiking behaviours of the neuronal populations. We apply our approach to study
both simulated data and experimental neural data. The estimation of simulation
data indicates that the new framework can accurately predict mean spike counts
simulated from different models and recover the connectivity weights among
neural populations. The estimation based on retinal neurons demonstrate the
proposed method outperforms both NB-GLM and Poisson-GLM in terms of the
predictive log-likelihood of held-out data. Codes are available in
This article addresses the sensitivity of sensor systems with minimal signal
digitization complexity regarding the estimation of analog model parameters.
Digital measurements are exclusively available in a hard-limited form, and the
parameters of the analog received signals shall be inferred through efficient
algorithms. As a benchmark, the achievable estimation accuracy is to be
assessed based on theoretical error bounds. To this end, characterization of
the parametric likelihood is required, which forms a challenge for multivariate
binary distributions. In this context, we analyze the Fisher information matrix
of the exponential family and derive a conservative approximation for arbitrary
models. The conservative information matrix rests on a surrogate exponential
family, defined by two equivalences to the real data-generating system. This
probabilistic notion enables designing estimators that consistently achieve the
sensitivity level defined by the inverse of the conservative information matrix
without characterizing the distributions involved. For parameter estimation
with multivariate binary samples, using an equivalent quadratic exponential
distribution tames the computational complexity of the conservative information
matrix such that a quantitative assessment of the achievable error level
becomes tractable. We exploit this for the performance analysis concerning
signal parameter estimation with an array of low-complexity binary sensors by
examining the achievable sensitivity in comparison to an ideal system featuring
receivers supporting data acquisition with infinite amplitude resolution.
Additionally, we demonstrate data-driven sensitivity analysis through the
presented framework by learning the guaranteed achievable performance when
processing sensor data obtained with recursive binary sampling schemes as
implemented in $\Sigma\Delta$-modulating analog-to-digital converters.
The problem of determining the intrinsic quality of a signal processing
system with respect to the inference of an unknown deterministic parameter
$\theta$ is considered. While the Fisher information measure $F(\theta)$ forms
a classical tool for such a problem, direct computation of the information
measure can become difficult in various situations. For the estimation
theoretic performance analysis of nonlinear measurement systems, the form of
the likelihood function can make the calculation of the information measure
$F(\theta)$ challenging. In situations where no closed-form expression of the
statistical system model is available, the analytical derivation of $F(\theta)$
is not possible at all. Based on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we derive an
alternative information measure $S(\theta)$. It provides a lower bound on the
Fisher information $F(\theta)$ and has the property of being evaluated with the
mean, the variance, the skewness and the kurtosis of the system model at hand.
These entities usually exhibit good mathematical tractability or can be
determined at low-complexity by real-world measurements in a calibrated setup.
With various examples, we show that $S(\theta)$ provides a good conservative
approximation for $F(\theta)$ and outline different estimation theoretic
problems where the presented information bound turns out to be useful.
We investigate analytically the coupling of a coplanar waveguide resonator to
a coplanar waveguide feedline. Using a conformal mapping technique we obtain an
expression for the characteristic mode impedances and coupling coefficients of
an asymmetric multi-conductor transmission line. Leading order terms for the
external quality factor and frequency shift are calculated. The obtained
analytical results are relevant for designing circuit-QED quantum systems and
frequency division multiplexing of superconducting bolometers, detectors and
similar microwave-range multi-pixel devices.
This paper establishes a fundamental theory of secure clock synchronization.
Accurate clock synchronization is the backbone of systems managing power
distribution, financial transactions, telecommunication operations, database
services, etc. Some clock synchronization (time transfer) systems, such as the
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), are based on one-way communication
from a master to a slave clock. Others, such as the Network Transport Protocol
(NTP), and the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP), involve two-way
communication between the master and slave. This paper shows that all one-way
time transfer protocols are vulnerable to replay attacks that can potentially
compromise timing information. A set of conditions for secure two-way clock
synchronization is proposed and proved to be necessary and sufficient. It is
shown that IEEE 1588 PTP, although a two-way synchronization protocol, is not
compliant with these conditions, and is therefore insecure. Requirements for
secure IEEE 1588 PTP are proposed, and a second example protocol is offered to
illustrate the range of compliant systems.
We address the problem of robust state estimation of a class of discrete-time
nonlinear systems with positive-slope nonlinearities when the sensors are
corrupted by (potentially unbounded) attack signals and bounded measurement
noise. We propose an observer-based estimator, using a bank of circle-criterion
observers, which provides a robust estimate of the system state in spite of
sensor attacks and measurement noise. We first consider the attack-free case
where there is measurement noise and we provide a design method for a robust
circle-criterion observer. Then, we consider the case when a sufficiently small
subset of sensors are subject to attacks and all sensors are affected by
measurement noise. We use our robust circle-criterion observer as the main
ingredient in building an estimator that provides robust state estimation in
this case. Finally, we propose an algorithm for isolating attacked sensors in
the case of bounded measurement noise. We test this algorithm through